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If you are truly looking for an adventure of a lifetime, and a lasting relationship with some remarkable people.
If you have ever wanted to be a professional Treasure Hunter with hopes of becoming a professional Treasure finder, or interested in uncovering the ancient past of the Americas,  Please contact me with your proposal. Whether you are just looking to help physically, financially or both, tell me about yourself, who are you, what motivates you, what are your goals in this life? What is it that you want to do that will make a difference? Are you tied down to a job, do you have the time for this? What do you believe or not?

Many of our participants are limited in what they can do to help but I know each of them and I owe them for their much support Help me get to know you because once I show you what there is and where it is, I can't just turn it off and so I need to know you and you need to know me if we are to work together in any capacity, I need people with real intent. I have all levels of difficulty, some are near completion and some require more ground work and research. I can't do it all and if I had my way about it because I am NOT a treasure hunter per say, I would leave it all to you so I can focus on my true love of the study of the Native American Petroglyphs as a written language.

Get involved! tuscoro@gmail.com
