I am going to let you read this for yourself the concluding words concerning
the treasure by placing it here in the following images of the two pages of the
translated edition which talks of the treasure. Keep in mind, I am not saying
there is no Aztec Treasure in the regions North of Mexico, I am simply saying
NO Aztec let alone 2000 of them loaded up tons of worthless Gold and Silver to
take it back to a place where in there
is more than they could haul with 2 million men. However there were certain
items of sacredness to the Aztec, brought back to the area of the Caves and
further North to their ancient home of Aztlan, it might just surprise you where
that is or was.
I hold in high regard the works of Tezozomoc in what I believe to be the most
accurate record of the Aztec available, I highly recommend Diego Duran’s History of the
Indies as it reads very much as Cronica
Mexicana By Tezozomoc and it has been translated into English.
From the recently translated book
History of the Indies of New Spain by Diego Duran 1588
is a story that appears in the Aztec record some years prior to Moctezuma II,
in Chapter 27 of Duran’s rendition, Moctezuma the 1st decides he wants to
discover the Land of his fathers, the home of his ancestors and begins to make
plans to send emissaries and an army North to find this place to see if anyone
was still there. Moctezuma tells his War department head, Tlacaelel or prime
minister of his plans and this apparently throws up red flags and Tlacaelel
tells the King that this is not a good idea and that he should not send his
warriors which would appear as intent of war, but that he should send his
elderly magicians and sorcerers.
king agrees with Tlacaelel and laden’s the magicians with Gold and many
precious things, a treasure which could satisfy any 60 sorcerers which is the
number he sent according to the record. The Sorcerers depart and go to a place
some 40 miles to the north of Mexico in the Province of Tula to a hill called
Coatepec and there they supposedly trace magic symbols on the ground invoking
the powers of the evil one to help them find this land and with this the evil
one supposedly turns them into animals and birds and the evil one takes them
and their gifts to the shores of a large lake with an large Island or hill. At
this they resume their human figure and supposedly find the mother of their
pretend god and the people who remained behind so long ago. But these people do
not grow old and are very light and because of the ways of the Aztec and the
heavy foods they eat they cannot ascend the hill.
meeting with the mother who descended the hill, and who was a nasty dirty
looking woman due to her supposed morning of her son having not returned, she
accepts their gift and returns them with a message for her son. 40 of the
sorcerers return and tell Moctezuma all that supposedly occurred and he buys it
hook line and sinker. Now you’ll have to read the account for yourself, but I
include it because it is a supposed return trip to the home of their ancestors
but they were not perused by an enemy.
Strangely enough 20 of the sorcerers did not return to which the remaining
tell Moctezuma that the evil one must have taken them in payment.
I think the sorcerers knew damned well they were not going to find this place
nor were they in any condition to undergo the trek due to their old age or
having other motives. I believe they went 40 miles north of Mexico and conjured the whole story
to satisfy Moctezuma of which 40 of them wished to return while 20 did not and
took the treasures for themselves with an agreement between all of them never
to divulge the truth or they would all be put to death.
to this point, I still do not find in the Aztec Record, any evidence of
anything of the treasure the Spaniards wanted as to being taken back to their
ancient home. In the following chapter
however I do find the possible evidence we seek. But before I continue with
that chapter, let me give you a possible scenario which is just a hypothesis
and I have nothing really to support the idea, or do I?
the story likely created by the sorcerers, as an urgency to return the god or
the sacred bundle they called a god, rather than for the riches and inability
to perform the task, is it possible that these sorcerers or at least twenty of
them were actually righteous men or at least men who saw the importance of
taking this sacred artifact back to its resting place until its purpose would
again in the future resume and knowing well and good it was no God, and was the
reason of so much suffering and death among the Aztec? Is it possible they used
this incident as a ploy to make a replica of this sacred item and placing it in
the position of the sacred bundle or god in which no one was allowed to see,
switching it out and carrying it out with all the other things the king had
given them to take to their ancient home? Could it be that with mutual consent
of the 60 that the sacred item was returned by the 20 who never returned to Mexico ? Also is
it possible that Tlacaelel was in fact a righteous man and that this whole
scenario of the Aztec Nation is in fact a type and shadow of the Israelites in Egypt ? Could
Tlacaelel be a type and shadow of Joseph of old, second to the Pharaoh? I can’t
help but wonder why Tlaceaelel turned Moctezuma’s mind away from the idea of
sending an army to the land of their ancestors he supposed as to being the
prime minister or head of the Aztec war department and that Huitzilopochtli
could not have a part in this whole incident. After reading the entire history
according to Duran, this part just does not fit.
a previous chapter and in 1424, Tlacaelel at a younger age, carries out a noble
act in that when the Aztecs were under threat of annihilation by the joining
kingdom of Azcapotzalco, the Aztecs as a whole convinced King Izcoatl, being
the fourth King or Emperor of the Aztec, he decides at the will of the people
that rather than being defeated in war convinced they had no chance that it
would be better to go to the King of Azcapotzalco and submit themselves as
slaves and that they should carry their god Huitzilopochtli to Azcapotzalco and
deliver him to their new ruler. This is indeed a strange act and worthy of
who was the Nephew of King Itzcoatl, hears this and steps forward exclaiming to
the King and the Aztecs, asking them what
is this! Have you lost your wits? The King who apparently had his hands
tied in the matter was well pleased that his Nephew had stepped forward as the
King thought this was a slavish act that his people were about to perform, and
expressed his desire that he would rather have a court to honor them rather
than dishonor. Turning to the people, the King asks them after Tlacaelel’s speech, if they still
wanted to carry out this cowardly act, and no one would speak, the new plan
required sending someone to Azcapotzalco to propose peace where in when asked
for a volunteer, again no one would speak. Tlacaelel steps forward again and
bravely volunteers to undergo this likely fatal act as the people of
Azcapotzalco had been instructed not to allow anyone from Tenochtitlan to enter their city and should
any of them try, to kill them.
reason Tlacaelel proposed this idea is that it is said in the Aztec Record that
the Aztec highly believed that they should never incite war and that they after
suing for peace were unsuccessful then they were justified to defend themselves
in war. I wonder where this concept came from. If you recall, the Nephite were
of the same belief and it was because of ignorance to this law, that they were
defeated and destroyed as a people.
I may have carried on more than I needed to but I wanted the reader to become
somewhat familiar with this so called god, Huitzilopochtli which was not a
living man but and object of sacred background of which no man was allowed to
see other than certain designated priests and that they had made an Image to
pacify the people giving them something to look at and keeping the sacred
object hidden away. The priests who were the go between from this sacred item
and the people, claiming that it talked to them, obviously were not talking to
some God but it would appear that Lucifer had stepped in to have his time with
this fallen people.
there was one thing about this Sacred Artifact among the Aztec that baffled me
for some time and kept its true form from me, and that is that the Aztec gave
this thing a name, a birth place, mother, brothers and sisters in fact
hundreds, this seems very strange indeed. How could this sacred artifact have a
birth place, mother, etc?
also wanted the reader to make the connection if not already, the strange
similarities of the Aztec religion and Buddhism. It is generally presented to
today’s public that the Aztec was a heathen race, a barbarian culture due to
the focus given to their human sacrifices and flaying of men ritual in which I
would agree was indeed barbaric. But in reality the Aztec was a highly religious
people doing ONLY what they believed their gods wanted them to do, not
understanding that the majority of which came from the wrong source through
corrupt priests. In reality, the Aztec religion was a bastardized version of
the Buddhist religion, that in and of itself had already strayed from its
conception due to no one writing the teachings of it for near 300 years but
more likely 600 years after its inception.
Aztec likely learned the more fundamental parts of their religion from two
sources, that of the surviving Nephites after being expelled from their
homelands of Aztlan, carrying with them their former beliefs and sacred items,
and that of those whom they most likely intermixed with being the descendants
of those who once inhabited the 7 Caves and are likely very well connected or
the very same people of the Queen of Sheba and those of the Ajanta Caves. I
wonder what response we might get from those of the Buddhist belief if they
came to understand the possibility of Buddhism having been in a large way, its
origination HERE on this continent and taken back to India
through the people of Sheba
after their Queen had been taught by Solomon!
parting from this chapter I want to address the idea that this strange object
the Aztec had made their god which had a mother, brothers and sister etc… I was
talking with a friend of mine about this very thing, in looking at the Aztec
religion and their belief that their King was the very incarnation of their god
Huitzilopochtli, the Buddha religion is the same believing that their religious
leader is the literal incarnation of Buddha. I could not help but wonder where
this similar idea came from but it would seem it may have came from the same
the creation of the Ark of the Covenant, there has always been one key figure
who was in direct authority over the Ark
with Moses being the physical creator under the command of God the Father.
Certain priests or religious figures were the care takers of it just as in the
days of the Aztec. However, Moses died and his successor Joshua took over, then
King Saul followed by King David and then his son King Solomon. Many of us have
read the many events involving the Ark during
the days of Solomon and we are fairly certain it was last reported as being in Jerusalem only to
disappear. But my reasons for bringing this up is in that it would seem it was
always over seen by a worthy or authoritative figure. It would appear the
events of the creation of Buddhism possibly being the Queen of Sheba taking the
teachings of Solomon back to her people, Sheba no doubt knew of the Ark and it
would not be long before it made its way to the New World, which is actually
the old, old world. Prior to the time the pre Aztec religion merged with from
Buddhism some one was in charge of the Ark.
Who ever this individual was prior to the Aztec departure from Aztlan and prior
to living in the caves for near 2 to 300 years, this individual was likely
highly regarded and was considered as the literal incarnation of Buddha,
Solomon, Moses or God its creator. I would suspect at the time they departed
from the caves their religious beliefs had certainly been altered now
encompassing a large part of what they formerly believed as well as the Buddist
like religion. Believing this highly regarded individual as the incarnation of
the God or creator and being a manifestation in the flesh as the sacred item
itself of which the Aztec believed, would fully justify it having a mother,
birth place and brothers and sisters. But where was considered the birth place?
I suppose the one individual regarded as the creator could be just about anyone
in authority over the Ark
or a fine mixture of the many that have been.
is said that the Ark
or what they called Huitzilopochtli had several hundreds of brothers and
sisters; this may not be far from the truth. King Solomon had hundreds of wives
and concubines, how many children do you think he might have had and what about
his father David? If Solomon did indeed take the Queen of Sheba to wife and she
had a son, this some would have had hundreds of siblings. In Buddhism it is the
original Buddha whom it is believed as being the one incarnated, I would
suspect it would be the same with the Aztec,
I don’t know who the authoritative figure was at the time of their departure
from the caves, but it would seem he had passed on or murdered and it was his
sister who accompanied the Aztec in their migration or at least until they and
their new found false god found her as a threat and left her behind. It is likely
the priest of evil design had taken over at this time given the many recorded
things whispered to them from their supposed god. So with this knowing
speculative idea, we begin to understand how the Ark known as Huitzilopochtli, could have a
mother, sisters etc…
earlier herein I mentioned that I have not found any evidence of anything being
taken BACK by Aztecs to where it came from, however I do find the possible
evidence we seek, in fact two possible evidences, one in the following chapter,
and the other in the next paragraph.
to supposed Indian tradition, if the source is accurate, "an expedition of well-organized
and warlike men some dressed in the beautiful feathers of the Quetzalcoatl
bird, had come from the south escorting a long line of slaves, dragging boxlike
containers shrouded by skins. The party went directly to the Grand
Canyon and descended down from the south rim, the exact place they
descended is known to only a few. The
treasure was placed in a cavern that evidently had been chosen earlier. The
slaves were killed on the spot, while half of the men remained as a guard and
the others returned to the south. It was probably planned by the Aztecs that
they would recover the cargo once the Spaniards had been driven into the sea,
however, months and years went by without word for the garrison at the cavern.
Eventually, they intermarried with the local Paiutes and told them tales about
a great Indian empire in the south with their emperor, who would return in the
future with an army to bring prosperity to the Paiute tribe. Until then, the
treasure must be guarded from discovery by anyone. It was a responsibility that
meant annihilation for the Paiutes should they permit the hidden cache to be
stolen. I can’t help but wonder if this wasn’t the same event in which Moctezuma
the 1st sent his priests in search of his ancestral home and the mother of Huitzilopochtli, the war god. However," I feel this is a glorified version of the real story...
3rd part of Part FIVE withheld....
3rd part of Part FIVE withheld....