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Evidence of Catastrophic Events
Since the beginning of time here on this globe, there have been several earth shattering moments in which has changed the geography to the point in which in many cases, things just don’t look anything as it did in the beginning. I am not a believer in a 4 billion year old earth, if you are, that’s ok, you have your agency as well. I am a believer in the contents of the Bible, King James version, as far as it is translated correctly… also other books which have at one time been a part of the Bible and some that have not… I believe in a young earth and its temporal existence being 7000 years with roughly 1000 years yet to go.
Approximately 4700 years ago this planet suffered a global event referred to as the great flood in which a pole shift occurred during said flood. When man learns of what exactly happened of which could cause a global flood, it will amaze them but many still won’t believe… Where did all that water come from, and where did it go?
It is well known in Law today that the testimony of a single witness is generally sufficient to establish a fact, however I lean to common law of which the two witness rule applies. The following 3 accounts should be sufficient, and if not we have mounds of geological AND Archaeological evidence in addition to several other tribal accounts of former inhabitants who have preserved the accounts in their history handed down in their own legends, that will not be included in this article.
Another fantastic earth moving moment occurred roughly 2000 years ago, we know it as the Crucifixion or the event as a result of the crucifixion which caused global earth quakes and tremors. The event of which was a pole shift from our previous North pole, which was about 500 miles west off the coast of Alaska, and prior to our present day north. It was described here in the west by the Wasu Indians as follows…
time, heap long time… Carson Valley, Wasu Valley, Truckee Valley, Long Valley,
Pyramid Lake, Lovlock, everywhere all water, plenty fish, plenty duck. Big fish
too, now no see him no more, all go away, no come back.
Injun, he live big mountains (pointing to the Comstock and Pyramid range). Some
time Wasu Indian take `em boat go see Piute, maybe Piute he take `em boat go
see Wasu Indian, Yes he good friend, all time."
Pointing to
the Sierra to the west of
mountain all time fire, plenty `boom, `boom, heap smoke, injun heap afraid!
Byme bye, one day, mountain heap smoke, heap noise, ground too much shake,
injun heap afraid, fall down, plenty cry. He
sun every day come up (pointing to the northeast) he go down (pointing to the
southwest). One day sun no come up, Injun no savey,
mountain heap smoke, ground plenty shake, wind blow, water heap mad. Maybe two,
three day sun he no come, injun no eat, no sleep, all time cry, cry, yes, heap
afraid. By and by water make plenty
noise, go plenty fast like Truckee River: water go down, down, mountain
come up, come up, plenty mud, plenty fish die, by and by sun come back over this mountain (pointing
to the southeast) he go down over there (pointing to the northwest). Yes,
white man savey, injun no savey,
two, three week, mud he dry up, Piute, Wasu Injun walk, no more boat. All water
he go; maybe little water Pyramid Lake, Honey Lake, Wasu Lake, too much
mountain, he come pretty quick. Yes, injun no savey water, big fish no come
back. No see him no more."
This event was also described
by another as “a terrible storm arose,
and a great tempest with lightning and thunder such as had never been seen
before, and a quaking of the whole earth… Oceans were heaved beyond their
bounds, valleys became mountains and mountains become valleys, the entire face
of the land was changed, and followed by 3 days of darkness where in their
could be no light… (Book of Mormon 3rd Nephi Chapter 8)
And again this same event was
recorded by yet another unknown people by way of Hieroglyphic writing found on
an ancient marble tablet in
One day in
the morning, a great storm came from the
North, much rain and much unusual lightning high in the clouds, much wind, the
earth quaked much, mountains went up and mountains went down, some mountains
divided and much water came from them like fountains, the hidden waters came
up, water was everywhere around all the mountains. The people of one mountain fled
to the top to escape the waters. The people of another mountain fled to the top
but were killed when they fell. Others watched from the top of their mountain,
their cities were at the base of the mountains The cities were consumed by the rising waters, a great lake was formed
and another disappeared, we watched as the winds carried some people away, and
the waves of the waters swept others away. The waters rose above the hills and
our burial grounds. The turtles are no more.
However the event in which I
really want to talk about occurred approximately 4400 years ago, 300 years
after the great flood and about 2400 years prior to the crucifixion event. For
300 years after the Great Flood, our North Pole existed at the very place we now
call Iceland, as a result of the waters of the earth gravitating towards our
north poles, and being so close to those of the old world, the Mediterranean
sea was much deeper with the Black sea connected and the waters covered the
Northern end of Africa and Arabian Peninsula with many parts of Southern
I imagine waking up every day
and looking into the sky and not only seeing the Sun and the moon, but a large
planet filling about one third of the North sky, Saturn did not yet have its
rings… At this time man occupied an area North of the Black Sea to North of the
Today’s North Pole and Equator, Yellow,
has existed about 2000 Years.
The oceans of the earth
gravitate towards and mound at the magnetic Poles, (NOT the same thing as
Gravity) there is no such thing as “Ocean
Level.” If the oceans were level then the centrifugal force at the equator
would cause a mounding effect of water at this point and is exactly what
academia tells us and is some what true…
accurate showing no polar bulge
If what I am saying were not
true, academia would have to explain why a tidal change increase and decrease up
to 600 miles North and South of the equator is a maximum bulge (Change in tide)
at the equator of only about 9 feet, tapering down to about 5 inches just 600
miles north and south of said equator, and then from there gradually increasing
traveling North, all the way to Alaska maxing at a whopping 32 feet or more!
How is this possible? Unless, the earths oceans gravitate to our North and
South Pole due to the same magnetic pull of the earth, in which the moon
provides for the tidal changes.
The exact cause of this pole
shift is unknown but it was the most catastrophic this planet has seen, and
when it happened caused more geologic upsets and upheavals that the world would
see, possibly even greater than what is yet to come. It is the event that
caused the illusion of an ice age, instantly freezing everything in the area
north and south, I wonder where all that minus 270 degree cold air came from or
should I say, lack of air?
It would seem that the shift
was instant switching from our
but before the dust settled,
our new north of 2400 years had established itself about 500 to 600 miles of
the coast. Keep in mind the environment in
Frozen Muck
This suggests that although volcanoes were erupting, other forces were required to dismember
these animals - with mighty
floods and hurricanes being the most likely.
"Fossil bones are astonishingly abundant in
frozen ground of
Meanwhile in
At the same time as this pole shift and sudden jolt like slamming on the
brakes in your car while your passenger tries to steady an open top cake pan
full of water… The ocean in the pacific at the equator sent a massive title
wave towards the western shores of today’s Chili, Peru and Bolivia, a wave so
massive it managed to travel 400 miles inland and washing away all life and
nutrients needed to cause new growth and is the reason why today the Atacama
Desert exists. You can see similar results in the tops of the Uinta Mountains,
It is this same event which the legends told in
Whenever you gaze at the Alaska
Gee… <scratches head> I wonder what the connection is… and by the way,
if you follow the fractures of the earth which science tries to convince is is
tectonic plate boundaries… which don’t exist… if you continue following the two
southern ends of the ring of fire, they meet at the exact location of our
former south pole…
Revelation 16:18
18 And
there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great
earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so
great. 19 And the great city was
divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great
Oh Crap…
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