Yes... there is, a serious problem in this Nation...
The problem is not your daily social media gripes,
It isn’t
those who want your guns,
It isn’t
those who don’t want to build a wall,
It isn’t
those who want to build a wall,
It isn’t
those whom the people think the wall will keep out.
It isn’t
those who are coming into this nation behind the backs of the people to destroy
it from within while they are focused upon the wall and the so called
government sends our military somewhere else ignoring it.
It isn’t
the Islam people of which a majority wants us to accept while ignoring their
repetitive historic mission to destroy Christians and somehow thinking they
have changed? Are we now to believe in righteous demons?
It isn’t
the corrupt politicians who are nothing more than voices that the people give
power to, and have the power to stifle, yet the people do not.
It isn’t
the government of this Nation which is not a government at all, but a
corporation set up instead thereof, as an impostor, designed to bring the
people back into bondage and captivity, as a result of losing that government
(Free Republic) in 1862 but still after 150 years!.. The People still do not
know it!
It isn’t
those who are elected to this corporation posing as a government officers, as
the people still have the power to remove them, those who are elected, but I
more specifically meant the Corporation.
It isn’t
a corrupt government, it’s a wrong government, and in fact not a government at
all, but still our fathers let them come in while others who died to stop them
were set down in history as the enemy, yes... those who tried to prevent it, Yes, the Confederacy, the boys in the South...
It isn’t
the Confederacy and what the people think that the civil war was about but what
brought it about and why the people still think it was about freeing the slaves
when in fact it was about creating slavery, bondage and captivity of which the
South was trying to prevent! and yet the people set them down as an evil
because the people buy into the bull shit propaganda history of the enemy!
It might
be the people who believe Confederates were democrats just because the media
says so…
It might
be those who believe the south was willing to die, watch their plantation
burned to the ground and often watch as the north burned their churches with
their wives and children boarded up inside, all because they wouldn’t let their
slaves go?
It might
be those who believe this garbage…
It might
be those who never ask why so many of the African slaves fought for the south?
And at the same time don’t ask why the north slaves did as well?
It isn’t
about that flag that some choose not to honor and swear an oath to, an inanimate
object that can do nothing for the people, and that others tread upon, a piece
of decorated cloth which does NOT represent the Free Republic that the people
think they know! but represents the corporation it came from created by the
laws of the men of this corporation in Title 4 USC 1, in the 1930’s.
known flag of the free Republic 1861-1863
It isn’t
about that repetitive oath taken out of our schools that the people hold so
sacred and were indoctrinated to faithfully recite as the people grew up
thinking it was the American thing to do, yet only resulted identification of
the real problem.
It isn’t
the fact that the people swear this oath to a piece of cloth, an inanimate
object and to an almost non-existent Free Republic which the people have rejected, then with hypocrisy, they go to the polls to decide between a Republic or its oppositions? Was this country founded upon the principles of a Republic or not!?
It isn’t
the fact that the people of this Nation have been lulled into carnal security
and speak from both sides of their mouth as if words like “Federal” AND
“Democracy” were some holy American phrase instead of the evil that it is, and
which the people have come to accept in one form or another.
It isn’t
that the lack of knowledge in that the words Federal and Democracy have no
place nor designation whatsoever in this Nation and are the enemy.
It isn’t
our Federal Constitution that is in danger, because there is no such damn
thing! It is our Constitution of the Free Republic that is in trouble and
doubtful if it is even possible to save!
It might be those whom since 1862 have accepted the word Federal as some holy and righteous American word, yet the truth is revealed, by supplanting the word with FORIEGN!
It isn’t
those who choose not to “honor” those who the people think defend or defended
this country, OVER THERE! It might be those who think it possible to defend
something without being there to defend it!
We have
become a Nation of hypocrites! Men who have chosen their football Gods over the
true Shepard! Men who know the rules of the game oh so well and would cry out
in anger if no one was there to defend the goal of their chosen team! yet they
accept and find honor in the idea that our daughters, mothers, sisters, fathers
and sons, should be sent over THERE! To the opposing team’s goal to “defend”…
while leaving our own goal unattended! while the foreign “Federal” enemy which
they take their orders from, grows from within leaving the foreign AND domestic
enemy to overrun this Nation and creating again hypocrites of an empty oath.
It might
be those who do not understand that our military has been turned into
It isn’t
men who have ignored the warnings and have come to accept and twist the words
Pride, Proud (Taking the Glory) and Honor incorporating these words into their
daily vocabulary, not knowing that NO MAN in this nation nor on this planet!..
Is worthy of honor and that pride is of the adversary!
It isn’t
that men have come to excuse themselves with cliché’s such as “there is good
pride and bad pride! Are we now to understand there is Good Sin and Bad Sin? If
so, we now have righteous demons. I am "pleased" with my children...
It isn’t
those hypocrites who cry out for Constitutional Rights while filing CIVIL Law
It isn’t
because the people believe they have Constitutional Rights of which there is no
such thing… it could be because they believe they exist!
It could
be because their “Constitutionally Protected Rights” which they know nothing
about, are not theirs any longer because they have chosen to cast them off for
CIVIL Rights but they have no idea how they did that!
It just might be those who rant and rave, "We're loosing our rights! They're taking our rights!" all the while not knowing they are and have voluntarily given them up! In exchange for so called "Benefits" or shiny dangly things....
It might be those who do not understand the greatest gift we have been given by our maker... AGENCY, and they use it poorly....
It might be those who claim to be the true proprietors of the one true gospel, yet speak from both sides of their mouths...
It might be those who lied to their children teaching the fallacies of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and a Tooth Fairy and now do not understand why their children do not believe in Christ!
It isn’t
the education system!
It might
be those who do nothing to correct it.
It isn’t
the Medical profess-ion who so obviously suppresses possible cures for Cancer
or any other man made disease!
It might
be those who worship them as if they were our saviors.
It might
be those who do not understand that the near number one killer in this Nation
is not Cancer, but it’s so called treatment KEMO!
It might
be those who do not know the true cause of cancer and would reject it and would
not change their glutenous habits if
they did knew!
It might
be those whom if DNA tests of the Malignant Cancer tissue were done, might find
a not so distant relative named PORK! Yet the lights are on but no one is home...
It might
be those whom even after knowing this would still continue to consume this
repulsing rot and feed it to their unsuspecting children!
It very well might be those who refuse to believe that in Mexico they do NOT TREAT! Cancer, THEY CURE IT! and they never consider why doctors do not here!
It might
be those who believe that by artificially exposing a child to disease or
illness by injection who has a slim chance of being exposed naturally, is
better than the way Mother Nature has done it for thousands of years. And that
by doing this it makes the child immune to the disease they were just given and
usually shortly thereafter get, but at the same time believe that a child who
has not been exposed nor artificially given the disease, is now somehow a
threat to the child carrying the injected disease who is supposedly immune to
It just might be those who have justified themselves in the spilling of innocent blood, of millions of unborn children!
It might be those who have so long, and even since before the Milk Carton Kids, ignored or turned a blind eye to the evil which has grown in pedophilia...
It might
be those who uselessly air their rants on social media daily yet! of the
declining condition of this Nation and somehow believing they have then done something
about it!
It might
be those who adhere to this carnal security of social media never understanding
that the founding fathers didn't just talk about it! they physically did
something about it!
It might
be those who still!... STILL to this day! continue to see the Emperors new
clothes! just because the media tells them to... "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"
We the
People use to mean something, and now We the People are now We the Problem… Yes
the problem is us, the people of this Nation, the thinking or the lack of it.
It is those who have accepted Orthodox Belief... always looking for the popular choice...
problem is those who have no idea what I am saying…
It is
those who receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved... and instead receive strong delusion, that they would instead believe a lie...
It is
they who have chosen not to follow the Shephard, but to be a part of the Herd
driven by Satan’s current appointed Caesar, the will of the peoples God a
FEDERAL Democracy introduced by evil men ambitious of power in 1862.
A great
evil has come upon us, which we have brought upon ourselves out of
disobedience to the commandments of God, that same evil which we gained independence from in 1776, of
which tried again to come against us in 1812, but did not succeed because we
had not yet fallen asleep. And then through covetousness, a lying tongue and
with feigned words again… made merchandise of the people. The people rejected
the Shephard again, fell asleep and choose again to cast off all that our
forefathers came here to escape, and chose again to be one of the herd, being
brought back into bondage and captivity.
There is
a blessing or curse upon this land, the choice is yours... and it seems the
curse is coming upon us..."that whoso should possess this land of promise,
from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God,
or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon
now, we can behold the decrees of God concerning this land, that it is a land
of promise; and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall serve God, or they
shall be swept off when the fulness of his wrath shall come upon them. And the
fulness of his wrath cometh upon them when they are ripened in iniquity.
behold, this is a land which is choice above all other lands; wherefore he that
doth possess it shall serve God or shall be swept off; for it is the
everlasting decree of God. And it is not until the fulness of iniquity among
the children of the land, that they are swept off."
The Lord
has command the people, that when ye shall see these things come among you that
ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret
combination which IS among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them
who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also
upon those who built it up, EVEN if done unknowingly out of ignorance…
Even him,
whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish;
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And
for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a
lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness.
The problem might be me... as I am reaching that point wherein, I no longer care whether you believe... or not...
A Few
Seemingly forgotten Messages to our brave men
and women
of our high jacked Military
2000-25 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, November 30, 1928.
Prepared under direction of the Chief of Staff This manual supersedes Manual of
Citizenship Training The use of the publication “The Constitution of the
States,” by Harry Atwood, is by permission and courtesy of the author. The
source of other references is shown in the bibliography.
“TM 2000-25:
government of the masses. Authority is derived through mass meeting or any
other form of direct expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property
is communistic, negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will
of the people shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation, or
governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to
consequences. Results in demagoguery, license, agitation, discontent, and
is derived through election by the people of public officials best fitted to
represent them. Attitude toward property is respect for laws and individual
rights, and a sensible economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the
administration of justice in accord with fixed principles, and established
evidence, with a strict regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens
and extent of territory may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous
extreme of either tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty,
reason, justice, contentment, and progress.
A G.
014.33 (4-28-8).] C.P. SUMMERALL,
Chief of
General, The Adjutant General
Never forget that we, the people- in America,
are not subjects’ of our government. No. Our government is subject to us- the
will of we, the people. We are not beneath them but they us. They are not our
rulers’ and it’s wrong to call them leaders’ as they are to do our bidding and
not the bidding of those that want to destroy our Constitution, in exchange for
a One World Government, a New World Order or some other form of enslavment. In
a democracy’ the people are subject to their leaders’ and have no authority
over the ruling elite’. This concept is and always has been diametrically
opposed to the founding principles of this nation. So, please- correct people
when they call this nation a democracy’. To say such a thing is to play into
the hands of those that would seek to over throw our Constitution and, thereby,
enslave us under the dictates of a Global elite. And, by the way- with this
little look into the facts’, re-read Romans 13 and you’ll see the biggest
problem in the minds of most Americans- believers and non-believers alike.: The
only authority above we, the people, is God. Beneath us is the Constitution
which is to protect us from our public servants.
(From the
Soldiers Training Manual Issued November 30 1928)
the powers of government, legislative, executive, judiciary, result to the
legislative body. The concentrating of these in the same hands is precisely the
definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation that these powers
will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one. 173 despots
would surely be as oppressive as one. Let those who doubt it turn their eyes on
the republic of Venice." ---- Thomas Jefferson
democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent
form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that
voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public
treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who
promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every
democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always
followed by a dictatorship."---- Alexander Fraser Tytler, Cycle Of
Democracy (1770)
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