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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Who Really Discovered America? Part ONE


Many years ago when I first contemplated this particular subject, I recall as I read through the many documents/books pertaining to Columbus coming to America including his own translated Journals, something just wasn’t right, call it a gut feeling which is how all of my theories have started, many of which I have taken to the point of high probability even proven beyond a doubt, making it factual to at least myself.
The following topic of Columbus discovering America or did he discover America has long been proven to me through research that he most certainly did not. However the question has come to this topic, Did Columbus “Accidentally” RE-discover what had already been discovered hundreds or even thousands of year prior and was very well known by the European Royalty?

The other question that has come as a result of these efforts is, what is it specifically that causes certain groups to obscure this information and keep it from the general public, an open and obvious act which seems to have begun in the mid 1800’s.

As of yesterday I felt confident I had enough information to begin this write-up, but by the end of the day and with my meticulous research tactics and findings, at the end of the day, I was ready to scrap the project due to seeming correct documented evidences, in fact this morning I decided or felt compelled to pick up on another research project pertaining to the ancient Geographic’s of the Yucatan Peninsula, when I stumbled upon something that offset my reasons for near giving up  yesterday, funny how things work, It is things such as this that tells me I am on the right path… I need to pay more attention to my gut feelings…

Smithsonian, established on August 10, 1846
"for the increase and diffusion of knowledge,"

I believe that Smithsonian started out with a good and noble cause, but when E. G. Squire and E. H. Davis took over, they changed that motto to “for the increase of the delusion of knowledge”

The Research…

When I write an article it is usually based upon a long period of study concerning the very topic of the article or a closely related topic. As a habit however, I do like to get the orthodox thinking side of it all just prior to writing an article, and a simple search of the internet will clearly show the many who seem to regurgitate each other’s opinions and usually based upon the regurgitation of some Smithsonian puppet. Each of you should try this, go to your favorite browser search window and type “Who Discovered America” After reading many of the articles you will quickly see what I mean. The point being, after reading the many perspectives are you really any wiser? I for one have found that rather than sifting through the garbage, I can get my answers as to what the orthodox world believes by simply going to Wiki…  I for one really don’t care who the people think discovered America, It would seem in the race between Columbus, Leif Eriksson, and the Chinese, Leif is slowly taking the lead, but I have some terrible news for all of them….

If there is one thing all perspectives can agree upon, when each of the claimed discoverers made their landing, from shore, someone was peeking through the bushes at them. Why is it we take the inhabitants obviously occupying the Americas longer than these glory mongers family names have existed, and remove them from the very status of being a man? Are we placing them in the same category as the animals discovered on this land when whomever arrived? NONE OF THEM discovered America!

Before I end this rant, try this, go to your choice of browsers And type in “History of the Americas, Wiki” “Voyages of Christopher Columbus Wiki” or any related choice of words, and you will find what appears to be a very well put together article of presumed facts, now scroll to the bottom where you will find a very impressive list of references, 30 or more, now look at the dates of these references of which you will find, not one written before 1900, in fact most are written within the last 20 years! And almost NEVER will you find among the references, the original source material for the subject at hand…  In fact you can research any of the books listed in those references, obtain a copy and also in that book find an impressive list of references, and they too will be a list of books written within the last 20 years of that books publication! The point being is, those who write our wiki articles and the like writers, are  regurgitating what has already been regurgitated many times over, I seriously doubt that any of the referenced writers in the wiki articles nor those who contributed to the articles, have ever themselves read the original source material for the topic! This period of our history I call, of course, the Regurgitation Period.

Did Columbus discover America?

Let’s start with who didn’t discover America, Columbus, and regardless of what the many writers have regurgitated, I am not convinced that Columbus did not know where he was going and what he was looking for. I am not convinced he thought he was looking for the Indies as in below Japan and China. Did he “accidentally” find America? This part of the now orthodox belief came in during what I call the delusion or indoctrination period. This period began after the formation of Smithsonian and peaked around 1900, and lives on to this day. This is a period in which many translations of old documents took place, you see, now that the English speaking people can now read these old Latin, Spanish etc… documents, those who wish to keep their little secrets now have to take this newly available knowledge and tell us new readers what the writer[s] were “actually” saying… because they couldn’t have possibly meant what they said! I just assume they figured we were just too stupid to understand.  I think I’ll stick to original source material…

Someday perhaps I will go into the many reasons why I say Columbus likely knew not only where he was going but what he was looking for, but one only need read his Journal and letters to see but only if you have a broad perspective of past and present events. In the many exploration documents when you read the many that do exists, you begin to see patterns. One such pattern is whenever they encountered something new, something they have not seen before, a new tree, a fruit, vegetable or animal, they describe it as best they could, smell, appearance, apparent usage etc… and compare to some existing thing in a short commentary. An example of this would be the discovery or first time it had been seen by Europeans on the 4th day of November 1492, is the Sweet Potato, the Batata or what is described in one of the more credible translations, The people have plenty of roots called zanahorias, (Yams or Sweet Potato’s) with a smell like chesnuts ; or in another example wherein the translator removes th word zanahorias and inserts the nonexistent word of “mames” (Carrots) when the written word is clearly zanahorias from the presumed original text why do they do this? The point being here is that Columbus and those with him, had no idea what these zanahorias were and offered commentary to describe what they were seeing for the first time.

The opposition to this little occurrence is they day after they arrived at this new found land. One translator again purposely replaces the obvious word calabazas (Pumpkins) with the word calabashes (Gourdes) and also mentioned in this 13th of October entry is Papagayos (Parrot) but in both cases, there is no commentary nor a description given and why? Because these two items mentioned were well known by Columbus and his expedition team, but how could this be if the Pumpkin and Parrot were not known until after the Europeans discovered America? How is it, an entry is made the very day the parrot was first seen using the name which according to the etymology derives from Byzantine Greek from the Medieval period. Papagas, meaning Parrot, a bird which would not be known for another 1000 years?

Another curious mention and apparent attempt to deter you from the truth is a mention of Gran Can and the translators lead you to believe this is a reference to the Great Khan of China and one even goes a step further suggesting Kublia Khan, a Chinese emperor. However no word was used implying “Kublia,” except maybe “Cami” found later in the document. Had there been or not, I would have and do suspected the Maya city Culiacan or the serpent deity, Kukulkan, or the Kan Dynasty of the Maya, the Snake Kings, something our earlier excusists did not know about…

There are many statements within the documents that could sway the thinking one way or the other, but before I am convinced, I would like to hear some explanations as to why Columbus or those with him had previous knowledge of Parrots and Pumpkins.

 The Re-Constructed Map of Toscanelli sent to Columbus?

I am not sure what to make of the controversial letters from Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli to Columbus prior to his voyage which many delusionists presume was very instrumental in his agenda. I have not yet decided what was intended but I am certain the delusionists had their hands in it… It is said that the map sent to Columbus was destroyed, yet on the internet floats a supposed reconstructed map, how do you reconstruct that which was destroyed? Who added the names?

From one of the letters to Columbus from Toscanelli… (Concerning the voyage)

…But you will not be able to understand it thoroughly except with experience or discussion, as I have had most fully, and good and true information of mighty men and of great learning, who have come from the said regions here to the Court of Rome, and of other merchants who have long trafficked in those parts, men of great authority.

Who could he possibly be talking about? I can’t help but reflect to the many Kings of authority who on their crusades, came to the Americas such as the Roman Colonies of 700 AD to about 1000 AD. I can’t help but wonder about the Indo Greeks not long after they sacked India and pilferage their sacred libraries and discovering their maps and their charted course who coincidentally came to the Americas in about 100 BC after said sacking, all according to the information given on the now pronounced hoax artifacts of the Tucson Lead Crosses, how convenient.

My wife finds the following in the The History of Grufydd ap Cynan 1883 by Arthur
Jones concerning Prince Cynan listed # 4 in the genealogy of the Tucson Lead Crosses…

Cynan may have died fairly soon after the birth of their son Gruffydd, as the 13th century History of Gruffydd ap Cynan details Cynan's ancestry but omits him from its account of Gruffydd's youth. Instead, Gruffydd's mother tells him about his father and the patrimony he should claim across the sea.

I wonder what this Patrimony was, and across which sea? This was around 1020 A.D. Do you recall the words shown on the Granata Nova Map, Septem (Seven) ciuitatum (cities) and Patria? (Native land; home, native city; one's country) Patrimony or Patrimonium (Inheritance) In the case of Prince Cynan ap Iago the Rhodan, would this be his mother telling him about the land of his fathers, the land of the seven cities he is to inherit? Was she suggesting this to be his native land?

Cartographers of the past

When you open up and broaden your perspective concerning the many informational conflicts found in our history, things that never made sense, strange artifacts that just don’t fit, delusionists written conflicts and obvious attempts at explaining what the first authors of America “really meant,” everything starts to fall into place. Things which made no sense, begin to make sense…

What are we to make of the many cities which appeared upon the maps of the 1500’s to 1700’s? Why would dozens of cartographers from different countries and different time frames list cities on their maps that no one ever found? Lakes no one ever made it to? Documenting things on their maps, features they could not have known? How about capturing the very likeness of a highly sought after lake which none of the earliest documented explorers ever found and it just happens to near mirror a supposed very ancient lake but geologist today tell us that it existed 33 Million years ago! How is this possible?

So I am to understand that since the last voyage of Columbus in 1503, an Italian Explorer acting in the name of Spain and who was said to be directed by documents from Portuguese, who according to history never made it to the mainland, followed by Juan Ponce de Leon in 1513 who landed in Florida and charted some of the coastline, and few others, that all the details of the maps to shortly follow were created?  Ponce de Leon is also known for searching for the Fountain of Youth, supposedly told to him by the natives, a corrupt version of a true story and likely was intended the waters of eternal life. But of course it is easier for the writers of Wiki or the delusionalist in which their information derives, to just call it a myth rather than to understand where this seeming ridiculous idea came from, besides, It might shed light on the... myth? of the Waters of Mormon located not to far north of where he was supposedly told of it, but we can't have that now can we?

Not to long after Ponce, others made their way into the interior of today’s northern Mexico and New Mexico, Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, Don Antonio de Mendoza, Frier Marco de Nica, and a few others, but it is said that Francisco Vázquez de Coronado was the first to reach into the more Northern Territories but this is not true. Coronado even lays claim to naming the city of Granada. Marco de Nica is the first to mention the cities of Tontonteac, Acus (Axa) Ceula and Marata (Todays Pueblo Grande) and I find no mention in the many exploration documents of the other cities noted on the curious earliest maps, Tignus, Chuhuco and the seven unnamed cities surrounding the nonexistent lake Copala, where did these notations come from?

Looking at the two supposed earliest maps, Americae Sive 1562 said to be the first of California, and another, the Mercator map of 1569 of which I find this notation translated from the old Latin…

The second object at which we aimed was to represent the positions and the dimensions of the lands, as well as the distances of places, as much in conformity with very truth as it is possible so to do. To this we have given the greatest care, first by comparing the charts of the Castilians and of the Portuguese with each other, then by comparing them with the greater number of records of voyages both printed and in manuscript. (Gerard Mercator, Nova et Aucta Orbis Terrae descriptio ad Usum Navigantium Emendate Accommodata)

Atlan, Atlan-tis, Avalon, Aztlan, what ever, 
I suppose it just depends on what neck of the woods yer from eh?

What charts of the Castilians and Portuguese? It would seem I have gone way off track from Who discovered America?

So who did discover America?

The answers to all these questions one has to take into consideration the many inconsistencies, legends of the Indigenous, unusual archaeologic discoveries that just don’t fit and always rendered as a hoax, notations on the maps that don’t make sense and from documents of the past, biblical records, and other scriptural records from other religious groups not considered, historic accounts of places mentioned and described by the Mongolian people, people of India, the Mayan, Aztec, Chinese, Greeks, Romans and Hebrews and most important past polar locations due to poles shifts, its effects, the inconsistencies of Radio Carbon Dating. All of these things must be taken into consideration if you want to know the truth of who discovered America and find the true history of this continent. It was well known by the various Royal families of Europe, the Roman Empire, the Welsh, Italians, French, Spanish, Portuguese, India, Hebrew and Chinese as to the existence of this land, and they knew it was a promised land, a choice land, but not all knew why, but the majority did not know the blessing pronounced upon this land by the one true God, and more importantly, the curse.

The answer to this question as to who discovered America, as we know it today is was a people who has developed into what we now know as Altai Mongolians but at a time where in the name was not even known. Their first leader was known by name from two sources, the Mongolian and the pages of the Book of Either, and his name was Moron. His name by ancient tradition remains upon the first places where these people first migrated after leaving the great tower which you will find in the tops of the Altai Mountains, the village of Moron. It takes its name from the Moronguiin Khuree monastery on the banks of the river Delgermoron. Also another village many miles to the east called Mörön, in Khentii. They are the very people who the Mongolian and every Asian culture derive from, and they came here in boats in about 2400 BC, not by a mythical Land Bridge. By their own traditions, this occurred after a catastrophic flood and the fall of a great tower where in the their God confused their tongue, this is preserved in their descendants in the Aztec record. And even they were not the first to set foot on this land.

These people knew the blessing and the curse pronounced upon this land and even though they knew it first hand, even they eventually forgot and brought the curse upon themselves, they were destroyed “as a people” but their DNA is profound and abundant in the west from the very tips of the North of this continent and to the southern tips in South America.

…whoso should possess this land of promise, from that time henceforth and forever, should serve him, the true and only God, or they should be swept off when the fulness of his wrath should come upon them.

Each and every culture who has not kept this condition and served the one true God upon this land, has been destroyed as a people… only a mixture of them remains, preserved in the DNA of the American Native People.

This write up I admit is all over the place, but this is how it is, there is so much to tell and this is such a small part. The subjects that intertwine are broad e difinitive, all having to do with each other. And then I open the can of worms with this…. 

Why is it a Promised Land? What PLACE were they looking for? And what specifically were they looking for? A good read to learn the importance of these questions and of the contents supposedly destroyed, of the Library of Constantinople, (Even from Wiki), would be of great benefit. Understanding its purpose, its contents and how and when it was destroyed lends understanding as well, who was actually responsible for its destruction, The Muslims of the Ottoman Empire or those who knew the importance of keeping its contents from them? Is this concern just as valid today? What survived intentionally and where is it now? Understanding and truth only comes when all things are considered, no matter how controversial.

For further reading to find answers, Read:

1st Kings Chapter 9:26 to 10:13 and then with Hiram in mind, King of Tyre, a friend to Solomon read at least, Ezekiel 28:12-14, and maybe even a bit more… They say we cannot know nor do we know where this Land of Ophir was, and many of the scholars of the past have made up their minds based on their unwillingness to consider… however there are some who can know, but only because they do consider… This is how it all began among the Royal descendants of King David, the knowledge and the answers to these questions which have been sought after, come from the events of King Solomon and King Hiram, and other sources they never knew.

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