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Monday, August 1, 2022

A Special Thank You!


I wish to offer a special thanks to several individuals who have in the past mysteriously and at the most needed times, helped in my efforts through unsolicited means... I can't thank you enough... You know who you are...

However it seems to be the story of my life and my house of cards just fell again, but I foresaw this, it has been building for a while, and I  hope and should quickly recover, A special thanks also to  JB... my prayers are with you, I wish I could help you as much as you have me... and know this... I have been and shall always be your friend.

I don't know how much of an effect this is going to have on me and my family, all I can do is have faith and know... "This to shall pass" So if I disappear for a short while, you will at least have an idea... 

If you have thought of buying any of the books, now would be a very helpful time.... I am not one to air my laundry, but I will say that we are having difficulties.... 

Thank you ALL for your support.

Books can be found at... http://www.tuscoro.com/p/books.html

Donations can be sent to Paypal crickett4@gmail.com (PS if you use PayPal, please use the friends and family option)

or Venmo Amy-Crockett-Lowe

Please enjoy the following post,  Originally Posted February 11th 2014?

Every now and then just when I think I have seen everything in the general area... a friend pops up and asks, have you seen this site? With the deer in the headlight look you respond with as much composure as possible... uh... no... Well a friend asked me if I had seen this one... WOW! I thought...
Thank You JDHogg!

Just to give you an idea as to how large the pictographs are at this site, that's me in the pic below, I am 6 foot and 245 lbs... I know... what a tub butt...

You can enlarge the Images by ... You guess it... CLICKING THE IMAGES.

Photographs By My Sweet Amy

Although the site is heavily riddled with graffiti likely from the locals as it is not a well known site, it still remains to be one of the best I have seen in near 30 years!

This site has some of the largest and well preserved Pictographs I have seen, yet in other places at the site there is extreme fading as in the next few images...

In the remaining photos look closely and you will see that this site is heavily covered with petroglyphs as well.

If you are wondering what the author of the panels at this place intended? Well lets just say it has nothing to do with , Head hunters, beheading, blood letting rituals, of animals or people in fact it has nothing to do with any animal at all... It does have to do with a spiritual Journey and is...  There is indication of "hesitationresistance or an unwillingness to enter this journey of eternity, I do not know why the resistance, but I intend to return to the site soon for additional studies to gain further understanding of this unique and spiritual site....

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