In the late months of 2016, a friend sent me a digital
copy of what is now called the Black Book, other wise known by its published
name, Jesse James Was One of His Names.
I was asked to read the book and assess it for
authenticity, Being a distant fan of Jesse, I decided what the hell, I love a
good mystery. When I started this venture it was purely to determine the
overall authenticity of the book, but with the turn of each page I saw yet
another mystery within to be resolved, this got me even more excited because I
knew I could prove or disprove a majority of the many claims made within the
pages of the book in question… I had no idea how much Jesse James history had to do with the west and even Utah!
As many of you already know, I have been able to prove
many claims made within the book, to date I have yet to disprove anything.
Eventually I found the proofs I was looking for that made it clear to me and
anyone receiving the same information that J Frank Dalton, who came forth in
1946 claiming to be Jesse Woodson James, was indeed Jesse Woodson James.
At this time I had no idea of the genealogical mess
created over the many years and the many regurgitations spewed out of the
mouths of media and book authors all eager it seems to capitalize on Jesse’s
name. But as you sift through the bull shit and learn the truths verified by
good old fashion research, a picture began to unfold. Little did I know that
picture would be literal in ever sense of the word.
After proving to myself the authenticity of the Black
Book or should I say giving the book credibility… I became very familiar with
Jesse’s Face, fortunately a photo surfaced in about 1940 found in an old cabin near
Bottomless Lake New Mexico, not 100 mile S/W of where Jesse lived for 25 years
of some of his more active days under the name of Captain Harrison Trow.
The discovery did not catch much attention until 1946
when J Frank Dalton stepped from the dark and announced who he really was, some
one who knew of the photo brought it to him to verify.
J Frank Dalton, or Jesse examining a
photo of himself, his brother Sylvester Franklin James and his Mother Molly Dalton James.
This photo alone has helped resolve many a mystery
within the Black Book and other. Although I had verification of the true identity
of Captain Harrison Trow, this photo verified it.
Jesse on the left, overlaid with
charcoal drawing of Harrison Trow on the
right increasing opacity with each frame left to right.
Jesse on the left, overlaid with older
image of Captain Harrison Trow
Older image of Harrison Trow on the
left, overlaid with image of J Frank Dalton
1920 Photo that was discovered at the
Museum in Hereford Texas where Jesse lived for 25 years under
the name of the very man credited with identifying the supposed dead body of Jesse
Woodson James, Captain Harrison Trow
If you do not know the story behind this
found in the Black Book, you are missing out…
In this photo is found Jesse, Myra Bell, Molly Dalton,
George Strother James and suspect 4 of Jesse and Myra Bells children.
I knew that the circulating photo of Myra Bell Shirley
and supposed Jim Reed, it was actually Jesse and Myra Bell.
Jesse and Myra
Bell’s Marriage
photo 1866
Married under the names of Captain
Harrison Trow and Missouri Ann
Although it would all seem conclusive, to me… which it
was, but what if I could just find one more photo from a credible source and it
shows also to be with out doubt Jesse James… Well I decided to put the word out
several years ago and on August 12th 2021 I receive a very
interesting email,
It sounded good and the mention of Orvus Lee Hawk,
gave me a bit more hope however… I was certain it would end up being another
family photo where in the family convinced themselves that their grandfather
was Jesse Woodson James… It has happened many times over. So needless to say I
did not get my hopes up… The following day I receive another email with the
following letter… For those who cannot read the letter for what ever reason..
the text of the letter will follow…
The Family Name has been removed from the following
Dear cousin,
Grandpa died Aug 15th at 6:45
p.m. For an old man age 107 past he did
his best. He would have lasted perhaps
another year or so – questions, questions, by the 10’s of thousands which he
answered just simply shortened his life.
I’m sorry he isn’t here to answer yours,
too. Frank & Jesse James made dozens
of trips from Alabama, Tennessee to Texas & back. We were in Nashville, Tennessee
2 weeks in 1948. Two weeks in Atlanta, 1
week in Selma, Alabama, one week at Pensacola, one week at New Orleans. In June & 1st of May 1948 we
were at Rye and Pueblo, Colo, not too far from the New Mexico line. Wish you could have came up.
We flew over N M twice in July 1948
crossed your state again on or about Nov 1st 1948 & came back
across in March 1949 on the train. JJ
went to Oklahoma twice in 1948, Chicago, Texas
and on a hospital stretcher with a paralyzed right side & a broken right
hip. Could you or I have done it even
now let along past 100 years of age?
Where is Stanley?
I may have some work to do out there one of these days & would like
to hear your story.
So Jesses Woodson James at age 107 went to
his death still answering questions - some authoritative like yours ---
Will you please mail the clipping of the
paper you save so I can ad it to JJ’s scrap book’s please? God bless you all -- Jesse was (buried?)
here Sunday among friends and kinfolks – old cowboys, etc –
Adios amigos –
O. Lee Hawk
Attached to the same email was the following picture…I opened it and almost immediately I
was ready to roll my eyes, and almost close the picture but… I don’t know what
it was, but I paused and looked closer, and there it was….
This is the first time I have
shown the entire photo
Full Image taken in 1895-6
minus the Photographers information,
withheld for a wise purpose…
The two men standing are not the Younger brothers as
thought by the family… but I am almost certain I know who they are… the two
sitting are without question, Kentucky Born, Jesse Woodson James on the left
and his brother Sylvester Franklin James on the right, Sons of George Strother
James and Mollie Dalton, NOT Missouri Born Jesse Robert James and Alexander
Frank James, the two sons of Zerelda Cole and cousins of Jesse Woodson James.
I knew I did not have to do an overlay to prove the
point but because of my meticulous nature… I did it anyway…
Using the grayscale image found in 1940, overlaid onto
this new image and increasing the opacity, I was not surprised in the
Enhanced Images
I hope that my efforts here will finally resolve many
things misconstrued over the many years and hopefully open the eyes of many who
have been told or who have imagined that their grandfather or family member was
or was not Jesse Woodson James, but might have been Jesse Robert James, Jesse
Howard or Jesse Ballard James, all cousins to Jesse Woodson James.
If you choose to, I invite you to get a copy of one of
the most interesting books I have ever taken upon the task of validating… The
Black Book, or Jesse James was One of His Names, and I would invite you to get
a copy of the premature and short assessment of the Black Book, Death of the Republic.