Originally Posted December 27th 2018
The Imperial Library of Constantinople
The Imperial Library of Constantinople would have been the equivalency to the Greek and Romans, of our Library of Congress with just a touch of the Smithsonian ideals… Borrowed from the great Wiki, we find…
The Imperial Library of Constantinople, in the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, [Where the Parrot was named 1000 years before it was known by Columbus] was the last of the great libraries of the ancient world. Long after the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria and the other ancient libraries, it preserved the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans for almost 1,000 years. A series of unintentional fires over the years and wartime damage, including the raids of the Fourth Crusade in 1204, impacted the building itself and its contents. The library continued in substantial form until the city of Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman Empire [Muslims] on 29 May 1453 when the library's considerable surviving contents were destroyed or lost. [Or Relocated Prior to intentionally setting fire to it] The library was founded by Constantius II [second Son of Constantine the Great] (reigned 337–361 AD) who established a Scriptorium so that the surviving works of [Indo-]Greek literature [Informational Spoils and Records of the Conquest of India which began as early as 326 BC by Alexander the Great] could be copied for preservation. The Emperor Valens in 372 employed four Greek and three Latin calligraphers. The majority of Greek classics known today are known through Byzantine copies originating from the Imperial Library of Constantinople.
In ancient Greece the written word and most literature was transcribed onto papyrus. As the papyrus began to deteriorate, there was a movement to transfer the reading material from papyrus to parchment as did Constantine the Great, around the 4th century, but his movement specifically concerned Holy Scripture. [But more believable, the documents and maps pertaining to the new world discovered in the archives of India and records of expeditions of the last 500 years]Constantine's heir to the throne Constantius II continued this movement. It was his work that culminated in the first Imperial Library of Constantinople. The library is estimated to have contained well over 100,000 volumes of ancient text. The movement was headed by one Themistios, who commanded a group of calligraphers and librarians.[that’s Librarians, not Iberians, Librarians actually existed…]
Over the centuries, several fires in the Library of Constantinople destroyed much of the collection. [Or so it is said] The library was burnt in the year 473 and about 120,000 volumes were lost.[what a convenient time for this loss after loosing control in the Americas and being expelled, with every intention of returning some day] However, the attempts of Themistios and Constantius were not fruitless, as some works were saved and recopied and circulated through other texts. Consequently, modern knowledge of Classical Greek literature is greater than would be the case if not for their efforts.
After the fall of Constantinople on 12 April 1204, [Another convenient time for the loss of records, just after being defeated again in the Americas] the library was allegedly destroyed by the Franks and Venetians [Italy] of the Fourth Crusade during the sacking of the city. [This would explain why France was seemingly fallen from the good graces and obviously lacking in their expeditions in the years to come, lacking knowledge of the heart of this new world, yet the Spanish and Portuguese seem to excel, this was an intentional burning after important documents, maps, etc. were removed] Donald Queller notes that while some manuscripts were probably lost in the three fires that ravaged the city during the attack by the crusaders, there is no indication of the continued existence of a formal imperial library at the time and no source mentions lost manuscripts.
While there were many reports of texts surviving into the Ottoman era, no substantive portion of the library has ever been recovered. Professor Carlyle was provided access in 1800 to the Seraglio, the supposed repository of post-Ottoman conquest surviving texts, but no texts from the Imperial Library were located. A notable exception is the Archimedes Palimpsest, which surfaced in 1840, was translated in 1915 and was unaccountably found in a private collection and sold in 1998. [Imagine that, what are the odds?]
If I could I would look in the Archives of Seville and Madrid not to mention and most likely the Vatican, but this is when the ancient old denial tactics of the modern Smithsonian come into play… “What Maps and exploration documents from 100 BC to 1000 AD?”
Why would I suspect the Vatican? Well let’s just say in those times and even today, they seem to be the inspiration for the Smithsonian actions and their hide, destroy and deny tactics.
Now I may not have all the details and may even be off a bit, and I am certain the delusionists would jump on board to work hard to defuse this concept in the name of diffusion, but it seems to me that at the time of the sacking of the city of Constantinople, a majority of the records were moved away with France along with Italy playing along, the records likely made their way to the Vatican, despite their differences, who was going to wage war on the Vatican? Not even the Muslims would come against their own creator of Islam.
The primary records and maps and the real history of the Roman Empire, the Greek, Indo Greek, and knowledge of the lands the many divisions of power coveted in this medieval times, would be safe to a large degree in Italy under the Catholic eye. If you were not in the good graces of the Holy Roman Emperors and those who controlled the information contained within, you would not have access. What makes it so difficult to put this all together is the lack of information other than what has been passed down, it all seems to follow where the leading crown and Catholic rule was at the time or the old adage, follow the money..
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
The “Fall of the Western Roman Empire” 476 AD, does not necessarily mean what you may think? The historians would have you thinking that this was at a time where in control of what is now Spain, France and even Italy was lost, but the West went much further west than any one supposed. The true west in this appellation of Western Roman Empire was across the west sea, the Americas. After the Rule of the Muslims?, 775AD of the period of Septimania the West rose again quietly. For the next 200 plus years the Romans are established again in Calalus (Calicuas).

In the late 15th Century Spain was clearly in better relations with Rome as per the history suggests, this would explain why France seemed to target the upper eastern coast Iceland/Greenland approach to the Americas, using much older documents, whereas the Spanish went nearly straight for the heart of all that was coveted in the new world in Mexico and pushing North. Clearly both parties were operating on different documents or from different time frames.
In 218 BC the Romans invaded the Iberian Peninsula, which later became the Roman province of Hispania (which later evolved into "España", the Spanish word for Spain). The Romans introduced the Latin language, the ancestor of both modern-day Spanish and the Italian). The Iberian Peninsula remained under Roman rule for over 600 years, until the collapse of the Western-Roman Empire. [Approx. 500 AD]
In the Early modern period, [1494] until the 18th century, southern and insular Italy came under Spanish control, having been previously a domain of the Crown of Aragon.
The Renaissance Period
1494 is an interesting date for sure, but what was it that caused a series of renaissance outbreaks at the time? What was it that brought on the jealousy of France and causing King Charles the VIII of France to suddenly invade the Italian peninsula and occupied the Kingdom of Naples with the poor excuse of “on the grounds of a dynastic claim” a NEAR 250 Year old issue? Maybe I didn't understand this… According to the wise old WIKI, it is said that “An Italic League that ensured peace in the peninsula for 50 years had collapsed in 1492 with the death of Lorenzo De Medici, key figure in the bloc and ruler of Florence.” His son Piero the Unfortunate takes over his father’s position. It’s just my opinion but I think if you look a tad bit closer, you might find a coincidental reason that Charles kicked up his heals…
Lorenzo De Medici I think had more responsibility that what wiki implies, I think it was his responsibility to ensure equalization on current historic events, but his luck ran out when he died in April of 1492. As it would seem, a fantastic event soon took place based upon a sharing of documents and maps, Columbus is reported as to having discovered, or should I say RE-discovered the former Western Roman Empire interests! Columbus returns and informs Spain of the news in early 1493. Was this top secret information? Was it supposed to have been shared among the participants of the Renaissance period? I don’t know but it would seem to me that King Charles VIII was not happy about something, and he sets out for Italy NOT because his great great grandpa and then some, Charles the 1st got his butt kicked some 250 years earlier losing the Isle of Sicily and his control over it as wiki tells is the reason on one page, but tells another conflicting story on another page... but King Charles heads to Florence where Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici lives, the son of the former Lorenzo de' Medici, you know, the new ruler in Florence and keeper of the peace? But why would King Charles go to him? Why Florence? It would seem there is another individual (Tosconelli) living in Florence at the time who was sending Columbus letters telling him certain privy information regarding a shorter route to the Americas! I wonder where Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli the astrologer gleaned his information from?... Puzzling isn't it?
Wiki says: When Charles arrives in Florence...
Piero attempted to stay neutral, but this was unacceptable to Charles, who intended to invade Tuscany. Piero attempted to mount a resistance, but received little support from members of Florentine elites who had fallen under the influence of the fanatical Dominican priest Girolamo Savonarola; even his cousins defected to Charles's side.
Piero quickly gave up as Charles's army neared Florence and surrendered the chief fortresses of Tuscany to the invading army, giving Charles everything he demanded.
I’m left wondering what it was that King Charles VIII of the French demanded. No matter, Charles apparently got what he wanted and the French soon put together their own Explorations to the new world. It would seem however Piero gave older information based on the route the French took rather than the route sent to Columbus from Toscanelli.
Charles VIII died in 1498 taking with him what he knew, and it would be another 25 plus years before the French was able to get into the game.
What else do the maps show?
As evidence in support of the French being singled out on updated information not only based upon the route they chose 20 some odd years after, but one such incident in history sticks out for me. The French and Italy had their ups and downs for some time, I’m sure this slowed them up a bit too. If one takes a look at all the early maps of the Americas one can see the lack of information regarding certain geographic areas, especially here in the west, it seems the French had “the lack of” information, case in point, the French Moll Map.

What exactly inspire Herman Moll a late 1600’s early 1700’s Cartographer and engraver we may never know, but the one map that catches my attention is his 1715 map wherein he incorporates the Baron Lahontan’s map of Lahontan’s account of the Long River, however there are two editions, in one version he uses Lahontan’s seeming poor rendition of the Lake at the head of this Long River, the other Moll Map uses what appears to be very nice a rendition from unknown origins showing conditions that had not existed for at least 1100 years! Without going back to read his account, if memory serves me, Lahontan claims the Indians somewhere near the Missouri and Mississippi river junction told him of this large lake at the head of this Long River and about the people who lived around it. This no doubt is the same Lake the Spanish wrote of several times over and depicted on their maps with what I would call great accuracy, but how would I know this if none of them including Lahontan never found this elusive lake?
Moll himself states on the map “A great part of this map is taken from original draughts of Mr. Blackmore, the ingenious Mr. Berisford, Captain Nairn and others never before published” What other maps was he talking about? The image he uses for the lake at the end of this long river which Lahontan never made it to, is a near perfect rendition of the intended lake at its higher elevations. How would I know this? We’ll get to that. But the point here is that it is clear to me that he was using older information that could only have come from maps or information with origins prior to about 900 AD which is likely the last time the lake was seen at this higher level reveling its very identifiable arm or bay to the east.
Part 1 and 2
Now what I am about to tell you is one of those things which I have kept back in most of my writings and it is concerning this lake and the Long River. It is virtually unknown and I know no other who has heard this nor considered it. To explain myself would require going back over nearly all of my writings, if you have not followed them then you are welcome to, if you have and have not picked up on the details yet, I do apologize for writing so tight lipped in the past.
The reason I have taken notice of Lahontan’s Long River story is that the Indians could not have told him about this lake as he claimed they did, Lahontan was clearly carrying information dating back prior to 900 AD. I say this because, prior to 900 AD back to the time of the Crucifixion and possibly earlier, the lake in which Scientist claim is 33 Million years old referred to as Lake Uinta, Takes the appearance of how it would have looked in its earliest times, some even say it existed 50 Million years ago. However looking at this rendition of this lake of which there is very little information regarding it, you would likely not consider it as a candidate of the elusive Lake Copala. This lake existed 2000 years ago and likely earlier until about 900 AD when a very large earthquake hit the Utah area; this is likely the earthquake responsible for what geologists call the Colorado Plateau uplift, Geologists claim it was formed some 20 to 70 Million years ago… I wish they would make up their mind...
Despite what geologist will tell you pertaining to these Colorado Mountains, “at least” the northern parts, did not exist in the days of lake Copala’s early days, Lake Coplala drained from two different effluents (Not necessarily at the same time), one to the south now regarded as the Green River and eventually joining the Colorado River, and it drained to the East and was at that time the head waters of what is now the Missouri River. At this early point of the Lakes Existence is the only time it would have taken upon the appearance shown in Herman Molls map, where did he get this from? In those days it was a beautiful lush and near tropical area. There is one other little secret, in these days when the river drained to the east out of the Uinta Basin, the river was known by the indigenous as Sidon, from this lake and all the way to the Gulf Coast. Sidon was the primary river of which fed the lower portion of Mississippi River, it was the predominant river prior to the destruction at the time of the crucifixion. Today we see the Mississippi all the way north as the main river as by all rights it today now is…
In about 900 AD there was an uplift of which geologist say it occurred 20 million years ago, it lifted the near entire state of Utah which is consider the Colorado Plateau. This event cut off a large part of the source waters that fed this enormous lake, not to mention sent a wall of water south carving out another 1000 feet of the already existing Grand Canyon. At least the Northern parts of Colorado rose up and cut off the head drainage of the upper regions of what was known in BC times as Sidon. The Missouri was no longer the primary feed of the lower portion of today’s Mississippi river. The altering of the course of the river is plain to see even today, East and North East of St. Louis. The river today flows to the east of Saint Louis but on the west of East St. Louis. Before this, the river flowed on the east side of East St. Louis with its east bank at Caseyville. There was a well know ancient city known by certain circles in the days of Sidon, known to exist on the west side of this once great river, today its ruins are on the east side. This might explain why certain people have not yet found it across from Nauvoo Illinois, because it isn't there.

After this great event of 900 AD and the dust settled, the once beautiful Lake, surrounded by 7 Cities now in ruin, was all but gone. Over the next 100 years what was once a lush beautiful tropic environment, began its transformation to the high country desert that it is today.
Why is it I seem so confident of this hypothesis? Because I took the time to consider what others would not let their mind set venture beyond. Despite the flawed Radio Carbon Dating System and those who believe the Uinta Mountains were once covered in an ice sheet from not only one Ice age, but a second one, this lake did not exist 50 million years ago, not even 1 million years ago.
Again, who discovered America? It sure wasn’t Columbus and the evidences show this land was known in the old world by some, as far back as King David if not earlier. Atlan, Atlan-tis, Affalon, Aztlan and Havilah are just a few of the names it has been known by. Just you wait till I write about Shambahla…or more accurately Shem-Bahla (Hindi, for Children of Shem) I’ll bet those who took the time to read this are now wondering where did all that water come from let alone, where did it go? but be patient, you will see, it is going to happen again… Isaiah 41:18