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Thursday, March 17, 2016

A Spring Day at Clear Creek

A Spring day at Clear Creek

The year was about 1985 when I first stumbled across my first Native American Petroglyph… I was so taken in by it I just had to find out who did it, and what it meant,,,
Today, I think I still only have a small part of what was intended…

After spending weeks literally in the Libraries, searching for anyone who may have some glimmer of what the glyphs may mean, and finding that the academic world in a nut shell, knew nothing,,, I found LaVans book the Rocks Begin to speak… I approached the book with great skepticism, as it was my nature… after about the first five year of trying to disprove his hypothesis, or prove it, I gave up on trying to disprove it as it was very clear to me, the writings on the rocks were absolutely an intended message of the past.

I wish I had a dollar for every claim that comes from the pomp of some claiming to have been going to the hills for 40 or even 50 years with this somehow in their mind making them and expert… what they don’t tell you is that in those years, their trips to the hills was an occasional weekend that occurred maybe a dozen times a year… even in their advanced age… and a dollar for every claim who says they have read LaVans book and now can read the writings on the rocks, and yet in every case I am aware of, they always bastardised his work by bringing in their own assumptions rather than stick to the core of what he taught,,,  I make no such claim, as it has been 30 years now and I am still trying to make sense of it… Yes, I do believe his hypothesis has merit… as I have countless times proven TO MYSELF the validity of it…

Clear Creek Canyon glyphs was my first Commercial Government controlled site, I have ever since been fascinated with the site, but more so those things not visited by the general public. On my first trip to the site which encompassed 3 days… I recall noticing what I call locator glyphs, and decided to follow them to see what it is they lead to… After arriving at what I felt was the final destination, and the day came to an end, I finished up by visiting the curator of the day, a very pleasant man. I told him of a set of glyphs I had been lead to deeper in, he acknowledged the same place having been to it several times himself, and he asked what I thought it meant, without hesitation I told him it was a burial site of a significant recognized authority figure of the past… and that he should keep an eye on it as there was evidence of digging..  His eyes popped open and his jaw dropped… I asked… what’s wrong? He told me that just a few years prior that archaeologist exhumed a grave site there and that it was clearly a man held in high regard as evidenced by the articles taken… This is when I realized the unlawful immoral act of the looting process of grave robbing of our ancestors is that it can be changed to status of a licensed thief, which is still unlawful and immoral.  License means permission to do something that without it is therefore illegal. I do not recall anyone obtaining permission from the Native American to loot their ancestors graves... Enough of that rant…

Countless years of ignorant target shooting

Digital reconstruction

Clear Creek has ever since been one of my favorite places to go, although now government controlled at least the destruction by those who were so short sited to see… has stopped for the most part, something that likely would not have had there not been intervention… we won’t talk about the destruction that occurred, and is downplayed and not talked about, at the building of I-70… I often have to tell myself to just shut up and enjoy! LOL
Please… Enjoy these photos…

More Target Practise...

Digitally Reconstructed

Just plain ignorance...

 Digitally Reconstructed

More undamaged panels due to ignorance
but quickly falling to mother nature...

A future reconstruction project

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