Part Five
Just when you thought I was almost winding down, I made the mistake of re-checking old measurements and checking new possibilities... again.
Well, to begin with and not offering explanation as the why who what where and when it would seem an intended measurement in the small triangle is slightly off, I am not certain at this point but in doing a mean measurement of the triangle, inspired by findings in the large triangle, rather than assuming the inside edge of the rocks were intended, I find a high probability that the base measurement for the small triangle is 48 feet, not 46 or was both intended, One as a mean measurement and one as a more defined, But why?
48 x 1.2 = 57.6
Using the mean measurement of 72.874 feet (Height of the triangle) x 24 (Half of Base) to get the area square footage of the triangle I get 1748.976, well, what is so significant about this number? Divided by 2, it will give you 874 (Ark of the Covenant) Why divide it by two? The short of it as far as I can tell at this point, is the conversion factor from feet to cubits, more on this later…maybe. I might at this time again point out that 874 inches = 72.83 feet.
Using the actual measurement 48 feet for the mean base X the golden ratio gives me 77.664 (side of triangle) and changing the height of the triangle to 74 feet. To get the area of square feet within the triangle, 24 x 74 = 1776, now divided by 2 = 888, what gives here? I still can’t explain it. 74 feet = 888 inches. 7761 / 88.8 = 87.4
Now what brought this on was when I decided to check the absolute square footage of the large triangle to see if it yielded anything interesting, the height measurement of the triangle I derived at with a 244 foot side is 232 and x 75.375 which is 1 half base I get 17487 and again, what is so significant about this number? Well if you divide it by 874 I get 20 why 20? This tells me this large triangle is 10 times larger than the small triangle as far as area or square footage. So if you divide 17487 by 10 you get 1748.7 and divided by 874 = 2. Well… there is that conversion factor again of 2:1.
Now if you convert the 232 feet and 75.375 feet to cubits and multiply them you get you get and area of 7768 cubits.
7768.11 divided by 8.888 = 874, another of the many coincident I’m sure…
The Ark of the Covenant by volume is 7776 Square Etzbah.
I also find that if you take the number 1748.7 Span, it equals 874 Cubits.
1776 Span = 888 Cubits
1777 = Jesus of Nazareth
Now, another friend brought to my attention the number of the vail, which is the correct spelling found in the Old Testament the numerical value of which is 700. I also find the Hebrew word for Inheritance = 93
Now unless I have missed something and I am sure I have, here is where I will take this already deep rabbit hole a little deeper…
If you have read the Walk in the Park and you are familiar with the path, you will understand that you begin at the smaller triangle in the meadow, gather the instructions and follow the path at 215 degrees using the information gathered being the measurements, multipliers and such, the object being to recreate ( not literally), a larger triangle on the hill using the information to establish the points and revealing the end results ending at the target no matter which instructions of the many you follow.
Rather than write a story and using the words which correspond with the Hebrew Numerical value in italicized, I am going to let you do it because if I were to do it, it would amount to nothing more than opinion or conjecture, and you will see the numbers are properly placed coinciding with history and prophecy according to the path you would follow using the story of the Israelites.
15 Feet = 10 Cubits (10 Times)
12 Feet = 8 Cubits
7.5 Feet = 5 Cubits
15, 12 and 7.5 are used as multipliers, 15 feet or 10 Cubits is used for everything pertaining to the Large Triangle, 12 feet or 8 Cubits seems to be pertaining to the lower triangle and other factors, the 7.5 feet or 5 Cubits seems to be related to other factors.
Below are the Hebrew word numerical values in the order they occur if you follow the path; and other words found with the same numerical value.
Multipliers in Feet
15 come, high, garment, Lord, valley, glory, meadow, stretch, exalt.
12 height, gold, twelve.
7.5 (7) short, devise, give.
75 priest, tribe, stretch, foundation, temple, begin, Jew, redeem.
Multipliers in Cubits
15 feet = 10, come, fleece, high.
12 feet = 8 begin, come, return, stave, father.
7.5 feet = 5 come, Lord, portion.
46 God, Levi, Cubit, Lord, Stave, boarder, hide, redeem, captivity.
48 Tabernacle, Father, beginning, Cubit, uncover, God, Lehi, hide, measure, rejoice, magnify.
57.5 (57) build, boarder, cubit, south, Levite, Mother, comfort, magnify, no, unclean, perish.
575 open, eleven, riches, gate, remain, threshold, earthquake, removed.
(And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,= 575)
576 tenth, ten, commandments, afflict, degree, earthquake, corner.
570 (All these are the twelve)
74 son, wise, judge, guard, lead, rest, come, vessel, build, redeem, prophet, begin, foundation, rest, seek, stretch, bow, offer, reprove, mercy, teach, hope, wise, garment, seek, sin, Babylon.
77 mother, sockets, sacrifice, Eden, mercy, altar, gilgal,(Circle of Stones), serve, temple, iniquity, vanity, secret, fool, perish, unclean, hide.
(72).5 go, between, son, mercy, sacrifice, eat, tabernacle, measure, star, God, Lord, night, prince, reward.
(54).38 Dan, tribe, son, David, come, uncover, gold, God, redeem, magnify, measure, Rod.
541 Israel
(33).61 Father, but, hold, enemy, feast, hide, wait, mediation, look, pure, vision, weep.
88 God, Son, mercy, wash, lead, come, Caleb, tabernacles, father, Levites, magnify, sin, harlet.
215 Degrees upward, mountain, after, before, tree, Lord, place, silver, teach, battlement, valley, prevail, way, enlarge, ten, create.
142 journey, offering, gather, flee, trespass, haste, son, flee, find, fail, God, fear, prepare, iniquity, before, furnace, magnify, distracted, saints, among,
230 way, bless, before, journey, enlarge, work, flee, chamber, valley, chosen, Saviour, divine, silver, spirit, diadem.
372 or 373
603 gather, first, place.
606 six, gate, side, first, come, search, dig, see, righteousness, commandments, den, Jerusalem, gate, trumpet, rejoice, fail, mock, hiss, drunkenness, counsel
696 menowrah (Menorah)
700 Mercy Seat, Vail, Seth, foreskin, Atonement, thirty, joyful, accept, reproach, confounded, evil, gate.
700 (Vail) divided by 9 (Comforter) = 77.7 (77) mother, sacrifice, Eden, mercy, altar.
The Three Paths beginning at 603 or 606 which ever was intended..
93 Garden, alter, inheritance, sacrifice, precious, serve, uncover, bow, come, priest, stone, throne, prophet, tabernacle[s], prepare, strengthen.
57.5 (57) build, boarder, cubit, south, Levite, Mother, comfort, magnify, no, unclean, perish.
180 Degrees before, silver, upward, watchmen, journey, withhold, deliver, answer, curse, number, dig, double, tree, prosper, divide, defile, offering, door, knowledge, rod
150 foundation, contain, pillar, redemption, humble, wait, mourn, teach, unclean, proud, trespass, oppress, hypocrite, force, prevent.
144 Degrees portion, without, branch, east, redemption, forehead, half, divide, teach, gather, statute, forsake, redeem, comfort, mercy, yoke, Fast inherit.
243 Urim, remember, prolong,.
109 Degrees ???
700 Mercy Seat, Vail,
The Twelve Tribes Including Joseph, Reuben, and Gentiles.
Bold tribes are present by number, however I have not really searched for the others, (Numbers)
Ephraim 331
Manasseh 395
Judah 30
Levi 46 Levite 57
Benjamin 152
Dan 54
Simeon 466
Naphtali 570
Gad 7
Asher 501
Issachar 530
Zebulun 101
Joseph 156
Gentile 19
Reuben 259
Also this morning I discovered the triangle that goes most ignored which is basically sideways, with the target being the bottom right corner and new D being the top, and the bottom of the triangle is from the target to the New E, the volume or square feet is 6654.5, 6660 = 8880 span, 6660 divided by 7.5 = 888
Incidentally, there are 13 stones used in the configuration….. Two are suspect of being one…. a similitude of Joseph being split into two tribes? We shall see. Where is the similitude of one being expelled or moved out of its place? There is one stone which has without a doubt been moved out of its place. What should be 74 feet is 75 and the other side 73.
73 Removed
75 Cast off
Is or Was the Ark there?
In all probability this site of the triangle layout was not created as one of the temporary resting sites we read about in our scriptures, such as a place where the artifact was housed in a tent for a time as the Israelite's traveled in the wilderness. The reason I say this is in that the site lacks the evidence of being one of these temporary places. It would be better to say that the evidence is overwhelmingly present that it was a place where in the Ark rested for some time to be hidden due to iniquity and unworthiness. It would not have been necessary for instructions to be encoded within the construction of the small triangle to find some hidden point as the Israelites would have had full knowledge of where it was and used the Ark regularly if this had been an encampment or temporary location. What reason was there to construct this layout of stone unless for some religious belief to be used symbolic of those things associated with the artifact and hidden or obscured?
It would seem to me that in all likelihood, this is a place wherein the Ark rested for a long period of time hidden from the world in a time where in the Israelites or branch of, were in a state of iniquity and until such a time where in there was a worthy branch capable and worthy to bear it. If this is a place where the Ark rested for a time, the question begs, where did it go and who has it at this time, or where was it moved to and why if it was moved at all? How could they have accomplished this? Was there some reason this place high in the mountains was not considered a safe place?
We know Cump Murray, likely in the 1940’s was taking two of his white friends up the old road prior to the construction of the newer road, and telling them that all they had to do was drive to the end of the road and a half mile past, and that they would never have financial difficulties again. He mentioned it was a site his father had taken him to years before as a child disposing of evidence of the presence of the Spaniards; this would have been in the late 1800’s. This description would very easily fit either location on the mountain, the target, or the silver mine opposite the triangle location as the road ended a half mile short of either site. I find it interesting but sad that Cump Murray keeled over dead with a heart attack prior to reaching this site as if some divine intervention occurred. If true, why would this be necessary if the site Cump was headed to were nothing more than a Spanish Cache site or even an ancient cache site? If in fact the reason for his sudden death was due to the Sacredness of the place they were headed because of what it contained, what could possibly be that sacred? Was the Ark there in the 40’s? We know a site is considered sacred because of past events but the evidence is great in that just because something sacred occurred at a given place does not warrant divine intervention to keep it undefiled, we can clearly see this in the place where Jesus lived and the many events that took place.
A few would venture to say that Isaac Morely may have moved it, yet I personally see this as impossible. Who was going to help him move it? Morely was the man chosen by the Ute’s or Shoshone to go to the Sacred mine near this site but Morley was aged and respectfully declined recommending that Thomas Rhoades be the man. However remember, the Utes would only allow one man to go to the sacred mine, even if Thomas removed it, why? How? Who would have helped him? Only ONE man was allowed to go. The Indians in no way shape or form would have allowed this artifact to fall into the hands of the white man even IF they were trusted and for the very reasons it was kept from the Spaniards. Was the Artifact in question at this site? Most definitely, is it still at this site? Only God knows.
I invite you to read the following past Articles
Seeking the Ark of the Covenant Part ONE
Seeking the Ark of the Covenant Part TWO & THREE
Seeking the Ark of the Covenant Part FOUR & FIVE