In an effort to conceal the location of the following, many edits have been made. The following is with out question thee single most interesting thing I have ever found, it is, without elaborating as to why... what I believe is the most important site in the Northern Utah Mountains...
I will have to pass on how this all came about, but suffice it to say, we were privy to several old maps, one of them had some unusual unrecognizable features on it, one of which I recognized... as a result, I and a friend charted a course to locate what we knew was on the map... we were not disappointed....
Several trips would follow documenting and cataloging anything that might shed light on what we had found on the hill near the meadow. Months went by photographing, researching etc... but all seemed to come to a halt... many more months went by...
Now, up until that point in time, it was believed that what is located here is a ancient depository and most likely a records storage area. But we really didn’t have any evidence other than Spanish influence; to support this ancient view other than the symbols on the map and their suspected Indian meaning and origin and It did not make sense in regards to the time difference indicated as to the the old trail verses the carved trees.
In the first week of June of 2006 we visited the site again to check details of a theory we had been working on, which would latter prove invalid. Upon emerging from the trees from spending a few hours on the hill we stopped at our designated resting area, a large rock just outside the tree line.
Figure 17
While eating lunch and discussing the possibilities of this site my friend noticed an arrangement of large rocks which just did not seem natural in the way they were arranged and their overall shapes. I don't think I would have ever noticed them... Walking over to them there seemed to be 4 key stones of which 3 appeared to be an isosceles triangle. In pacing the distance between each of the 3 stones it appeared that this was the case but until we measured the distances and plotted their locations we would not know for sure. Below are introductory pictures as to how it appeared and an aerial drawing of the positioning.
Figure 18
As it looks viewed from the large stone (North Reference Stone)
Stones darkened using photo studio as they are difficult to see in pictures.
Figure 19
Figure 20
As viewed from the top stone. (Unaltered)
Figure 21
As viewed from the base of the triangle.
Figure 22
Overall layout of stones.
Doesn’t look like much does it? But just you wait.
Figure 23
Starting to look a little like a man made arrangement?
It gets better.
The rock in the top left corner is the rock referred to as
The “North Reference Rock”
Now I’m not going to bore you with all of the details of how we figured this out, but now I will give you some facts pertaining to this triangle. First, let’s get familiar with the triangle so that it is easier to follow my description. Each of the rocks will be given a letter or a number in which they will be referred to from here on. All of the main “Positioning” rocks will be given a letter including the “Hidden Golden Ratio points” the “Pointer” and multiplier rocks will be given a number.
Figure 24
Gathering your information.
The following will be for the purpose of gathering your information that you may understand why this triangle exists and what it represents. As you will see this triangle isn’t some mans whim to make a triangle high in the mountains using rocks weighing thousands of pounds because he was board. But before we can figure out why this triangle is here, high in the mountains and who put it here and for what purpose, we need to understand that there is instructions here and the finder/reader is suppose to gather the information hidden within, using the Golden Ratio which is abundantly present in this layout as you may have already noticed or will see.
In the following you will get only a taste of all that is here but in order that you get the picture we need to understand the basic measurements that are present, understand the positioning of the rocks and the pointers. The apparent object is to create another isosceles triangle upon the hill following the base line represented between North end of Pointer 3 and Rock A and beyond A. The new triangle will be that of a different size as to this triangle, and when I say “create another on the hill” I do not mean literally as only TWO measurements are needed in order to locate what was intended target to be found on the hill, and which we had already found long before we knew this arrangement of stones existed. Keep in mind there are several ways this can be accomplished. I simply picked the easiest way for me to understand. By using the following numbers, the Golden Ratio and “Common Sense” you will see that this triangle is indeed a set of instructions to locate some hidden destination.
Figure 25
Now like I said you will only get a small taste of all that is present the object here is to get you familiar with the main triangle. Now in the above drawing I have eliminated the pointer numbers so you will have to refer to the drawing prior to it. Starting with pointers 3 and 4, these pointers are what I will call from here on “Multipliers” as this is exactly what they seem to be used for. 12 seems to pertain to this original triangle with a base of 46 and 15 seems to pertain to the triangle that is to be created up higher on the hill. The base number for this original triangle that will be used is 46. The base number we will use for the upper triangle will be 57.5. Just for reference and thought 15 / 12 = 1.25 and 57.5 / 46 = 1.25.
57.5 / 15 = 3.833333E and 46 / 12 = 3.833333E. This to me insinuates that this is the single unit of measure that was used by those who created this triangle, which is equal to 45.999999999999999999999999999996 inches, but we'll just say 46 inches, but who used a single unit of measurement which is equal to this? We don’t know. As you can see by now this is not a fluke of nature, this is man made. The question is, who created this triangle and why?
The numbers we will use for our measurements to find the end location will be 57.5 and 88 as these two numbers do not seem to have anything to do with the original triangle, but this is not the only reason for using these numbers, so let me walk you through it.
Figure 26
In figure 26 above, starting at pointer # 3 you measure the distance from P 3 to D which is 57.5 and times this by the Golden Ratio being 1.618 which equals 93. This is the first step and arriving at the second rock D you would take the sum of 93 and times it by the GR a second time which gives you 150. Now, there is two ways that can be used in determining how many times to multiply the base number of 57.5 by the GR. One way is by counting the rocks along the baseline and counting the beginning point ( P3) being one and arriving at the second rock ( D) being two and stopping as the next place if you were to continue is the other end of the line in which you will create latter. The other is to count the line intervals between the rocks including the end point. Now at this point I’d bet your wondering how would you know where you would start your new line?
If you will notice the positioning of Rock D you can see that if a perpendicular line is drawn from it towards center of the triangle you see it does not point to the top of the triangle as does Rock E. Careful examination of each rock in person will give you an indication of what is intended just by the positioning. So in traveling from P3 to D and establishing a line from D to H is what you will also do at an undisclosed point which we will get to later here in. The line that you will establish from D to E is automatic as it is the same length of the line from D to H. Now if I haven’t explained this well enough this triangle is a “Template” of what you are going to establish else where using enlarged baseline number such as 57.5 in this case.
The second measurement we need to obtain is the distance from this triangle to that undisclosed point. So that we can execute the details gathered in the previous paragraph.
It seemed to me that the thing that sounds logical is to use the other number represented in this base line that does not seem to have anything to do with the existing triangle, and that would be 88, the line from E to A. It also made sense to me that the North reference Stone (E) would be the starting point of creating this new line. Lets use the same method as we used above in counting the lines starting from P3, being the starting point.
Figure 27
If this is the way it was done then what we have is 4 lines resulting in 88 X GR = 142 X GR = 230 X GR = 372 X GR = 603. This should be the distance to the point in which you will now perform the instructions previously gathered. So beginning at the North Reference Stone (A), we now measure at 215 degrees 603 feet, 215 degrees being the direction of a line staring at P3 extending to the triangle, forming it’s base and then to Stone A and beyond in the direction of the red arrow shown in figure 27.
Figure 28
Figure 28 shows the end results of measuring from the NR Stone 603’ and 150’ at 180 degrees and continuing the line 150’ in order to establish the base of the new triangle.
After performing these instructions the rest is pretty much automatic, the next thing to do would be, from the 603’ mark, measure at 215 degrees 93 feet and establish a line at 145 degrees duplicating the original triangle but using the new measurements. 57.5 x GR = 93.
Figure 29
After this is completed just fill in the blanks and you will have a complete duplicate of the original triangle but with the new measurements and being a larger triangle. Now where in all of this does the intended target fit in? See for yourself in the following diagram.
Figure 30
Part Two
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