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Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Short History of The Royal & Holy Bloodlines


Do you recall your high school history classes? Do you recall how dis interested you were? Ya... me too... If you were like myself, the primary reason I just didn't care, is because I had no idea how I was connected to it. Would it have made a difference if I had? Most certainly.

One example I will give but not go into details today is the Civil War, If I had known how I was connected, it may have been easier to find the truths of it, regardless of the all out effort to conceal the true nature and purpose of it.

The tactics used to conceal the truth of the civil war, have been in play for a very long time, as far back as the most important King in History and reason for what we have known as the Royal Bloodline, that being King David. As I recall it was prophesied that a great King would rise up out of the linage of King David one sent of God. Ever since that time those who would rise to power whether descendant of King David or not, coveted the need to be king and boasted of their linage and right to be king even if it were fabricated, or to have this great king born under their linage...

One of the best examples of the treachery, deception, oppression's, murder, wars, genocide, lies and all out efforts to hide the truth was during the Middle Ages or what some refer to as the dark ages. I use to wonder how one could conspire to kill their own father, brother etc... why a certain kings felt so compelled to go to war with his neighbor and who was once an ally, simply to increase his kingdom giving him more of an unquenchable power... and although some found this to be reason enough, those of the elite who truly believe they have the right to rule, the Ashkenazi Jews, those who say they are Jews, and they are not...(revelation 2:9), truly believe it is their calling to rule. They use the families of lower Noble families to do their bidding and entice them with rewards and titles, or blackmail them, names like Rodham, Clinton, Kennedy and Chase just to name a few... the list is long.

In an effort to control this belief and delusion there are some things that must be kept from the majority least power rise in opposition as a result and threaten this delusion. Among many other things, one which is most important is keeping the delusion alive in that Jesus the Christ was celibate. Many today will rise up unknowingly condemning their own being, even those who should know and yet speak from both sides of their mouths defending no less the very position of Christs presumed Celibacy. If one truly understands their Scriptures, to accept the fallacy of a wifeless and childless Christ, a man sent to be an example to mankind and if he was indeed without wife or child, then one would have to accept the FACT that God had sent us a hypocrite. If I need to explain this to you, you are likely to some degree still part of the problem, suffering from the delusions of the orchestrated programming of the education system, need I define educate? Miriam Webster #3 to persuade or condition to feel, believe, or act in a desired way

An Educated Bull

And how do we know this bull has been educated? This bull thinks he is in control of his own life... but hook a rope with a snap ring to that ring in his nose, and he'll do most anything you want him to...

Another most important concept the elite wish to keep you from learning is the true nature, calling or purpose and sacredness of the woman. Another they wish to keep you from is the true nature and the true identity of the Holy Ghost. Any one with a true desire and love for truth can find out these things if they simply follow the teachings with real intent. King Solomon knew these things...

Every King whether legitimate or not in the past has sought after the most pure bloodline, some in an effort to bring forth this king as prophesied to come, others to stop the event as they feared losing their power and control. Genocide was one most notable tactics, in the dark ages libraries were difficult for simple peasants to go to, or even to be allowed to enter, it is said that in some case's obnoxious laws preventing peasants from reading and writing were implemented. If we cant kill them off, then perhaps we can cause them to forget who they are and where they came from...and it worked...

But this prophesied great King came anyway... and they tried to stop him, some embraced him. But he did come and now we have the potential of a Holy Bloodline. Many kings asked themselves how can we remain as rulers if we do not rid ourselves of this King... and his posterity? What if this King has Children? Surely we will not be able to call ourselves kings if we do not stop this...

MUCH effort has gone into shaping the Bible we have today, I personally prefer the King James version and it is inundated with changes and deletions of even entire books from within.

Lets talk about the Nights Templar... Here is a group of men who were righteous in the beginning, and unknown to a majority, who were given a calling, under commission and covenant to protect, hide and relocate the very children/bloodline of Christ, why would they do this? I think you know, however the only thing that has brought destruction upon any people or group of men, is iniquity. It is no doubt that after many years passing the Templar became haughty, lifted up in pride, placing themselves above others, perhaps dwelling upon the riches they no doubt had acquired and this is what brought destruction upon them, Friday the 13th October 1307.

Those of the Templar's remaining who were of humility or humbled themselves were spared and found themselves in Portugal. After 7 years of repentance, those who humbled themselves sufficiently, took up their calling once again and this time under the name of the Order of Christ... perhaps that name helped remind them who they were, and they were successful in their efforts in relocating the bloodline of Christ.

Many do not know that the Templar themselves were of the linage of Christ, either of the French Holy Bloodline or the Welsh. The ridiculous story of grown men running around the world in an effort to hide a non existent wooden cup none to my surprise, took hold which might be a clue as to just how gullible the people in general have become.

Some of you may remember the Movie titled the Da Vinci Code (2003). Although I very much enjoyed the plot and the overall movie, it was filled with many unnecessary difficult to understand plot lines and false concepts which in a way ruined it for me, but the concept of programming worked again... The movie leaves you with the idea that the linage of Christ came down to one... a single individual, a young lady who had survived all efforts of the last 2000 years to destroy the bloodline...

Many today would or did accept this concept and came away from the movie wondering... if possible... who this one person might be... keep in mind the movie itself was created in my estimation for two reasons... Money, and to lead you further down the hole of bullshit.... the short of it is, the entire story of Christ and Mary having children isn't as difficult as the movie and the Royal Families in their effort to hide it, have made it.

The Royal Families of the past in fact have proven and made it obvious that the whole concept is true, setting aside of course all the obvious evidences found in our own scriptures. One might ask why was so much emphases placed by the Royal Families of the past, on marrying off their posterity into one of the two most profound lineages known, believed or suspected as being the most pure bloodline? This being the French Merovingian bloodline or the Welsh bloodline? A practice we still see to this day, an example would be the Marriage of Princess Diana, a direct descendant of Henry Sinclair and Jean Haliburton, and decent of BOTH Holy Bloodlines, and Prince Charles... Why is it so important to show decent from the Scottish Monarchs and the House of Stewart?

Much has been written about Henry Sinclair and his Templar connections however, the Templar's as an organized group had met their demise before Henry was even born, it is perhaps confused with the latter organization of the Order of Christ which one could say was the continuation of those of the Templars who humbled themselves... Henry Sinclair was no doubt of this organization.

All attempts to destroy the Welsh Bloodline apparently didn't work out so well but all the elite had to do was cast doubt upon one individuals existence and simply render it as a hoax, a myth, or fairy tale such as the existence of King Arthur, and yet his Father Uther Pendragon King of the Britons remains unmolested by skeptics...

In short the Royal Families of the past and the elite of today have given away themselves in their efforts to hide the fact that Christ and Mary had at least two children. But today, there isn't just one who is of this Holy lineage of Christ, there are thousands... Other children are suspect and also suspect is at least 3 wives.

Throughout my years of working with genealogy, I have found certain bottlenecks as I call them, these bottlenecks I have found are the highest concentration of the two known Holy Bloodlines, once you see this and are able to follow the lineages, the ancient history of Briton begins to make a lot of sense, not to mention the untold history's of this continent. One of these bottlenecks is Henry Sinclair and Jean Haliburton who married sometime in the late 1300's and an earlier bottleneck of Llewellyn of Iorwerth, Grandfather of Robert de Bruce, and Joan of England (Wales) married sometime about 1200.

My apologies if this article seems all over the place and hard to follow. Due to my own weaknesses I find it often, difficult to articulate myself... I wish I could put it all in a book, but even I am having a hard time putting it all together...

The Royal Bloodline is based on linage from King David, the Holy Bloodline is based on the linage from Christ. Are you of the Holy Bloodline? It isn't difficult to find out... there is more of us than you would think...

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