The following is the second article of the1950 Police Gazette
August issue.
new evidence unearthed by Police Gazette proves that J. Frank Dalton is the
real Jesse James, bandit of the Old West!
GEORGE McGRATH Special Investigator for
Police Gazette
still rode in 1950!" Thus did the Police Gazette in its April issue
recognize 102 year old [106 Jesse was born in 1844] J. Frank
It is a
slaying fabled in song and story; how young Bob Ford shot Jesse James in the
back for a $10,000 reward at
But it is just that a fable!
And it was a legend which left a spreading stain on the name of Jesse's comrade in bandit arms. So, after 68 years of stealthy living, James came out of obscurity to make grateful payment by cleansing Ford's tarnished name before he died.
There was a tremendous uproar when the Police Gazette became the first publication to establish, by almost incontrovertible proof, that the man known for almost seventy years as J. Frank Dalton was in reality Jesse James. But those who leveled scorn and criticism could offer no provable facts to substantiate their denials!
Meanwhile, additional evidence continued to pile up that the Police Gazette had been right when it supported the claims of the silvery thatched old fighter that he was the most famous or most infamous bandit in the gory history of the six-shooter frontier.
LET'S REVIEW BRIEFLY facts on which the first recognition was based. These included Jesse's detailed accounts of James' gang depredations, impossible for one of such advanced years to memorize and which checked exactly with accounts available only in old Police Gazette files; physical characteristics and bullet scars, and the sworn testimony of Col. James Russell Davis of Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs. Nellie Shevlin, wife of John Shevlin, one of the most honest and fearless law officers of that roaring era.
Now to be added to these facts are:
1. The
testimony of Henry M. Priest, a Nashville, Tenn., storekeeper who identified
2. Identification of Jesse by John Trammel, 110yearold former cook for the James gang, who was still alive at this writing.
[John Trammell died at the ripe old age of 121]
3. Jesse's
own admission that his outfit perpetrated the Huntington, W. Va., bank robbery
in 1875, a surprise even to the historians of that section and a
"job" missed by other chroniclers of the gang's depredations.
4. The
testimony of De Witt Travis of Longview, Texas, of "
Even in 1950
those who wrote about Jesse couldn’t seem to get away from using the wrong
photos… on the left is, was and always will be Dr. Sylvester Franklin James,
Jesse’s Kentucky Born full brother… the one on the right looks like a cheep
sketch of Charlie Bigelow.
[Dewitt Travis mentioned above and hereafter, is
Elbert Dewitt Travis, son of Elbert Dewitt Travis Senior, Better known today as
non other than William Clarke Quantrill, of the feared Quantill’s Raiders.
History has it he died in prison of his wounds in 1865, when in fact he lived a
fair life until 1894 giving up his life in Van Zandt
5. Jesse's
continued ability to name incidents and take doubters to the exact spot despite
his advanced age.
Revelation of how the name J. Frank Dalton was devised as an alias when
"Mr. Howard" met his fraudulent end.
7. The
inability of opponents to prove that
8. Testimony
of Robert E. Lee, 75, of Baton Rouge, La., onetime bodyguard for William F. (
All of these are sworn and certified proofs and substantiations.
Yet a certain circle is inclined to discredit Jesse's claims — without offering constructive proof. One school of detractors is composed of those who would ask Jesse leading questions concerning unreliable family word of mouth tales handed down from father to son. Added to this are indications of a promotional squabble which threatens to ruin Jesse's dying gesture of gratitude to his old side kick, Ford.
Priest, 90 year old retired
"Howard lived in
When Priest confronted the man who for 68 years has
been hiding under the alias of
Trammel, the former James gang cook, attested that he
was at the "Howard" home in
It was Trammel who provided more corroborating evidence when he revealed the slaying of the oven Chisholm brothers by the James boys because the Chisholms were thought to be stealing Junes' cattle.
"They hung them from a big old oak tree near
Jesse not only corroborated this — but led a party to the old oak with its "hanging branch" Wild brush country, about 16 miles outside Guthrie.
Jesse’s revelation
that he had led his men in robbing a Huntington, West Virginia, bank of $20,000
on September 6, 1875, was news even to the people of
“The Police Gazelle cleared up several snarls in the fact” wrote Squire Mauck, associate editor of the Daily Tribune, Gallipolis, W. Va., "For '75 years people have wondered if Jesse and Frank were included in the quartet of bandits who robed he bank of Huntington. Jesse was not suspected of being there.
J, K, Oney,
the cashier, was reported to have interviewed Frank James when the latter came
So again, the dusty files corroborate old Jesse's story.
The testimony of Travis is of particular interest. Travis,
a descendant of Captain Travis who defended the
According to Jesse, he contributed $35,000 to Crittenden’s
campaign coffers the first time Crittenden ran for governor of
Substantiating Jesse's claims of a clandestine meeting with the governor the night before the murderous hoax was perpetrated, Travis revealed that he was with "Dalton" at the Bray Hotel in Kansas City in 1935 when old Jesse spent long hours with H. H. Crittenden, son of the governor.
Travis, whose mother identified "
LEE, BUFFALO BILL'S onetime bodyguard, said "
"If the
world knew what they talked about, people would be dumbfounded," Lee
insists. "At that time '
It is Mauck, the Gallipolis historian, who charts the transformation of Jesse James, alias "Mr. Howard," to the pseudonym of "J. Frank Dalton."
is nothing strange about the name he assumed after the shooting at his home J.
Frank Dalton," Mauck writes. "That 'J.' was a fragment of the name he
received from his Baptist minister father after his birth on Sept. 5, 1847. The
name of Frank may have been favored °tit of deference to his brother. And the
name of
they were cousins. As told in the Police Gazette in a recent issue, the
Much of the discussion of old Jesse's claims seem to be the result of a promotional squabble.
"Uncle Jesse is still lying and camouflaging and
protecting some of the kinfolk," insists Robert E. Lee Baxter of
Howk, himself, wrote from
Howk used the same stationery as Baxter. And Howk's envelope was attractively decorated by pen and ink with a crude drawing of a goat and a large "J. J." Separating the two "J's" was a symbol which looked suspiciously like the Indian sign for a forked tongue.
Many readers have inquired whether old Jesse's identification marks include a left index finger from which the tip has been shot. Jesse recalls he was just a tot when he got hold of a sixshooter and with a child's inquisitiveness, pulled the trigger. The bullet "chewed" off the tip.
The Police Gazette has been flooded with mail both
defending and attacking its stand in support of old Jesse. But when he applied
to the
True, the court did not restore the name. But only because, Judge Ransom E. Breuer ruled, there was nothing to give back because old Jesse never had changed his name legally to "J. Frank Dalton." So old Jesse can use his original name freely, where, if the evidence had been against him, the court certainly would have ruled that he could not use the name Jesse James.
And old Jesse, rapidly running out of seconds, flashed fire from those blue eagle eyes and demanded: "With one foot in tk:grave and the other on the brink, do you think I would lie as to who I am?" For one, the Police Gazette doesn't think so!
From The Black Book…
[“One of the
deadliest, wealthiest, most secretive and efficient spy and underground
organizations in the history of the world was The Knights of the
Some of the
craftiest, finest brains in the South directed activities of The Knights of the
The 13-man Inner Sanctum which ran the Golden Circle in the years immediately following the Civil War elected Colonel Elbert DeWitt Travis, alias William Clarke Quantrill and Charley Hart, as its chief. He served until his death in the middle 1890s. Secretary of the Inner Sanctum was "Uncle George" Payne, while Jesse James was elected treasurer and comptroller in 1867 when former Emperor Maximilian donated $12.5 million to the group. The other ten members were General Nathan B. Forrest, John Patter-son (Jefferson Davis), Bud Dalton, Professor B. E. Bedeczek, Lewis Dalton. George Baxter, Captain John James, Coleman Younger, General J. O. Shelby and Jack (Brae) Miller. As members of the Inner Sanctum died or became too old to serve, they were replaced up to 1916.
On April 18,
1973, I held a secret meeting in
One said, "We are dying out fast and our story should be told, but all of us have had bad experiences with reporters in the past. They generally got the story all botched up. Of course, we understand how that can happen because they were dealing with complicated stuff.
Golden Circle
was up to. Some years back, a woman wrote a book about the
Old Jesse
James was the head of the Circle when its executive body decided there wasn't
going to be a Second Civil War and sealed the records in 1916. In October,
1947, Colonel James, alias Colonel Jesse Franklin Dalton, made his first public
utterance about the
Colonel James
admitted during its sixty-five years of existence the
(The Black Book)
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