I read Daniel’s book as a favor for a friend. Little did I
know that it would give me a whole different perspective on a lot of things. I
grew up in Kansas
in a Catholic family. I had already found that the Bible actually differs with
Catholic dogma and doctrine. Still, the Bible refers to several things which I
have wondered about. In Daniel’s book I find a few answers which I would have
never have pondered. I am referring to the firmament in the sky and the size of
some human skeletons. (Some were found in my area.) These have been blips on
the radar screen of my insurmountable topics of study until now. Daniel gives a
clear “theory” or hypothesis which makes their explanation plausible. Daniel
gives compelling evidence also for “BC North”. Indeed, if early monuments at
archaeological digs can be found to point to a solstice sunrise, he may very
well be onto a great discovery which will set the archaeological community on
its ear.
The Treasures of Utah
From Tuscoro.com
The Treasures of Utah
If you’re looking for a nice uninvolved book to read as you slowly drift off at day’s end, you've got the wrong book. If you, by some chance, do doze off… you’ve got the wrong mindset. Should you choose to indulge, be mindful because you’re not merely reading a fascinating new book, you’re embarking on a full fledged post-graduate college course that could and should be the most involved and thrilling of your life and will remain with you throughout it. Were you to encounter your professor on the street or at the mall, you’d pass him off as a middle aged ruffian or a Hippie wannabe who’s probably spent a good portion of his life on a Harley roaming aimlessly along the American Highways. You’d be dead wrong as so many are when it comes to Daniel Lowe. Daniel is a (the) veritable encyclopedia of ancient American archaeology / history. More than that, he is a comrade and mentor; yet he’s an instant and loyal friend......
The Forbidden Histories of the Americas
Containing the Michigan Collection Photos
Containing the Michigan Collection Photos
Since the time of the Italian
explorer Christopher Columbus the man credited for the discovery of the new
world, the new comers to the world have observed and documented the things
which they seen, heard and experienced. The new comers to this world saw the
ruins of what appeared as intricately built ancient cities, observed strange
yet familiar habits of the indigenous. It wasn't until the mid 19th
century that archaeology was even taken serious in this land, yet it would seem
as though it was not for the purpose of documentation and understanding of
those of the past. 100 years or so earlier Sir Richard Colt Hoare coined the
motto for Antiquarianism in Europe, We Speak from Facts not Theory and
it would seem here in the Americas, John W Powell and Ephraim George
Squire after the creation of the Smithsonian Institution, together
reconstructed and change the purpose of the existence of Smithsonian with what
would seem to be their motto, We Speak from Theory not from Facts.
Now Available!
Death of the Republic
An assessment of the black book,
(Jesse James was one of his names), and the book Utah Gold Rush.
Was Jesse James murdered in 1882?
What was the Civil War Really about?
Death of the Republic
An assessment of the black book,
(Jesse James was one of his names), and the book Utah Gold Rush.
Was Jesse James murdered in 1882?
What was the Civil War Really about?
From Tuscoro.com
The Forbidden Histories of the Americas
Expanded Version of Articles
Volume 4 & 5
of the Tuscoro.com Articles
The Forbidden Histories of the Americas
are finally here!
BUY on Amazon
(The Black Book)
Jesse James was one of his Names
Calalus A Roman Jewish Colony in America
From the Time of Charlemagne Through
Alfred the Great
By Cyclone Covey
And it's NOT $250 bucks!
The Golden Crescent: The Southwest Treasure Belt
By Jesse Ed Rascoe
A MUCH sought after book with incredible stories!
Pimas, Dead Padres and Gold
an incredible Treasure Story!
GET THE MAP as well in Large Print
(With Proof of Purchase)
Newest Release!
and it's NOT $250
NEW Photo REPRINT AND it's an 8 X 11
If you haven't read it now is the time!
The two following books are PHOTO REPRINT of the first and original signs and symbols books, later Treasure sign book authors took their information straight from these, very hard books to find which is why I had them photo copy reprinted.
Hard to find
One of the Original Treasure signs and symbols books
2023 Photo Reprint Edition of the 1969 Edition
One of the Original Treasure signs and symbols books
2023 Photo Reprint Edition of the 1963 Edition
Hard to Find