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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Who was Porcupine, Cheyenne Chief and Apostle


Who was he?

Porcupine 1848-1929

In his older years


I would like to tell you about a man whom history seems to have forgotten or never really told of…  . I am surprised however at the write up in WIKI. I would recommend a read of the WIKI ditty. The article is actually not half bad… with some untrue statements… Porcupine was not a Medicine man by his own admission. However he was a chief, one of the last of the Dog Soldiers, apostle and as it seems, a friend of Christ. Of all the things said about him which made him a supposed criminal, he was guilty of only protecting and trying to live his way of life in which the encroaching Europeans were steeling from him and his people. Prohibiting their religious freedoms? Hypocrites! But then, according to the powers that be of the time, the native people  were barely human. 

Thomas B. Marquis seems to be the main source for info in the WIKI ditty, a man who said he met Porcupine, but some of the testimony he gives is believable but more so I find hard to believe…


“As a "bad Indian" he was of the most gentle type. The high regard for him was not restricted to his own people ... Even the missionaries liked him, their only condemnation being that he was an apostle of paganism.”


— Thomas B. Marquis


But let me tell you what WIKI and apparently Marquis neglected to tell you as to why Porcupine is so well remembered by some of us… 

So… let’s tell you of the actual event told by F. K. UPHAM, in the Boston Journal and Later published in the longest continuously published periodical of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and show you why some took notice of Porcupine… 

The following is dubbed as the Walker Lake Incident… but it didn’t happen at Walker Lake. For the serious researcher you’ll have to pay close attention, this event appears to be a fulfillment of at least 4 prophecies of the past… I could not tell the magnitude of the importance of this event, however I gave it my best shot… I am confident I know the place where this actually happened and there is an amazing pictograph panel there to evidence it, I call it the Ferron Friends Panel of which you can read… almost the whole story in the back of the book, NephiteNorth.

Sand Painting copy of the Ferron Friends Panel

Done by my friend Tom Clah, Navajo



The following testimony of Porcupine, who participated in the Walker Lake event, was included in the Millennial Star Volume 52, p-532-5, in August 25, 1890:


Fort Custer, Montana, July 5th. The reading room of the officers' club at Fort Custer on Saturday night was a scene of unusual interest. Hither had come the general who commands the post and his adjutant, these occupying a prominent position near to the entrance of the long room in question. Seated by the walls, along the sides and ends, were the officers of the garrison, with their wives and members of their families: added to all of these was a sprinkling of civilians, somewhat noticeable owing to the absence of the blue and gilt of the customary uniforms at a military post. Perhaps forty persons had so assembled.


The occasion of this was the appearance of the disciple Porcupine, a Cheyenne Indian, recently returned from a pilgrimage to visit the new Christ of the Indians at some remote and mysterious point toward the setting sun. For months past the various Indian tribes of the Northwest have been greatly exercised over the coming of this Messiah; so great has been this interest, that from way down in the Indian Territory and Texas have come messages of inquiry from the Southern Indians asking information from their Northern brethren, saying that they, too, had received the "glad tidings of great joy," and were prepared to come and sit at the feet of this great stranger. The wild Western air has been filled with strange rumors of super naturalism, and a feeling of intense anxiety has found its way among all the Indian tribes.


Some time last winter this Cheyenne Indian, Porcupine by name without the permission of his agent, started on his pilgrimage to find the Great One of whom the Indians had heard. He had neither money nor a supply of food, and was accompanied by his faithful squaw and two other Indians from the reservation of the Northern Cheyenne’s, on Tongue River, Montana, 60 or 70 miles from here. They traveled far to the westward, and saw much they had never seen before, after reaching the railroad, going much of the way by rail on which they ,were permitted to ride without charge at other times on foot; though always without money, both Indians and white men giving them food as they journeyed. But like certain wise men who once before made a pilgrimage, they found their reward and were content.


The recent return of Porcupine to the reservation made the Cheyenne’s more than usually restless and excited. Early in May the Indian agent had called for military protection, and Major Carroll, with three troops of the first cavalry, was sent to his agency by General Brisbin from this post, where they have since remained. Cattle belonging to the settlers had been killed. A man by the name of Ferguson suddenly coming on a party of Cheyenne’s at a remote place in the hills in the act of cutting up one of his steers which they had just shot, was himself killed that he might not be a witness against them. The Indians were duly arrested and turned over to the civil authorities, and they now await their trial in the jail at Miles City. A general feeling of alarm existed among the scattered settlers in the surrounding country, many of them moving their families to Miles City for safety. The settlers armed themselves for the protection of their isolated ranches, and the races watched each other anxiously for a time. It is believed, however that the presence of the troops will prevent farther trouble, and matters can be adjusted by the authorities at Washington, which it is claimed, can best be accomplished by the removal of the Cheyenne.


The reappearance of Porcupine among such conditions added to the complications with which the Indian agent had to contend, and he requested by telegraph of the Interior department at Washington that Porcupine might be arrested by the troops, which request was at once responded to by the War Department, and the arrest promptly ordered. Porcupine immediately expressed his willingness, and in fact a wish, to go without delay to Fort Custer and explain his position, and what he knew of the Savior who has come to his people. The agent withdrawing his request for the arrest, Porcupine came to Fort Custer. To hear his story was the occasion of the assembly on Saturday night, already referred to. This somewhat lengthy explanation seems necessary to a full understanding of the matter.


He was an erect handsome, and perfectly developed young Indian, standing fully six feet in height, with a pleasant, sprightly face, the mobility of his features indicating anything but the traditional Indian. Clad in a garment of striped wool red and white, the stripes several inches broad, evidently made from blankets, belted at the waist and extending to the knee, with a tuft of eagle feathers knotted in his scalp-lock, certainly he was not lacking in the picturesque. Squatting the fashion of his race, near the center of the room, just in rear of him his squaw and the two companions of his pilgrimage, through an interpreter he told what he had seen of the Christ who had now come.


His story was prefaced as all Indian " talks" are by the information that what he was now about to say was " the truth " and pointing to his mouth he indicated that his words would go straight to the front "neither to the right nor the left, he had "no forked tongue." Then rising to his full height, he assumed the exact attitude which we have been taught to believe that Jesus took when blessing the disciples the upper portion of the body slightly inclined forward, the arms extended to full length, with the hands dropping downward the eyes closed, Then he trembled violently from head to foot, alternately changing the position of his bands to across his breast, then to the waist with the left hand, the right dropping by the side. In this position he remained fully five minutes, during which the heads of his Indian companions were dropped in silence, and the room was so still that the fall of a pin might have been heard. Having completed this, seemingly a silent prayer, he resumed his former place on the floor and began.


On the wall hung a large military map of the United Sates, indicating the various army posts of the West, and so nearly as the mysterious location could to established where the Christ had been found, it was possibly in the vicinity of Walker or Pyramid Lake in Nevada. It was in the mountains. Porcupine found himself with many strange Indians, whose language he could not speak, and who like himself, had come from far off, but all had come to see the Christ. At sundown the Indians collected in large numbers, and after it became dark he appeared to them, a large fire being built to throw the light on him. He was not as dark as an Indian, nor as light as a white man, and his dress was partly like each. He sat for a long time in perfect silence, with his head bowed, during which time the Indians neither moved nor spoke. They were told that if they even whispered the Christ would know it and be displeased. After a time he raised his head, and then Porcupine saw that he was fair to look upon, that his face had no beard, and was youthful, and that his bright hair extended to the waist. Porcupine had heard that the Christ of the white man had been nailed to a cross, and, looking, he was able to see the scars of the nails in the hands of the Indian's Christ when he raised them. In his feet he could not see the marks of the nails by reason of the moccasins, but he was told they were there, and that in his side were spear marks which were concealed by the shirt he wore. Porcupine was told that his own coming had, with eleven others been foretold by the Christ, who had sent for him, and that was why he had involuntarily taken the long journey; that all the heathen tribes there represented had been influenced in the same manner, though all had not been individually called, as he had.


The Christ spoke to them and took Porcupine by the hand, and told them, that they were all his children. He talked to them until it was day, telling them that he had made them, and all the things around them; that in the beginning God had made the earth, and after a time had sent him on the earth to teach the people what was right, but the people were afraid of him, and "this is what they did to me," showing his scars. He said when he found the children were bad he went back above, and promised to return after many hundred years. Now the time was up, and God had told him the earth was old and worn out, and had sent him again to renew it, and make things better. He said that all the dead were to be resurrected and brought back to life on this earth, which was now too small to hold them all, but he would do away with heaven and make the earth large enough to hold them all. He spoke about fighting, that it was bad, and that Indians must not do it any more; that the earth hereafter, was to be all good and everybody must love one another. He said he would send those among them who could heal wounds and cure the sick by a laying on of the hands, and that the good would live here forever and the buffalo would Come back He said it was wrong to kill men of any kind, that here after the whites and the Indian would become one people; that if any man disobeyed these teachings he would be banished from the face of the earth; that the Indians must believe all that he now told them, and not say that he lied, for he would know their thoughts, no matter in what part of the world they were, and they could not expect to deceive him.


Among those whom Porcupine saw were some who seemed like white men, but they all I seemed good, there was no drinking or fighting, and all listened and believed what the Christ said to them. During Porcupine's stay of many days the Christ several times repeated these talks, and told the Indians that when they returned to their people they must tell them all these things. But he was not at all times visible, and could disappear at will.


"He is here among us tonight, and knows all that we are talking about," said Porcupine.

Porcupine continued: "When I heard all these things I came back to my people, and they listened to me. Ever since I heard these things from the Christ I have thought they were good. I can see nothing bad in them. I knew my people were bad, and I got them together and told them. I warned them to listen, for it was for their own good. I talked to them four nights and five days, and said just what I said here tonight. I told them, these were the words of the Almighty God who was looking down on them and knew what was in their hearts. I wish some who are here had heard my words to the Cheyennes. They have been bad and fools and the sin of the killing of Ferguson will be visited on the whole tribe. I am sorry to say that there are one or two Cheyennes who do not believe what I have said. I wish these and some of you, would go back with me and see that I have spoken the  truth. When you have seen the Christ once you can see him in your sleep, that is, if you have shaken his hand; and through him you can go to heaven and see your friends who are dead. I see him often in my sleep and he told me there was trouble for the Cheyennes. The next night he came to me and told me that all would be well in the end" Of Porcupine's sincerity there can be no doubt. As he says himself, he is "no medicine man," and seems to have no wish to become one. That he has seen the person whom he describes as "the Christ" there seems to be no question. F. K. UPHAM, in the Boston Journal.


Porcupine in 1910


 If this didn't leave you with that WOW! moment... 

seeing what a miraculous event this was 

and how it connects to so many things....

well... you missed something...

Thank You all who made donations, We greatly appreciate it. unfortunately things are not going as well as I had hoped and I am going to have to devote more time towards getting this monkey off my back. As a reminder, if every viewer could donate $10 to $20, things would be easier.

Seeking Donations



Monday, January 9, 2023

Tracking the Glyphs using "Locator" Glyphs

Original Post Feb 17 2015

For those of you who missed this one...

 This may not be for everyone however, I have decided to reveal a small part of my secret in locating glyphs and other things that many do not know of, (Moreso in the article following, See Link at the end) but forgive me if I am cryptic... it is for good cause... I wish I could explain...

If you see the glyphs as art, this is all you will ever see. And I support you... If you see the glyphs as an intended message for other generations, and this is what you seek, you are more apt to find the answer... and I am willing to share.

The problem and the solution are the same, in that 
"You WILL find exactly what you seek"

If you seek to disprove a thing, you will no doubt find it even if that thing is truth.

If you seek to prove a thing even if it is a false hood, you will also find that...

So for those of you have have not closed the mind, consider the following as Hypothesis as you must, because this is my truth proven to me for near 30 years, done with an agenda  to prove as well as disprove, the only way to find the truth of any matter... 

Draw you attention to the hieroglyph in the above picture or symbol "combination" (Dot Line Dot) which can be considered as a symbol alone, but is actually a hieroglyph or combination of  two or more symbols together. 

Focusing on the dot line dot ONLY, if you approach this glyph, line up the dots and travel that direction and you will find more glyphs. How far? I think I will hold that little secret for now, but suffice it to say, this glyph has NEVER failed me in a hundred plus instances... lets just call it, my rule of thumb...

Another example of the dot line dot crossing another incorporated symbol which adds meaning to the whole... The Line MUST be touching each dot. If it is not, it takes on a similar meaning, of go "from" here "to" here... but likely will not lead you to another glyph site...

This is a surviving panel in the unofficial Soldier Pass shooting range that I cannot believe still exists...[A shooting range has finally been established] How it has escaped decades of bullets I will never know, but what I do know, is that it contains locator instructions to some thing not far away...

This panel without explanation, tell's you to ascend or go up from where you are, over the top of the ledge and across the flat above to "here" hmmm... why?

My first Panel ever...
at the bottom right is a combination of symbols forming a hieroglyph, the meaning of which is "cross over here and travel to the top of the next hill." But before reaching the top of the hill you encounter this odd set of glyphs.

Suffice it to say this panel in part tells you there is a large rock covering a shaft, you need to turn it over and it takes much 

At the top just above the previous you find the next set of instructions. (Next Photo)

This is a representation of where you are standing, suffice it to say, it leads to the next glyph location not to far away.

Now although I did not find the next intended glyph above I did find others designed to put you back on track which are similar in nature to this one in the above image. Had I stayed on track and had a sharp eye in these days of my beginning... I would have located this small inconspicuous symbol which simply says turn and go up. How far?  Why? and What?  I would not know the answers for many years... This glyph is about 3 inches high and about the same wide, I have stood people in front of it 4 feet away and they still could not see it.  Keep in mind some of these images have been enhanced so that it can be understood what part I am referring to.

This glyph would be the next glyph found by following the previous instructions. I knew it this point that I was near the end of the trail, as this small panel has no travel indicators, but it tells you what to look for...

I will hold my tongue on the majority but the symbol shaped as a small hill which indicates "hidden" or "Covering" (a Base Meaning) however if the subject is understood the proper derivative word can be inserted giving the meaning by it's placement to the left and above the main glyph, "All of this" (the main glyph and meaning) "is hard to see" or "is Hidden" and it most certainly was...

But where do I go now? To the left and slightly higher was the answer to that question. See Following Image.

Again without explanation, the above hieroglyph loosely reads, 
"There is a man made object made for holding something or is holding something"
"From this side or outcrop, travel down over the ledges, across the gully (indicated by natural "rock incorporation"to here"

The final glyph which I knew had to be there, escaped me for another dozen or so visits to the site, until one day, I slowed down and focused on the little things... and there it was, right where I said it was months before.

What does this final glyph in this obscure trail say? What was /is it that is important enough to create this hidden path of almost a half mile away from the main panel?
I could answer that... but as the experts have told me, "that's speculation" "it's just doodling", "it's cowboy scribbling", "its rock "art" "It is only meant for the author to understand" "Pure conjecture" I have heard it all... 

I have been assured by the "experts" that it is not a written language... although not one shred of evidence exists to support their claim...

The bottom line is, it means exactly what you want it to mean...

I hope you enjoyed this and should the skeptic gaze upon this and feel compelled out of pride to comment...let the comment be to their own condemnation... 

There are none so blind... as those who WILL NOT see....

Keep in mind if you should choose to pursue this hobby, it took me 18 months to track from the first panel to the intended target, but this was my first panel...  are you sure you have what it takes? ;-)

For further understanding Continue reading at:

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Fictional or Historical Atlantis?


Most of you have heard of the fictional or mythical Atlantis, most of you have seen movies about it and even documentaries proposing the possibilities of it being an actual or at least in part, a real historical place of the past. But what is it you really believe? 

Let’s see what the academics have to say from its most public source these days, my favorite and yours… the Wonderful and Wise WIKI. 

Atlantis 'island of Atlas' is a fictional island mentioned in an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias, wherein it represents  the antagonist naval power that besieges "Ancient Athens", the pseudo-historic embodiment of Plato's ideal state in The Republic. In the story, Athens repels the Atlantean attack unlike any other nation of the known world, supposedly bearing witness to the superiority of Plato's concept of a state. The story concludes with Atlantis falling out of favor with the deities and submerging into the Atlantic Ocean. [ or was it the sea that disapeared?]

But please read the entire write up on WIKI… it stinks of deception, ignorance, cover up, conjecture and the inability to think things through… But I admit, it could be partially true,,, but allegory? I don’t think so… 

is a fictional island mentioned in an allegory” is Stated as a FACT in one article but the following found in another article was conveniently left out… 

WIKI: Many interpreters of Plato ??held?? that his writings contain passages with double meanings, called allegories, symbols, or myths, that give the dialogues layers of figurative meaning in addition to their usual literal meaning. 

I wish I had more time…



Before I go down the road to Atlantis, let’s briefly reflect upon a place mentioned in the book of Genesis and located in the Garden of Eden. Eden derives from a Sumerian word edin meaning "plain" or "steppe", closely related to an Aramaic root word meaning "fruitful, well-watered" The WIKI writers pull no punches placing the Garden in the old world, but a shock to me is they actually mention the proposed locations and including the general Mormon perspective being the Jackson County location, however, apparently misunderstood even by those who should know and which is quite common with Mormon doctrine, NEVER did any of the old prophets mention or say the Garden was in Jackson county, IT IS Adam Ondi Ahman that was in Jackson county, it being the place where Adam “dweltAFTER being expelled from the Garden, and when he left the garden, he went EAST, so… does this mean the garden is somewhere west of Jackson County? Adam Ondi Ahmen is NOT the Garden of Eden. 

The Garden of Eden is described in the Book of Genesis as the source of four tributariesBut the description is like no other, it is said not in so many words, that a large source of water comes from the ground and divides into four rivers. Question… Where on this planet does a large river divide into four rivers? There are plenty of places where four rivers come together to form one, but not the opposite. I only know one place where this has occurred in the past. One of the rivers is described as the river Pison, later to be known as Sidon and today it is known as the Missouri River. It was said that it ran through and/or around a land full of Gold, Bdellium and Onyx stone and the name of the land was Havilah.


Atlan-tis (of Atlan) 

Described as an Island with concentric circles of land, water and land… a friend asked me recently, why did the Aztec build there city in the middle of a lake? Is it something they were familiar with?


One of the many renditions of what Atlantis may have looked like

I am reminded of Aztlan of the Aztec

Atlantis is “described as an island consisting mostly of mountains in the northern portions and along the shore and encompassing a great plain in an oblong shape in the south "extending in one direction three thousand stadia” 

This plain is also described in the Tucson Lead Cross artifacts in the earthquake event. 

Lead Cross inscription. "A.D. 880. Israel III, for liberating the Toltezus, was banished. He was first to break the custom. The earth shook. Fear overwhelmed the hearts of men in the third year after he had fled. They betook themselves into the city and kept themselves within their walls. A dead man thou shall neither bury nor burn in the city. Before the city a plain was extending. Hills rung the city.

Back to Atlantis, here on this land we have a huge gap of missing history, even bigger from the academic point of view, academia has tried real hard to fill that gap with stories of barely human people… basket makers, hunter gatherers, paleo Indians, etc all words designed to satisfy the casual thinker and reader, and it worked for the most part. 

Based on the description given by Plato, ANYWHERE west of the Pillars of Hercules could be the target, I don’t know why some still try to fit it into the Mediterranean. According to Plato, it is on a large continent, larger than Asia he says. I don’t know that America is larger than Asia but close enough, He also mentions two large Islands, could he be referring to North and South America? Maybe… 

If Atlantis actually existed and it was on this continent, there is really only one people it could have been given the erroneous date Josephus gave of 9000 years. Or rather, repeated from what he had heard or read, it would have been more accurate at 4400 years since their arrival on this continent. This people or what I would call the first Americans or inhabitants on this land since the great flood, if you wish to see what they may have looked like and you don’t mind your bubble of blonde hair and blue eyes being burst, then go look up the people still abundant to this day, and other than size, haven’t hardly changed at all, the Altai Mongolian, some call them Jaredites. 

They were here 1800 years! you gotta hand it to them for it is iniquity which brings people down even unto their destruction. Their destruction came down to the conflicting pride of two Kings… Those who survived this last great battle, the blood of them flows through the Native people of today especially here in the west, in the form of DNA Haplogroup A, B, C, & D. Their literal remains from this great battle still remains to this day, and if I told you where, a majority would never believe it. If curiosity is too much for you, take a drive out west of Fillmore to what’s left of Sevier Lake, get out and walk around, and contemplate the biblical story of Lot’s wife… maybe it will come to you. Remember, “Ye are Salt of the Earth” or maybe it was just an allegory.


Afflon (Avlon) 

“literally meaning "the isle of fruit [or apple] trees"; also written Avalon or Afalon among various other spellings) is a mythical island featured in the Arthurian legend” 

Afflon or Avalon was the very place that the “Mythical” King Arthur traveled to across the sea It is said that when he died he was taken back to Afflon to be buried, just exactly where was this place?


Could it be?



Aztlan is the ancestral home of the Aztec peoples. Astekah is the Nahuatl word for "people from Aztlan". 

The Aztec migration story includes two migrations, the latest from across the sea and arriving eventually in Mexico having come across the land from the North East, and the most ancient migration having come from the North West after crossing the west sea. The Aztec are in some part descendants of most of the many cultures who have come to the Americas including the first Americans. Where did the notion of building their city in a lake come from? Is it possible the inspiration came from the original Atlantis which was likely located in the same land of Aztlan? 

Is it possible, the name of the Land of Havilah, eventually became Atlan [tis] and then Afflon Affalon or Avalon and finally Aztlan? There is what I would call very curious evidence placing the four names in the same place and that all four may be one and the same. 

Is Atlantis a fiction or an untold or unknown history? How about Havilah? Affalon or Aztlan? Is the evidence starring us in the face? 

Long ago when the Uinta Mountains was surrounded by a vast ocean referred to as Turtle Island by many tribes… was this the Island mentioned by Plato? Where is the vast oblong plain? And what the hell is the measurement of a Stadia? 

Am I saying these place names could have been all the same place? I sure am, and if Atlantis was a mythical fictional place, then so were the others. As far as the large source of water which divided into four rivers, 

SEE The Colorado Plateau Uplift (Ripliancum)

Friday, January 6, 2023

Junipero Serra Mines 1777 in the Uinta Mountains


Who was Junipero Serra? And why was he in the Uinta Mountains?

Junípero Serra y Ferrer  November 24, 1713 – August 28, 1784) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and missionary of the Franciscan Order. He is credited with establishing many missions in what was then Spanish-occupied Alta California in the Province of Las CaliforniasNew Spain.

Neuva California

Countless books, article and ditties have been written about him some of which I am sure is true. Just go to WIKI and you will find one of the larger ditties rivaling even WIKI’s write up on Jesse James by about 75%, and we all know how wrong they got his story. No less than 172 references are listed, dozens and dozens of books written and all of this came from 376 pages of the original source, Titled RELACION HISTORICA DE LA VIDA Y APOSTOLICAS TAREAS DEL VENERABLE PADRE FRAY JUNIPERO SERRA, or the English version, a translation which occurred about 1913, 370 pages titled HISTORICAL RELATIONSHIP OF LIFE AND APOSTOLICS Tasks of the venerable Father Fray Junipero Serra. If EACH of the 172 references written about Junipero Serra had only half the amount of pages of the original it would be just under 32,000 pages of partial truths, sugar coating, regurgitation, speculation, opinion, conjecture, contradictions and some good old fashioned bullshit. The majority of the references were written from 1955 to present, most in the last 20 years.

If any of you would like a copy of the original Spanish, or the English translation, …ask. 

The reason I have chosen to write about Junipero Serra today, is because there are things the many writers have missed but rightfully so, because they just didn’t know. Was Junipero Serra in the Uinta Mountains? Well either he was or a man with the same name in 1777 because of the map given to me by a friend who received it (as I was told), by Jimmy Redhouse  who explained “that the map is a copy made from the original, which was at that time in the possession of (Name Withheld)”


After reading the WIKI Ditty on Junipero, it is obvious to me that those who wrote about him considered him a regular OL’ Saint, and he was a Saint, or at least the Vatican made him one. I don’t think he was a saint at all. 

Here is a small portion I just have a hard time with, especially after watching the movie The DaVinci Code.


Emulating an earlier Franciscan missionary and saint, Francisco Solano, Serra made a habit of punishing himself physically, to purify his spirit. He wore a sackcloth spiked with bristles, or a coat interwoven with broken pieces of wire, under his gray friar's outer garment. In his austere cell, Serra kept a chain of sharp pointed iron links hanging on the wall beside his bed, to whip himself at night when sinful thoughts ran through his mind. His nightly self-flagellations at the college of San Fernando caught the ears of some of his fellow friars. In his letters to his Franciscan companions, Serra often referred to himself as a "sinner" and a "most unworthy priest.”


In one of his sermons in Mexico City, while exhorting his listeners to repent their sins, Serra took out his chain, bared his shoulders and started whipping himself. Many parishioners, roused by the spectacle, began sobbing. Finally, a man climbed to the pulpit, took the chain from Serra's hand and began whipping himself, declaring: "I am the sinner who is ungrateful to God who ought to do penance for my many sins, and not the padre [Serra], who is a saint." The man kept whipping himself until he collapsed. After receiving the last sacraments, he later died from the ordeal.


I’m sure Silus the albino from the movie was a saint too…. 

If you read carefully in the original document mentioned, in 1777 you will find the implications of him traveling to “Visit the most Northerly Missions” not far from the river known in them days as Rio Buenaventura of Neuva California Likely “El Alto” or the Uinta Mountains. 

As it would seem he had at least 4 mines and one cache location in the Uintas, two of the mines have been found and one of the mines which I will show below, I have a photo somewhere here of the same mine in 1970’s when it was still open from those who discovered it in the late 1800’s. This is one of the many projects I hope to be working on this year.


Mine located at the top of the map

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Clovis Solutrean connection Expanded Article

Original Article Dec 26h 2012

Expanded Article


The Clovis Fluted Point was first found and recognized in 1929 and named for the site in which it was found, Clovis New Mexico. The Clovis is associated with what science calls the Clovis Culture and they date this period at 13,500 years ago attributed to what they call the Paleo-Indian.


The Fluted Clovis Spear Head


Now we know that the people who are responsible for these artifacts could not possibly have been here 13,500 years ago by reasons covered in the Book Nephite North and concerning the Radio Metric Guessing game and the reliability of it along with other reasons found in other sections of the book supporting a young earth belief. So we are left to look at the evidence from a different perspective as we know that the people responsible arrived here about 600 BC. There are only three significant groups  of people considered, who came to this land and established colonies if you exclude the modern day Gentile which includes the Roman Colonies. One whose arrival was about 2400 BC,(Jaredite)  another some time prior to 900 BC (People of India) and the latter of 600 BC (Hebrew), the latter is likely the creators of the Clovis and Solutrean technology. Why would I NOT suspect the people who came here in 2400BC as being responsible for the Clovis and fluted points? The primary reason is that the tools don’t match the size of the people who would have made them, they were an average height of 9 feet and another is that at the end of their existence there would have been copper and brass tools found with the Paleo tools, but there are many other connecting reasons as well. Why not the people who came prior to 900 AD? Mainly because the location is wrong, there is no evidence they were in the Eastern states. The suspect people arrived on this continent very near or at the Delmarva Peninsula, in about 600 BC. These people likely migrated up the Susquehanna or Delaware River where the Lehigh river meets the Delaware and established themselves in what is today called Lehigh County, it is said its name sake is from a very old Indian word. These people some would call the Adena Culture, others would call them Nephites or Lamentites. 

As I skim through all the information on the internet today pertaining to the Clovis we find still, people arguing about who first discovered America, I have the answer, It was God, so why can’t we stop with the pride and just accept the fact that some man was the first here on this continent and that man was Adam, call him white, black, yellow or pink if you choose and mold him into your agenda, but this is a fact and regardless of the evidences, this will be known in the end and as I have said before, this was approximately 6,000 years ago. Prior to Adam, there was no death on this planet in its present creation. 

So, if man did not come into existence until 6,000 years ago, when were these Paleo-Indians coming here to make the Fluted and or Clovis points? I have already explained the many reasons in Nephite North as to why the Radio Carbon Guessing game just doesn’t work and the fallacy of an Ice Age let alone a second one, so what have we to go on? Facts? what a novel idea! 

It is a fact that someone made them, it is a fact that they did it some time in the past and it is a fact that they were made on this continent. What color their skin was, is not an issue because frankly I don’t care, do you? 

The Clovis information has come a long way since 1929, many sites have been discovered across this continent and every time a location was discovered that seemed to support the land bridge theory or 4.5 Billion years old earth and evolution, you would hear about it if you were the kind who listens for it but we never did. There are many things about this Clovis you didn’t know. 

Clovis points can be found from the West to the East and from the North to the South and the Clovis technology did not just stop at some point in the past never to be made again. Clovis arrowheads were made long after the crucifixion. If you were the indigenous of this land living here 1500 years ago and you found a cache of Clovis points, are you going to use them? Or will you just throw them away and park you butt on a rock some place and make your own, Your Way? Would you learn from what you found or cast them to the ground as some out dated method you simply could not accept? This is the reason why Clovis is spread all over the Americas, but there is one thing I can agree with and it is, where you find the highest concentration Clovis/Fluted sites, is likely the place of first inhabitance on this land with respect to those whom it pertains to. 

In recent years, a very sharp man in my humble opinion,  by the name of Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian Institute no less, gave a lecture at Gustavus Aldophus College, Saint Peter, Minnesota of which you can view on Youtube (The Blue Eyed Indian), where in he explains some very interesting information pertaining to Clovis. This mentioned video is now gone from Youtube, however Dennis’s presentations continue and you can see one of the latest at the same college here…


In spite of the fact that Mr. Stanford has been sucked into the 4.5 Billion Year old earth theory giving erroneous dates based on theCarbon 14 Guessing game, Mr. Stanford shows facts concerning Clovis and Solutrean technology which the majority with his level of expertise likely would not. I am not surprised to find that according to Mr. Stanford and the evidence he shows, that there are more Clovis Sites on the Delmarva Peninsula in Delaware and Maryland than from the Rocky Mountains west. What better place to find such a thing than at the very place that a certain people first landed and first inhabited the Americas in 600 BC?  And they came from the Iberian Peninsula carrying the Haplo Group X DNA! But some one was already here… 

In Mr. Stanford’s lecture he makes a definitive connection with the Solutrean Culture of Spain and France, a culture thought to have existed 21,000 to 17,000 years ago and disappearing around 15,000 years ago. Gee, I wonder where they went. Mr. Stanford shows what can only be Solutrean tools (Pre Clovis) found at numerous sites on the Delmarva Peninsula, at a slightly deeper level from where Clovis is normally found and in comparison it would appear this is where the people once located in France and Spain disappeared to. Could the people referred to as the Adena Culture carrying the Haplogroup X DNA have left this area of Spain in 600 BC? Absolutely.

Regardless, if in fact the Solutrean Culture and the Clovis Culture are one and the same people, they were not the first Americans. Why is it we do not find similar evidence of the first Americans? The People of Japeth or whom some call Jaredites? The answer is simple, copper and brass deteriorate…. 

I will give the reader a reminder in comparing the Haplogroup X distribution map from the book Nephite North and that of the Clovis/Solutrean Map below. Compare to Solutrean and Clovis maps.


Haplogroup X Distribution



What are the chances that these two places of origins and first inhabitance could be in the same places and yet to date we still have no connection to Siberia whether linguistic, or by artifact and yet those stubborn prideful men of science still refuse to believe in a God and turn to his scribes rather than Darwin. Why not just create an ice bridge from Europe to New England with a 3rd ice age? Is it any less ridiculous than the Bering hypothesis? My thanks goes out to Dennis Stanford for the incredible and undisputable evidence he and his colleagues have presented, but even with all of the evidence he has brought forth with the use of the erroneous dates given, I am left wondering who this mans God is? Darwin or the God of Abraham, regardless, Thank You. 

In the following article from FoxNews.com titled European Seal Hunters may have been the first Americans, it seems those responsible for it are trying desperately to cast doubt on the hypothesis of Dennis Stanford… 

The tools don’t match

Recent studies (but we’re not going to tell you what they are!) have suggested that the glaciers that helped form the bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska [presented as if it were a fact] began receding around 17,000 to 13,000 years ago, leaving very little chance that people walked from one continent to the other.

Also, when archaeologist Dennis Stanford of the Smithsonian Institution places American spearheads, called Clovis points, side-by-side with Siberian points, he sees a divergence of many characteristics.


Instead, Stanford said today, Clovis points match up much closer with Solutrean style tools, which researchers date to about 19,000 years ago. This suggests that the American people making Clovis points made Solutrean points before that.

There’s just one problem with this hypothesis—Solutrean toolmakers lived in France and SpainScientists know of no land-ice bridge that spanned that entire gap. <slaps forehead> Can you say moron?


Why can’t these people get away from this land ice bridge ice age crap, haven’t they ever heard of a boat? Apparently they diminish those responsible for the Solutrean and Clovis tool to the point of it not being possible these people knew more about boats than even Dennis gives them credit for. The problem is their erroneous dates given by using the Radio Metric Guessing game.


The lost hunting party

Stanford has an idea for how humans crossed the Atlantic, though—boats. Art from that era indicates that Solutrean populations in northern Spain were hunting marine animals, such as seals, walrus, and tuna.


They may have even made their way into the floating ice chunks that unite immense harp seal populations in Canada and Europe each year. Four million seals, Stanford said, would look like a pretty good meal to hungry European hunters, who might have ventured into the ice flows much the same way that the Inuit in Alaska and Greenland do today.


Inuit use large, open hunting boats constructed from animal skins for longer trips or big hunts. These boats, called umiaq, can hold a dozen adults, as well as several children, dead seals or walruses, and even dog-sled teams. Inuit have been building these boats for thousands of years, and Stanford believes that Solutrean people may have used a similar design.


It’s possible that some groups of these hunters ventured out as far as Iceland, where they may have gotten caught up in the prevailing currents and were carried to North America.


“You get three boats loaded up like this and you would have a viable population,” Stanford said. “You could actually get a whole bunch of people washing up on Nova Scotia.”


Some scientists believe that the Solutrean peoples were responsible for much of the cave art in EuropeOpponents of Stanford’s work ask why, then, would these people stop producing art once they made it to North America?

“I don’t know,” Stanford said. “But you’re looking at a long distance inland, 100 miles or so, before they would get to caves to do art in.”


Not only is it possible the Solutreans ventured out as far as Iceland, but if they would look a little harder they just might find Solutrean sites in and around Reykjavik,

Raudhkollsstadhir and Stykkishólmur and they will eventually find this was an intentional act in establishing a trade route. These people were not the simple minded people they portray them as, they didn’t just pile into a big bowl like boat and drift until there luck panned out. They may have hunted the marine animals mentioned but when their luck was poor, they always had their gardens to turn to. As for the question asked by Stanford’s opponents regarding cave art? Perhaps they have never heard of Native American Pictographs and Petroglyphs. They will also come to know some day, these people were not necessarily Europeans by today understands but were Hebrews coming out of Jerusalem or a branch of Israel.

Solutrean hypothesis

From Wikipedia

Examples of Clovis and other Paleoindian point forms, markers of archaeological cultures in northeastern North America.


Solutrean tools, 22,000-17,000 BP, Crôt du Charnier, Solutré-Pouilly, Saône-et-LoireFrance


The Solutrean hypothesis is an alternative theory about the Settlement of the Americas, according to which peoples from Europe may have been among the earliest settlers of the American continent. The theory that is currently most widely accepted, and which is supported by genetic, linguistic and archaeological evidence, considers the American continent to have been populated from Asia either via the Bering land bridge or by sea The Solutrean hypothesis was first proposed in 1998. Its key proponents include Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution, and Bruce Bradley, of the University of Exeter

According to this hypothesis, people associated with the Solutrean culture migrated from Ice Age Europe to North America, bringing their methods of making stone toolswith them and providing the basis for the later Clovis technology found throughout North America. The hypothesis rests upon proposed similarities between European Solutrean and Early American Clovis lithic technology. Many archaeologists have criticized the proposed similarities as too insignificant and just as likely to be due to chance as to shared origins. As one has said, "few if any archaeologists -- or, for that matter, geneticists, linguists, or physical anthropologists -- take seriously the idea of a Solutrean colonization of America."


Though the proponents cite recent archaeological findings in support of the theory, the hypothesis has generally not been well received. A recent DNA study challenges a genetic argument often made in favor of the hypothesis. The study argues against the apparently anomalous mtDNA Haplogroup X2A having migrated to the Americas via an Atlantic route. (Wiki)


Clovis/Fluted Distribution,

Compare to the Paleo (Clovis) Artifacts map and

The Haplo Group X Distribution Map


What does this all mean? It means these so called “Paleo Indians” were not here 12,800 years ago.


Concerning Chapter 7 of Nephite North, Oceanic Evidences and Oil Deposits it was this information about the Clovis/Solutrean connection that caused me to lean more towards a lower Narrow Neck location. The red dot is a prime location for arrowhead source material; it just didn’t make sense that the people would cross the upper location I had previously thought and then come south and out onto a peninsula to get their materials for Arrowheads.  I also noticed that this above map helps shed some light on where major battles may have taken place, and where they have taken place several times for a very long time. Compare the above with not only the new narrow neck location but all the previous information concerning Nephi city, Lehi Valley, the first proposed landing place and Zarahemla but not limited to.  There has also been a small source material place discovered in the extreme west end of the Oklahoma panhandle. See the two following images, the old proposed narrow neck and the new one.



If the large red dot represents a major source of flint in which much of the western arrowheads were made from it just seems the narrow neck may not have been as you see above, although both proposed narrow neck locations are plausible, the following just makes more sense given this source location and where in the obvious battles took place at its west end. But then again, the source material is where it is…. Just for notice, the above and below earth images showing the oceans in BC times is not arbitrary, it is based on cretaceous data, geologic and archeological evidence and oil/gas spot maps which can be very telling, oil exploration and drilling is almost always where there was an ancient ocean or large bodies of water. The problem with making it all come together in proper time sequence is the erroneous faulty Radio Carbon Dating system.


Cretaceous Period Map created by unknown
Notice the Narrow Neck of land