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Sunday, April 22, 2018

The City of Moctezuma And the Seal of Solomon

The Pomegranate, the City of Moctezuma
And the Seal of Solomon

Seal of Solomon?

The Pomegranate was used as an icon and believed to be the Metaphorical fruit in which Eve partook leading to the Mortality of Adam and Eve. Some even believe it was the literal fruit and in this they are mistaken.

Moses sent scouts to the Promised Land, for reasons unknown, perhaps his curiosity was just too much knowing the Israelites would not go there at least in his time. However the scouts brought back Pomegranate, Sources say to demonstrate the fertility of the Promised Land, I say ridiculous, they brought Moses Pomegranate as evidence to demonstrate that they had found the place of the Garden of Eden and the Promised Land.  Moses knew the Garden of Eden was in the Promised Land and that Pomegranate was growing there. Today it is believed Pomegranate originated in Iran, I hardly think you could get a sage brush to grow in Iran, however in the time of Moses, Iran was a lush tropical zone being situated smack dab in the middle of the equator of BC times, its environment would have been very similar to that of Brazil, or Africa’s Congo. I’m not saying that Pomegranate could not have grown there, but I am saying look at where Pomegranate grows today and the environment it grows naturally. The Garden of Eden was not a Tropical zone, however it was a Perfect Environment where anything could have grown.

The Book of Exodus describes the me’il (“robe of the ephod”) worn by the Hebrew High Priest as having pomegranates embroidered on the hem. According to the Books of Kings the capitals of the two pillars (Jachin and Boaz) that stood in front of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem were engraved with pomegranates. It is said that Solomon designed his coronet based on the pomegranate’s “crown” (calyx). (All knowing Wiki)

Why would the pomegranate be important in the case of the Lady medallion? It would seem that in some examples of the use of the pomegranate it appears at times it was used in place of the Lotus and at times combined. The Lotus carries the meaning of Purity or Wisdom and the Pomegranate a representation of fertility or being fruitful. On the Lady of Elche bust and the Medallion we see hanging around the neck is what appears to be on the bottom row of the necklace the Lotus Petal, but the second row above it appears to be something different and that is the Pomegranate Calyx. On the bust rendition seeds are also show on what would be the petal of the calyx.

Hanging from the Lady’s head and coming from the area of the ears or from behind the Wheel of Dharma like tassels are found the Pomegranate bud just before it flowers. In the following images we get a better idea by comparison.

Pomegranate Buds

Tassel representation of Pomegranate Buds

Ivory artifact representation of Pomegranate Buds

Song Of Solomon 4:3
 Thy lips [are] like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech [is] comely: thy temples [are] like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.
Song Of Solomon 6:7
As a piece of a pomegranate [are] thy temples within thy locks.
Now in my book The Treasures of Utah I spoke of the Roman Jewish Colonies and the maps that the Spanish used who likely created the maps beings some of them are 14th and 15th century creations made prior to the coming of the Spanish. One particular map Granata Nova, (New Pomegranate) supposedly made in the 1500’s shows features which the Spanish could not have known, it also shows one of the ancient cities as being named Abacus Unc Granata, this was not an Indian Village, it was a city of the former Roman Jewish Colonies and or could have been one of the Seven Caves of the Aztec found and inhabited by the Roman Jewish Colonies and or Nephites. My reasons for bringing this up are for the very names used. It is said that the city of Granada Spain received its name in 1100 AD, where did this place in Spain get its name in a place having nothing to do with Pomegranate? Did it derive from the days when the people of Septimania were traveling back and forth from the new world? Why would they name this place that covers Nevada, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico Pomegranate? What did they know that we apparently do not? King Solomon and Moses knew.

The remains of the City of Abacus Unc Granada are still unknown. The following old map show it to be on the North side of the Grand Canyon whereas the others show it on the South side, I would lean more towards the North side due to the frequency it appears on the North and because of the following Story which I believe may be the city of Tignus (Latin, place of beams or building materials), located on the south side of the Canyon. The Colorado River according to these people was called Tigues Rio (Latin, Contiguous River)

Abacus nuc Ganata

The City of Monteczuma

“In 1853, a 22-year-old Iowan adventurer, James H. Tevis, who had done a year's hitch in Central America with the filibuster William Walker, took charge of the Butterfield. Overland Mail station at Apache Pass New Mexico. Captain Tevis had no love for the Indians, but there was one, and old aged chief called Esconolea.

"With all my hatred for the Indians," said Tevis, "I had no other feeling but that of affection for Esconolea, and never have I met a man in all my life who deserved affection from me so fully as he."
Esconolea rarely left Tevis by day except when on campaign in Sonora, determined to verse him in the Apache tradition. Thus Tevis could record, and speaking of a time long before the arrival of the Spanish:

The Apaches say that, at one time, they were a Great War tribe, but that a great army invaded their country with such terrible war implements that their people were killed before their arrows could reach the enemy.

Those who did reach close enough for hand-to-hand fighting could not match the invaders' broad-blade hatchets and broke their lances on the invaders' shields.

Even though the Apaches numbered twenty to one, the enemy was successful in every engagement, and kept driving them north. Behind this vast army came a great number of people in charge of priests. They settled along all the water-courses, building forts and churches. In the mountains they also built furnaces and melted the rocks like water. Finally, the Apaches had to succumb to the tyranny of the invaders, and they were no better than slaves, for warriors, squaws, and children worked for them.

Esconolea said that about ten days' journey north-west of Apache Pass lay an abundantly timbered valley somewhat like a tableland, many miles long and very wide, with a fine stream.

Here a large city was founded. Pack trains of hundreds of animals would come and go every few days. This went on for years, and the Apaches became more burdened, until secretly they began planning their release.

At last they attacked and massacred every one of the foreigners caught outside the city, halted their farming, drove their livestock away, and starved the sur-rounded stronghold into submission in about a year. Those then still alive were easily captured and, from that time to Esconolea's narration, the Apaches had resumed sole occupancy of the former foreign empire. Esconolea did not call its capital Rhoda but Montezuma City. Tevis assumed that the invaders had entered Arizona from the Pacific coast of Mexico and inquired if the vicinity of Guaymas, halfway up the Gulf of California, might have been the landfall. No, a great many miles farther west, Esconolea replied, through what was known at the time he was speaking as Yaqui country. The Rio Yaqui in fact stretches perpendicular to Guaymas east of that port and flows into Guaymas Bay southeast of it. If Esconolea, who was not ignorant of Sonora, did not mean east, he had in mind a point near the mouth of the Colorado.

I told Esconolea I did not think such an account was to be found in history, and he asked me what history was, and how old my country was. He laughed.

Tevis said there were churches still standing in Old and New Mexico that were over 300 years old, so some-thing must be left of the city Esconolea described. Esconolea consented to lead him to it.

They took horses a few days afterward for about ten days northwest. Late the ninth day they camped at the foot of a large mountain near a magnificent spring which spilled into a little valley where an old acequia ran which had once carried spring water out over the valley. If this had been Montezuma Well on Wet Beaver Creek southeast of Cottonwood, Tevis would have mentioned the numerous ruins still visible atop the well, and the cliff-type dwellings between the water and the rim of the deep cenote. Esconolea said at the spring campsite that the mountain ahead was the last they would have to climb; just over the top lay Montezuma City.

It was very hard the first three hours of the early morning, Tevis said, but through a thick growth of pines they ascended to an old trail that rose more gradually. They reached the summit about 2 p.m. overlooking a wooded tableland valley with a fair stream running through it, just as Esconolea had described; and there, just a short distance into the valley, lay Montezuma City."

Paraphrased from Calalus By Cyclone Covey A Roman Jewish Colony in America
From the time of Charlemagne Through Alfred the Great, Pages 124-130.
Reproduced with permission.

Calalus, Calicuas, Calicis (Chalice or cup) or Calix
and the 7 cities of Cevola around lake Copala

In Memory of Cyclone Covey

Last July of 2013 I contacted Professor Covey, to ask him of the possibilities of reproducing his book, we had a short conversation regarding the book in which he told me I was more than welcome to reproduce any part or all of his book. I really admired this man simply because he did not succumb to his peers. Cyclone Covey passed away on November 1st 2013 at age 91.

In an interview with his daughter, Julie Miller, it is said by her;

Covey was not afraid to espouse unpopular or unconventional ideas if that’s where his research led him. Such was the case with his 1975 book, “Calalus.” Covey proposed a theory that a group of Roman Jews discovered America centuries before Christopher Columbus and established a colony in Tucson, Ariz. The theory, based off an archaeological find, is a controversial one with many scholars discrediting the validity of the artifacts.

“He encountered barriers because of the historians who were his peers that didn’t like the conclusions he came up,” Miller said. It didn’t stop him, and he taught his children the same lesson. “He went ahead and published,” Miller said. “That’s what you do. That’s what he taught us. You go with the evidence. You make sure the evidence is clear, you make conclusions. Then you stand by the truth.”

I have a great deal of respect for this man and his family; I hope to follow in his footsteps.

Professor Cyclone Covey 1922 – 2013

The Seal of Solomon

What is a seal? A seal in general is a device made with a logo and or motto with icons which identifies the entity in which it represents, to stamp any document, correspondence or label that which belongs to the representative such as the Seal of the State of Utah, the seal is used on all official documents, it is displayed on all their vehicles etc… The seal tells you about the entity it represents, for example in the Seal of Utah we find,

Corporate STATE OF UTAH Seal

the Eagle above but within the ropes, which represents the Nation in which that state belongs or better said, the Union, the eagle being the National Bird. We find in the center of the shield (defense) the word Industry which is the state’s strength, the beehive being our state logo is also part of that strength. The combined arrows, “United we stand divided we fall” The flags of the nation on spears and displayed on poles and not as a banner represents that we are at war (Title 4 USC 1) the crossed spears saying the same or conflict. And the date first established as a people being 1847. Most of what is in the center tells you somewhat of the people. Around it all is the condition of the people with respect to the land it exists upon. The first yellow rope which represents enclosed/held or captured and or created under Maritime Rule (inner yellow rope) of which Utah was, this occurring prior to 1896 which is the date the state was accepted as such but already under corporate Federal Rule, and by incorporation becoming a corporate state. Note the all caps Nom de gere (Fiction) name of the seal. Reinforcement of the same Maritime Rule is strengthened, this because the state of Utah was not created prior to the war of 1862 in common law or otherwise under the Free Republic, hence the larger yellow rope of Maritime Rule, and all those born or Naturalized within its jurisdictional boundaries, are in Bondage…. Huh?

So you see, the seal reveals things you did not know but each and every portion of the seal tells you about the entity in which the seal belongs and that which belongs to the entity, all is plain to see but often not seen.

We are told the seal of Solomon is likely a ring with a 5 point star or Pentagram which he would use to seal things such as letter using hot wax and sealing the letter accordingly, and this may be so where in a device was needed. Some say a six point star but this is in error as the six point star or hexagon was part of his father’s seal, King David. But what about those who served Solomon, Did they drop some hot wax on their forehead or chest and stamp it with his seal? Of course not, this is why we have a badge another form of a seal, (Such as Police or Sheriff might have) to represent the figure in which one derives authority to act in the name of who the badge represents. I assure you Solomon’s Clergyman most certainly had a badge of sort. So what is this seal or badge? Has anyone ever seen one? How about supposed accurate renditions of Solomon, does anyone know what he looked like? I fail to find any except one in which I believe the artist ether got lucky or had personal knowledge, as it is similar.

From the 19th century engraving, Judgment of Solomon by Gustave Doré

I think the reason why we are left to our imaginations to determine an individual’s likeness of the past is not only the fact that it has been so long but because of the imagination of the many since who had nothing to go on but their imagination. Do you recognize the following image? And this may be a poor example but it will suffice.

Fat Buddha

Of course you do and why is that? Because this is what society has made of it publicized out side of Buddhism and I personally would not be happy with it if I happen to be Buddhist. But you would also recognize the following image and it isn’t even really similar.

Traditional Buddha

Yet each and every rendition of Buddha will have distinguishable different facial features but we recognize it by those things we know are reoccurring signs of Buddha Just like the Lady of Elche. Incidentally, as for the placement of the Wheel of Dharma on the sides of the head of the Lady Bust and Medallions, as I have said, the wheel represents Wisdom, and Compassion, the reason they appear at the sides of the head in place of or the position of the ears is because of the following which is likely a tradition that started after the times of the rendition of the wheel of Dharma on the so called Lady. I find many narrow minded views as to why Buddha has large earlobes due to what was called ear plugs and the removal of it such as a status symbol or symbol of wealth which I cannot believe, why would Buddha who was full of wisdom do this?

According to Zen Master Dae Kwang,

…in the Orient large ears are looked upon as auspicious because they indicate wisdom and compassion. So, the Buddha is depicted as having big ears because he is the compassionate one. He hears the sound of the world – hears the cries of suffering beings – and responds. The important thing for us is not how large our ears are, but how open are our “mind ears.”
Although this is likely more close to the truth, the practice of ear plugs likely came long after the existence of Buddha. Did the actual Buddha have these large earlobes as a result of wearing large earplugs? I have my doubts. I think it is a practice that came many years after.

Buddha? No Doubt, Solomon? In all likelihood.

If you will take notice there is one thing we have yet to mention that tells you something about the above image and that is the five sided background which is the foundation of the Medallion. Vishnu is the Hindu Supreme God. The five-pointed star or pentagon is the signet of Vishnu, in India as well as for King Solomon. As for the Buckle found in Richfield, I believe it was made here in the Americas, along with the artifacts that were taken from here so long ago, one of which has become a Spanish Goddess. If the medallion were made in the 1940’s as a commemorative or for the celebration of France returning the Lady to Spain, why were they not distributed? Why would the maker not put their required by law hallmark on it? Even for today’s standards it is an incredible manufacture. Why it is no one in Spain or France seems to know what it is or where it came from nor taken credit for it? Why is it of the few medallions known, found in France and not Spain? Why is it none other than the original 12, and the one in Richfield

So you tell me? Is it the Lady of Elche, An unknown supposed goddess of the unknown Iberian culture, Buddha or one of his successors, who was this Buddha, King Solomon? I think I will leave it up to you to decide. Is this medallion and Buckle, the Seal of Solomon? Is the Lady of Elche Bust, the Medallion and the Ajanta Cave image among the earliest and most accurate renditions of Buddha and/or, that of King Solomon?

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Who was Buddha?

Who was Buddha?

Some of the presumed earliest renditions of Buddha

In our scriptures we find in the KJ Version of the Bible and in the 1st Book of Kings, are the beginnings of the story of Solomon. As you read the story of Solomon being familiar with the story of Buddha as well, you notice some very strong parallels. I would like to point out although no one has noticed that there is according to those who place “Probable” dates on things, a 2 to 3 hundred year difference between the days in which Solomon walked and of those in which Buddha is said to have done, however as mentioned earlier, those of the followers of Buddha relayed the events for near 300 years before anyone bothered to write it down, how much would you think was lost, altered or even added to the basic story before it was written?

An example of why I am not in the slightest concerned with the time gap is, if you have ever studied the story of Joseph of Egypt, and the story of the Egyptologist created Im-ho-tep of which I still chuckle over, we find an 1100 year difference between the two characters, yet when one understands with wisdom, it is very clear that Imhoptep and Joseph are one and the same, so you see, when 300 years is the gap needed to be filled and one of the players didn’t write things down for 300 years, I am not at all concerned.

Back to Solomon, At a point in Solomon’s young life, Solomon is a bit overwhelmed and became concerned with his ability to rule over such a great people of the Lord and ask his God for Wisdom and because the Father was impressed that Solomon did not ask for wealth or long life he gave Solomon what he asked for and MUCH of it, most could not fathom the magnitude of wisdom he received, but the followers of Buddha might be able to at least to some degree, no other in any history has a story comparable to the Wisdom of Solomon, except maybe the story of Buddha.

1 Kings 4:29
And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that [is] on the sea shore.

1 Kings 4:34
And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.

1 Kings 10:23
 23 So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom.

1 Kings 10:24
 24 And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

2 Chronicles 1:11-12
 11 And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:

12 Wisdom and knowledge [is] granted unto thee;

No other in the many histories of the many religions and cultures of the past compare to or even resemble the Wisdom of Solomon and the man himself other than Buddha. But how could they possibly be one and the same, and neither sides of the coin or medallion in this case, seem to know it? You know the answer, There are none so blind, as those who WILL not see.

From the Cave Paintings of Ajanta India
Queen of Sheba?

In the very next verse of Book of Kings following King Solomon’s men returning from the land of Ophir, we find the visit of the Queen of Sheba.

1 Kings 10:1
AND when the queen of Sheba [שבא Shba’  sheb-aw’ ] heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions.

Now, the scholars of the Hebrew would have us believe that the word Sheba is of foreign derivation providing no definitive translation and yet they tell us that it is the name of early progenitors of tribes and of an Ethiopian district. Where pray tell did they come up with this? I could answer but I think I will hold my thought. (Bath-sheba, beth-shbo, ) Mother of Solomon, meaning (Daughter of the Oath [Covenant] or Daughter of Seven). Foreign they say? Perhaps Solomon’s mother was an Ethiopian daughter of the oath? Sheba, shbo, son of Raamah, oath, covenant or seven. Genesis 10:7

The Queen of Sheba, shbo, oath, covenant or seven, is NOT of Ethiopian origins and in all likelihood was not even from the continent in which Israel is found, if so she was from India but I suspect she was of a distant land with ties to India, and likely a descendant of Shem with Sheba possibly being a shortened version or an intended misnomer of Shem-Bala (Child or Children of Shem, Hindu), intended to keep you in the dark.

As you may know, I am of the belief that all scripture has a purpose, I do not think stories found in them are merely to fill space, and that there is wisdom to be found in all scripture. So why was this little story about the Queen of Sheba included, not to mention placed immediately following Solomon’s men returning from the mystical place of Ophir? Well I think it was included for two reasons and keeping in mind there must needs be opposition in ALL things, I think one reason was to provide strong delusion for those who WILL NOT see, and to provide wisdom to those who WILL see. I think it was included to cater to those who push their 200,000 year old Mitochondrial African Eve theory and in opposition, to shed light to those seeking truth.

In order to understand why the Queen of Sheba traveled half way around the globe to hear this Wisdom of Solomon, coming from a man no less, one would need to understand the nature of the wisdom and why it was important to the Queen. How many of you have read the Wisdom of Solomon? How about the Acts of Solomon? Well fortunately we do have access to the Wisdom of Solomon, although it has been taken from the standard works and now considered Apocrypha in nature. Well, since when do I care what is considered? I won’t tell you what it is all about because frankly there are few who would believe and it isn’t for me to tell you, it is for you to discover and decide for yourself. I assure you without expectations of you, that the Queen would have been very interested, simply because I know that she, along with many women of the past and even today have sought after understanding concerning her very being which is quite obvious has been suppressed in most religious teachings if not all, and even to this day. I wish I could further expound upon this, but I cannot.

When the Queen, having brought many hard questions to prove Solomon one way or the other (2 Chronicles 9:1), was satisfied and seeing King Solomon was as she was told and much more so, she gave to Solomon things she had brought from her home land such as Gold in large quantities, Why would she do this, but one thing in particular that often goes un noticed and that is spice, and why would this be mentioned in scripture? It is further expanded upon that neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave King Solomon. (2 Chronicles 9:9)

In the days of Solomon the origins of spice was well known, at least those spices which they were accustom to, it was known that all spice came from South Asia, East Asia and India and yet the Queen managed to bring Solomon spice unknown to them, where did it come from? Scholar’s again assume that spices from Central and South America were not known until the Spanish Conquest of 1519. I think they are wrong and I believe this is where the Queen of Sheba came from, and from the mythical land of Shambhala (Shem-Bala).

Now Solomon in turn gave the Queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked (2 Chronicles 9:12) Now after the Queen had seen the greatness of his wisdom, his home and the way his servants, his people and his men were happy, it is my belief that she desired this for herself to be a part of. I would have no doubt that of all the wives that Solomon was given and of the foreign wives that the Queen of Sheba became one desiring to mother a true heir, and establish a royal bloodline from the King David in her own land which they knew the Prophesied Davidic King would come from.

Could this be the prince, son of the Queen of Sheba,
receiving teachings from his father Solomon?
Or is the Prince Mahajanaka mentioned earlier herein, the son of Solomon?

Why would this need to occur? Perhaps it was to prepare a people able to bear a vessel which is very important to the house of Israel and the journey it would take in just a few hundred years to fulfill its destiny, its part,  in the fulfillment of the covenant concerning the house of Israel and to the Land of Promise, a land of Purity? Why would God allow this if the Queen of Sheba were Ethiopian having nothing to do with the house of Israel and knowing well and good it was forbidden for the Israelites to mix blood with the Canaanite? The people of India however are of the tribes of Israel.

How is it that the Queen of Sheba heard of the Wisdom of Solomon? I suspect if we read closely, we may just discover how. Just before the tale of Queen of Sheba in the 1st book of Kings, a little ditty appears in the very verse prior.

1 Kings 9:26-28
 26 And king Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-geber, which [is] beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red sea, in the land of Edom.

27 And Hiram sent in the navy his servants, shipmen that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon.

28 And they came to Ophir, and fetched from thence gold, four hundred and twenty talents, and brought [it] to king Solomon.

Is it possible while they were in the land North of Sheba or Shem-bala, the servants of Solomon told the people who happen to be servants of the Queen about their King who in turn went to her and told her of him?

From the Ajanta Caves
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba?

Just as the people of Egypt, the Aztec, Maya, and the Native Americans told their most important events in history upon the cave walls, rocks or buildings, so did the people of India and I would fully suspect their branch colonies in the Americas did as well, meaning those who inhabited the Underground cities and more specifically those of the lost cave city of the Grand Canyon.  Is this cave one of the Seven Caves of the Aztec?

What’s in the words?

Now I don’t get hung up on the words so much although I do like to undergo an in depth analysis for my own satisfaction, I am what I am and I am not a Scholar of the Hebrew, Tibetan, Hindu, Latin or Nahuatl languages or even English for that matter, and perhaps that is why I can see the forest for all the trees, as I don’t see a forest, I see many individual trees, each with its own identity and characteristics, each is deserving to be viewed. It does not have to be difficult and this is why I have adopted the simple rule of, If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is in all likelihood, a duck.

The words, although far and few between and separated from the sentences they help describe or tell a story all by themselves without fitting them into a sentence, I can’t help but notice the similarities in them…

Maya was the Mother of Buddha according to Buddhists, what a great tribute to her to name, naming a highly prized and fertile land after the Mother of Buddha or Solomon depending on which perspective you view this. How about Bath-Sheba and the Queen of Sheba, Is there a correlation in this? We find that Buddha was referred to as Gautema Buddha, Gautama (Bright light) Buddha (Enlightened one) Near the Yucatan or home of the Maya we find Guatema-lah, (Place of many trees) however the Nahuatl suffix of lah makes that which is follows as possessive such as a mans wife? Perhaps the place of Gautema’s wife?

Strangely enough one of the other undisputed artifacts of Spain, the Lady of Guardamar, (a city in Spain), supposedly meaning guarder (safe keeping) and mar (sea). I don’t know how it could happen but I find it more plausible that it derives from Guatemala or Gautama Buddha.

In the Tucson artifacts chronicles we have, Calalus was ruled by the ‘Silvanus Tolteczus’ [Solomon the Builder] (I wonder where that name came from), the hereditary ruler of this former Jewish ruled Roman colony or Silvanus’s Toltec’s. Shiva pronounced si-va A Hindu supreme God. Silvan-us is not a Nahuatl word and so who is this Silvanus who is possessive of Toltec people? Silvanus IS however a Roman God.

The Capital City of Shambahla is called Kalapa which is said to have a Sandalwood Pleasure Grove containing a huge three-dimensional Kala-chakra mandala (Time Wheel found in the Native American Sand paintings and Tibetan Sand Paintings of the Buddhist teachings) made by King Suchandra. Could this be the “huge three-dimensional Kala-chakra mandala” said to be in the Sandalwood pleasure grove in the City of Shambahla?

HUGE three-dimensional Kala-chakra mandala?
Almost 12 feet in diameter, 3.25 feet thick and weighing near 24 tons? Or similar?

My guess would be that this stone is a remake of the one created at the time of the correction of the calendars of the Aztec. Prior to that, if the implications have merit, it could have been the huge kala-chakra mandala mentioned.

When I read concerning Shambahla or is it Shem-Bahla… or Kalapa, I can’t help but think of the Legendary Lake with seven cities surrounding it called Capala and the place where the Roman Jewish Colonies established their 7 cities called Calalus (Calicuas).

Mleccha (from Vedic Sanskrit  mleccha, meaning “non-Vedic”, “barbarian”), also spelt as Mlechchha, referred to people of foreign extraction in ancient India. Mleccha was used by the ancient Indians much as the ancient Greeks used barbaros, originally to indicate the uncouth and incomprehensible speech of foreigners and then extended to their unfamiliar behavior. In the Mahabharata the root Sanskrit word barbar meant stammering, wretch, foreigner, sinful people, low and barbarous. Buddhist scriptures use the terms ‘Milakkha’ or ‘Milakkhuka’ to refer to Mlecchas.

Chichimeca, mecca was the name that the Nahua peoples of Mexico generically applied to many bands and tribes of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples who inhabited northern modern-day Mexico and southwestern United States. Chichimeca carried the same sense as the Roman term “barbarian” Mecca is also known as the birthplace of Muhammad of the Muslim.

In Buddhism Pterocarpus santalinus or Sandalwood is considered to be of the padma (lotus) group and attributed to Amitabha Buddha. Sandalwood scent is believed to transform one’s desires and maintain a person’s alertness while in meditation. It is also one of the more popular scents used when offering incense to the Buddha. Solomons men are said to have brought back Almug trees from Ophir, Almug is believed to be Sandalwood, it is believed that Sandalwood was not found in the Americas, but it is, under the name of Brazilian Rosewood Pterocarpus santalinus and by other names. RED Sandalwood is considered even today as Native to India. Sandalwood was brought back by ship every three years from Ophir.

1 Kings 10:10-13
10  And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices very great store, and precious stones: there came no more such abundance of spices as these which the queen of Sheba gave to king Solomon.

11 And the navy also of Hiram, that brought gold from Ophir, brought in from Ophir great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones.

12 And the king made of the almug trees pillars for the house of the LORD, and for the king’s house, harps also and psalteries for singers: there came no such almug trees, nor were seen unto this day.

13 And king Solomon gave unto the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside [that] which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty. So she turned and went to her own country, she and her servants.

Why was it necessary to insert verses 11 and 12 in the middle of the subject of the Queen of Sheba’s visit? What does Hiram and his fleet going to Ohpir have to do with the Queen of Sheba?

Friday, April 20, 2018

Legendary and Mythical Cities

Legendary and Mythical Cities
And the Kalachakra Mandala

Temple of Candi Sukuh Indonesia
or is it a Mayan Temple?

We have many legends and stories about mythical cities of the past. At one time before diminished to mythical status, they were legends, and prior to that, a known fact. Sometime in the distant future, the existence of New York, will be a myth.

The Aztec Legend of Aztlan, Plato’s Mythical Atlan-tis, The Roman Jewish Calalus, the Spanish Kingdom of Cibola and the 7 cities around Lake Copalla, the Tibetan, Hindu Mystical 7 kindoms of Shambhala, (Shem Bahla) or (Shebah), the Welsh Annwn and/or King Arthur’s Camelot in the land of Avalon and many others such as King Solomon’s mines in the land of Ophir and Moses’s Promised Land where in he sent scouts who brought back Pomegranate as evidence of having found it, Why Pomegranate? We’ll come back to that. Most of the places mentioned are located on some island surrounded by an ocean or vast lake and in some accounts believed to have disappeared by sinking, and or associated with 7 peaks or 7 caves etc…

Is it possible that this place described above could all be one and the same place? Shambhala has been reduced to Mythical status simply because it cannot be found by the westerner’s views of where it should be according to them, perhaps they should have looked in their own back yard.

Let’s not overlook the implications of pronunciation differences, Aztlan, How the Aztec pronounced it, Avalon, how King Arthur pronounced it and Atlan-tis, is how Plato pronounced this now regarded as a “fictional” place adding the suffix tis meaning from or of.

Knowing without a doubt due to the many evidences I have discovered that the first Americans were without a doubt Oriental or Asian, notice I did NOT say Chinese as they did not yet exist, I find myself studying the Caves of Ajanta and the Buddhist related religions even more so.

While comparing the many photographic evidences of the Caves of Ajanta, for the purpose of comparing to descriptions of the underground city supposedly found in the Grand Canyon, I happened upon one particular painting found in the caves in which I found startling. Startling simply because it jumped out at me, perhaps you to will see it and maybe you won’t.

From the caves of Ajanta
One of the earliest renditions of what is thought to be Gautama Buddha

Startling? Why you ask… We’ll get to that shortly. In searching the images of the Ajanta cave in which I find the image above and from the many sites which display this photo, I can’t seem to find one that knows for sure who this is a representation of. However, researching the Mythical place of Shambhala (A Pure Land) I find the following image as well and I must say there is certainly a resemblance but it is likely a later rendition of another.

Rigdan Tagpa or Rigden Takpa and otherwise know as Manjushrikirti was supposedly the 8th King of Shambhala, it is said that he would have become King in about 159 BC and that he was born there. As his name indicates, is considered to have been an incarnation of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. His rule is said to have extended over “hundreds of petty kings and a hundred thousand cities.” He is said to have expelled 300,510 followers of heretical doctrine of the Mlechhas (meaning Barbarian) or “materialistic barbarians”, some of whom worshiped the sun, I am reminded of the legends of Fusang… but after reconsidering, he brought them back and they asked for his teachings. Could this Mlechhas people be one and the same as the Mecca tribe of Arizona’s past who eventially became known as Mexican, the Makah of the Northwest or the Chichimeca? It is said that Chichimeca was the name that the Nahua peoples of Mexico generically applied to many bands and tribes of nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples who inhabited northern modern-day Mexico and southwestern United States. Chichimeca carried the same sense as the Roman term “barbarian” to describe people living outside settled, agricultural areas.( borrowed from the great Wiki)

Manjushrikirti  was the first king of Shambhala to be given the title Kalki (Tib. Rigden), meaning “Holder of the Castes” or “Wisdom Holder. Kalapa, according to Buddhist legend, is the capital city of the Kingdom of Shambhala, where the Kulika King is said to reign on a lion throne. It is said to be an exceeding beautiful city, with a sandalwood pleasure grove containing a huge three-dimensional Kalachakra mandala made by King Suchandra. The name given the same suspect area used by the Roman Jewish Colonies was Calalus and the same suspect place was called by the Spaniards, Cibola with seven cities surrounding lake Capola or was it Kalapa? I wonder...

In Hinduism, Kalki (Devanagari: meaning Eternity, White Horse, or Destroyer of Filth) is the final incarnation of Vishnu in the current Mahayuga, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the current epoch. Religious texts called the Puranas foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga. (Wiki)

Why does this sound familiar?

The Satya Yuga (Devanagari, also called Sat Yuga, Krta Yuga and Krita Yuga in Hinduism, is the "Yuga (Age or Era) of Truth", when humanity is governed by gods, and every manifestation or work is close to the purest ideal and humanity will allow intrinsic goodness to rule supreme. It is sometimes referred to as the "Golden Age." The goddess Dharma, which symbolizes morality, stood on all four legs during this period.(wiki)

Sand Paintings...

Now the Kalachakra mandala of Buddhism is often a sand painting used for the purposes of cleansing or healing be it physical or spiritual. The only other people who make these sand painting for the exact reasons but with small differences is the Native American Indian more specifically the Apache, Zuni, Tohono O’odhams and Navajo.

The Buddhist Mandala will in most cases have the Lotus at its center with renditions of Lotus peddles throughout, The Navajo use the feather for the exact purpose and having the meaning of power, spirit or holy. Both the Native and the Buddhist mandala displays the four cardinal directions and in many cases you will see the Wheel of Dharma. The Native credit the Ancient ones, Anasazi People, or enlightened or Holy ones for teaching them the practice of, use and meaning of the Mandala. Compare the two together in appearance and you will see comparable characteristics.

NOTICE the Lotus in the center of the wheel and in many cases the Native
Mandala on the left, having the Feathers in the center both of which
having the near identical meaning.

Now why did I include the Aztec Calendar? Well… for the visual obvious reasons but let me give you a closer view of a portion of the Calendar, and one other reason you will see later.

The Lotus Peddle is present indicated by the red arrows, strangely enough the archaeologist recognize these as renditions of “Feathers” no matter, they carry the exact meaning.

Also take a good look at the following Aztec Codex manuscript painting, one can’t help but see the obvious connection to the Native American Sand Painting and the Buddhist Mandala. 

Now one more little feature that you might be interested in, from the Kalachakra Mandala we find what appears to be typical Native American or Aztec design.

Is it just me or does the center design of the Kalachakra resemble an aerial view of an Aztec Temple? Kalachakra is a Sanskrit term used in Tantric Buddhism that literally means “time-wheel” or “time-cycles”. Perhaps now you get an additional idea of why I included the above Aztec Calendar/time wheel used for time cycles? Things that make you go Hmmm.

Some would say at this point that I am a visionary man, to that I would say, I hope so, some would say my work is speculative and again I would say, I hope so, without speculation, there is no theory which may later become a fact. Every theory begins with speculation. “There is none so blind, as those who will not see”

Now let me show you what really jumped out at me and found to be startling when I found the image of the unknown character while viewing the Ajanta Cave paintings.

Other than a slight difference in the area of the lips we have a near identical rendition of the face of the Lady of Elche, notice the long nose same basic eyes and brows. Compare the Ajanta Cave image with the image of an unknown man which could be Rigden Takpa, the 8th King of Shambhala. Although similar, I would think the two images below are not the same individual.

Is it possible the Lady of Elche is in fact a King of the Mythical land of Shambhala? Or is it someone else? Remember that Kincaid, the finder of the Grand Canyon City said, “Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the people’s god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving[s] [of] this cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha,

Unknown entity of the Ajanta Caves
Presumed to be Prince Mahajanaka

The Mahajanaka Jataka describes the future Buddha’s birth as a prince named Mahajanaka.  Mahajanaka’s kingdom was usurped by his wicked uncle, and Mahajanaka became a merchant to gain the fortune that would allow him to regain his kingdom, in the process having many adventures.  After many years his uncle died without sons, and his daughter Sivali was only allowed to marry a man who fulfilled certain conditions.  Mahajanaka was able to do these, and so he married her and regained his kingdom. 

For awhile all was well, but as time went by Mahajanaka became increasingly disenchanted with the attractions of worldly life, seeing them all as a mirage.  Sivali was heartbroken, and made many attempts to change his mind, but was unable to do so.  Mahajanaka eventually renounced his kingship to become a wandering ascetic, a life story that carries strong parallels with that of Siddhartha, the historical Buddha). [Gautama Buddha] (Wiki)

There is another in our history that carries strong parallels with that of Gautama Buddha, and that of a coming prince that would be born of the first Buddha’s bloodline and it is one whom you might not think.

For a very long time since I first heard the story of Buddha, I have wondered and thought about who this individual could have been. The Buddha story is an incredible one and although I am certain many mythical fallacies have crept into it over the centuries and taking into consideration the teachings of Buddha were not written down for near 300 years before someone said, Hey, shouldn’t we be writing this down? The first rendition of the well known Buddha of today was not created until 300 AD. It is the overall story which I find as a possible comparable candidate to the one individual in who is unparalleled in history and was known worldwide for his great Wisdom, and who is a likely candidate of the identity of what has become known as, The Lady of Elche, but who was Buddha?

In the Aztec belief it was believed that each succeeding Emperor of the Aztec was and incarnation of their God Huitzilopochtli. In Buddhism it was believed that each Buddha was considered as an Avatar of each successor, a literal decent, appearance and manifestation or incarnation. The comparisons of the Aztec belief, and traditions to Hebrew ways and Hindu Buddhist are many.

What’s in the Maize?

To further give credibility to the people of India migrating here long before Columbus, it is widely known and believed that Maize or corn originated in the Americas and was not known to those in the east until the European migrations beginning with the Spanish. This simply is not true, there are obvious renditions of what can only be maize in Egypt, Iraq, ancient Babylon, even as far back as 900 BC. Maize or Corn as we call it here in the west may be thought to have originated here in the west but how did it get here? Science can try as they may to discredit the evidences but wouldn’t it be more productive to adopt the attitude that it is what it is and then try to understand why? There has been one misunderstood report of Maize or corn mentioned in a documentary about Romans, and although the report was in my opinion misunderstood, it would not surprise me one bit to find evidence of it in Rome as they have been coming to the Americas since BC times.

However the fact that ears of corn are found in India on 12th century sculptures is not surprising at all, in fact it might have been these very people responsible for taking it to the Americas if not Moron himself of the first Americans in 2400 BC. Perhaps maize just sprang from the earth after the great flood in the Americas and this is possible, I don’t see how but it sounded good…  was it the chicken or the egg? but I would tend to lean towards the first Americans as bringing the earliest variety of it with them, but where did they get it? Regardless, it makes no sense to me to establish an agenda to discredit what is obvious.

If science would just acknowledged a God, they would discontinue stumbling over themselves wasting their education by trying to discredit him, I’m sorry, I just don’t get it. It is what it is

Believed to be 13th century renditions of corn found in India

Maize of the Yucatan

In a report by M. M. Payak,  and J. K. S. Sachan Titled Maize ears not sculpted in 13th century Somnathpur temple in India, these two write a lengthy document explaining why it isn’t maize that is shown and blame the renditions on some made up mythical fruit, yet they do not say a word about the following carving.

Bas-relief from an early wall panel from a temple ruin is in the garden of a temple at Prambanan, Java. The row of plants shows leaves, tassels, and ears characteristic only of maize. Indonesia (700s) (Photograph by E. McConnaughey.)

Now I don’t think anyone who has been around Corn their entire life could possibly give an alternative explanation as to what this may be referring to the above photo. Perhaps some mythical plant of the Greek Gods?

I would have no doubt that the Queen of Sheba and her people in India were traveling back and forth between the old world and the new, just as the Romans would centuries later, not to mention Solomon’s men in the Swan boats and those considered as the first American inhabitants from the great tower. However whether the egg came first or the chicken is neither here nor there, if maize is considered by science to have originated in the Americas which “May” be true, how did it get here? The key to finding the truth and avoiding wasting your education by writing lengthy documents discrediting rather than proving a concept is to first consider the possibility that there is a God, and he didn’t just drop us off here from a UFO just to see what happens.

Mayan Indonesia connection?

It would seem the possible connections between Hinduism and the Aztec Mayan culture runs both ways… To this day the scientists are baffled as to why there are two temples among the many temples of Indonesia, that are so different from all others, in fact, if the person viewing them did not know they were in Indonesia, they would swear they were in the Yucatan…

 It is claimed that it is a local tradition that the builders came from Mexico and worshipped the sun as the Mayan did. Regardless, I just find it fascinating that the two temples bear so many similarities to the pyramids of those people bearing the very name of the mother of Buddha, Maya.

Temple of Cetho, date of construction is unknown Indonesia

Temple of Candi Sukuh Indonesia
BELIEVED to have been built in the 1300’s based on a date found nearby, but it is doubted that the date has anything to do with its construction.

Early Americas Hindu Occupancy

In addition to the previous and in order to establish a more probable hypothesis, I add the following concerning early migrations and archaeological discoveries in the west.

But before this, let me say, I am of the belief that after the first Americans (Children of Japheth) came to inhabit this land about about 2400 BC. After the great flood, and departing from the great tower where the speech was confounded and within just a few hundred years, the people of India for whatever reasons also embarked on a journey to find another land, at least some time prior to 1000 BC.

It is suspect that these people would have left after the children of Japheth (the First Asians) but prior to the 12 tribes of Israel. This comes from the idea that the Queen of Sheba believed to be one and the same as the people of Shem-bahla, (Children of Shem) referred to themselves in the New World as such because there was a need to distinguish themselves from the children of Japheth already living there. Had they left the old world after the knowledge of the 12 Tribes, they would have no doubt referred to themselves as such rather than one of the 3 distinctions of the 3 sons of Noah. In terms of the 3 DNA Super Groups which all DNA can be traced back to, we have Japheth (SG Asian), Shem (SG European) Ham (SG African), The Hindu people suspect of having been those whom the Queen of Sheba came from, would have been from Noah’s son Shem, or Shemites, (Book of Jasher).

Some have speculated that the queen of Sheba is of Ethiopian origins, however there are several problems with this theory, Sheba was not dark skinned as in the African Race although dark as the people of India are prone to be, she just wasn’t a Canaanite, decent of Ham. The Spices Sheba brought which are said to have been unknown at the time, yet the spices of Africa or Ethiopia were well known even then.  Others have theorized that the Queen of Sheba was the queen of Egypt and this hypothesis is based on very speculative notions.

I could beat this dead horse some more, but it would serve no purpose as those of the theory of Evil-lution, would only condemn these statements as rubbish.

One only need open the eyes to the paintings of Ajanta to see the very story that makes plain the truth, but blindness has prevented it so far among those of the academic world who WILL not see.

The day will come when the accumulative evidences from what ever source derived, that does not get shoved aside and hidden from the world will show, that Hinduism, which has been called the Oldest Religion in the world, was in fact founded by those first inhabitants of Asia and the First Americans. Each over the next few hundred years evolved, and I use that word lightly... into different forms which is only a small foundation of what they have become today. The events of the meeting of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, gave birth to  Hinduisms derivative known as Buddhism, which in the end, will also show to have been created largely in the New world as a result of this event of Solomon and Sheba. This enlightenment was then carried to the neighboring relatives of the people of India and Mongolia. As a result you will now find the foundation of this ancient belief, in today’s Buddhism, Hinduism, and the Aztec religion as well as different forms among many Native American Tribes.

In the Americas where the Queen was the Queen of the South, South America that is, Shambhala of the Tibetan tales, there has been many a artifact discovered, sometimes documented and other times swept under the rug of Smithsonian. Because it would seem that the academic world is more interested in saving the pride of their piers rather than finding the truth. Many of these discoveries came to light without what is considered as “official” discovery which to me, simply means controlled.

Although many of these things were discovered as far back as 1960’s, the owners of these items wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. The following items were found among a hoard of Thogchags.

This is not to say that the possibility exists that the hoard find was not as a result of a confiscation of weapons and religious items of the many Japanese people during the World War II era, a common practice where in the highly regarded items were stolen, as there is no way to sugar coat it, from the Japanese people who were in fact at the time of WW II, American Citizens. Evidence found among the items suggest this could have been the case, however certain items if from the Japanese who lived near the area in which the items were found, would have to be explained as they are not of any Japanese religion such as the ancient Buddhism or Shinto of the 6th century, but from Hinduism. In addition to this, one would have to explain how the hoard contained several coins from the Indo-Greek era after the Greek conquest of India, why would the Japanese immigrants have these?

Thokchas are metal objects which can have a length of about 2–15 centimeters (0.79–5.91 in). Originally they can have had a practical use such as having been part of horse harnesses, or having served as buckles, fibulae or arrow heads. They can have served as adornment for clothes or objects of daily use like lighters and purses. Thokchas can represent mythological and real animals or deities. One can roughly divide the thokchas into two groups, the first comprising objects of pre-Buddhist period (from about 1000 BC until 900 AD), the second belonging to the Buddhist period (after 7th century AD),

Hindu Tibetan Vajra

Vajra is a Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond. Additionally, it is a weapon which is used as a ritual object to symbolize both the properties of a diamond (indestructibility) and a thunderbolt (irresistible force). Wiki

Thogchag with Sanskrit Tibetan prayer

Phurba Kila or (Kilaya)  traditionally associated with People of India,
Tibetan Buddhism or Hinduism.

The Hindu God Vishnu

A very curious piece found among the many Thogchags,
One can’t help but see the exactness of the Native American Mandala
The only Cultures known to use the Mandala and for the same reasons is,
Hinduism, Budhaism and certain Indigenous Tribes of America

Small (thought to be pendants) with images of Buddha or other carved in Camel Bone

The Copulating Couple
I am told this piece which was among the hoard found, according to a credible University, is carved from human bone… and dates to 300 to 200 BC,
I am also told that this artifact “stinks” it has a foul odor…

Unknown entity puppet mask but likely the God Vishnu
It is this God or image and Vishnu, the Sun God, above which causes one to begin to see the similarities in the Aztec God Ometecihuatl or the Aztec Sun God Tonatiuh

Among the items found were also these coins, in fact several of them,

(This image is Not one of the actual coins)
Coin of Antimachus

Anthimachus I Theos (Greek: Ἀντίμαχος Α΄ ὁ Θεός; known as Antimakha in Indian sources was one of the Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kings, generally dated from around 185 BC to 170 BC.

(Not one of the actual coins)

Small but compelling…

Another recent find giving evidence of the ancient Hindu, people of India or even those of the Roman colonies, being in the Americas in ancient times, is a small coin found in the North Eastern Mountains of Utah at a depth of 10 inches. This is not much that can be said about the find or even the place found. The image below is not the actual coin but is identical in its design.

Coin of India Karshapana of Chutus of the Chutu Dynasty
100 BC to 300 AD
The coin is just larger than a US Quarter.

ALL of the coins found give much credence to expeditions to the Americas by Indo Greek around 100 BC which I might point out, is mentioned in the inscriptions of the Tucson Lead Artifacts.

Next Up... Who Was Buddha?

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