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Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Hidden Treasures of New Spain Part ONE, TWO and THREE

Originally Posted August 29th 2015

It is estimated that billions of dollars in sunken treasure remain at the bottom of the sea as a result of the Spanish invasion of the Americas which lasted for nearly 300 years. It seems that never is it much considered that there is billions that remain hidden upon the land that never made it to the ports. There are many treasures that remain not only in the northern regions of the west but in Mexico and South America. The following will only give a small accounting of what remains hidden on the land we call America.

Since the days of the last wave of when the Europeans began to swarm the eastern coastlines of this continent referred to as the Americas, as a result of countless rumors of the past which in and of itself is suppressed even today, the indigenous of this continent’s history has gone untold from their perspective. Only recently we are beginning to hear the other side of the story of a time frame which has lasted for over 500 years and also much that they had to tell from thousands of years prior to that. This includes the stories of their origins, beliefs, and wars. If only we had listened. Among the untold histories of the oppression's, the genocide, destruction's of families, tribes and extermination of entire nations of people, and their patriotic acts against the oppression's brought upon them by a so-called superior civilized race. Today the evidences show that greed has always been the motto of Spanish and Gold was their God. Since their arrival, they have systematically destroyed the once mythical paradise and place of legendary riches which brought them here to begin with.

Fortunately a few took the time to listen to the indigenous peoples and documented the things that they had to tell, much of which is preserved in selective writings of the past. Many of these earliest authors date back to the 1500’s and some were even earlier. Today, these honorable men who lent their ear to the many indigenous tribes of the American continent are thanked by the Academic world today by condemning them as hoaxers, forgers, and nothing more than fictional writers, a practice that continues to this day. When the once highly regarded author was alive and well and gave honest evaluation and documentations of what he had found and experienced by his personal efforts to learn of these people who were found upon the last arrival of the Europeans. These recorders of history even lived with them. They were respected and quoted often, even by those who would later turn against them after they had passed on, in order to keep their good standing with the doctrine of Manifest Destiny and their seeming place of worship, the house of Smithsonian.

Any compassion shown towards the indigenous in helping them through the oppressions, catering to their needs as a result were considered as a sacrilegious act as these indigenous were considered as nothing but savages, barbarians with no more status than a dog; an attitude that continues secretly even to this day. A religious system forced upon them with bloodshed, torture, the killing of women and children, forcing them into submission, systematically dismantling their religious beliefs and their way of life; none of which was a threat to anyone. Even the mighty and once highly talented Aztec has been portrayed as nothing more than blood thirsty head hunters and human sacrifice driven people. This is a gross exaggeration of the truth. All the while the Catholic driven Europeans never saw, that they were the manifestation of Satan by forcing their religious ideals upon the people under the threat of death, seen in this manner by not only to the indigenous of the time, but by us who can now clearly look back and see with eyes to see. Of course the indigenous were portrayed and documented in the histories written by the victors as a blood thirsty head hunting sacrificing barbarian, as it was and is the only way to hide from the people the embarrassing truth of the victor’s evil demonic acts of which if the truth were known… dwarfed the supposed acts of the Aztec Indians.

The Bandoleros

The purpose of the forgoing paragraphs is to give the reader a better understanding and more accurate perspective on the subject which has never been accurately portrayed. Like the Patriots of the war against the tyranny in 1776, when the British Crown attempted the same similar practices against their own, we the people rose up seeking independence against those oppression's. Mexico in 1810, in their war for independence, was facing the same problems against the oppression's of Spain: atrocities which cannot even be compared to the pretended whoredom's of the Aztec. At this time Spain in addition to their self justified deeds against the indigenous had been raping and pillaging the people and the land all in the name of their God ever since their arrival and conquest of 1521, that God being Gold. In the latter part of the 16th century, the Mexican patriots began to organize. You will read about these highly honored men of the Mexican people as Banditos or Bandoleros in many of the writings of the Spanish authors of the past who wrote the one sided histories. These Banditos were only considered as such by the Spaniard.
(edited in part by Ron Guilfoyle)


Bandeleros Continued...

The Banditos are often portrayed as thoughtless, ruthless and uncaring men, although not to be contended with, these native born Mexican Indians and some times Mexican born Spanish began to form organizations of men dedicated to the cause of cutting off the supply of wealth to Spain and accumulating the wealth in order to someday fund and rise up in a civil war against their oppressor. These men were of humble origins and of good character, they were artisans and mechanics of which membership of the growing organization was handed down from father to son, a membership viewed as a mark of honor and distinction. These men were bound by strict oaths of allegiance and secrecy, and if required they were prepared to lay down their lives for the cause. By the time of the end of the 17th century, these bands of men were equally established and distributed, having been assigned to the many places throughout New Spain and along the many Caminos Real or Royal roads established in the land and leading to the many ports of export.

By the 17th century, the primary secret headquarters of the organization of Banditos was located in San Luis Potosi which may have been known at that time as San Luis de Mezquitique. Many a mule train loaded with gold and silver passed through this community on its way to Mexico which were made up of shipments from both Royal expeditions and private expeditions funded by Nobles of Spain. Shipments by way of caravan came for nearly 300 years from as far North as Garazona, El Alto, San Dimas and Topia and many other places such as El Pilar, Gavilanes, Tal yal ta, El Naran jal, Metalitos, the great mines of Sonora and Tahuaheto all on their way along the Royal roads heading for Mexico or some port for export. The objective of the organized Banditos was to intercept as many of the shipments as possible and wherever possible, to cut off the supplies to Spain and to accumulate the wealth needed in order to fund a civil war. The Banditos lived off of their own trade as other citizens of the states and were allowed to take of the smaller wealth of coins carried by many of the soldiers they killed. The Banditos did not live off of the spoils of vast treasure in lavish comfort as thought by so many.

The Banditos were in a bit of a conflict which at times upset their plans; majorities of the Banditos were for several generations converted Catholics and as a result they tried to avoid shipments intended as tithing. One of their final robberies in the late 1780s after the slaughter of 85 men, the Captain of the Banditos band discovered that a large part of the shipment was for the purpose of tithing. From that day on, they thought that they had been cursed and within the next 20 to 30 years, the majority of the Banditos had been captured and executed while only a few escaped. The efforts of the Count of Branciforte, owner of many shipments robbed and General Barron de Villamoco, Lord and owner of the great mines of SonoraBaja California, and Tamazula, made much effort to eliminate the existence of these Banditos once and for all. Each of the Captains at some time before their death seem to have written their account of robberies, passing this information of wealth down and remaining within the families. At times in the past, these thought to be non existent documents, occasionally make their way to private hands. One of the last of these surviving captains had written such an account in September of 1839 describing the activities that had taken place since the early 1600's.

The paths robbed were many during the 300 years of Spanish pilferage, Royal roads from the famous mines of the North including Nayarit, SinaloaChihuahua, Jalisco and Zacatecas. Shipments from these places often were sent to Mexico and then to the port of Veracruz. At other times, they were sent through Tepic and down to San Blas. Due to the many bands of Banditos which were established along the many roads, there became numerous primary cache sites because of the vast treasures which were accumulated for these 300 years. These caches developed fame and rumor of their existence: a fame that drives many treasure hunters of all walks today to search for these places. Many of the treasure stories in Mexico are primarily of these many robberies of the Banditos whereas here in the north it is primarily Spanish Cache sites, sites in which the Spanish cached their surplus that could not be shipped for some restrictive reason, this is not to say however that there is not many sites where in the Native tribes of the north did not rob and kill those of the many expeditions, and dispose of it in some unknown location.

There are many Bandito hoards along the many roads worthy of mention, cache sites such as the Caves of Picacho, which had been contributed to since as early as 1605, the cache sites at Mesa Dinero, Trigo, Remudadero, Magos, Blanco Cuevecillas, El Durazno, and Falso, but none had the level of fame of the gold and silver that had been accumulated at Majoma. So great was the accumulation of treasure at Majoma that it is said that it exceeded all the others combined. It is rumored that it resides in a natural cavern in which the earliest of the Captains of the Banditos vowed to fill it with the spoils from the Spanish shipments and with Gold only, the Silver was to be placed elsewhere nearby: a goal that was finally realized in about 1780 in which the overflow had to be located in shallow trenches nearby. Many cache sites described by the Bandito Captains in their final words have been handed down to the descendants of those who wrote those words. Many never sought after the hordes which were left behind largely because of the belief of a curse, and the knowledge of many of the place names were eventually lost and forgotten... 


The Spanish Expeditions of the North

The cache sites in the north are not the same as the Banditos sites, unfortunately the depositories of the Spanish were not documented with meticulous instructions on how to find them as in many cases of the Banditos’ cache sites, but they were meticulously mapped and marked using a formula of triangulation that had escaped us and has taken us years to discover its existence and many months to understand the application of it at the many cache depositories of the many mining districts. Had it not been for arising circumstances in field documentation and the efforts of one mans ability to think outside the box, and another’s ability to apply it in the field, we may still be unaware of its existence.

Since the days of the Spanish Explorations, driving further and further into the North, looking for the famed 7 Golden cities of Cibola (Si-Bol-LaSi as in eye) legends have grown, legends of which date back further than any might think, yet many names have been attributed to this place which in some legends is considered as 7 cities surrounding a vast lake called Copalla, stemming from the Copal tree or the smaller variety Copalchi and yet deriving from the Nahuatl word Copalli meaning incense. Yet and in more ancient legends this mythical place is always pertaining to an Island in the middle of a vast lake or sea, and even in few less legends, associated with a place of the Heron and others a place of turtles or Turtle Island. Some in Academia would while on one hand trying to convince us man came from a monkey, would set this whole thing down as ridiculous, yet not a one of them can explain how these legends and surprisingly accurate draughts existed long before the Europeans were ever thought to have come here.

The Spanish mining expeditions into the North have been underway since the 1500’s and more so in the following century. Despite what history has taught in the institutions of programing, the evidences show that Father Escalante, was following a very old trail.

The Royal funded Spanish expeditions had a lot to loose; their operations were subject to looting or hostile take over by, Privateering Spaniards, French expeditions or other and also the Indigenous. I cannot prove it by any means, but I am certain one day you will find it to be true, but a true Spanish mine, with something of value left behind, you will not find it open, as any mine of value was to be backfilled 10 varas or 30 feet and made to look as natural as when they arrived. It would also be interesting to note, that should the Indians up rise and over throw those who would enslave them, all remnant of the site, the slaughter, including the mine itself, would be hidden away, and if it had great importance, a particular family within the tribe is given the commission to keep the mine covered and all concealed, a practice that continued at least into the 1970’s a little Ute woman who faithfully carried out her commission her entire life.

For many of the reasons given previously, the Spanish relied upon a system, principle or rule in which to ensure they could return to the exact spot. Triangulation has always been the most effective method by which to mark an exact spot by using the principles of Geometry and or Trigonometry. However, if you were not familiar with the signs or symbols which were left behind, you could in no wise located the intended cache location if you were fortunate enough to have received an authentic map. If those signs or symbols were in some way destroyed, only the memory of one who had been there before would aid in relocation.

There are many who wish to be a treasure hunter, there are many who claim to be a treasure hunter and even some who advertise that they are a professional treasure hunter.

There are many forms of treasure hunting, metal detecting, chasing the old stage coach robberies, bank robberies and the like, KGC cache hunters, lost treasures of the ancients, sunken Spanish Treasure, Spanish cache stories, Bandito’s cache stories and unique stories of all kinds and from all over the world. Each and every form of treasure hunting there is, requires certain skills that if you do not posses them, you can at least enjoy the thrill of the hunt. But the skills needed are more common than one might think, in fact, those who seem to be most lacking are the self proclaimed treasure hunters, they are not hard to find, look for those who have been there done that and they remind you often, beat their own chest, they create false situations of evidence which they think you can’t see, and should you show them something new, they already knew it and seen it 20 years ago. 

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