I have decided to reveal a small part of my secret in locating glyphs and
other things that many do not know of, but forgive me if I am cryptic... it is for good cause...
If you see the glyphs as art, this is all you will ever see. And I support you...
If you see the glyphs as an intended message for other generations, and this is what you seek, you are more apt to find the answer... and I am willing to share.
The problem and the solution are the same, in that
"You WILL find exactly what you seek"
If you seek to disprove a thing, you will no doubt find it even if that thing is truth.
If you seek to prove a thing even if it is a false hood, you will also find that...
So for those of you have have not closed the mind, consider the following as Hypothesis as you must, because this is my truth proven to me for near 30 years, done with an agenda
to prove as well as disprove, the only way to find the truth of any matter...
I think I have earned my place.
Draw you attention to the hieroglyph in the above picture or symbol "combination"
(Dot Line Dot) which can be considered as a symbol alone, but is actually a hieroglyph or combination of two or more symbols together.
Focusing on the dot line dot ONLY, if you approach this glyph, line up the dots and travel that direction and you will find more glyphs. How far? I think I will hold that little secret for now, but suffice it to say, this glyph has NEVER failed me in a hundred plus instances... lets just call it, my rule of thumb...
Another example of the dot line dot crossing another incorporated symbol which adds meaning to the whole... The Line MUST be touching each dot. If it is not, it takes on a similar meaning, of go "from" here "to" here... but likely will not lead you to another glyph site...
This is a surviving panel in the unofficial Soldier Pass shooting range that I cannot believe still exists... How it has escaped decades of bullets I will never know, but what I do know, is that it contains locator instructions to some thing not far away...
This panel without explanation, tell's you to ascend or go up from where you are, over the top of the ledge and across the flat above to "here" hmmm... why?
My first Panel ever...
at the bottom right is a combination of symbols forming a hieroglyph, the meaning of which is "cross over here and travel to the top of the next hill." At that point you find the next set of instructions. (Next Photo)
I think I will with hold this one at this time... suffice it to say, it leads to the next glyph location not to far away.
Now although I did not find the next intended glyph I did find others designed to put you back on track which are similar in nature to this one in the above image. Had I stayed on track and had a sharp eye in these days of my beginning... I would have located this small inconspicuous symbol which simply says turn and go up. How far? Why? and What? This glyph is about 3 inches high and about the same wide, I have stood people in front of it 4 feet away and they still could not see it.
Keep in mind some of these images have been enhanced so that it can be understood what part I am referring to.
This glyph would be the next glyph found by following to previous instructions. I knew it this point that I was near the end of the trail, as this small panel has no travel indicators, and it tells you what to look for...
I will hold my tongue on the majority but the symbol shaped as a small hill which indicates "hidden" or "Covering" (a Base Meaning) however if the subject is understood the proper dirivitive word can be inserted giving the meaning by it's placement above the main glyph, "All of this" (the main glyph and meaning) "is hard to see" or "is Hidden"
But where do I go now? To the left and slightly higher was the answer to that question. See Following Image.
Again without explanation, the above hieroglyph loosely reads,
"There is a man made object made for holding something or is holding something"
"From this side or outcrop, travel down over the ledges, across the gully (indicated by natural "rock incorporation") to here"
The final glyph which I knew had to be there, escaped me for another dozen or so visits to the site, until one day, I slowed down and focused on the little things... and there it was, right where I said it was months before.
What does this final glyph in this obscure trail say? What was /is it that is important enough to create this hidden path of almost a half mile away from the main panel?
I could answer that... but as the experts have told me, "thats speculation" "it's just doodling", "it's cowboy scribbling", "its rock "art" "It is only meant for the author to understand" "Pure conjecture" I have heard it all...
I have been assured by the "experts" that it is not a written language... although not one shred of evidence exists to support the claim...
The bottom line is, it means exactly what you want it to mean...
I hope you enjoyed this and should the sceptic gaze upon this and feel compelled out of pride to comment...let the comment be to thier own condemnation...
There are none so blind... as those who WILL NOT see....
Keep in mind if you should choose to persue this hobby, it took me 18 months to track from the first panel to the intended target, but this was my first panel... are you sure you have what it takes? ;-)
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