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Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Presumed Lady Of Elche, Origins in Spain, Lebanon or Here in the West?

Originally posted November 2014

This presumed artifact was found in 1969 at the level of 6 feet below the surface of virgin soil. However the finder admits he cannot say it did not fall from the walls of the pit dug,  It would appear to be a buckle due to the apparatus on the rear of the medallion and it has a slight curvature. it is approximately 3 inches in width.

This strange find in Richfield has open the door to one of the most fascinating mysteries of historical possibilities of this land I have ever had the privilege of and pleasure in unraveling, and it is just beginning!

Use of this photo is granted with requested and given  permission, 
please give credit where credit is due.

Photo Courtesy of the finder who wishes to remain anonymous and the AHR Foundation, 
Photo editing by Daniel Lowe.

This little artifact has created quite a stir, most of those who claim to be professionals who have examined only the photo, deem this a modern creation simply because it is much easier for them to do so, rather than actually put forth the effort to discover why it was found in Richfield Utah 6 feet below the surface. The photo was at one time presented to various forums throughout France and Spain, and to date no one has any idea what it is, or where it came from. The only opinions expressed where of the equivalency of hoax in that it was said, "It must have been made as a commemorative in celebration of the return of the Lady of Elche from France in 1940". So why were these in France? Was France celebrating returning the bust to Spain? why does no one to date in Spain know what it is, and how did one get here? How did 12 of them end up in Paris France in the basement refuse of a little antique shop, of which they also have no idea where they came from or what they are? Why is it there is no hallmark required by law? When it doesn't fit the curriculum, it requires much less effort, to just give it a label whether it be Iberians, Hoax, or Commemorative. Who were these Iberians? 

One of the 12 medallions found in Antique shop in France

Two smaller Medallions found in Paris France at a flee market
(Copyright Photo Courtesy of Shawn Davies)

I believe I have discovered the origin of these medallions, where they were made, by whom and why. I also believe I have discovered the origins of the Lady of Elche bust. It was discovered in Elche Spain in 1897 and was purchase by a French Archaeologist and taken to France. Of course they had no idea who made it or where it came from other than is was excavated from residential ruins in Elche. However because it was found in Spain and being ancient, it must have been made by them mysterious Iberians! how convenient. In 1940 the polychrome bust was returned to Spain, since then, it has been elevated it to Goddess status and tagged it as the "Lady" of Elche, the puzzling thing about it is, they have no idea who it is or where it came from and it isn't even a representation of a Lady in the slightest, it is however a man, and one well known in the world even today and whose identity will amaze you. 

Lady? of Elche discovered in Spain in 1897

Before all is said and done, it will be discovered that the medallions, The Lady of Elche, Lady of Baza, the Lady of Guardamar and like artifacts in Fact... have their origins in HERE the west, and were brought to Spain between 700 and 1100 AD or by the same people in an earlier migration between 100 BC and 400 AD by a group of immigrant explorers none seem to know ever came to this place in the west. Near every detail concerning the many identifying marks of the medallions and the polychrome bust is examined to show you their origins in the book The Forbidden Histories of the Americas. It will be discovered that the Lady, is NOT a Lady at all, but a well known historic figure known for his immense Wisdom...

I believe that before long, you will have a better understanding of this place here in the west, a better understanding of the origins of Buddhism, who was Buddha? Where was it that King Solomon's men actually went, who was the Queen of Sheba and where did she actually came from along with her ties to India and I think you will finally understand why the mythical Kingdom of (Shambhala) or Shem-bala (Children of Shem) remains hidden from the world as it is NOT in China. You will look at the caves of Ajanta of India in a new light and see its ties to the America's western regions. What was the purpose of the medallions? You will with out a doubt begin to understand why so many cultures of the past have been coming to the Americas, all essentially looking for the same place,  the same things and why. Read the answer to the question, what are those wheels on the sides of the head, what do they represent and what part do they play on identifying the mysterious individual portrayed and how it ties to the Aztec? You will discover it was NOT EGYPTIANS but Hindu origin people who was here...

Buddhist/Hindu Wheel of Dharmachakra 

Lady of Elche                          Ajanta Cave Image


What are we to make of the new discovery of another near identical Bust purported to have been found in Lebanon? Should we now call it the Lady of Lebanon, start a religion and worship it as a Phoenician Goddess? Why doesn't it have a hole in the back of it like the one from Spain? Why were the images seemingly quickly removed from the internet? But not before I downloaded them... I think I know... but of the 8 original photos posted I cannot find one of them still on the internet.

You may learn more concerning this in the book, by purchasing The Forbidden Histories of the Americas by Daniel Lowe  

IF YOU, have any compelling evidence as to the origins of the above presumed artifact, please contact me at Tuscoro@gmail.com

Friday, January 15, 2016

Finding the Legendary Lake Copala and the Seven Cities of Gold PART 2 ORIGINS of the Legends

Origins of
The Seven Cities Legends

America Septentrionalis
Septem cita, Calalus (Cali-cuas)

It was believed and still is by many that the origins of the legends or what they call “Myths” of the 7 Cities would seem to have its beginnings in the Aztec tales, however this may be true regarding the use of the word combination of 7 cities of “Cibola, Ceula or Cevola” Copala, Calicuas and the like, the majority of the early maps have a nice mix of old Latin Nahuatl and occasional Greek words. However the origins of the legends are much older, even older than the Aztec.

Often the academic world is quick to excuse that which does not fit the curriculum of Smithsonian or it simply cannot be explained by them as the mind, as a result of that indoctrination program, would seem to be trapped in a box, whether willingly, unknowingly or under the threat of duress or financial coercion. Some don't like to hear it, but as they say, if it quakes like a duck... as I have said before, Intelligence is not the ability to regurgitate indoctrination....

As said previously in part one, the earliest reference I have found mentioning Copala often associated with Cibola was in the record of Francisco de Ibarra 1554 However in the voyages of John Cabot in 1497 it is clear he had knowledge of the place and it was his intent to find it... Why? It is very clear by other earlier records that the seven cities was a key motivator of expeditions to the new world for many centuries prior, if not all the way back to the days of King Solomon where in his ships headed by Hirum, the Pheonician King of Tyre and he traveled to the place of Ophir, a 3 year journey which was made time and time again, and each time they returned with a boat load of gold and other valuables. It is these incidents of travel that I believe was a primary motivator for many expeditions to follow...

Now although no specific mention of 7 cities is made, there is an unusual occurrence found in the story of Solomon, no sooner than Hirum returns from the land of Ophir, the very next verse in the record of the Bible is of the Queen of Sheba, NOT Seba as some would like to think, it would likely be more accurate to call her the Queen of Shemba or (Shem-Bahla) of the Hindu language, or its English meaning, the Children of Shem. Why would a people refer to themselves as the Children of Shem, unless of course they were at the time living among one of the other two sons of Noah’s descendants such as the Children of Japeth?.. and ON the American continent yet. Can we argue with the known DNA results of the many western tribes, North West, Central and South? The Queen was NOT of Ethiopian origin as some slothful scholars have... surmised. She was of India Origin, and the earliest of the Hindu religion... but not from India. I don't think it coincident the first verse after the return trip of Hiram is mentioned the incident of the Queen of Sheba.

Maya, Queen of Sheba
the Mother of Gautama Buddha
Mayan Queen of Shem Bala?
(Painting From the Caves of Ajanta)

Son of Buddha,
Son of King Solomon?
(Painting From the Caves of Ajanta)

There are many words in the Yucatan, that bear similar to near exact words found in the Hindu/Tibetan religion and also of origins found in Latin or Greek. I often wonder what the world would say, if they discovered the word Aztecas, the Greek word Asketecos and the English word ascetics are all of the same origin and the words Guatemala and Guatema Buddha’ sharing a same root.

Now Buddha of the Tibetain and Hindu belief is said to have been born in this so called mythical place of Shambahla a place of 7 cities arranged in the form of a Lotus, the place of the Kaliki Kings, Kali or (Cali) the Hindu Goddess and may I reach a bit further in the origins of the term Cali-fornia, the Forest of Kali If the implication made herein has any merit, this would be the earliest reference I am aware of regarding a distant place with 7 cities referenced estimated at about 900 to 600 BC. Are there evidences here in the west that might give credence to this implication? Oh, more than you would believe…

The Chinese also have their so called “Myths” regarding a place in the new world of 7 cities, no surprise there but I would anticipate this being one with "Mythical" Shambhala.

We have all heard the legends of the famous Atlantis first appearing in the writings of Plato, Atlan-tis, suffix -tis, -otis (-της, -ώτης): meaning "of" a place the Greek person's ancestors are from, or From Atlan, [Aztlan, Avlon]. His student Aristotle suggest this place of which Plato spoke as being one and the same with Antillia. Antillia is considered as is all things the academic world can’t figure out as a phantom island, it was also known as an Island of Seven Cities. Antillia has long since been disregarded as a fable, or even excused as the Canary Islands that are the source. Plato and Aristotle wrote of this some time in the 3rd century BC having its origins from an old Iberian legend.

Now we have the legends of King Aurthur and his legendary Island of Avalon  (/ˈævəˌlɒn/; Welsh: probably from afal, meaning "apple") [of which I would disagree, simply because the word Avalon is not of Welsh origin, but is their pronunciation of Aztlan] is a legendary island featured in the Arthurian legend. It first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's 1136AD pseudohistorical account Historia Regum Britanniae ("The History of the Kings of Britain") as the place where King Arthur's sword Excalibur was forged and later where Arthur was taken to recover from his wounds after the Battle of Camlann. King Arthur is said to have lived in the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD.

Although I do not recall a reference to 7 cities in the Arthurian legend, I can not help but notice the linguistic similarities suggesting a mispronunciation by different cultures of what would likely be the most original form of the word, Aztlan, Atlan-tis, Avlon each A with the pronunciation begining sound of Awe. I would venture to say they all have the same origins. Interestingly enough the Aztec Codex rendition of their ancient home of Aztlan, 7 caves or cities, resembles very much the description given with respect to the Tibetan or Hindu Shambahla where in it is said, “there were 7 cities in the form of a Lotus, the ancient masters had discovered 7 precepts so powerful men would embrace them without question”

Aztec Codex rendition of the 7 Caves
in which they emerged and lived for near 300 years
after they were expelled from their more ancient home of Aztlan

One cannot help but think the 7 precepts and of the 7 Bishops who fled the Iberian peninsula in the Muslim conquest of 714 AD and found inscribed in the 1507/08 map of Johannes Ruysch, which reads (in English):

This island Antilia was once found by the Portuguese, but now when it is searched, cannot be found. People found here speak the Hispanic language, and are believed to have fled here in face of a barbarian invasion of Hispania, in the time of King Roderic, [About 700 AD] the last to govern Hispania in the era of the Goths. There is 1 archbishop here and 6 other bishops, each of whom has his own city; and so it is called the island of seven cities. The people live here in the most Christian manner, replete with all the riches of this century… KEEPING in mind... Aristotle wrote about Antillia in 300 BC. Many of us are familiar with the story of Prince Madoc having came to the Americas long before Columbus in the late 12th century, it would seem his story goes much deeper than any have written so far. Madoc came at the tail end of almost 1200 years of previous expeditions of his grandfathers.

1507/08 map of Johannes Ruysch
(See the purported hoax, Tucson Lead Cross artifacts)

The first occupation of the Holy Roman empire, (Referred to as Pueblos) in this area was 100 BC and to about 400 AD when they were overthrown, they returned again 300 years later in about 700 AD and brought the Toltec under submission... again, only to loose power again in about 1000 AD, this is one of the best kept secrets of the Royal families but one has to wonder why? Moteczuma whom Cortes conquered was a direct descendant of the Royal families of the British Isles which is a large part as to why King Charles I wanted Cortes's head for waging war on Mexico after all, he was killing the kings relatives, after 6 years of pleading his greedy case, Cortes was pardoned. The ruins of these early men from the British Isles in some places can still be found to this day. The principle city of Tontonteac (Casa Grande of Nevada, 5 miles of which is now under Lake Mead) Marata (Casa Grande) Chuco (Recent possible discovery near Washington Utah). Abacus Nuc Granada, (the capitol city of the area), and is believed to have been found but remains confidential at this time until it can be proven.

The Ruin in the following images are believed to be of the people mentioned in the previous paragraph. According to two experts in the field, neither will say WHAT it is, but they were willing to say it is not of Indian origin, nor Spanish. The Key factors at the site is the round structures at the two corners, the size of the overall structure and average height of the walls at about 7 feet tall and up to 8 feet.

Photos Courtesy of Evan Aris and Mike Dennett

All of the above have many compelling evidences in addition to what can be found in the book the Forbidden Histories of the Americas It would seem there is so much more yet to be told concerning the history of the continent, and it seems an open effort is still in place to keep it from being known… what is it the elite are after, what is it that is apparently unknown or hidden here in this place in the west that has seemingly compelled expeditions funded by the Royal Families of British Isles or the Holy Roman Empire and others? Why is it when they came here in 775 AD they lived according to the Roman Catholic faith but when they returned they had for some reason adopted and integrated a set of Jewish beliefs and referred to themselves from that time on as Roman Jewish. Where did this Jewish twist come from? Why is it that they still to this day covet this land? History without any doubt repeats itself, keep your eyes open, because it is all coming again.