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Thursday, November 27, 2014

One of the MOST unusual glyphs..

This is by far one of the most unusual panels I have seen, I was taken to it by my friend Steve many years ago with those who found it, it is no longer accessible except by special permission. Because it does not fit what is considered normal by academia, it is considered a modern creation, however, I can attest it is very old.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Unusual Glyphs

Over the years I have been invited to go see many sites, sometimes with the surety that what I am going to see will knock my socks off only to arrive after a long hike to see worm rock, or natural marks on a rock which the finder saw as ancient egyptian writings. But, of these many occurrences some of them truly do knock my socks off, but what I have here today is some of the unusual glyphs I have been to and these, I can only stand in wonder and amazement. Are these Native American Petroglyphs? If not, then who did it, why and when? Although I feel I know the answer as to who is responsible for each of the following, I thought I would share these photos for you to ponder the possibilities.

One of the glyph sites below is photoshopped for good reason, in keeping the ambiguity of its location.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Hebrew? In the Northern Mountains of Utah

Somewhere in the Northern Mountains of Utah is a high mountain valley with a meadow, next to the trees, and there exists a strange arrangement of seeming hewn stones and seeming natural in their appearance and placement. It wasn’t until I and a friend were investigating the area concerning what at the time was thought to be unrelated. However as we sat on a large stone which we did not know was part of this arrangement and eating our lunch, my friend brought my attention to an arrangement of stones laying seeming quite natural as if they had always been there.

He asked if I had ever looked closer at them, “No” I said wondering why he would even suggest it. “Why” I asked… then he told me that they just seemed to be unnatural, and they seemed to be laid out in what appeared to be a Golden Ratio Triangle. “What is that” I asked, and he explained it to me… so we decided to get some basic measurements using only pacing, and the results showed that what he had spotted was worthy of further investigation… I will ever be grateful for this friend and his keen eye which saw that which I nor any other may have ever noticed.

Doesn't look like much does it?

NOTE: Those of you who may recognize this arrangement I ask you humbly to reframe from commenting with identifying words.

So much has occurred since the discovery, I could not tell even the half of it, but could write a book just on this site alone, I cannot tell what it is, but will share a small portion. For years what appeared to be an unidentified base measurement eluded me, but in more recent years I have found that the Cubit was used in this configuration. Of which of the many cultures who have come to this land, used the old Biblical measuring system, the Cubit, Span, Handbreadth and Etzbah? and don’t anyone say Egyptian or I will hunt you down and slap you…

I know there are some who find a portion of my statements as conjecture, and at times they may be but when I say this, it is based on much study, pondering and evidence… The Egyptians of old never went anywhere, they were lazy yet powerful, controlling and idolized, anything they ever accomplished was on the back of the captive Hebrew, and their claimed beginnings were of a culture long before the Egyptian existed... without the Hebrew, they were nothing… How’s that?

Take a look at this configuration of what is believed may be hewn stones, It looks like natural stones laying in a meadow.

However closer examination reveals there may be much more to this…  Follow the pictures to see the development of possibilities, and even after this, there is so much more to tell. Although I believe I know what this is all about, I cannot say… I hope you understand

Even the stones themselves yield interesting numbers...

Man made? or Natural?

Sadly enough, the best form of Preservation is through Concealment.

Before "Civilization"


"We were told that we would be civilized, if civilized means destruction, ignorance, suppression and domination, then we choose to remain as we are."

Spanish Depositories and the Rule of Marteloio, One of my Best Kept Secrets

We all hear of the many ship wrecks lost in the days of the Spanish, French and Portuguese expeditions of the past, near countless ships that have sunk off the coast of Florida, the Gulf Coast, Cuba, Havana, etc... But does anyone ever think about where all of this treasure lost at sea came from?

It wasn't long after Mel Fisher had discovered the wreckage of the Nuestra Senora de Atocha which had sunk as a result of a Hurricane in 1622, that Mel Fisher showed up in of all places, Utah with some strange agenda. Without giving the source for the following statements, Let's just say that Mel was well aware of the fact that the contents of the Atocha, the Gold, the silver and the Jewels, DID NOT come from the ports of Cartegena, Porto Bella, and new Granada as the academic history tells.

Mel knew well and good the contents of the Atocha came from the Uinta Mountains. Where would he come up with an idea such as this!

The point I am straying away from but now coming back to, as I have refilled my coffee... Is in that of all the ship wrecks there are or were, these are only a small portion of the TOTAL number of ships that have come and gone, several times even, loaded and bound for Spain, France and Portugal. OF ALL these expeditions required in order to acquire so much Gold, Silver and Jewels, one has to ask the question... How much of this was left behind?.... How much never made it to the ship? Just one... One location in the center of Mexico holds amounts at 12 Billion Plus... just one...

EACH of the many... mining districts as we will call them.... had there own depository for the purpose of keeping their spoils safe during their often 4 years mining spree's... There was/is a very specific formula that was used in marking the very spot intended to store their valuable spoils.

These would be of the ROYAL FUNDED Expeditions. These Expeditions always had a Captain and a Cartographer. Certain Rules applied and carried very stiff penalties if violated. These cache locations were NOT always emptied, in fact more often than not were left behind with no one to return to load it up and take it back to Spain. I could tell you several stories of demise, where in the expedition group was wiped out by not only Indians, but by apposing Spanish expeditions and even of their own family. The latest families from Spain who came looking for their patrimony was within the last 20 years.

PRIVATE Expeditions funded by wealthy families but licensed by the King, were not to much different but again had their own cache sites which were other than Royal Funded Expeditions. Private expeditions didn't necessarily have a Captain or a Cartographer for that matter.

Then you have your Privateers, basically Land Pirates, they came in many forms, They would rob you blind if they could and you might find it surprising but I will include the Jesuits in this category.

Then you have the Native people, this may include the Banditos of Mexico, The Native people for the most part simply hid or buried the spoils with no thought of ever returning, however the Bandito Captains, this was always a sharp man and they always made a near perfect record, but usually just before their death, but what of those who were not so efficient to pass on the information prior to their own death? I guess we'll never know. The Bandito were much like those of our civil war, like the confederate constantly weakening the North by robbing them of there means of support provided by big foreign bank interests. The Confederate goal was to get this foreign invader out of our country, the Banditos agenda was to get the Spanish OUT of their country, we lost our battle but the Mexican people were victorious.

Our focus here in will be on the first two mentioned above in which they used specific markers in identifying the cache location, both used triangulation but where did this method derive?

It has taken many years to unravel the mystery of Spanish cache sites, what methods did they use? What was meant by the many authors who at least figured out that “The Spanish did things in three’s” and Triangulation etc… I always thought each supposed cache site was different, unique to he who hid it… this is in part true, but what I later discovered with the help of many friends, is that there are basic principles that were used by the royal funded expeditions, and that they derive from none other than the very method used to Navigate the sea’s… Private Expeditions we have come to find, the use of some of the principles involved...

The beginning of this following example site actually began as early as 1975 when I first spotted what I call the Icon Monument, however nothing really transpired until one day in the fall of 2004, I got tired of trying to convince the so called expert[s] to break from their theories, and listen to what I had to say, but this proved to be impossible, so I and two of my friends went off on our own, heading for a target area we fully expected to find our next clue, and we did, and the next, and the next and the next… It would be another 7 years before the first real breakthrough was made. Prior to this we could see clearly the entire layout, but how to understand it? What was intended? One day while checking details at what we now call the Cache Turtle, (# 4 Monument in the following diagrams) and while studying the monument closely and without looking, I asked my colleagues with me that day, “Hey, someone get out your compass and give me a north” … after a moment or two I looked up to see three of my friends holding there compass’s pointing in different directions… Clearly it was seen that a compass was useless at this site due to load-stone content. Of course if we couldn’t use a compass, neither could the Spanish.

Thanks to the keen sense of one of my friends in Kansas, recognizing the problem yet seeing what I was trying to do, and understanding the importance of having an identifiable North, even an artificial North, he sent me some information regarding The Rule of Marteloio with the message, "I think this might be what you're looking for," It most certainly was....

As complex as it may seem, the Rule is actually not as complicated as it seems, all you have to do is understand the basics of a 3, 4, 5, Triangle, also known as a Pythagorean Triple, or Triad, and the basics of Navigation using the Rule more specifically knowing what is and how to use the Intended Course, the Actual Course, the Return Course and the Alargar.

An overview of the example Spanish Depository

Something as important as the spoils left behind in any expedition as a result of very difficult work, the most important thing is to be able to return to that very thing and find something you took great care and effort to hide, and that method is simply triangulation, triangulation is without a doubt the best method to get you to an intended given point. The biggest benefit however is that by using triangulation, the method used can be encrypted making it difficult for anyone else to crack the code so to speak and how to proceed, However, the individuals hiding their spoils cannot do this without revealing themselves IF YOU KNOW the basics of their code, and the instructions left at each and every site UNLESS the instructions are exclusive to a piece of goat skin or parchment, so far… this has not been the case.

There are 6 sites so far in which I know the Rule was used, or at least the principles of triangulation, one has yet to be resolved… there is a small part of this code of which I will not reveal, but I will show one of the best examples of the use of the Rule in the following.

I might add at this point that there is a long growing list of other sites which likely among the near 100 monument sites left to investigate, that there has to be a few more intended cache locations among them. We need people boots on the ground to go to these sites and document them.

After carefully documenting the location of each participating monument and the characteristics of each, and identifying the intended approach, this image above is the site plan showing the entire cache layout, it would seem the more complex the layout, the more important the cache likely is, but this is speculative.

Because of the nature of this site I will not be using photographs of each monument, but I will describe each and explain its purpose. Starting with the approach you arrive at Monument #1a which is a large monument actually shaped as a Turtle, about 8 feet in length (Head and Tail Included) , about 3 to 4 feet wide and 3 feet high. It has a very clear Head and Tail present, I say very clear, but truth be known, we did not even notice it for near 8 years. I might also point out that this is an actual monument constructed by piling rocks, it is NOT a natural formation which just so happens to look like a turtle.

From the point of Monument 1a, the head points precisely to Monument 1b and further on to Monument #5 west. The Square, or square monument carries two meanings that come to mind, Cache, and 90 Degrees, the distance between 1a and 1b is 205 varas. This information will be used later in the configuration in order to “Navigate” the Cache Turtle, Monument #4. The distance between 1a and 1b is the “Alargar” in this configuration pertaining to the Rule, but in this instant case, it is used twice, and in no other configuration have I seen this much complexity in a layout, the fact that 3 angles are used to establish a given point rather than two as in the basic principle of the Rule. Establishing a given point using 3 angles implies to me, “Importance.” This is the only configuration so far that I have seen the Alargar distance used twice and triangulation used from 3 points.

From the point of 1a, you can also of course see 1b, but one has to look close, more importantly Monument #3 can be seen at a very great distance, later we would come to find it is the only monument that can be seen from every other point in the configuration, the reason we would later discover is that is serves as the artificial North, (A Sure Reference Point).

If you were to continue traveling in a straight line along the line from the turtles head in 1a, and through 1b at a great distant you will encounter monument # 5. Monument #5 baffled me for some time. When we traveled to the suspect location of Monument # 2, sure enough it was there, just a simple monument as simple as its apparent intended purpose which would seem to be, to occupy that space and serve its simple purpose of identifying the corner of the overall triangle indicating the presence of a cache configuration. Monument # 5 seemed just as simple and because at the time I had no answer, and because the most interesting monument could be seen just a few hundred yards away, it always robbed my attention from #5. I might add although it is already said, view of Monument #3 can be seen clearly from #2, #3, and #4 as well.

Now before we go to #4 or talk more about #5, let’s go to what is termed as the Artificial North Monument or Monument #3 High on the hill. This monument is near as important as the Cache Turtle, without it one cannot verify authenticating the navigation process of #4, if it were missing it wouldn’t stop you from correctly navigating #4 You just wouldn’t be able to verify it, this I will not reveal. Monument #3 is also a turtle monument, it is tall at about 5 to 6 feet and looks nothing like a turtle, what makes it a turtle monument is the very obvious head and tail, again I say obvious but if you do not know what to look for, how can you see it? As far as the cache configuration is concerned this monument serves the purpose of Monument # 2 in verifying a corner of the cache triangle, but it most importantly serves as the artificial North of the configuration which also enables the possibility of verification. The head of his monument does NOT point towards the cache, the head points to the mining area or mine in which the spoils came from, this is verified with a site window which enables you to see the general area intended.

Monument #4 or cache turtle, can be clearly seen from this point. But before we go to #4 lets return to the seeming unimportant #5. For years #5 baffled me and eluded me as to its purpose, until one day I grew frustrated and tossed everything out the window and started all over… I decided to approach this as if I were on the ground doing the actual walking… From the point in which the main trail passes and the first sign is received which gives indication of direction of travel to the monument cache configuration or the easterly most corner, you would arrive at Monument #1a and 1b. The information gathered from this encounter is *Cache, *90 Degrees and * 205 Varas, and is then taken to the next point being the elusive Monument #5. What to do now? It must be here for a reason, some action needs to be performed, it is a simple monument, small, no pointers, no site window, no turtle head etc… But something is to be done at this point but what? I refer to the information gathered at 1a, 1b, how about turning 90 degrees? Sounds good but how far? How about the presumed Alargar distance of 205 Varas? And so having done this precisely, I placed a stake in the ground.

Now with nothing else to do, I travel to Monument #4, very anxious to apply what I had learned from the Rule. This monument is the most important as without it or destruction of certain parts, it becomes impossible to navigate. What sets the Cache Turtle apart from the Standard Trail Turtle, is the arrow or indicator usually found on the back of the turtle.


To DATE, I have only seen 10 of what I believe to be Turtle Monuments, this out of hundreds of monuments, YET I have not returned to the majority of those visited in the past to look for what I did not know to look for then… there are likely many more Turtles if not Cache Turtles… 4 of the 10 turtle monuments are Cache Turtles, the difference in the two monuments "Visually," is that a cache turtle will have a pointer or indicator pointing in a direction other than the turtles head. In purpose however, the trail turtle indicates you have to travel, you are not there yet. It has been said that if there are no legs, you are there, and this “May” be true in tree carvings, but I have never seen this applied or to be true in rock monuments. The cache turtle indicates you ARE there, and now it is time to navigate using the principles and signs given and built right into the monument itself. Out of the 10 turtles mentioned, only one of the 4 cache turtles, the head points away from being in line with the tail, and the arrow points opposite the Tail, it didn’t take long to discover why this seeming deviation. (SEE Previous Image, Left Turtle Example)

Standing at the Cache Turtle and overlooking the head from the back tail side, we see the head and the arrow point in different direction. Don’t bother getting 10 people to line it up and get their opinion as to where they think it is pointing, all of them will see something different just as if the Spanish were standing there trying to line it up. There is a solution, but this is one of those things I will withhold, should you find one of these however I am happy to help you resolve it.

The INTENDED Course (Direction of the Arrow or Indicator) is the direction you want to travel in navigating the sea, but on land, although there is really nothing to inhibit following that course, in addition to following that course you will also want to navigate, actually follow, the Actual Course.

The ACTUAL Course is the direction of the Turtles head. The Arrow or Indicator points to what you seek… Implementing the Rule by navigating the Actual Course or Turtles head, will give you the benefit of triangulation having two points to navigate by, and where they meet is the intended target.
Fortunately in this particular configuration a second method of confirmation of the intended target was given upon arriving at Monument #5. You will notice that the Intended Course stemming from the arrow, not the head, and points to the very place in which the Stake was previously placed.

To navigate the cache turtle using the Rule, begin following the direction of the Turtles head, you travel at the designated angle until you reach a point of 90 degrees FROM the Intended Course Line, equal to the distance of the Alargar being 205 Varas. (SEE Below Diagram)

Having arrive at the point of 205 Varas at a 90 degree angle FROM the intended course, now what? From the original information gathered at #1a and 1b, how about we change course and travel at 90 degrees from the prior course? And if we do that, look where we end up?

From the point reached at the distance of the Alargar and RETURNING to the point at the Intended course, this is called the RETURN Course. That’s all there really is to it, but the verification process is the key. None of the other sites so far have been this detailed and none of them has included the additional method such as the one implemented at Monument #5. Only 3 of the 6 use the Rule, One uses direct line of site but uses the undisclosed verification, one uses simple triangulation and duplication, and the 6th is still unresolved.

I cannot stress enough and with this statement and there is no intent here to diminish any of my friends, but there is no such thing as a Turtle Rock, meaning a single rock being a natural formation which happens to look like a turtle, lizard, bunny or even a Royal Poodle… A turtle Monument is a physically constructed pile of rocks clearly made by man with a well formed head and a tail present (without a stretch of the imagination) on either side at ground level.

The last photo has been intentionally left out as it reveals part of the verification key.

If You Feel you have found what might be a turtle monument and you need help with it, all I can promise is an honest opinion. Contact Daniel at tuscoro@gmail.com

PS... In the near future I would like to organized a group of people who are legitimately interested in learning this process and who would be willing to go to several other monument sites we just don't have time to get to... and document.

Some more favorites from the Strip

Emotional Chaos

From This

To This

I cannot explain the emotions I feel when I come up on a familiar site to appreciate a favorite glyph of my ancient relatives and I find this. I think I understand why some people kill others, I think I understand why some would beat another to a bloody pulp, I makes me want to set up a field cameras and wait... day in and day out with a rifle, trying to decide whether the culprit is better off dead, or whether I would get more satisfaction watching them go to prison. In case you haven't noticed, this kind of thing really pisses me off!

I cannot return to the site simply because I am afraid of what I might see... and what I might do...
This sort of thing really messes with my emotions...

Some Old Time Favorite Glyphs from the Arizona Strip

Sunday, November 16, 2014

An Old but Favorite Photo

This is one of the most photographed glyphs in Utah, 
The Zipper Glyph at the Gap

An old but favorite photo

Aztec Navigational Glyph

My reason for presenting this here today is to give some general information that I hope someone here may be familiar with. One aspect of my research is pertaining to this hieroglyph that is found in various places in the North and particularly Northern Arizona. This hieroglyph has been called many things, Water Glyphs, Key Glyphs and recently termed by an archaeologist report, Cup and Channel Glyphs. It is suspect that this hieroglyph is a key in navigation of the Aztec to and from their former lands in the North and to their more recent homeland in Mexico.

We have discovered near 130 locations of these hieroglyphs with GPS and photos for study. We have also found what seems to be a trail of them heading towards Mexico down the Rio Grande in Texas but have not received any confirmation of any in Texas. They are found between Saint George Utah (Some Say Nevada) to Page Arizona and from southern Utah to northern Arizona with a few exceptions of some found near Winslow and south of Holdbrook.

My question is to all of you, have you seen a hieroglyph such as this and matching the following description?

There are in almost every case found to be circular to oval shaped and about 45 centimeters to 60 centimeters in diameter. The tail as we call it is in almost every case where the glyph is complete and not damaged, about 90 to 120 centimeters long. The tail and the dots are carved deeper and wider than the rest of the hieroglyph at about 5 centimeters wide. The remaining part such as the line forming the circle and the straight line within, are not as deep or wide.

It is believed the trail of suspect hieroglyphs may head North out of Mexico towards and maybe east of Monterrey and then to the Rio Grande and following that drainage to their ancient homelands. It is suspect that these can and will be found between the two points along the way. They are in almost every case found horizontal and on the highest bluff or rock in the general vicinity, when groups of them are found they are generally in a crescent configuration.

If you know of any location of this hieroglyph between Texas and Mexico, please take pictures from all angles, please note the compass degrees in which the tail points (the Tail being the 4 foot line extending from the oval) and a GPS location (Set GPS Datum to WGS 84) . This is NOT a treasure symbol as some would believe, it is believed to be navigational in purpose and it is one of the many focuses of my research dealing with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas. Your assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.

Variations of what the hieroglyph may look like based on 130 locations are as in the following illustration.

Some Examples of variations

If you have any information concerning locations outside of south western Kane County, South eastern Washington County Utah or the extreme northern parts of the Arizona Strip in the areas of Fredonia, Colorado City and Pipe Springs area, please contact me at ...


Thank You!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Presumed Lady?... of Elche?

This presumed artifact was found in 1969 at the level of 6 feet below the surface and in virgin soil. Until I find reason not to, at this time I am taking the finders word for it. It would appear to be a buckle due to the apparatus on the rear of the medallion and it has a slight curvature. it is approximately 3 inches in width.

This strange find in Richfield has open the door to one of the most facinating mysteries of historical possabilities of this land I have ever had the priviledge of unraveling, and it is just begining!

Use of this photo is granted with requested and given  permission, 
please give credit where credit is due.

Photo Courtesy of the finder who wishes to remain anonymous and the AHR Foundation, 
Photo editing by Daniel Lowe.

This little artifact has created quite a stir, most of those who claim to be professionals who have examined only the photo, deem this a modern creation simply because it is much easier for them to do so, rather than actually put forth the effort to discover why it was found in Richfield Utah 6 feet below the surface. The photo was at one time presented to various forums throughout France and Spain, and to date no one has any idea what it is, or where it came from. The only opinions expressed where of the equivalency of hoax in that it was said, "It must have been made as a commemorative in celebration of the return of the Lady of Elche from France in 1940". Well then, why does no one to date in Spain know what it is, and how did one get here? How did 12 of them end up in Paris France in the refuse of a little antique shop, of which they also have no idea where they came from or what they are? Why is it there is no hallmark required by law? When it doesn't fit the curriculum, it requires much less effort, to just give it a label whether it be Iberians, Hoax, or Commemorative. Who were these Iberians?

One of the 12 medallions found in Antique shop in France

Two smaller Medalions found in Paris France at a flee market
(Copyright Photo Courtesy of Shawn Davies)

I believe I have discovered the origin of these medallions, where they were made, by whom and why. I also believe I have discovered the origins of the Lady of Elche bust. It was discovered in Elche Spain in 1897 and was purchase by a French Archaeologist and taken to France. Of course they had no idea who made it or where it came from other than is was excavated from ruins in Elche. However because it was found in Spain and ancient, it must have been made by them Iberians, how convenient. In 1940 the polychrome bust was returned to Spain, since then, it has been elevated it to Goddess status and tagged it as the "Lady" of Elche, the puzzling thing about it is, they have no idea who it is or where it came from and it isn't even a representation of a Lady in the slightest, it is however a man, and one well known in the world even today and whose identity will amaze you.

Lady? of Elche discovered in Spain in 1897

Before all is said and done, it will be discovered that the medallions, The Lady of Elche, Lady of Baza, the Lady of Guardamar and like artifacts in Fact... have their origins in the west, and were brought back to Spain between 700 and 1100 AD or by the same people in an earlier migration between 100 BC and 400 AD by a group of immigrant explorers none seem to know ever came to this place in the west. Near every detail concerning the many identifying marks of the medalions and the poloychrome bust is examined to show you their origins in the book The Forbidden Histories of the Americas.

I believe that before long, you will have a better understanding of this place here in the west, a better understanding of the origins of Buddhism, who Budha was, Where King Solomon's men actually went, who the Queen of Sheba was and where she actually came from along with her ties to India and I think you will finally understand why the mythical Kingdom of Sham-bala or Shem-bala (Children of Shem) remains hidden from the world as it is not in China. You will look at the caves of Ajanta of India in a new light and see the ties to America's western regions. What was the purpose of the medallions? You will with out a doubt begin to understand why so many cultures of the past have been coming to the Americas, all essentially looking for the same place,  the same things and why. Read the answer to the question what are those wheels on the sides of the head, what do they represent and what part do they play on identifying the mysterious individual portrayed and how it ties to the Aztec?

Buddhist/Hindu Wheel of Dharmachakra 

Lady of Elche                          Ajanta Cave Image


You may learn more concerning this in the book, The Forbidden Histories of the Americas by Daniel Lowe which at this time is only available in pdf format, it is unedited and is a work in progress, however is no longer available until printing...

IF YOU, have any compelling evidence as to the origins of the above presumed artifact, please contact me at Tuscoro@gmail.com