Now I wish to share what I can now call a family story... but I did not learn this until just a few years ago...
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
3 Pyramid Stacks of 10 Pound Gold Bars Near Fillmore Utah
Sunday, November 28, 2021
John Younger AKA Judge Isaac Charles Parker?
According to the Black Book;
Though leaning heavily towards truth, the Jury is still out for me regarding this claim...
You may share your opinion....
Request # 2
In the following photo: (Most of the Dalton Brothers included)
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Lost and Found City of the 7 Foot Tall People
In almost every publication since the so called discovery of Tontonteac, this is the image that has been instilled into the minds of the people so that they do not realize the magnitude of the city known long before Jedediah Smith who is said to have made the discovery
Just imagine hiking through the forest exploring the possibilities of antiquity, wandering the desert terrain in search of things of the past or even traveling through the rural area near a populated area, and something catches your eye, something that causes you to realize that what you are looking at cannot be, or could it be? how has this existed for so long without being discovered or noticed… but deep within, you know the answer…
Many amazing things have been discovered on this land since the last flow of Europeans came to this land, amazing histories remain untold from times before… only hints found in the documented histories be it former explorers, Indian legends and sometime just a small notation in some academic work of the past, and these things it is a wonder that they to have not been swept under the rug by those who operate under the thumb of Smithsonian with their proclaimed purpose of The increase and diffusion of knowledge, and yet since the beginning, have done nothing but give the illusion of knowledge promoting delusion in the carefully orchestrated history we have been fed since our beginning. But should we blame them? Or have we brought this delusion upon ourselves through our own ignorance as we simply would not have the truth?...
There is yet to be discovered across this land, evidence or prior occupation of culture after culture some of which even if the evidence comes into the open, a majority will still refuse to believe. Imagine believing you have found an ancient city, buried under the refuse of some catastrophic event of the past… what to do next? Or should you? Because again within you, you know no one is going to believe this unless steps are taken to prove its existence and when that step is taken, Smithsonian steps in to go to great lengths to hide the truth, it is easier to promote and build a reservoir to cover the truth, than to go to the great efforts to hide an entire civilization from knowledge… a question I am not certain I will ever find the answer to…. What the hell are they afraid of?
Most of us have heard of the discovery made in the
Grand Canyon in 1909, this discovery as amazing as it was has been nothing but
bastardized ever since, there were NO DAMNED EGYPTIANS! The irresponsible
reporting NOW DAYS is out of control, but the efforts to hide the discovery
continue even to this day with “their” last feeble attempt to hide evidence
occurring in 2008 an attempt which nearly breached the dam by erosion
unexpected in the flood tunnels, a dam that was built to hide even more
upstream. but they didn’t tell you about any of that did they? After touting
their success in restoring the sandbars in the Grand Canyon, it was and is to this day obvious that
it made no difference what so ever…
From the USGS web site, so It must be true!
Sandbars are
an important part of the
study demonstrates the advantages of a robust science program dedicated to
understanding the unique resources of the
Helps protect archeology sites? Please tell us…. How?
Camping spots? As if there isn’t enough? Why the several restrictions on going ashore
The following photos are a
comparison in one case in the
throughout the
2017 just 9 years after the flooding
Another example of a major discovery quickly covered up and likely surpassed the NON Egyptian discovery in 1909, was Pueblo Grande of Nevada as they call it today, believed to have been first discovered in 1827 by Jedediah Smith but attention was finally brought to it in 1924 when it became very apparent as to the controversy this site was going to create. Smithsonian apparently jumped on the phone with Army Core of Engineers and plans were made to build a reservoir to hide the vastness of the ruins… oh ya, and to provide water for the Californians. FIVE MILES of this principle city of the past was covered up figuratively and literally… This city was KNOWN long before Jedediah Smith in fact he likely had prior knowledge from the very maps the Spanish were using and where did the Spanish gain knowledge of them?
Tontonteac was its most recent name before it was
given the name of Pueblo Grande of Nevada. The use of the word
Who can deny that Pueblo Grande of Nevada isn’t the
same city marked on numerous maps as the city of
Following is the news article that appeared on no less
than 14 newspapers around the country in April of 1925, 9 years prior to the
completion of the dam that would hide the vastness of the discovery.
Mark Raymond Harrington
I love they way the writer keeps making Egyptian
references, it won’t be long before the lazy reader and irresponsible media are proclaiming ANOTHER
Egyptian City Found!
In many publication now it is said that the people were small.
Below are some of the MANY maps of the 15th
through 17th century maps showing these cities, what of all the
others on these maps and even those not named or shown? What of the many mound
cities that were discovered in
Old maps showing former city locations
Other possible cities not indicated on these maps
include one possible location high in the mountains near Utah county, one,
maybe even two in the rural areas of Sanpete Valley, one rumored city in the
Henry Mountains and one or even two under well known reservoirs. It would seem
building reservoirs is a quick way to hide something and avoids a lot of
questions, also creating a scapegoat.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Aztec Navigation Glyph
Original Post March 9th 2015
Formerly referred to as the water glyph and key glyph
Are we to believe that these 3 glyphs below point out the same water source they are all 3 pointing at? Are we to believe that at one time when this small basin had water in it that the Indians were just to dammed stupid to know it was water until they examined the three glyphs and ignoring the river below? I don't think so... but believe it or not, some have theorized even stranger things.
However after investigations and study of near 150 sites scattered throughout the regions with more than 250 known sites... but for the last decade, due to extensive trial and error, study and documenting these sites, it has become clear to me and many others, that these glyphs are navigational in purpose. This hypothesis would later be confirmed by a Ute Indian who showed me in part how they were used, explaining to me, "This is how we lay out our corals, it comes from an ancient form of navigation once practiced by our ancestors, but we have forgotten how it is done." With his help and many others over the years, we believe we now understand the use of these. But now the question beckons, What are they leading to and from? The answer to this will come soon enough, but not today. In the meantime, let your imagination run away with you. But not to far, as the places and things these glyphs were left for, hundreds of years ago to lead them back to... may be closer than you think.....
The glyph in the previous photo is found with two others surrounding a small occasional pool which is most of the time, dry. Each of the 3 glyphs found at this site has its tail as we sometimes call it, pointing at the pool in three different directions. Is it possible the Natives were so stupid that they needed to climb a 1000 foot bluff leaving the creek bank they were following, to find a small pool of water that they could not be sure that it was water they were looking at until they saw the three glyphs pointing at it before they knew it was water? I don’t think so.