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The Ancient Hieroglyph PART 2
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The Ancient Hieroglyph PART 2
Remember, at the end of this treatise which will be several parts, I will give and explanation of the first two photos found in the first part, in the form of what I have come to call a "breakdown" of the panel or glyphs.
My first Panel
(My journey began by following the (locator glyphs) found in the bottom right, "Cross over here (or this place), go to the top of the next hill or (ridge), go a Fair distance,
(Which was approximately 1/3 of a mile)
In the course of teaching the principles of LaVan Martineau
pertaining to what is commonly referred to as the Native American Petroglyph,
many misunderstandings have come up, many
questions as to different forms of hieroglyphs found here in North America
regarding a relationship with the former, but are they really so different? If
you do not approach this with an open mind you will receive no benefit. PROVE
ME WRONG; I invite it, but don’t just throw me questions of which the answer
cannot be understood if you do not understand where my answer comes from. How
many times have you found yourself trying to answer some Religious question of
which you know is perfectly understood by those who have read the book, but can’t
seem to convey the same message with results, to someone who refuses to read
the book from which the question and the answer derives? How many times have
you received the answer Oh I’ve read the
book with this supposing to satisfy you in why you are wrong when you know
that not only have you read the book, studied it, applied the principles
in the field and proved them, but have done this numerous times over the years?
The purpose of this part is in an effort to shed some light
on the subject and clarify many of the things of which I feel I have failed to
explain in previous attempts. A simple one time reading of LaVan Martineau’s
book The
Rocks Begin to Speak is NOT sufficient for most of its
readers, many do NOT get the idea the first read. For clarification, we need to
understand the terminology which I will be using so that you can understand my
reasons for using different terms which have in the past been misunderstood as
to what was being said.
In the following I am going to attempt to talk primarily
about five seemingly different types of writing forms. Also mentioning others
of which some are believed to be different from the others and they are only
different in application (Different Rules, if you will), and different in
that they are modified in the manner of different speech.
Many will read and read and still it never clicks. To those
people, my advice with no offense intended, is to toss in the towel; you
were not meant to know. We will be talking about what is primarily referred to
as Native American Petroglyphs and Pictographs, including what is believed to
be sub groups such as Fremont Style Anasazi Style or Vernal Style
when in fact there is no style to speak of. They are the
same, differing only in subject and in SOME cases, minor tribal
differences (Application) due to perspective or manner of speech.
We will discuss what is known as Mystery Glyphs, The Lenape
Wallum Olum, the Ojibwa Hieroglyphs and Egyptian and how all of them, including
the Native American Petroglyphs, have a common root.
Understanding the terms used.
The symbol was created from the motions
of Hand Sign language but is not limited to; it may also be symbolic of some
thing as seen by the eye in its natural appearance or its natural motion. An example might be the symbol for "wooden object" which is identical to the symbol of our alphabet the letter Y. A symbol
is to express some concept, action or idea. A hieroglyph such as a Mystery Glyph,
Ojibwa Glyph or an Egyptian Glyph is NOT a symbol, it IS a combination of symbols
put together to create a sentence or extended meaning of the symbols
themselves, NOT a phonic sound. These symbols are of ancient origin and
are most
likely the very root of all Hieroglyphs. When in history, was
the first time that a hand sign language was NEEDED other than the
possibility that some where in history we had an overwhelming amount of people
in a society that were deaf? In ancient times, these people were generally
shunned and no special consideration was given. They didn't have Hillary and
Obama to look out for them.
The first time a hand sign language would have come
into NEED
is shortly after the Confusion of Tongues, something had to be done to
re-establish some form of communication and this is the very place that I
believe this originated. Shortly afterwards, a hand sign language was created.
This was the first impulse when two people came together who did not understand
each other. This would be your response, unless you are like many who just try
speaking slower as if this might help. I believe the hand signing was converted
to a system of symbols modeled after the already in place hand sign language.
At this time it would make perfect sense to add several other independent symbols
to convey any other concept, action or idea which hand sign language could not
convey. For this very reason our modern day sign language for the deaf is
accompanied with a sign language for the alphabet in order to spell things
which cannot be relayed by sign language alone.
Near everyone is familiar with the fact that no matter what tribe was encountered when the Europeans arrived on this continent, was that most of the Indigenous regardless of where they were found, could understand each other through signing even if one was from the southern most regions of South America, and the other from the great lakes. Now, could they all understand the glyphs? Maybe.
The Hieroglyph or Character
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