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Saturday, April 7, 2018

The 3 Kings Panel Interpretive

Three Kings Panel Interpretive

Near the Mouth of a well known canyon, located near Vernal Utah, is a very unusual Pictograph/Petroglyph Panel. Both terms are used because it is both pecked and painted.

There has been much speculation as to what this panel represents and as a result has received the name, The 3 Kings Panel. So from this point on I will call it as such. If it were understood in earlier times, it would have been more properly named The King Panel as this is what I believe it to represent: A King or better yet a Patriarch, the other figures on this panel being this King’s Priests, Holy men, Medicine men and/or servants.

Fig 1

In the following pages, it is my intension to apply the principles of LaVan Martineau to try to determine what this panel truly means or at least shed some light leading to an eventual understanding of it.

Usually I have a subject in mind to begin with but because I have several possible subjects in mind I will keep those to myself only hinting from time to time, NOT for the purpose of keeping it from you, but for the purpose of keeping my mind unbiased as I study this panel and in the process of Breaking Down the panel while remaining open minded.

To begin with, I will start with what appears to me to be the most important figures in this panel, those being the King, the Shield, and the Phallic Symbol.

 Fig 2

Although I would usually start with what appears to be the most important part of the figure, I am undecided as to whether it is The Phallic like glyph, the Shield like glyph or the King. As I have said in previous papers, I do not want to build this upon first Impressions, yet it does serve its purpose in many panels, but should remain in the back of the mind until a breakdown can be done, this is for the purpose of keeping the possibilities open and not drawing conclusions upon those first impressions that can often be wrong. For example the use of the terms Shield, Phallic and King are only first impressions and should not be held as deciding factors until the evidence weighs in favor of such.

In a book called The Lenape and Their Legends by Daniel G Brinton, I quote from page 56 pertaining to Picture Writings which I believe he borrowed from Heckewelder’s History of the Indian Nations Chapter 10 1810.

“Pictographic Signs.”

“The picture writing of the Delawares has been quite fully described by Zeisberger, Loskiel and Heckewelder. It was scratched upon stone (Loskiel), or more frequently cut in or painted upon the bark of trees or pieces of wood. The colors were chiefly black and red. The system was highly conventionalized, so that it could readily be understood by all their tribes, and also by others with whom they came in contact, the Shawnees, Wyandots, Chipeways, etc.”

“The subjects had reference not merely to matter of present interest, but to the former history of their nation, and were directed to the preservation of the memory of famous men, and to the recollection of events and actions of note”

This is something I believe also and it was nice to find something in history past, that verified or gave credence to what I had supposed and what LaVan had always believed and taught.

Therefore I have decided to start with the King figure first in order to learn more of this King in hopes of discovering possibilities of the items he holds which is also a first impression, in that he may not be Holding anything at all, however the items he is no doubt holding, and clearly have to do with him, will help us to understand who he is…

The King

Looking at the over all picture of the King, the first thing I see is a symbol combination I am very familiar with, that being the symbol combination for Death or Burial Place, which tells me this man is dead or represents the dead and there is located somewhere nearby a burial place or tomb if you will. (SEE example of symbol combination in figure 4 below)

Fig 3                                          Fig 4

Although it is just the start, you begin to see how we come to know more about the man in order that we can learn about the seemingly important figures he holds and eventually the figures around him and the final goal, the interpretation of the panel in its entirety of which I would not hold your breath.

In Fig 5 notice the dots which seem to take the same shape as the main body with the exception of the top portion. The dots being in the position of Stop or Waiting also and being in Sequence insinuates many times or several occurrences. The fact that these are located inside of the main body symbol combination of Burial Place it would seem it has to do with what is inside or within the concept itself.

Fig 5

These dots seem to be attached to the dots at the bottom which is also a symbol combination but takes upon a different meaning, that being a Designated Place (manmade) , trail or path, (lines), lying down or standing, depending upon your view, (Death or Living) and sequence are all possibilities with the difference being that the dots above take upon the meaning of Stopped or waiting or some derivative giving me the idea that it may be referring to individuals who have passed on, and the dots below taking upon the symbols of path of life (Line) lying down, (Death) dots, (Many) in a place made by the hands of man and Pertaining to all that is within the body of the King being the symbol combination in Fig 4. This also being place or situated upon is front side or chest, bringing in the meaning of “Authority.”

At this time I would like to point out the sequence of dots which form the Kings Apron. First off, without the Apron the King would in fact be Naked or without Knowledge. The presence of this Apron tells me that these people had knowledge of what it represented and we could assume they had knowledge of certain principles pertaining to Adam. At this point, we can assume that we are dealing with what might be a righteous branch of the people with a knowledge of Adam, but whom? It is interesting to note that these people or at least the one who created this panel had knowledge of the Apron, its origin and its meaning and with this had to have knowledge of their first Father and Mother and he who deceives all.

We can also assume by the fact that the Apron is present and in view, we know that the Apron is not worn beneath but outside of the Garment or Priestly Robes. The Apron, being present, may very well have been the best way to show that the Priesthood is held by this man without the cumbersome problem of pecking the Garment or Priestly Robes and to somehow do this without affecting the meaning of the panel.  Again, the presence of the Apron was perfectly used in this Glyph.

The number of dots is another subject that we may come back to. These numbers of dots or other symbols in sequence may pertain to any number of things such as the number of people, tribes, days, months, years, generations or possibly some mathematical equation which is embedded into the entire panel, the possibilities are great and for these reasons, I will move on to the next grouping of symbols.

The next symbol combination we will look at is what appears to be a collar or necklace of a sort around the neck of the King and resting on his chest. Upon close examination, certain symbols appear again which seem to relay a similar concept already spoken of. In Fig 6, you will see that the same ideas seem to be present as already covered in other combinations, with the exception of one additional symbol being that of Bowl or Valley.

Fig 6

This additional symbol incorporated with the symbol sequence (valley repeated), burial place, sequence again (Burial Place repeated) and being in the position of authority by virtue of the collar or one who has authority over (Positioning of the collar), would give us something along the lines of: this man, having had authority over these many burial places in many valleys, was the keeper of the record of these people. Was he a Patriarch or considered Prophet perhaps? These records were being located in his grave or the burial place of the many that had this authority (given that all of the previously discussed symbols are within the main body and/or the symbol representing this man or several men’s burial place). Based on the number of repeated glyphs in the collar, it is possible that he was the 22nd Patriarch or some similar concept.

Now there is one more thing to add to all of this and that is the color of red which was only added to certain parts of this panel. In some of these pictures you will notice the red has been digitally enhanced for study. Red has the meaning of the Spirit or Not of the Living or Flesh, (A Spiritual concept). There are many possibilities and derivatives of this meaning depending on the subject. However, in this case it is a clear sign to me of this man’s Authority in that he held it and all that it indicates in this panel that Priesthood was a key factor and is the reason that the red only appears in certain parts of the panel. This would add a little bit more to the meaning. It is possible that this man is the man who kept the record of the genealogy of these people, for religious purposes and perhaps for many generations in many valleys, responsible or he who arranges by lot. Also, notice all other areas in which the red exists as if the spiritual authority was in what he did To Negate or Stand in the way of, (Positioning of Arms) and was his intent or in his mind, (head) and over the symbol combinations appearing as a Shield and the phallic symbol.

At this point, the identity of this man seems to be becoming clearer, yet at this point it could be just about any religious leader or appointed man for the purpose of keeping these records.

Let’s move on to the head and neck of this King, but first let me touch on some unfinished analysis pertaining to the lower portion of this man and the long thick line that is seemingly connecting the collar to the lower dots at the waist, From Here Go or in this case from the collar to the apron. I have always told those whom I teach that there is no mistake in these writings, the extremity or any part of a panel as all have meaning.

Fig 7

Pertaining to the thick line in the body area, it means trail, path or life, and since it is enlarged, it takes on the meaning of full, bad, or well established. Note that it connects the presumed dead or places of burial located at the waist area or Apron of the king, with the symbol combination (collar) representing authority. To me, this would indicate that this authority, practice, or process has been around for a long time and is well established. The King, holding this authority, is depicted with a line symbol which touches the bottom of the bowl or valley symbol in Fig. 7. This connection indicates From. The line proceeds downward from the connection towards the dots, but does not touch the dots; this indicates To. (It is interesting to me how it also goes down as in authority over extending down to, and the symbol indicating “Beneath(as it is “Beneath” the “Valley” symbol in Fig. 7 which is also present in the overall combination of symbols discussed.)

Fig 8

Fig 8a

Now, moving to the head and neck of the King, you will notice the two large dots on either side of the neck, this with a line passing through or in between indicates Canyon and with the face shaped as the symbol for Valley or Bowl with an incorporation of Designated Place and solid pecked I would perceive this as an inhabited valley or place such as a city or village IN a Canyon or beyond. Also up farther on the sides of the face are two more dots which may mean to include the whole canyon, or maybe just to clarify that this is well into the canyon where it narrows. Why the dot on the left touches the face has eluded me for a time. At this time I would say with respect to the canyon and where this point would represent something, it has to be something (according to legend) of great significance. Also, the thing that draws my attention is the single dot located at what would be the Kings forehead as if this is a focal point and / or in the position of “In front of”, or it may have indicated end

A single dot simply means Here, Something or One and being positioned above the valley or before would mean at the head of the valley, but what is at the head? Strangely enough, viewing this as a map, this dot would be at the suspected place which will be mentioned later on. Note that it is located at Center of the Forehead, just below and touching his crown, and with the Red touching it, (hopefully more on this later as it comes). Just below this dot and within the face and properly positioned is the symbol for “Look Closely”. (Two small Dots) Being placed at the head of the valley with the dot above it (Pertaining to), it would be my guess that it is trying to convey the message, “Look Closely at the head of the Valley at this place.But what is there? There will be more on this later.

Now moving up a bit, we see what appears to be a crown on top of the Kings Head. Why not? It is rightfully so as its appearance is not far from the truth. Notice the symbol combination in the crown itself. We have Designated place of the Spirit due to the red paint, as well as some concept in the physical (Pecked). The crown is also arched forming the symbol for hidden, protection or covering with the red adding a spiritual meaning. It would seem that a spiritual covering is also implied. Notice that the red extends all around the Crown and around the head encompassing the Valley/Canyon (Face area), and then down both arms including the Collar/Necklace, and from the arms to and through the perimeter of the Shield and to the set of dots in the top of the shield then continuing from within the shield from the dots to the phallic like symbol. Although I have implied a direction in which this Power or spirit flows, it is quite possible that it flows from the opposite direction that I have implied. By the time this paper is finished, I hope to have that resolved.

Now looking at the crown and within the symbol for Designated Place, we see what appear to be 11 vertical lines, the number may be 12 but this will not be known for certain until closer examination of the panel is possible. The lines are the symbol for Path or trail and often represent a man. I would take this as Spiritual authority over a designated place involving 11 others including the one with authority over the other 11 making 12, but who is this referring to? I think you’re beginning to see for yourself.

Another possibility is that the lines within the crown may be a representation of movement away from the head of the King showing that within this spiritually designated place that he is a visionary man or possibly a considered Prophet.

Note the broadened area on either side of the head. Because I do not recognize this symbol other than that it is broadened meaning bad, full, difficult or something there to inhibit the way. I will not at this time venture as to its meaning.

 The Shield

Next, we are going to move over to the Shield Figure. Again, as a reminder the red in these pictures has been enhanced for better viewing. At this point, I will tell you that I do have my own ideas as to what this is all about, however, so far I have only hinted as to what my thoughts are and will continue to do so until the analysis of the three main figures, the King, Shield, and phallic like symbol is complete and then will I share my ideas. As a reminder, note that all of what is red meaning of the spirit is also pecked. This implies that it is also of the flesh or physical world. Nowhere in the panel have I found any part which is only of Spirit, or not of this world.

Figure 9 (Enhanced)

Now looking at Fig 9 we will start with the arm[s] of the King. Notice the arms of this king are in the position of Barring and since each arm extends to another figure it would be reasonable that the meaning of this may be that one purpose of this king is to stand In the Stead Of or stands as an Alternative Prevention or obstruct one from the other, meaning preventing the figure on the right of this king or its meaning or purpose From the shield figure and/or it’s meaning and/or purpose. The use of the word From in this case would be FROM the shield or its meaning/purpose TO the Slave looking figure, or better put, The King stands between the two in physical and spiritual concept preventing the two from coming together. The arm seems to be the conduit that leads from the physical and spiritual authority shown or displayed in the Collar and Crown. This is done using the symbol “Nothing there”, “Good”, or “Nothing to inhibit the way” this is an extension of the symbol Trail, Path, or Life. Also notice the arm as well as the double lined pole, passes through a spiral, this symbol represent Ascending Going up or my choice in this panel Progression as a possible derivative of the base meaning word. Also it is positioned above the Shield figure which means “Having to do with”. The reason it represents Ascending is that the line which forms the spiral begins from the outside and goes inward in a clockwise direction or visa versa. If it were counter clockwise it would mean descend.

These parts of the panel pass through the spiral to show that this Movement or Process taking place is a Physical Motion Advancing, Moving Up, or for the purpose of Earthly Progression. I say physical progression due to the spiral is not red and only pecked yet I would say that this Progression does bring about Spiritual Progression. Another possible meaning would be “Taken up”.

The symbols that I find in this shield figure are shown in the following Figure 10.

Figure 10

Starting at the point where the arm Enters and Goes Beyond the outer perimeter of the circle representing Holding I believe that this is done to convey the idea that the authority does not just encompass but is within or the absence of the hand shows that this is the kings purpose as his hand is in it. The symbol for Holding which is the circle and has within it several, sequence, places, Designated, 3 of which have several Sequence objects (Dots) which could be a representation of Days, Months, Generations, People, etc. I can’t help but notice the Spiritual division in the 3 groups indicated by the broadened thickness of the red lines as if to portray separate from one another or they are under different levels of authority or spiritual power and/or different dispensations of time perhaps. 

I am reminded of 3 degrees of glory, in this case within one realm, yet they are all held by the spiritual authority and some physical thing. I do not know what more I can add to this other than the banner-like things located at the bottom of the shield. These banners being 5 in number take upon the shape of Designated Place and also have sequence within them indicated by the many dots. The meaning Beneath is also present and pertains to all 5, yet these 5 places, being outside of the main body of Spiritual and Physical holding, are included with the spiritual authority encompassing them, yet they are beneath the others in some way or outside of or possibly not part of the original or whole. Judging by the size of the Circle in this panel, it would have to be some Great place or vast area encompassing many designated places that are most likely of man and the spirit rests upon it and within it.

Throughout this analysis, I can’t help but think of the House of Israel or the 12 Tribes. Much of what is herein seems to tie into the Authority given to Joseph over the 11 other tribes yet many of the other places if you will and the numbers don’t seem to fit. If this can be resolved it would be my guess that the King represented herein is not any one man but symbolic of many whom had the keys to the Patriarchal Order or Priesthood with authority over the people. There will be more on this subject when it comes (if it comes).

The Phallic Symbol

Before moving on to the phallic symbol or should I say on the way to it, notice the stick- like symbol which extends from the shield figure to the phallic symbol. This symbol is the symbol for Close or Near, but also notice that it too is doubled bringing in the meaning Good or nothing there to inhibit the way. This, in addition to other previously mentioned symbol combinations, implies movement both physical (Pecked) and spiritual (due to the red paint). This path, if you will, leads to the Phallic Symbol or from the shield. The phallic symbol is historically a representation of the Power of man, yet it is actually Power to Create Life or God Lineage which is what makes the Father, God. This also would give more credence to the topics previously discussed and seems to support the subject which seems to be unfolding.

Fig 11

Starting with the overall glyph and pertaining to the shape of the outer perimeter, it consists of three symbols and forms a combination. The symbols forming the perimeter are Designated Place (area, or object) Beneath or under, in this case deep is implied, and Mound, mountain or hill. The only thing that I get from this is a mountain with a vault or tomb beneath it. This symbol in its entirety is encompassed in the red paint as if to portray spiritual or a Holy Place. I can’t help but think at this point of Mountain of the Lord referred to often within the scriptures. It is said that the Mountain of the Lord is the Temple of the Lord. As to this idea, although it seems fitting, I may have to for now disagree with it, at least to a degree, simply because I do not see any symbol referring to Temple, yet Designated Place could have been used by the author knowing that with the red surrounding it, that the meaning would be recognized. At the top of this phallic glyph and within it you see Sequence (five dots) and they are forming the symbol for Hidden or covered. Just below that, we find the symbol for Communication or writing

Why would the symbol for sequence be incorporated into the hidden symbol as in hidden many times? The hidden symbol, when used, is placed above that which it hides and in this case it seems to be communication, talk or writing. It seems that they were not hidden in just a single event, but at many times. The lines extending from the symbol for communication has eluded me until this moment and of the lines extending horizontally I will add that this means holding Firm or pertaining to, and because it is attached to the outer perimeter of the Phallic symbol, I would say that these writings are pertaining to God and His purposes. Think about that. The lines extending down from the two sides of the communication symbol, being in the form of the symbol stopped or waiting, implies that these writings pertain to the dead, those who are stopped or waiting. After all this, I can’t help but think of Cumorah, but this is not the place of Cumorah.

The Slave?

Figure 12

The reason I call this figure The Slave is not why some of you may think. Although I think it is more than this (which I will come back to later on), I have to look at the possible subject of this figure to confirm or put to rest the idea.

Some have pointed out that he seems to be tethered and that is why this is a slave. This may be so, but I do not know this for sure and won’t until a closer examination is done.

At this time, I cannot explain what the two symbols under the arms are. Being square in shape, it must have something to do with a designated place of some sort, we will see. Some have also said that it is because he is pecked out so as to leave the dark area, implying a Black Man, therefore a slave which was common prior to the 1900's and most certainly at the time this panel was written, yet the idea was not limited to the Black Man, so I personally disagree.

However, the main reason I call this figure The Slave (which is more of a question) is due to the thick carved border around the figure indicating a strong hold on this figure. The symbols for Confined or Holding which can only be understood as slave (unless this figure represents Satan himself, which I will come back to). Was the dark color of the figure intended? It is possible and perhaps even probable. Another thing which leads me to believe this is due to the left hand of the King and how it extends to the right hand of the slave. Keep in mind that the King’s hand is outlined in red implying the spirit or power. His hand does not touch the slave as if it were intended by the thick line to prevent it. As if the slave were not entitled to that power or to convey that he stands between this figure and the others of the right hand.

Another thing I have noticed is the Slave’s arms being in the position of the symbol combination of “not turning aside”. In other words, he was not allowed to go as he pleased and was being held back from advancement, movement forward or progression or it could mean that he did not turn from his purpose, or he was focused or determined.

This may shed some light on the previously mentioned symbol for Designated Place that is found under the arms possibly meaning confinement, as in ownership, or not turning aside from a designated purpose or place. This may be the reason that the author of this glyph located the Designated Place symbol where he did. I can’t think of a better place or way to convey this message. Notice the feet are just hanging with no direction or action implied at all, confined or with the thick line surrounding the figure (kept at bay). In addition to all of the above, the slave figure is pecked smaller than the King figure in order to show Inferiority along with its lower positioning in the entire panel. If this figure is not a slave, then what and who is he? Another possibility exists but that will come shortly. For now, notice the two figures even lower than him and to his left, it would seem that these are others who are servants of his which brings me even more to the possibility of Satan himself


Below in Fig 13 is included a picture showing the numbers that are present in this panel but limited to The King, Shield, and Phallic symbol. What these numbers represent, I do not know but I do not believe that they mean nothing. The numbers are not random or by accident. They mean something with 68 being the number which the segments have in common.

Fig 13

Slave or Satan?

I have already given an analysis of the possibilities of this figure being a slave, and due to the lack of a subject, a determination is difficult, so the only way to try to understand what this all means is by applying some other sub subject such as Slave or Satan as it applies to the dark figure. Now if this figure is in fact a representation of O'L Lucy himself, then let’s see how well it fits according to the symbols used by the author.

All of what we have already discussed with respect to this figure would fit nicely as well if it were representing a slave or Satan if he were bound for some reason. The scriptures are full of references to Satan being bound, one in particular in which he would be bound for a thousand years. Other scriptures refer to him being bound from tempting certain people due to righteousness. Also it would seem that the reasons for choosing this dark background for this figure would be more fitting toward Satan rather than a slave for reasons already touched on, but slavery involved all peoples of all colors and the black man being tied to slavery is actually a modern view, as for it representing a servant, this view would be as ancient as man.

The main reason that really brought this other idea to me as to the possibilities of this figure being Satan is the location and likeness of the Apron (Dots at the Waist) which shows on the main figure and others also and the dark figure himself. The difference being that only the Dark figure shows no skirt if you will. In my mind, this represents Naked, a poor covering or Imitation. I am reminded of these words written by R.D. Shortridge in his essay titled Meaning of the Apron.

"After partaking of the Tree of Knowledge, Adam notices that Lucifer wears an apron and asks him "What is that apron you have on?" Lucifer replies with "It is an emblem of my power and Priesthoods." Of course, Lucifer has no `power or priesthoods', but he likes to think so."…… ……."The apron does a poor job of covering Adam's nakedness in a literal sense. This is symbolic of it failing to cover nakedness" (lack of knowledge)

The Apron that Satan wears would be much like the Aprons which Adam and Eve wore that failed to cover very well as Satan’s apron would fail to cover his nakedness. Without going any further into this concept, it would seem to me that a slave or servant would not have been represented as wearing an Apron by the author given that he did recognize this concept with the other figures.

If this is a representation of Satan, then he is bound, indicated by all that we have already covered in the section Titled Slave. Note that if this analysis is true, it would also show the knowledge of the people who were there in the Dry Fork area so long ago, had knowledge of the creation as told from the Christian view point. They had knowledge of other things as well.

Of all the possibilities as to who the main entity may represent, my thoughts are drawing nearer to one or two in particular.

Conclusion of the Three Kings

There are many things not covered or not mentioned in this analysis of the 3 Kings Panel however I will try to cover some of it now in this conclusion. What I gather from this Panel overall is that the individual portrayed here is either one specific man who is a High Priest for the reasons indicated in this chapter, Patriarch and/or Prophet of these people or it is representative of the many who have been. These people, in my mind, could possibly be the descendants of Hagoth and / or others who may have migrated to this place in times past. Whoever pecked this panel could not have been in a fallen state of iniquity, because if so, they would not have known to add many of the concepts in this panel, however, the Patriarch or Prophet would have… It would seem that this panel although ancient, is not extremely ancient, so what I am saying is that it could have been done as far back as 600 AD but I would lean to a time of about 800 - 900 years ago.

Whoever this man is, that is being portrayed, traveled a lot. It may portray a title or a position rather than a single man. He would have appeared to have had a Priesthood authority over the many in that he was responsible for the genealogy record and history of this people. The reasons that I say he traveled a lot is that the positioning of his feet being combined with the direction in both ways to designated places and the enlarged calves and knobby knees shows me that this is so. I am also under the impression that this panel was done by a man who was quite knowledgeable and that it was done at a time of a conclusion of his people or nearing their end of existence as a people. There are quite a few men that this description could fit. It seems that this man may have been over that particular dispensation of time. Two possibilities come to mind; if not the father of that then certainly one with great Priesthood authority in that his power was directly from God and it would seem this man could have been considered a Prophet or even a Seer.

If you look at the Phallus Symbol, this cannot be the representation of a man, it is how- ever, among other things, a representation of God the Father and the power which emanates FROM it OR he who holds that authority over man being Jesus, the Christ. I would lean towards the latter. This power is apparently close to us, meaning while standing at the panel (Symbol from Phallus to Shield) in that the shield figure is in my mind, a representation of the world and all that has purpose and importance in it, with that being the Twelve Tribes of Israel. I am reminded of Matthew 15:24:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Now this would of course include all those who are adopted into the House of Israel. This shield figure is encompassed with the spiritual energy which likely comes from the Phallus Symbol and rightly so. From this Phallus Symbol to this man or should I say from God the Father or Jesus Christ to the King Figure, The two together are for the purpose of the progression of the people of the world and more specifically the 12 Tribes with the power of God or Priesthood.

I would have no doubt that the dark figure is indeed Satan himself and that the figure to his left is his earthly follower. If we were to attempt to break that figure down into the symbol combinations we would find indications of it. The figure to the far right of the panel (to the right of the Satan figure) shows an indication for this man having some sort of Spirit with him also (Red around the Face).

The figures on the left of the Phallus are men of power over the people and appear to be men of God by the indications already discussed such as the Apron and the fact that they are not naked as is the case with the dark figure and the figure on his left.

I can only come to a few conclusions as to who this figure we call a King could be and those two figures are considered from the Mormon perspective, could be none other than Mormon or his son Moroni. The question is, if one of the two is he who authored this panel, why is it here at this location? What place is it that has to do with Writings and Genealogy of the people that is hidden in some hill in a vault of sort?

Considering other content in this book, would this fit the possible location of where King Limhi sent the people in search of Zarahemla and they became lost? What is it that would be so important at this place wherein it was felt necessary to engrave this panel with at least twofold meaning embedded into it, one being the overall description just given in part as well as geographical information pertaining to some hidden place nearby that has not yet been covered in this report? The possibilities are very thought-provoking to say the least. I have considered the possible occupation of the Roman Colonies, Madoc and even King Arthur.... But I find nothing to validate the possibility.

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