This strange find in Richfield has open the door to one of the most facinating mysteries of historical possabilities of this land I have ever had the priviledge of unraveling, and it is just begining!
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Photo Courtesy of the finder who wishes to remain anonymous and the AHR Foundation,
Photo editing by Daniel Lowe.
This little artifact has created quite a stir, most of those who claim to be professionals who have examined only the photo, deem this a modern creation simply because it is much easier for them to do so, rather than actually put forth the effort to discover why it was found in Richfield Utah 6 feet below the surface. The photo was at one time presented to various forums throughout France and Spain, and to date no one has any idea what it is, or where it came from. The only opinions expressed where of the equivalency of hoax in that it was said, "It must have been made as a commemorative in celebration of the return of the Lady of Elche from France in 1940". Well then, why does no one to date in Spain know what it is, and how did one get here? How did 12 of them end up in Paris France in the refuse of a little antique shop, of which they also have no idea where they came from or what they are? Why is it there is no hallmark required by law? When it doesn't fit the curriculum, it requires much less effort, to just give it a label whether it be Iberians, Hoax, or Commemorative. Who were these Iberians?
One of the 12 medallions found in Antique shop in France
Two smaller Medalions found in Paris France at a flee market
(Copyright Photo Courtesy of Shawn Davies)
I believe I have discovered the origin of these medallions, where they were made, by whom and why. I also believe I have discovered the origins of the Lady of Elche bust. It was discovered in Elche Spain in 1897 and was purchase by a French Archaeologist and taken to France. Of course they had no idea who made it or where it came from other than is was excavated from ruins in Elche. However because it was found in Spain and ancient, it must have been made by them Iberians, how convenient. In 1940 the polychrome bust was returned to Spain, since then, it has been elevated it to Goddess status and tagged it as the "Lady" of Elche, the puzzling thing about it is, they have no idea who it is or where it came from and it isn't even a representation of a Lady in the slightest, it is however a man, and one well known in the world even today and whose identity will amaze you.
Lady? of Elche discovered in Spain in 1897
Before all is said and done, it will be discovered that the medallions, The Lady of Elche, Lady of Baza, the Lady of Guardamar and like artifacts in Fact... have their origins in the west, and were brought back to Spain between 700 and 1100 AD or by the same people in an earlier migration between 100 BC and 400 AD by a group of immigrant explorers none seem to know ever came to this place in the west. Near every detail concerning the many identifying marks of the medalions and the poloychrome bust is examined to show you their origins in the book The Forbidden Histories of the Americas.
I believe that before long, you will have a better understanding of this place here in the west, a better understanding of the origins of Buddhism, who Budha was, Where King Solomon's men actually went, who the Queen of Sheba was and where she actually came from along with her ties to India and I think you will finally understand why the mythical Kingdom of Sham-bala or Shem-bala (Children of Shem) remains hidden from the world as it is not in China. You will look at the caves of Ajanta of India in a new light and see the ties to America's western regions. What was the purpose of the medallions? You will with out a doubt begin to understand why so many cultures of the past have been coming to the Americas, all essentially looking for the same place, the same things and why. Read the answer to the question what are those wheels on the sides of the head, what do they represent and what part do they play on identifying the mysterious individual portrayed and how it ties to the Aztec?
Buddhist/Hindu Wheel of Dharmachakra
Lady of Elche Ajanta Cave Image
You may learn more concerning this in the book, The Forbidden Histories of the Americas by Daniel Lowe which at this time is only available in pdf format, it is unedited and is a work in progress, however is no longer available until printing...
IF YOU, have any compelling evidence as to the origins of the above presumed artifact, please contact me at
IF YOU, have any compelling evidence as to the origins of the above presumed artifact, please contact me at
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