My intent here is not to create confusion, strife or even conversation for that matter, the information I am to give in the following is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I am not beyond error however I believe none is present. If you choose to, prove me, or disprove me, my objective is to find truth, if you disagree with any portion please explain and provide what proof you may have. This was created for use of genealogist, historians and researchers with real intent, and pure motive to correct the linage and history of Jesse Woodson James and those touched by his life.
This project began as a result of being asked to evaluate the contents of the book Jesse James was one of His Names, (The Black Book) The objective was primarily prove Jesse faked his death and to try to validate the many controversial statements made within, or disprove them, to date, I have not been able to disprove anything in the book although many things remain to be assessed, I have however validated many statements or claims made within. It has gone beyond a project, it has become an obsession, it pulls at me I just have to straighten out the mess created by would be researchers, historians and academics whom it seems never learned how to ask questions but instead they just follow the leader… It is my recommendation that the researcher take the book more serious than has been in the past by researchers and academics. And Incidentally, DNA is not the answer… in fact it has become part of the problem due to misapplication as many never resolved the first problem and that was, who was Jesse James, what did he actually look like?... And remember, regurgitation of indoctrination will never result in truth.
After 7 years of what I thought would be a simple task, I have come to see first hand and realize just how misinformed or should we just say screwed up the history of the real Jesse W James is. I don’t think we can lay all the blame on the many history writers and those who pretend by flexing their egos through such avenues as WIKI who are mostly guilty of nothing more than believing everything they read… one after another regurgitating what can only be classified as pure bullshit based upon many authors of even more bullshit all based on the narrative of those who created again, the bullshit history of the Civil war, pardon the backwoods slang.
However, think about it, only those who knew Jesse intimately, brothers, cousins aunts, uncles and friends, knew what he truly looked like, all others were as good as a best guess... the many false claims of identity is what has made those around him and his history so misunderstood...
Here is one of many examples I will insert before I get started…
Researchers and historians, if you think these two woman are one and the same person, you need your head examined. And yet article after article web page after web page and books, can’t seem to decide which picture to use and often they are used side by side, even genealogy web sites can't make up their mind and the descendants of those in question! do they think we are stupid? Doubtful, but IT IS their own ignorance that blinds them.
They look nothing alike! Do I need more evidence or is it plain to see? These are two different people! Surprisingly enough, many cannot see the blatant difference. Perhaps the reason for this mix up is that
Jesse Woodson James
Let’s start with Jesse who is the most misunderstood character of the Civil War, but lets start with the right Jesse, there were three… yes three.
Progressive photos of Jesse Woodson James, these photos are among the only real photos of Jesse with the questionable top right photo most used for Jesse.
Overlayed and opacity adjusted photos
The Charcoal photo on the right of the younger Harrison Trow, is used to overlay the photo on the left of Jesse and the opacity increased each photo.
And now using the same photo on the left, I compared to an older known photograph of Harrison Trow using the same point dot alignment.
Jesse on the left and Captain Harrison Trow on the right
In 1925 on February 24th, the alias of Captain Harrison Trow came to an end when Jesse again killed himself off and 8 days later he killed off his other primary alias William Andrews Clark on March 2nd.
Jesse spent 25 years of his life in Hereford Texas, with him was his one true love, Myra Belle Shirley still using the name of Missouri Ann Jesse. Also during those years were 4 of Jesse and Myra Belle’s children, along with his Mother (Molly Dalton) and Father (George S James).
As far as any of us know, after Jesse killed off the alias Harrison Trow, and assumed the name of his deceased cousin, J. Frank Dalton. I’m sure there are many details during this time we are unaware. According to certain genealogy sites Missouri Ann died in 1928 but did she die? I see no way of finding out unless some family member comes forward. During these years of research and contacting Jesse’s descendants, the best I have found is a family that were told they were decent, but half the family wants nothing to do with being related to a Confederate cold blooded killer, the other half is fascinated by it…
Let’s now take a look at a comparison of a known proven photo of Harrison Trow and a known photo of J. Frank Dalton. Notice the smooth transition of these photos as in the previous comparisons.
Sylvester Franklin James
Sylvester Franklin James
Alexander Franklin James
Possible Photo of Alexander Franklin James
Cousin Jesse Ballard James who was hung by the damned Yankees at Dora Missouri. 1862. No known Photo.
George Strother James (Jesse Woodson and Sylvester Franklin James’s Father) Brother to Rev. Robert James. Uncle to Jesse Robert and Alexander Franklin James. Husband of Mollie
George Strother James
Jesse Woodson’s Father
Notice how much the boys look like their Father...
Molly Dalton
Jesse Woodson James’s Mother
Zerelda Mimms Bigelow, Jesse’s cousin, married to Charlie Bigelow. Charlie is the man who was killed and passed off as Jesse Woodson James. Her mother was Mary Elizabeth James who was the daughter of Rev. John Martin James, the brother of Rev. Robert Salle James, Jesse’s uncle.
Zerelda Mims
Jesse E. James and Mary James Barr (Which is not their real names) Thought to be Jesse W James’s offspring which is not true, they are the children of Zerelda Mims and Charlie Bigelow.
Jesse E. and Mary Susan Bigelow
Zerelda Cole Samuels James; Mother of Jesse Robert (Dingus) James and Alexander Franklin James, Jesse Woodson James Aunt. Sister-in-law to George Strother James who is Jesse Woodson’s Father.
Zerelda Cole James
Rev. Robert Salle James; Father of Jesse Robert (Dingus) James and Alexander Franklin James. Husband to Zerelda Cole James, Brother of George S. James who was Jesse Woodson James Father.
Rev. Robert Salle James
Carl O’Clark
posing as Jesse posing as William A Clark
Jesse had two other wives that is known, Margaret Wabasha and had a son Joe Jesse, also He married Susan Palmer under the name of William Cole, they had a daughter, Alice Susan Cole, in which Jesse likely never knew of... His wife and true love Myra Bell Shirly they married under the names of Harrison Trow and Missouri Ann, and he stayed with her until her passing around 1935.
John Younger alias Judge Isaac Charles Parker?
Jesse Woodson James and His Full blood Brother Sylvester Franklin James, sitting, 1895, Huntsville Alabama. Photo by W. W. Fox. Courtesy of the G G Grand Daughter of Jesse Woodson James. Karen…
UPDATE: Standing top left is none other than Grat Dalton alias Sundance Kid and standing on the right is Harvey Logan alias Kid Curry.
Grat Dalton Alias Sundance Kid
Grat to unknown image taken in 1895
Grat to Bowler hat Sundance
1895 image to Bowler hat Sundance
Other well know Sundance Image to 1895 Image
Left is well known image of Harvey Logan, alias Kid Curry, inserted image on the right is from the 1895 image showing Jesse, Frank, Sundance and Kid Curry
Leroy Parker alias Butch Cassidy
Jesse’s immediate Family:
Father George Strother James B 1799, Son of John Stobo James
Mother Mollie Dalton Likely daughter of Benjamin Dalton
John James
Sylvester Franklin James
Jesse Woodson James
Matilda (Tilly) Jesse’s Twin (Married to James Obedia Howk) Possibly named after her Mother.
Morgan James Changed his name and owned a ranch in
Peter James Lived in
Levi James owned property in Moab Utah and in Idaho. (lived and Died under real name)
Rebecca James Younger, Married to Cole Younger. Rebecca Raised Jean Hickok in
Believed to be Jesse and
Picture likely taken about 1880-1890
A Clip of The Herford Photo
Same Kids compared to the Hereford photo, about
30 years later in 1920
Top Left in 1920 she was going by the name
Top right and right photo, in 1920 she was going by the name of
Mollie Elizabeth Barnard Webb.
Bottom left he was going by
Epinetus Bushrod Black
Bottom Right he was going by the name of
Rev. Marcus Milton Beavers
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