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Monday, May 13, 2024

Exploration Time! Starts THIS WEEKEND


Friday MEETING 5:00 PM Mountain Home Lodge, Saturday Exploration... BRING YOUR OWN....

Expedition time.. This year I intend to spend a lot of time on what we call the Espejo project. The purpose of this years expeditions is NOT to find Gold, silver etc...but that would be nice... however some time will be spent on finding an armor cache... but we need a Magnetometer on a drone... this year will be about finding mine locations, a vault and old trails from 440 years ago... its about proving the early Spanish occupation in the Uintas and possibly those who came much earlier... THERE WILL BE NO searching on Indian Land, unless the need arises which I do not foresee and proper channels are implemented...

I am NOT looking for just anyone, I am looking for dedicated skilled individuals... most of which I already have...

For THIS WEEKEND's spur of the moment expedition (Destination ONE hour from Duchesne mainly Saturday) we will need a digging bar and a couple of shovels in order to verify a suspect new (3rd) mine sight. We also have an old trail to follow out as the suspect path and direction is telling... , we have another suspect mine location (4th mine) and will attempt to find it (Short distance Hiking)... hand held radios would be good... If you are new...and Approved, you must be able to master the art of KEEPING YOU MOUTH SHUT.

also I have decided to try and get two metal detectorists to comb certain areas suspect of having much activity around... If my suspicions are correct you will be looking for anything metal from 440 years ago. Also later in the year, at least two experienced overnight back packers to investigate mine #1 found many years ago but I need to get clearance on this one from the finder and it is likely still snow bound. You WILL see evidence of Spanish occupation...

If you plan on camping into Sunday or Monday, feel free, it is beautiful up there at this time... not one drop of snow and it is dry. You may call me for details of the location. Camp Trailers should have no problem with access. My hope is to set up a permanent camp for the summer, changing of course location every 14 days...

There will be a semi private meeting on Friday 5;00 PM at Mountain Home Lodge to get you familiar with the 144,000 acre or 224 square mile area and what we have on the agenda, I am restricting the meeting to those qualified and approved whom I have discussed this project with, if we have at least talked you are likely ok... if you are not sure, send me an email... if you are a new comer and cant stand the idea of not being a part, CALL ME, if you do not have my number, email me and tell me who you are... I am looking for financial support as well as this year will no doubt interfere with my only source of semi solid income... do not leave private messages, EMAIL or CALL

Start Here...

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Glyphs that just don't fit...

 December 7th 2015

If it doesn't fit, just throw it out?


As it appears today

When I first saw these glyphs of course I knew these are not Native American glyphs as we known them in any sense. And so the question comes, who did it? 

I asked one individual who is fully qualified if not the most qualified concerning the area, and she told me that the first one is considered as the "Old" one and no one seems to know anything more about it. The second one however a man in the past stepped forward around 1985 and made the claim that he had made it, given the situation, who would question it right? I am told he was about 50 years old at the time. Well, when dealing with the unknown it would seem most would gladly accept this claim, however there are just some things that for me, does not fit in the mans story. My first question is.... why?

If they are modern which will always be the general comment with no explanation or no thought what so ever... why are they modern? Who Made them? If not and they are possibly ancient as the typical glyphs in the area, then who is responsible, what do they mean and why are they here?

I would be curious as to the many opinions concerning these glyphs as to who is responsible. What do you think?

The first 2 images below have been enhanced, the 2nd two is as they appear today. I do not know that these are generally known to the public and so I will keep the location obscure.

The closest representation of a known ancient glyph/symbol is the Triple Horn of Odin, ancient Norse/Celtic or the Viking Horned Triskele.

Digitally Enhanced

Digitally Enhanced



Now, the guy who stepped up to the plate claiming in 1985 he had made the glyph in the photo above... well... just a few days ago an archaeologist friend sent me the picture below... It is from the Frank A. Beckwith collection, Frank was a photographer and amateur paleontologist from the turn of the century, the photo below was taken between 1900 and 1930 at the latest, long BEFORE the claimant was born....of the same glyph supposedly made by this man around 1985, 

Now this still doesn't make it ancient but it just goes to show, never should we be to quick to comment or make a decision based upon a so called claim... regardless of the truth of the matter, good science should never draw conclusions based upon convenience of the situation, or the lack of a reasonable solution, or that it just doesn't fit... so make up some BS "probably" explanation. it is what it is... my thoughts are just that... mine...  I feel based upon similar situations, evidences of other cultures visiting the Americas, and conclusions or evidences of other discoveries, that this could be an authentic rendition from the past, but who, why and when....

Friday, May 10, 2024

An often missed petroglyph at McConkie Ranch

Many have walked right past this glyph at McConkie Ranch never even seeing that it existed....

I almost missed it also many years ago, since then it has bothered me that so many are missing it, it is such an unusual petroglyph... and so... I enhanced it for better viewing... It is my hope that you can now enjoy it as much as I... The next time you go, or if you have not been there... slow down a bit and look closely... 

A 300 year old manuscript telling of Treasure found in cave.


In 1889 or there abouts...

Some 300 year old manuscripts were found in cave.

They Detail the Massacre of Party of French and Spanish Colonists and Tell of a Buried Treasure.

Santa Fe. N. M. Mr. Gallegos, and a number of boys have discovered a cave in the foothills six miles from town. which contained a plain tablet in the wall. The boys removed the tablet and found that it protected a niche in the wall in Which there was a stone box. In this box were found Latin and Spanish manuscripts.

F. O. Kihlberg Spanish and Latin scholar, deciphered the manuscripts. They stated that 300 years ago, a party of Spanish and French colonists from Mexico were attacked by Indians near the locality and all of the party except four were killed. Subsequently one of the survivors died and was buried close to the grave in which the documents were stored. The three survivors feared that they would never reach their country or see their fellow countrymen again, and saved certain directions to be observed by the finders of the document.

The document stated that at a distance from the cave, the grave of the man who died would be found a certain quantity of gold and silver in bars and bullion and the shaft to a Goldmine where to be found in the same locality. It was also requested that the finders of the treasures should forward half of it to the heirs of the colonists.

Gallegos found the cave as indicated. it being covered with a black slab with hand carvings that is no longer readable. under it was found the skeleton of a man. the treasure has not been found this far but a thorough search has been instituted. Kihlberg offered $300 for the manuscript and Hon. Thomas Benton Catron $1500 for it.” Missouri born Catron an ex confederate would later become the first Senator of New Mexico, his history is interesting to say the least.... I would have no doubts of his acquaintance with Jesse James.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Double Eagle Gold Coins & Bob's Rock

I lost several good friends in these past years... one in particular who was considered a very good researcher... In the years leading to my friends passing with his health failing.... he would occasionally send me information on another of the many treasure stories that he just didn't have time for or was just getting to old to travel or to even care... as time passes, I can relate more and more... One January morning of 2016 I received a call from him, he said I sent you another story.... go check your email... the email was simple...

EMAIL Subject: Bobs Rock

Dan, you should go check this area out. There is supposed to be a set of saddle bags with double eagle gold coins buried near this rock.

(Coordinates given).... close, within 100 feet

Apparently some outlaws robbed the stage that use to run through that area along the Old Spanish Trail. They were chased to this area and captured. None of the gold was with them but before they were captured they wrote on this rock to where it is supposedly hidden up. The outlaws both died in prison but they told some good friends about the cache and the rock. From what I was told the friends were too old to look for it when they got out of prison so they told some family members and that's how the Rock was discovered....

So... With the exception of looking at the email at that time and filing the story away, today is the first time I have looked at this since... I have never researched the story for validity and today I am sharing it just in case someone wants to peruse it... I have certain individuals in mind to share it with... but I can be swayed... I will say it is east of Castledale and south of Cedar Mountain... give me a call...