Treasure Fantasy
Many treasure hunters have come and gone, and many varieties exist today, some skilled in the things they have experience but of the Spanish Treasure hunters of the past and present I have found, have formed their opinions based on distorted information, and passed it down to those who have been unsuspecting, of these I will say no more. It has been portrayed as the romance of the mystery in books, articles and even the movies as to the simplicity of chasing the legends, treasure hunting is so much more entailed than flying along in your helicopter and spotting a cave, landing and walking 20 feet from where you land and just a few yards into the cave where lies a dead Spaniard in his armor and his arm draped over a large treasure chest. Nicoles Cage never had it so easy... I wish it were that easy...
With this I will also elaborate upon another fallacy. Many today believe that once you have found the treasure site, the work is done; they often comment, “well dig it up!” as if you can just drive to the nearest town, grab a track hoe and a large truck take it back to the site and load the fruits of your labors! I got news for ya… Once you have found the treasure site, the fun is over, the thrill of the hunt is gone, the mystery resolved, and now the real work begins at least for me. Unless you stumbled upon a saddle bag long forgotten, containing some gold or silver coins or a few bars, and you can keep your mouth shut, then there is no work, enjoy your find.
Recently I heard the words uttered by a student of treasure hunting books, a story I heard many years ago and even in a very small way, a part of... and because of the time that has past, gaining more and more of the information and knowledge of others, I had learned the truth of the matter… the words expressed with amazement from this inexperienced yet excited young man was, “Someone found 500 Gold Bars!” Now although this may be true in that at some time, in some place someone may have done this but the story he was repeating it from, originally was supposed two saddle bags, and the story grew from there and there is much more to that story...
Monty’s Gold
Countless stories have been written by the many who have come and gone, writers of treasure with the flair of the pen creating fantasy, or exaggerated truths. If the typical treasure writer would do the homework required they would have no need to take such liberties with the pen, a true researcher would find the evidences of the story before they write about it, rather than create their own story line, but then, where is the books sales in that right? Stories such as Moctezuma’s Treasure, Freddy Crystals caves, and the Lost Dutchman, mixed in with the Peralta stones, some have even managed to tie them all together in their vivid imagination, in effort to sell books, because they know, the typical reader will buy most anything, and I do mean "fall for anything"
Truth be known, and I challenge anyone to do the research behind it, is there a Moctezuma Treasure? Surprising to some the answer is Yes there is… However a serious student of the history of the Aztec, will find at least 3 accounts of the Aztec written by qualified individuals and they were not Treasure Writers and at least one was not a Spaniard yet the 3 records corroborate each other. The treasure of Moctezuma is mentioned in all 3 records, however it is made clear that the treasure is handed down from one Emperor of the Aztec to the next, and that it was ALL accumulated IN Mexico . It is also made clear in the records that after the first attempt of the Spanish to raid the treasure of which they were mostly unsuccessful, the treasure was taken by he Aztecs to one of the MANY cenotes and thrown in, no where in the 3 records that I recall were they instructed by Moctezuma to do so, nor did I find any instruction from Moctezuma, for the people to take he wealth “Back” to a place it did not come from… I will not attempt to explain where the false story of Moctezuma’s treasure being brought back to the North came from. Is there what would be considered treasure and even that of the Aztec here in the North? If I said yes, would you believe?
The Dutchman Mine and the Peralta Stones
Now... I'm not going to tell you the story of the Dutchman isn’t real, why? Because I don’t know, and I don’t care, I’m not a miner… I am a researcher. Then along the way comes what is presumed to be, the "Peralta" Stones, The stones I do indeed believe in the authenticity of them, however, how one managed to mix them in with the Dutchman story I will never understand. As for the Peralta Stones, the story has become so twisted; added upon and altered it is difficult for the casual reader to discover the real story and to top that off, some of those so called professionals of Academia who believe knowledge comes from a paycheck, have deemed the stones as fake with no compelling evidence as if this somehow makes it a fact. In addition how the stones received the name of the Peralta family which without a doubt existed, I am left wondering. It is very plausible that the stones were at one time property of the Peralta family, and lets just say they were. We then go to the original place reported as to where the stones were found at a location east of Florence Junction which is not hard to discover if you just do a little metaphorical digging. My first question would be, why would a searcher of the past drop the stones where the trail begins? In fact, why would the stones be dropped where the trail ends? But let’s look at some common sense here, anyone who takes the time to highlight the 3 rivers in the area suspect of the stone map, can clearly see, that the rivers or drainage's presumably portrayed on the map, is not the Salt River, the supposed Upper River, and Queens Creek, the supposed Lower river, inscribed on the presumed authentic stone maps. If it is as many have supposed, the map would no doubt be pertaining to the Superstition mountains and “May” tie in with the Dutchman story… however…
Let’s take a common sense look and give the author of the stones some credibility as to accuracy, even though they had obvious aerial view disadvantages. Below are the 2 rivers in question in addition to a 3rd proposed intended river, each is a general tracing from a 30 Minute USGS map (left). Compare to the stone map (right) showing what everyone seems to agree is a rendition of rivers, the stone map below is also a digital copy of the original.
I dunno… You tell me which rivers were intended…
If my analysis is correct then the Peralta stone map has nothing to do with the Superstition Mountains , and if you follow the instructions of the map and applied to the new found area, you will find your self at the center of the heart, at the James DeNoon Reymert Silver mines. Mr. Reymert with an interesting background, you will find was a lawyer among other things, why would this lawyer suddenly after moving the Chili for several years for health puposes, where in the Peralta Family was known to have lived for centuries, return to Arizona and suddenly turn to mining and miraculously strike it rich on a whim in his first venture? There is so much more to the story, but this will have to suffice, or is it possible there is still some things you don't know about these stones, and the Peralta Land Grants?
Useless Maps
I hear occasionally of those who have gleaned some information from Spain, or the archives of Mexico, managing to sneak some photos of a map or a document and these people spend years searching, chasing their tail because they do not realize, it is one thing to have a map, and even a charted course, but… IF YOU DO NOT KNOW… how to read the signs and symbols left behind, carved into the rocks, encoded into the rock monuments or the quickly decreasing number of trees bearing AUTHENTIC signs, designed to assist the searcher in finishing the quest to relocate what was meticulously hidden, you may as well shred that map and go home. I can’t count the times I have been told, I found a mine dump! Great… I always think. If you have found a mine dump, you have found one of two likely things you have found a mine of the late 1800’ to early 1900’s, or.. a Spanish mine which has been mined out long before and left for anyone who wants it. I suppose a third possibility exist in that that you may have found a mine which while mining, the party had been intercepted and slaughtered by Indians, however if this were the case, the Indians would have concealed it unless the workings were to extensive, unfortunately for them, some mine dumps are impossible to hide due to the size.
The point being to this section, don’t believe everything you hear, just because the individual telling you claims to be an expert or the book you read says so. Use your common sense, don’t be a sucker, question everything, DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Editing of Part 5 by
Tracy Gardner
Ok, so, why were these people coming here? Meaning, why in the 1500’s and for the next 200 years were the French and the Spanish apparently looking for this elusive lake Copala?
Some of the readers may find the following as vague, but this I cannot help, as we must face the facts, there is a large population out there, and quite frankly, the majority does not need to know of the finer details.
The following is not placed here as a matter of fact, it is and should be considered as a hypothesis. Some in the academic world would likely say it is ridiculous, speculative and some may even bark the words “profoundly subjective!” But this is primarily because they will not see the evidences that corroborate the hypothesis and this because I will not give the evidences here, and they even on their best day would never think to look for them. I could place the evidences IN THEIR HANDS, and they still would not believe… because they have no belief.
Something of the ancient past has drawn many cultures to this land, and it would seem with some distractions of potential wealth, or should we just go with greed? the target area seams to be a place the Aztec refer to as Aztlan, others have called it by slight phonetic differences such as King Arthur’s said to be, “Mythical” Avalon, and Plato’s Atlan-tis, did I spell that correctly?. and what of the place mentioned in the book of Geneses, in the garden of Eden, Havilah?What is this place and what is it about it that draws the people from ancient times to seek for it? Why is so much emphasis placed on the Aztec? Well if anyone would take the time to read their history one might find that in the Aztec history, there are accounts of many people coming to this land. Although Aztec is not their very ancient name, the people who make up the Aztec people have been here since the land was first inhabited since the great flood, yes the one mentioned in the Bible. These people have not only been around since the beginning, but they are also a make up, a mixture, of nearly all those who have visited this land in the last 4500 years when man first set foot on this land around 2400 BC, which land had been swept clean about 300 years prior.
The origins of this seeming mythical place may begin as far back as the beginning of mankind, no, I do not mean the monkeys whom some believe they are descended from, maybe they are, but I am Adamic Man. It's really going to upset some of the academics when they find out that monkey came from man, but I’m talking about those people of the Bible known as Adam and Eve who originated on this planet in what was known as the Garden of Eden.
There are many hypotheses of where this garden was, but my belief, based on intensive study and research of 30 years, and not due to some orthodox belief, places its location here in the west. My efforts certainly do not make me correct, but my effort and evidences certainly make it more plausible than the orthodox belief. I never could get used to doing or believing something, just because the majority is doing it or believes it… In fact I have found that whatever it is the majority believes or does, is likely the wrong thing.
Now although I suspect it pertains to another land, other than a Promised Land, “a land of Milk and Honey”, there is an odd incident that occurs in Numbers 13 wherein Moses sends out “Spies” to the land of “Canaan”. I will leave it to the reader to ponder, but at this time I suspect this land of Canaan in which Moses sent his spies, is not the Promised Land, the land “flowing with milk and honey". The Israelites were also given a chunk of desert along the west shores of the Mediterranean, I must be honest however, my play of words suggests that God gave them a wasteland, if truth be known, in the days it was given, Jerusalem and its surrounding area was a beautiful tropical land. What happened?
King David is said to have traveled to this Land of Promise before his son Solomon, or should I say King Hyrum who was sent by Solomon, to a place many have speculated about. We don’t have much by way of King David but his son Solomon gives a fair account which has had many of the academic world looking in Africa of all places, Why? Lets just say we do not consider the same books… In the first book of Kings, Hyrum returns from this land called Ophir, and immediately the story of the Queen of Sheba begins….
I have a belief, that man has been circumnavigating the globe at least since the first boat was built as recorded in the days of Noah. However, the place wherein King Hyrum, who was the King of Tyre, went and returned from and the place where in Hyrum and his men taught the servants of the Queen of Sheba concerning King Solomon, was here in the west. No sooner than Hyrum returns from Ophir is the story of the Queen of Sheba told, more likely the Queen of Shem-bha or Shem-Bahala, (Children of Shem). Now we begin to understand how the great country of China, with the Tibetans has lost one of its greatest, now mythical, cities; Shambhala. Why can’t they find it? Because they're looking on the wrong continent…
However if the Mahayana Buddhist would think a bit, specifically of the Mother of Buddha, Maya… they just might find this mythical city of Shem Bhala, at the place wherein the name is given to the people of Maya, the Mayan people, yes, those of the Yucatan. What does this mean? It means the Queen of Sheba, who was a Queen of India, the queen of those who had migrated to the Americas and had colonized it long before Hyrums visit, had heard of Solomon through her servants who met Hyrum and his men as they explored the regions of this mythical place that would later be called Aztlan. The evidences of this Hindu people in place names are all over the Americas and even in their religion from which Buddhism was derived, is rooted in the Aztec religion, and has left its mark upon the Hopi, Navajo, Apache and others. Some say it is purely coincidental that the story of Sheba occurs right after Hyrum’s return, but how would they explain the two verses of Chapter 10, 11 and 12 of 1st Kings concerning Hyrum’s journey being interjected right in the middle of the story of Sheba? Another strange coincident I’m sure.
Was the Queen of Sheba, Maya? Mother of Solomon’s son? Or was she the wife of Buddha? He is known for his immense wisdom, beyond any other man… other than one- Solomon. I didn’t loose you there did I?
If the foregoing implications have any merit, the entire foundation of Hinduism and Buddhism, its very creation, is based on a simple Biblical story that is often read over with narrow, and superficial eyes. The forgoing story would no doubt have been passed down within the bloodlines of Solomon. The Davidic Kings, whom I am certain journeyed to find this place in which Solomon’s friend, King Hyrum visited in his 3 year journeys... I would be happy to discuss the evidences Hyrum brought back…
One of two Mayan Temples found in… Indonesia, archaeologist can’t deny, nor explain.
They claim is was built in the 1400’s
Tonatiuh the Aztec Sun God on a Hindu artifact? You tell me?
How many other cultures came to this land during the next 300 years is unknown, perhaps none, however according to the Aztec, Mayan, and some western tribes and according to the (controversial to some) text of the Mormon book we find that about 600 BC another people came to this land in at least 3 separate groups. If true, these people came for religious and physical freedoms, in fact according to their story, they were “brought” here…
According to the Legends of the Chinese, Emperor Shi Huang set sail in 219 BC to a place they apparently already knew as Fusang. The reason for this first voyage would lean towards religious purposes. A later expedition however in about 400 AD gives much more details and a description of a place that in my mind, can be none other than the Grand canyon. Interestingly enough of all the descriptions concerning the indigenous found to be living there, it is said they were a well disciplined people yet had no religion, and so they (the Chinese) taught them of Buddha to the point wherein it became well rooted. I find it ironic that the Chinese migrants who taught the indigenous of that day, were teaching the descendants of those who taught their own ancestors. It is said the indigenous were living abroad in well organized cites, and in large Caves within the Canyon, Imagine that...
It was in the last century BC wherein the shores of the Americas would begin to see the first wave of Europeans since the days of Solomon during the last days of the Roman Republic and the Indo-Greek Kings and as a result of Alexander the Greats campaigns in India. I am certain sensitive historic maps and records were discovered among the ancient royal people of the Queen Sheba, or should we just call her Maya? This seeming accumulation of information seems to have sparked a wave of expeditions to follow beginning as early as 100 BC. I am certain this information corroborated the existing information in the hands of the many European Royals.
Allow me now to veer lightly from the topic- Consider this silver coin found in India bearing the profile of what is believed to be a “100 BC local ruler wearing Roman-type helmet with bristles”. Are they kidding?
I don’t see an Indian wearing a Roman helmet, I see a
Mohawk, Mohican or Pawnee Indian.
Not much is known about the early colonization efforts of the Greek Colonies as it is only mentioned in a later record found on... once again, presumed hoax artifacts believed to be from 1000 AD. However it occurred during a period from 100 BC to about 300 AD and these colonies were presumed to have been overthrown by the Indigenous and run off, assimilated or annihilated. One might consider once again that controversial book, and ask, exactly who were the Gadianton robbers, where did they come from and why do the only ones named have Greek names? Interestingly enough this colinization ended in a period the early Romans of which the Indo Greeks were a part, as the period of the fall of the WESTERN Roman Empire. One might consider at this time… Just who were these Ancestral Pueblo people any way? It is however quite possible they are those who built the many named cities which appear in the old Latin Maps, the same maps that the academic world never address, and even those unnamed 7 cities around lake Copala. You can read more about this mythical lake Copala and the 7 Cities by clicking the Link found at the end of this part...
Now comes a famous British King of the Past, but before I give him a name, let me ask if you have ever heard of “ Recent Studies” Because Wiki sure quotes him a lot but I can never find his sources. When I do, it amounts to nothing more than another guy often quoted by the name of Orthodox Belief. I am sorry, but I am going to go off into a tangent for a bit… not because I cannot control myself, but because we need to understand these two individuals often quoted in the works of those in the digital scholarly Pharisees pages of today- Mr, Wiki! with his buddies Recent Studies and good old Orthodox Belief… Well I would like to introduce them to a friend of mine as it appears they do not know him… His name is “Original Source” oh how I wish they could play nice…
Just one simple guy named King Arthur has received much attention on the all mighty and powerful pages of Wiki, but in the lengthy and largely useless article laden with footnotes at the end, we find 108 footnote resources. What this means is, no less than 100 (educated?) opinions. Keep in mind, if any of them have any credibility regarding the subject of Arthur, they would have all had to have read and studied the original source material! Why oh why, do they always have to rationalize simple meaning… telling us what the author actually meant? Have you ever noticed that according to today's scholarly writers that in past times writers of the ancient past never said what they meant nor meant what they said? Aren’t we lucky to have the scholars of today to tell us what they really meant…
King Arthur in the early 6th century was known for his traveling to a mysterious Island called Avalon, the place where his sword Excalibur was forged. The evidences are few, however other things lead to the possibility that Avalon and Aztlan are one and the same. It is said in the “Arthurian Legend” that after being wounded in a battle he was taken to Avalon to heal, later after his death he was taken there and buried… Of course no one seems to know where Avalon was other than a stab in the dark guess at the Canary Islands, but it was so much easier turning this Welsh History into a legend… and now, mythical status...
Needless to say, I now cannot look at the pictograph, and petroglyph of the Kings panel in Dry Fork Canyon near Vernal Utah without pondering the possibilities of whom it is that is entombed nearby…
I could be wrong, But I think Arthur might have found where
King Hyrum was going… If not, he certainly came very close…
Now comes in 775 AD, the Roman Colonies, and again interestingly enough occured at a time the Romans refer to the "rise" of the WESTERN Roman Empire, ... strange... The majority of the evidence of this exploration or better yet migration and colonization, comes from a discovery that was made in 1924. It would seem the skeptics were a little slow in jumping all over this one as it was no doubt an authentic find with authentic artifacts. Do you have any idea what effort it would take, to create 31 lead artifacts, some of which were 90 lbs, out in the middle of the desert in 1924, headed up by a gravel pit worker, and the study it would have taken to create a story using authentic old Latin and Hebrew? AND THEN encase the objects in cliche of all things, (believed at the time to indicate great antiquity) in such a careful fashion that a team of archaeologists, who recovered a majority of the artifacts, would not notice? What was the motive? The very substance of cliché had been formally used as evidence of the great antiquity of anything found within it, and NEVER something made from historic times, of course until this discovery. NOW the evolutionists are claiming cliché can form very quickly… how convenient… Can you say back peddling?
Notice the Latin words, and although I know most will not see it,
there is also Hindu origin words
Anyway, the story told upon the artifacts tells the story of Roman Colonies in 775 AD, coming to the place of Calalus (Mistranslation of Calicuas) which strangely enough is the very word used and found on the earliest known Latin Maps. It tells of their bringing the Toltec into submission, bondage and Captivity. Funny… why were the Spanish of the 16th century using old Latin maps? Did they speak Castilian or not? The Castilian language (Latin Based) came from those of the Castile Kingdom which came into existence about 1000 AD ending around 1300. These are the very people who were derived from those of Septimania of 500 to 700 AD after the Muslim conquest. Why is this important? These so called Spanish Maps of the New World, are laden with names associated with those of Septimania, and the old Latin language prior to what is considered Castilian and the Castilian influences. But to complicate it further, Septimania didn't exist in Southern France, it was here in America.
None to my surprise, it was very clear in reading the many expedition documents starting with Columbus, and including Juan Ponce de Leon 1513, Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Friar de Niza, Antonio de Espejo many more and even Coronado, were ALL OBVIOUSLY looking for existence of PREVIOUS Castilian occupation! WHY?
One last little note for some who may see… When the Roman colonies arrived in 775 AD they were the typical Roman Catholic, but for some reason 300 years later after finally being expelled by the Indigenous peoples (being the Toltec this particular round) they returned to their homeland, (except those who were had intermarried and remained) as Roman Jewish Catholics. Of course the papacy had to accept it, who was going to argue with the Royals? To this day we have in the world Roman Jewish Catholics. The question is, who did they meet here? And where did this Jewish twist come from? I think before it is all said and done, we may find that these people who they met and who taught them Jewish traditions are the true Ancestral Pueblo, or formerly known as Anasazi.
Well it didn’t end there… 170 years after the Roman Jews returned to their origins Prince Madoc of the Welsh History made his voyage to the Americas no doubt following in the footsteps of his direct ancestors, King Arthur and Iago Idwal (better known as Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, ruler of the Toltec, builders of the Mexico Sun Pyramid and Lunar Pyramid mistakenly called the moon pyramid), just to name a couple. Now you might understand why so many places in western America carry the name Saint Iago, Santiago, San Diego etc... , but once again history in Wales has been converted to legend in America. It is unclear, by what has been written, if Madoc was even looking for the place the Roman colonies found, the former cities of the Indo-Greeks who were here some 400 years prior.
Again those who control the people rose up against their own in 1300. We could talk about the Knights Templar who frequented this land, but I am pretty sure even though they knew where others were focused, that they had better things to do… I think some give them way to much credit in some things, and in other things not enough… Without explanation, I assure you they did NOT haul tons of treasure to this land, they did not come here to hide a cup, and they had no idea where the Ark of the Covenant was… lets not beat this dead horse any longer, it stopped looking like a horse when Orthodox and Hollywood took over…
The Spanish Conquest
A little over 400 years after Madoc, another attempt to conquer the indigenous peoples and find the heart of the promised land and to satisfy the ever growing lust for Gold came- Columbus, followed shortly thereafter by Cortez and the ruthless Coronado. There is much more to the story of Columbus, he didn’t just wake up one day and decide he wanted to sail far into the unknown west to see if there was anything there. Columbus knew damned well the earth wasn’t flat. Columbus first went to the Royals of Portuguese, gee I wonder why? obviously he knew they had knowledge of this place and were part of the colonization of 700 AD to 1000 AD, not to mention the Templar connection. A remnant of the Portuguese remained here and are a large part of the Melungeon Indian ancestry. The Melungeon were found in the areas of Tennessee, Virginia and Kentucky by the first Europeans of the 1500’s, Melungeons are known as a mixed race of European and Indigenous. When found it was clear the language they spoke was intertwined with Portuguese, and when asked of their origins they would answer with "Portageez."
Being turned down by the Portuguese, Columbus approaches the Royals of Spain, it would seem very clear that Spain had much information to support Columbus or at least to see that he wasn’t just heading west aimlessly to the Indies which they very well knew was east. It is suspected that Spain had quite a jump on the French, but it is clear in the French Lahontan’s long river expedition, that he at least knew of the existence of the target lake but apparently had no name to attribute to it. Lahontan never made it to the lake he pursued, turning back somewhere along the upper waters of the Missouri. Yet somehow the cartographer of the Moll Map still managed to capture the very shape and essence of the elusive lake Copala even though they never found it? these guys were good!... In the cartographer notes he states that the map was made from earlier drafts How early? It is interesting to note that in these droughts of the elusive lake is shown with a primary river exiting and heading EAST into what is today's, Missouri river drainage. There is a group of people today that might find this extremely interesting, if they could just wrap there head around it, oh how these little clues tell the stories unknown...
Moll Map of Lahontons Journey aside the 33 million year old Lake Copala
The Unnamed Emperor
I am certain others have come to this land in ancient times that we do not know of. The latest of which you may not believe was a King and Emperor who came here himself in 1918. He seemed to have no trouble finding his way to a key location in the Uinta Basin, and even bought up much property. No one really knows exactly why he was hear, but it certainly was NOT to secure the wealth of the Rhoades mine as fantasized by one.. and was known to this man as chicken feed compared to what he was seemingly searching for. Circumstances overseas eventual required his attention to the degree that he had to abandon his efforts and his properties were eventually sold off by his representative with the last piece selling in 1943.
The Question
In all that I have written in this part 5, I have not really answered the question, “Why were they coming here?” Let me answer by saying that many but not all who came in the past knew this was the very place promised to the Israelites of the ancient Abrahamic covenant. As a result many have tried to obtain this land for themselves there are things here that are of ancient origin and of great archaeological value, what they did not understand however is that the promise to the Israelites carries a curse as well, “that who so ever shall posses this land shall be free from bondage and from captivity and from all other nations, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ,” otherwise they will come into bondage and captivity or when they are ripe in iniquities, they will be swept off. But lets just write that off as a mythical hoax and leave it to Recent Studies, Orthodox Belief and their new friends Hollywood and WIKI.
To The Legendary Lake Copala
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