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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Egypt and things you didn't know

Egypt, do “they” really know the story behind it?

Misinformation is abundant on the internet today, and many are swallowed up by it, but this misinformation had been going on long before the internet was even a thought, and has been engrained into our education system with theories taught as facts.
How do I say this without coming across as all knowing, sanctimonious or the like? for this is not the case, I do not feel I am superior to any other being, I just like to think I have the same natural intelligence we are all born with and I have a different view of things as we all do, and have not been molded into the same thinking pattern as a given organisation or group of people such as in this case, the geological and archaeologic world.

I never understood why these organizations thrive on new discoveries in order to understand more about what they study, but with this new discovery, if it does not fit the conditioned and controlled thinking of the peers, it is twisted to fit, or simply discarded or hidden away. Is this good science?

Why do they not consider the writings of those who existed at or near the same time frame of the topic they find interest? Why is it the many writings of the past such as the Bible, The lost books of the Bible, Forgotten book of Eden, Josephus, legends told by the indigenous etc, all of which seem to get set aside? Do they really think they are so superior that they can disregard these things claiming there is not God? Have each of them done their due diligence in evaluating these sources where in they have shown through an honest effort to prove or disprove the validity of each? I think not.

I believe in all things that God “may” have revealed, but because he may or may not have… I choose to “prove ALL things: and hold fast to that which is good” (Thessalonians 5:21)

With the previous said, I will continue, however I will not hash over the things that are thought to be truth concerning the Egyptians, what the current belief is, things concerning the written language, when the pyramids were built, how and by whom etc… The books and the internet are full of this information and you have full access to it. I am going to tell you what you may have not known…

I was watching a program many years ago of Discovery or the like, regarding the ancient origins of the Pyramids and Sphynx, A geologist was studying the side walls of the Sphynx and just could not get over what he was seeing and so he took closer pictures as not to show the overall Sphynx and sent them to is colleague and peer, He asked him what form of erosion would you say caused this erosion pattern on this wall? His colleague stunned said, well you know very well what has caused this pattern of erosion, why are you asking me? You know well and good this is due to underwater erosion, what are the pictures of? At which he replied, the sides of the Sphynx! OH MY! came the reply…

Since this occurred I have from time to time followed up on this concept and it has now migrated to and now credited to “Long Periods of Rain” because we can’t have it being underwater, that might mean there actually was a flood, or even worse! What if that guy Joseph of the Mormon people were actually right?
In a small book that exists as a result of purportedly translated portions of Egyptian papyrus by Joseph Smith of the Mormons, in this book is a portion of that translation which reads as follows;

Book of Abraham Chapter 1

21 Now this king of Egypt was a descendant from the loins of Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth.
22 From this descent sprang all the Egyptians, and thus the blood of the Canaanites was preserved in the land.
23 The land of Egypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean signifies Egypt, which signifies that which is forbidden;
24 When this woman discovered the land it was under water, who afterward settled her sons in it; and thus, from Ham, sprang that race which preserved the curse in the land.
25 Now the first government of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal.
26 Pharaoh, being a righteous man, established his kingdom and judged his people wisely and justly all his days, seeking earnestly to imitate that order established by the fathers in the first generations, in the days of the first patriarchal reign, even in the reign of Adam, and also of Noah, his father, who blessed him with the blessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, but cursed him as pertaining to the Priesthood.
Now the academic world like to make fun of this one, at least until discovering the Sphynx not to mention the entire northern quarter of Africa was indeed at one time in the past, under water. How could Egyptus, the daughter of Ham discover a land which was under water? Ridiculous! Well let me tell you how she did it… If you take a good look at the 3 pyramids, you will notice the top portion of the Pyramid of Khafre, also the highest in elevation, has this portion on top which seems somehow to have escaped the same extent of erosion as the lower portion has, and the other two… How is this?

If these geologist would examine the eroded lower portion and the other two pyramids, they would find that they too were under water for a significant period of time, in fact near 300 years but how could this be? In short, Egyptus while out boating one day, perhaps fishing… spotted the top of the Highest Pyramid sticking out of the water. After the events that took place in the days of Peleg “When the Earth Divided” (NOT Continental Shift) the waters receded to a level EVEN Lower than they are today which is why we have today, underwater cities off the coast of Egypt “Perfectly Preserved.” They call them “sunken” cities but I assure you they did not sink! These water levels rose to today’s levels about 2000 years ago, the real secret is how did this happen? Again, this would be a book. You see, you have been brought to believe that we have, “ocean level” there is no such thing. Where ever the pole is established the waters of the earth are drawn towards it and its opposite and will always be deeper as a result. All one has to do is consider the moons effect on the tides of this planet. IF it were possible to shut off the earth’s magnetic field, EVERY dry land low elevation of the earth within a thousand miles of today’s equator if not further, would be flooded… Florida would be gone and Egypt would again be under water. There are many mysteries of “sunken” cities which could be explained if science would stop ignoring and excusing the evidence.

What does this mean?

Well it means the Egyptians didn’t build the pyramids, they merely took over and occupied the structures that were built for some other purposes from prior to the great flood. Of this we have a small hint from the writings of Josephus, but the full purpose is hidden within the writings of certain books.

We find in Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus.

Now this Seth, When he was brought up, and came to those years in which he could discern what was good, became a virtuous man; and as he was himself of an excellent character, so did he leave children behind him who imitated his virtues. All these proved to be of good dispositions. They also inhabited the same country without dissensions, and in a happy condition, without any misfortunes falling upon them, till they died. They also were the inventors [Discoverers] of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions [Discoveries] might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence  and quantity of water, they made two pillars, [Monuments] the one of brick, the other of stone: they Inscribed [Encoded] their discoveries on/in them both, that in case the pillar [Monument] of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar [Monument] of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar [Monument] of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day. (Also see Isaiah 19:19-20)
I would highly recommend a book called Stonehenge, A Closer Look, by Bonnie Gaunt, although I do not think she knew it, she came closer to the understanding of the intended purpose of the pyramids than anyone, a purpose I will only say is very near that of the first Temples built by the Mormons.

Many theories exist as to who the Egyptians were, the short of it is they were a Mulatto people, a mix blood much as are the people today who refer to themselves as “African American,” they are neither considered black or white. Their beginnings were of a righteous nature as the first king or Pharaoh was a righteous man, the eldest son of Egyptus, or the grandson of Ham.

History has it that they forcibly enslaved the Israelite and give us visions of slavery of the worst kind, not only in the written form but in the movies and this just isn’t true. The Egyptians built from the ruins of a former culture an appealing life, one in which the Israelite were enticed by and desired. As time passed eventually they fell into bondage to the Egyptians and captivity. This does not mean slavery such as was known at the time the Spanish came to this continent and which was under most brutal circumstances done first to the indigenous of this land and then to the imported Africans. Bondage and captivity simply means they fell into servitude, of their own doing, indebted to them, under contract. Many never understood why the Israelite was so hesitant to be led out of bondage by Moses, Moses! they cried, these Egyptian are taking great care of us! why we have our Medicare, Medicaid, Food stamps, Obama Care, Welfare, unemployment benefits, low income housing, free cell phones and such, why would we want to leave all this? And in case you haven’t noticed, it is happening again.

Included below is an excellent article written by Alexander Winslow.
My only contention with his article is that it would seem he is under the impression that “Seth” mentioned in Antiquities of the Jews, is different than “Seth” supposedly the first King of Egypt as per the writings of Herodotus who says it was told him by Egyptian Priests, supposed to be King BEFORE the great flood, and this cannot be so as Egypt didn’t exist before the flood, but many of the profound structures did...

The Egyptologists are no different, “Im Ho Tep” the very individual they give credit to the intelligence and all the technologies and who had many titles, and who is none other than Joseph himself, who was sold into “Bondage” “Ye Ho Seph.” When the two are compared in all that is know about them, the only difference is the Egyptologist dates of Imhotep’s existence is 1100 years different, but they couldn’t possibly be wrong now could they? I’ll believe they are different when they find Imhoteps bones in Egypt.


Deep in the land of Siriad (Egypt), where the hot sun beats down mercilessly during the day, while the cold still of the night chills one’s body even to the very marrow, if not properly attired, a mystery lingers among the many curiosities that lay sprawled across the vast open plains near Cairo. A mystery that until recently was thought to be too insignificant to warrant any further investigation. Even though its very existence presents man’s most important link with the past.

It all began when a professor by the name of William Whiston decided to translate a copy of the manuscript ‘Antiquities of the Jews’, by Josephus the Jewish historian, from Latin to English. Even at the very beginning, a curious paragraph came to light. It read like this: “They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom, which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And, that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam’s prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone; they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind, and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.”

Intrigued by the claim made in this statement, and the very fact that mankind’s link with the past offered a chance to regain knowledge that had up to then been considered lost, it was decided that a group should visit the area and identify this ‘Pillar’. Once identified, if it existed, they would be able to glean from it that much coveted knowledge. Some years later, after a thorough search throughout the land of Egypt had been carried out, the group returned to Britain with their report. It was felt that Josephus had made an error in his statement, and confused the ‘pillar’ erected by Seth (Sesostris) King of Egypt, with that which he felt had been erected by Seth, son of Adam. And yet today, if we were to visit that ancient land of mystery and wonder, and stand on the same spot as Josephus, there in front of us, dominating the landscape for all to see, is the pillar in the land of Siriad! But how could such a small pillar such as the one erected by Sesostris, hold such command over all that surrounds it? We might well ask.

The answer is as intriguing as the statement first made by Josephus. After further investigation, we would interpose a suggestion here. It is simply, that Josephus was not in error. The Emperor Vespasianus, patron of the Jewish Writer, had previously visited the area mentioned. Being a shrewd character, he would know if Josephus had made a mistake. The key to most mysteries of this sort lies in the translation. The people of his time were able to see the edifice spoken of in his writings while Josephus was still alive. They too would have recognised this monument of antiquity by its exterior. Until its white marble casing stones were removed to build the mosques and palaces of Cairo, they remained in place for all to see, engraved with letters and symbols expressing the entire knowledge of antiquity.

This knowledge written and engraved in the ‘pure’ language, was spoken by all persons before the confusion of the tongues at Babel. Therefore, no one during the time of Josephus, would have had any difficulty whatsoever in identifying this historical gem. Of course, as it was written in the ‘pure’ language, no-one could understand it. Hence, yet another established proof of that which was written by Josephus.

So the query in the footnote on page 49 of Whiston’s translation of Josephus Volume 1? When translating the document into English, Whiston copied from an earlier Latin translation. Josephus however, wrote his original manuscript in Greek. With such a limited language as Latin, the nearest word to describe this self standing shape is Columna, meaning ‘Column’ or ‘Pillar’. In Josephus’ Greek original, it is suggested that he used instead of στύλος meaning ‘pillar’, he wrote πυραμος meaning ‘pyramos’ a ‘self standing pillar of fire and knowledge’. This is borne-out in the statement by Isaiah when concerning this same edifice he proclaimed:- “In that day there shall be an altar to the lord, in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the land of Egypt;” (Isaiah 19:19,20)

The root-word for pillar used in this statement is the Hebrew מַצֵבָה ‘matstseba’ which means a thing set up, a standing pillar. This is far different to the Hebrew root-word ﬠמּוּה ‘ammud’ which simply means column. An interesting addition to this is found in the ancient Coptic records of Masoudi in the Arabic manuscript of the Akbar-Ezzeman, at Oxford, which relates that “Surid (Seth)… one of the kings of Egypt before the flood, built two great pyramids.”

In the account the Great Pyramid is referred to as “the Eastern Pyramid.” “…In the Eastern Pyramid (the Great Pyramid) were inscribed the heavenly spheres and figures representing the stars and planets…”

The manuscript of Makrizi gives a similar account stating that “the first (the Great) Pyramid was especially dedicated to history and astronomy; the second (Pyramid) to medical knowledge.”

Many more accounts giving testimony in this way are extant today. However, whatever their validity, one thing is now certain. The ‘Pillar’ or ‘Pyramus’ erected by Seth and the antediluvians in the land of Siriad (Egypt) as stated by Josephus, and still standing today for all to see, is none other than the ‘Great Pyramid’!

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Big Horn Medicine Wheel

The following article was first printed in the Book Nephite North in 2013

High in the mountains of Northern Wyoming situated at one of the highest points of the mountain is an odd arrangement of stone of which one can’t help but think of Stonehenge while looking at it.

Fig. 1

When this was first brought to my attention by Allan Lowe, I had debated on whether or not to evaluate the mystery of it, although it showed promise as to being of BC origins. I had no idea as to how much promise it held.

First let me say that I do not believe that it is a “Medicine Wheel” as perceived in the usual modern day traditional ideas and uses of the many that have hypothesized and supposedly used it for their own purposes, even over the last few hundred years. It is said to have been constructed by plains Indians around 300-800 years ago, did they radio carbon date the rock? How did they arrive at this date range? Why such a broad spectrum? Who was there to see them build it? Was it documented by some unknown source in some unknown place? How many have laid claim to its construction? Of them, if they had built it, how many could explain why it was built and what its purpose was? Have they lost this knowledge? If so, how do they know that it was their ancestors who built it?

The Big Horn Wheel was first brought to my attention by a friend who sent it to me for BC analysis as he knew the subject of my research. Upon first looking at Jack Eddy’s diagram and his theory which is the most accepted, I could see it most likely had BC origins.

The article that I read had some comments that just needed questioning, and the reader needs to know the facts pertaining to this from another perspective. For the reader’s convenience, I will include a small portion of the article.

Astronomical Alignments:
In 1974, an archaeoastronomer named Jack Eddy visited this Medicine Wheel and studied its alignments, that is, its arrangements of rocks, cairns, and spokes. He found the arrangements point to the rising and setting places of the Sun at summer solstice, as well as the rising places of Aldebaran in Taurus, Rigel in Orion, and Sirius in Canis Major -- all bright, important stars associated with the Solstice. Later another astronomer, Jack Robinson, found a cairn pair that marked the bright star Fomalhaut's rising point with the Sun 28 days before solstice.

Fig. 2
Sighting from cairn E through the center hub (which may have supported a pole) marks the summer solstice sunrise. Sighting from C through the center marked the equivalent solstice sunset.
Standing at cairn F, one could sight the once-yearly dawn, or heliacal, risings of the key stars Aldebaran, Rigel, and Sirius, which play symbolic roles in an ancient Cheyenne Massaum ceremony and are also important stars in the sacred Lakota circle constellation "The Animal".
The dawn or heliacal rising of a star is important because it pinpoints a date exactly. This is the day a star is first seen, just before dawn, after it has been behind the Sun for an entire season. From about 1200 AD to 1700 AD, these 4 stars would have acted as solstice markers for the Native Americans - Fomalhaut (F to D) would rise 28 days before the Summer Solstice, Aldebaran (F to A) would rise during the 2 days just before the solstice, Rigel (F to B) would rise 28 days after the solstice, and Sirius (F to C) 28 days after that, at the end of August  
Now although there are many other things I could point out in this article, I will only address the bold text points with a little deviation. I don’t know who wrote this article but it is typical of the things that seem to be among the accepted explanations.

We read about the alignments of Aldebaran in Taurus, Rigel in Orion, and Sirius, and my first question is, who cares? For us to believe that these alignments were somehow significant to pinpointing some date with constellations is ridiculous. What? You can’t do that with the alignment of the sun? Does the Sun rise in a new location every day? Would this be like trying to find the forest but can’t see it for all the trees? Why would the ancients ignore the sun’s rising positions and choose a FIRST APPEARANCE of a star instead. You don’t need some big wheel made out of stone to SEE its FIRST APEARENCE. Isn’t a FIRST APPEARENCE sufficient to pin point that day in which it FIRST APEARED? And do we need to hike to the altitude of 9600 feet to SEE its FIRST APPEARANCE, or is it just as visible in the valley? Is any one catching what I’m saying? Are we insinuating that the ancients were idiots? Let me say at this time, I do not believe that the Indians as we know them today are the ones who have constructed this wheel, and that this comment is not for the purpose of diminishing this noble people. With the exception of a few tribes such as the Lenape and Ojibwa, the various tribes had no writing system and chose to resort to oral tradition. Since none of them claim to have made the marks upon the rocks (petroglyphs) or to have been responsible for the Earthworks of the Mississippi Valley or Utah Earthworks, why would they then build this wheel? You will notice I refer to the builders as the ancients and not the Indians.

In this same article it is said that these stars which play symbolic roles in an ancient Cheyenne Massaum ceremony and are also important stars in the sacred Lakota circle constellation The Animal. Yet in the links provided in the article (if one should visit them) you would find nothing pertaining to these stars which are the focal points to their theory.

In the article, it is written: From about 1200 AD to 1700 AD, these 4 stars would have acted as solstice markers for the Native Americans. Why? Was the Sun missing in those days? Solstice meaning "Sun Stopped" Interesting...

But the one statement that got me more than anything else was the concluding statement, and hence marking the end of summer and time to leave the mountain. This is the most asinine statement yet. I don’t suppose the increasing cold weather and the turning of the leaves or even the early snow might have been a clue as to when to leave the mountain? What? They sat up there day after day waiting for this prophetic sign? Who was tending the sheep down below?

A friend has facetiously mentioned that this could simply be a game of duck duck goose, and is it any less ridiculous than Jack Eddy’s (thearchaeoastronomer”) theory for the alignments with stars?

What is it?

In order for anything pertaining to this geo-glyph and/or observatory to make sense, we need to understand some things pertaining to the ancients of which the Indians are in part the descendants of. What was it that they worshipped, Stars? Many of the tribes in the origin and creation legends make note of a supreme being and many of those acknowledge the Son of God (including the Aztecs). Many of the tribes, though they communicated in many ways, made it clear that they worshipped the Sun, or more definitively, that which was behind it meaning the source of it’s brilliance or the power behind it. The only logical explanation in which this circle of stones was built in such a high place is not for a game of alpine duck duck goose but because of the vantage point of being able to see the largest spectrum of the horizon.

In the Native American Petroglyphs, the symbol for sky or the horizon around it is the circle with a base meaning of Holding, in other words it is my belief that the circle itself represents the horizon as viewed from this ideal location. Each of the cairns is positioned to represent a specific location upon the horizon, its equivalent in the symbol based petroglyphs being that of a dot or something similar. Although some of the cairns appear to be built in the shape of a U, I would think that they were intended to be a circle which here again is implied by the symbol Holding. Regardless, I would have no doubt that they are positioned for viewing some point such as a sunset or sunrise to mark a point in time or even a place in the distance.

The purpose of marking some point in time would be best understood by us in our celebration of the Birth of Christ on the specific day of December 25th (which of course is not the correct day). We also have specific means by recording and observing the shortest day, the longest day and the two times each year which mark a time when the day is equal in time with the night or the midpoint between summer and winter. We don’t need stars for this but there are many reasons why anyone (including the ancients) wanted to know these times specifically.

Also, take into consideration that regardless of the mountains around a valley, the same thing could have been accomplished in the valley below, why did they choose to construct this wheel at the highest point? Many times throughout scriptural history we read of Prophets going to the tops of mountains to speak with God. Even today, many feel more connected when praying in the mountains. The point is that it would seem quite clear: the reasons for its construction are religious in nature as I can find no other reasonable explanation which warrants its construction at the one of highest points around.

There are two things that need to be determined. (1) When was this built? I don’t think it is possible to find out exactly when it was built but perhaps it is possible to discover if it had Origins in BC times. (2) We have the need to discover if it truly has any Solstice/Equinox alignments or related perspectives as well as comparing AD times with BC Times, how can this be done?

Fig. 3

In looking at Eddy’s drawing of the wheel above, we see the alignments that he noticed. It would seem that he noticed two solar alignments, of which, both appear to be noteworthy.

Fig. 4

It has been said that Eddy’s alignments would have been more accurate for 1200 to 1700 AD. I would love to hear what this excuse for non-accuracy is based upon; let’s see how accurate it is in the above image (Fig. 4). The red lines are based upon full sun above the horizon at 5.3 degrees elevation which is the first point of Full Sun. At Eddy’s sunrise position, I must admit that the sun peeks over and casts its first light at his projected point with half sun exposed in between his projection and the red line. This is with a visual horizon at 100 feet higher at 4.3 miles away. What this means is that Eddy’s proposal of alignment is acceptable for the Summer Solstice sunrise. The red line at the sunset position is basically the same in reverse; for sunset at the red line we have full sun at 5.3 degrees elevation with a visible horizon at 1600 feet lower at over 30 miles away. If this is the case and not much adjustment is needed, this would place his sunset position nearly correct at full sun. I find, at two other points, satisfactory alignments with Winter Sunrise and Sunset, but not as acceptable as the summer positions, however, who is going to be up there in 4 to 6 feet of snow to see it? I cannot find any other solar alignment within this stone circle based on today’s North.

What if this were constructed in BC times? What solar alignments would we find?
According to my compiled research, I have established a BC North Pole and with this pole in mind let’s see what we can come up with. How did I do this? This would take a book to explain at least, (SEE: Nephite North)  but this North Pole point which existed between ABOUT 2700 BC until the events of the crucifixion 2018 years ago, was approximately 600 Miles S/W of Anchorage Alaska.

In the following image, Fig. 5 using Eddy’s cairn letters, you can see a red line extending from Eddy’s C Cairn to F which would represent BC north (F) and south (C), Notice the line does not intersect with the center. I would almost think this was intentional as if to say, it was not meant to align with the horizon. In similar stone geo-glyphs with solar alignments, I have noticed that there is a North reference. I would suspect that if the outer circle correlates with the meaning of horizon then is it possible that the center cairn represents the Sun being held and that the outer dots are showing different locations on the horizon?

The Yellow line extending from D through the middle points to the BC Summer Solstice Sunrise. This position is calculated at 47 degrees azimuth and 4 degrees elevation of the sun (5.3 degrees being FULL Sunrise with a 0 degree horizon). The actual visible horizon is located some 15 miles away and is 1600 feet lower than the wheel, which means at 4 degrees you would have full sunrise. At cairn D, we have a perfect alignment.

Fig. 5

At the sun’s position with the line at cairn B extending through the center based on 324 degrees azimuth at a 0 degree elevation, if the visible horizon were not 70 miles away and 1000 feet lower we would have a ½ sunrise, but it is 1000 feet lower and 70 miles away, so this means that at approximately 324 degrees azimuth we have full sun, another perfect alignment. Keep in mind that at 60 degrees Latitude, the sun moves laterally more than it does vertically. 60 degrees was the latitude in BC times, today it is located at a Latitude of 44.83 N.

What about an equinox sunset or sunrise for that matter? In Fig. 6, from the position of cairn A, a line extending though the center in BC times would be about 260 degrees. The visible horizon is some 150 miles away and 3000 feet higher. Not taking this into consideration and based on an equal elevation; full sun (at a 5.3 degree elevation) would be at 162 degrees. However, considering the horizon is 3000 feet higher and 150 miles away, if an additional 1 degree was added in elevation (which seems reasonable), full sun prior to sunset based on this information would be at 260 degrees azimuth, which is a perfect alignment for the equinox sunset. However, this is one that I would have to see for myself.

Fig. 6

The equinox sunrise, in order to fit into the same alignment opposite of the line in the previous picture would require 79 degrees, but the sun at this point would have just have peeked over the visible horizon which is a little over 7 miles away and 300 feet lower. Although this could prove to be an accurate alignment, I’m just not satisfied with it.

At full sun, the alignment would look something like this.

Fig. 7

I would think that the equinox sunrise would be considered an important alignment and one that the ancients would be most concerned with, however I must say that although it is good enough, I was slightly disappointed. I guess I’ll just have to go see for myself that is unless there is another possibility. How about this? SEE Fig. 8

Fig. 8

The only thing that puzzles me about this is, why not set up a cairn in such a way that if a line were drawn on it, it would pass through the center? I don’t know why this is important to me, it just is. Perhaps I am being too meticulous. Now the fall and the spring equinox sunrises occur at 98 degrees azimuth, both alignments in the above picture are at 98 degrees. Is this just a coincidence? If so, it’s a pretty good one.

Winter Solstice

Now although I really don’t think anyone would be there to witness it, and can’t think for the life of me why anyone would indicate a winter solstice sunrise at such an elevation, it would appear that it is present, See Fig 9. Considering that the visible horizon is about 300 feet lower and a quarter mile short of 7 miles away at 141 degrees, if a line were drawn from the center cairn through cairn B (Opposite Summer Sunset); this would mark the exact placement of 141 degrees azimuth at near full sun.

Strangely enough, if we allowed the sun to continue to a full sunrise, we would be at approximately 159 degrees. Keep in mind that the sun at this point during the winter is traversing the sky in more of a horizontal path than a vertical one. If a line were drawn from Eddy’s cairn D to cairn E and beyond this also would point directly at full winter solstice sunrise.

Fig. 9

With the winter solstice sunset, we have remarkably the opposite. A line drawn from the center through D which is at 224 degrees azimuth is exactly the opposite of the summer solstice sunrise with the visible horizon only a mile away at the same elevation. At 224 degrees the sun has gone down with only about 1/4 of it exposed. If we come back to full sun prior to solstice sunset, the sun is at 195 degrees azimuth. With careful positioning of our lines, we can get two alignments that meet at a measurement of 195 degrees. What I mean by careful is for you to notice where the line leaves cairn F and passes through D and where it leaves cairn A and passes through B, it is not perfect. Maybe I’m just being too meticulous again.

Fig. 10                                                          Fig. 11

What about other alignments? In looking at cairn E naturally I wanted to see if this aligns with something significant.  Why is it removed from the outer circle as if to imply that it has some other meaning?

In Fig. 12, If a line were drawn from the center of the medicine wheel to cairn E it marks a place on the horizon some 77 miles away and 100 feet higher than that of the wheel. The dates we have a sunset with full sun at this location in BC times would have been the Evening of May 11th and the evening of July 30th which is at 297 degrees azimuth. What is interesting about this is that from the sunset of the 11th of May to the Summer Solstice sunset is 40 days, the 11th of May and the 21st of June (not inclusive). The return trip of the sun from the 21st to the 30th of July (inclusive) is also 40 days.

Fig. 12

What about the sunrise direction? Is it also present there? Well guess what. Yes, it is and without a stretch of the imagination or the facts, a line drawn from cairn D through the center is Summer Solstice Sunrise. In Fig. 13 a line drawn from cairn D through cairn A will give us a 62 degree azimuth for the Mornings of May 11th and July 30th. It is a repeat of the previous two forty day periods except that it is for sunrise instead of sunset.

Fig. 13

But wait a minute, haven’t we heard this before? But it would be unheard of to believe that Jewish people were ever on this continent right? It would seem that the same dates are two consecutive 40 day periods, which are also present at the Milford Earthworks. For the very curious read more of the life of Moses.

The Plains Indians didn’t build the Milford Earthworks. Some people called the Allegwi did. You know, those people who were run off and went south and eventually became the Aztecs?

Yes, the Aztecs who in part came from the North who also have two consecutive 40 day periods of Fasting, like Moses when he received the first tablets for the Israelites and after breaking them had to return to the mountain and fast another 40 days? Where did the Allegwi, where in the mtDNA haplogroup X has been found in abundance, learn this? Oh well, no matter. I’m sure it is all a coincidence.

mtDNA Haplogroup X distribution

All of the above information is exact and true to the best of my knowledge without any stretching of the truth or the imagination. Visual horizons were considered in each case and determined accordingly. Anyone who would like to see the full details of how I arrived at each location is more than welcome and I will be happy to explain it further. But the best way to verify all of this is to go to the site and set up wooden stakes at the adjusted locations according to BC North, we could implement a pole change back to where it was, but history shows this can be catastrophic and besides, it won’t be long before it will be happening again. I hope you are all prepared.

However, you MUST understand, that just as I have shown in Jack Eddy’s theory and his presumptions that the sun has not at any time changed its course, and that North has always been where it is today or near, and that the sky, as in stars, have never changed, you must also realize that even though I am very certain of my BC North position, we have no way of knowing if the sun rose in the same positions it does today or that it did not rise in the west and set in the east... Just to be fair…