Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Testimony of
From Adair’s “History
of the American Indians” published in
Found in the pages of Peruvian Antiquities by Mariano Eduardo de Rivero y Ustáriz translated to English in 1853 we find on pages 9-10,
But that which most tends to fortify the opinion as to the Hebrew origin of the American tribes, is a species of ark, seemingly like that of the Old Testament; this the Indians take with them to war ; it is never permitted to touch the ground, but, rests upon stones or pieces of wood, it being deemed sacrilegious and unlawful to open it or look into it. The American priests scrupulously guard their sanctuary, and the High Priest carries on his breast a white shell adorned with precious stones, which recalls the Urim of the Jewish High Priest : of whom we are also reminded by a band of white plumes on his forehead.
Whether this is the
The Northern
Aborigines have a traditional knowledge of the Deluge and the Dove of peace,
which to them under the name of the medicine, or mystery bird, is sacred from
the arrow of the hunter. They have their Ark of Covenant, in which is deposited
some mystery, seen only by the priests of the Tribe,—it is said to be a shell,
and supposed to give out oracular sounds; this is in analogy to the Book of the
Laws placed in the Ark of Covenant by MOSES, preceding his death on Mount
Nebo,—the oracular wisdom of which has guided civilization to this day. The ark
is never suffered to touch the earth, but is always raised on a stand of wood
or stone; it is invariably carried by a Tribe when they march to battle,—a
similitude is here to JOSHUA at the siege of
It would seem that
these people certainly had knowledge of the
From Hewett
Edgar Lee’s book
The Ark of the Covenant appears to have been known. On the excellent authority of Adair, Long and Noab, American Historians and ethnologists, we are informed that the western tribes of the North American Indians kept a holy chest, or ark, which they were wont to carry to the battle field when hard pressed by their enemies. Long says: This ark was placed on a sort of frame carried on men’s shoulders, and was not allowed to touch the ground. To uncover it was strictly forbidden. Three men who, were of curiosity attempted to examine its contents, were stuck blind on the spot.
Articles such as this
were abundant in the early writings of this nation, it wasn’t until the
formation of Smithsonian that scholars began to discredit the early writers and
quit talking about the Ark along with the idea that a majority of the early
writers who were WITH the Native people, mingled with them, spoke to them and
made a record of their narratives were convinced and believed without a doubt
that the Native American people were of Jewish decent. Today, the DNA research
in and around the great lakes region and the Mississippi Valley, home of the
mound builders, the Adena Culture and Hopewell Culture as the academics have
named them, confirms this.
This is no longer a
theory people, it is a known fact.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Suggestive and
Compelling Archeologic Evidence
Some time ago I wrote
two articles one called The Nine Commandments of the Los Lunas
Decalogue Stone and a following article called the Puerco
River Ark of the Covenant, I had thought of just including
the latter but the first of these two lends credence to the latter, perhaps you
will see it and perhaps you won’t, but my reasoning for pointing this out is to
simply say, regardless of what I have written in the articles, my belief today
is that the Los Lunas Stone was carved by cultures who visited the Americas
around 775-1050 AD, NOT by the earliest Native Americans. The earliest
likelihood in which it could have been carved is about 100 BC, but I lean
towards a much later date. Here are the two articles.
The Nine Commandments
and the Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
Historically we have always been taught of the Ten Commandments in almost every work pertaining to the subject reference is always made as “the Ten Commandments,” but do we really have anything from a credible source that says specifically how many commandments were given on the two tablets? Only 3 times in the King James Bible does it say specifically Ten Commandments? Although there are hundreds of Commandments we will only focus on the supposed Ten.
In looking at the accepted version of Ten Commandments we have;
Exodus 20:1-17
1 AND God
spake all these words, saying,
2 I [am] the LORD thy
God, which have brought thee out of the
3 Thou shalt have no
other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt
not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that
[is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the
water under the earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow
down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous
God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and
fourth [generation] of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy
unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
7 Thou shalt
not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold
him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
8 Remember the
saboth day, to keep it holy
9 Six days shalt thou
labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day
[is] the 526rayish of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any
work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates:
11 For [in] six days
the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested
the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the 526rayish day, and
hallowed it.
12 Honour
thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee.
13 Thou shalt
not kill.
14 Thou shalt
not commit adultery.
15 Thou shalt
not steal.
16 Thou shalt
not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour’s.
Seems pretty cut and dry doesn’t it? In the Catholic Bible they have simply removed the second commandment for reasons so very obvious of which is part of the first, and divided the 10th commandment to keep the appearance of the traditional ten. But let’s look at it from another perspective in which does not take away from the content or meaning. Let’s look at this from the perspective of sin. What is the sin associated with the Commandment?
# 1, Sin, Worship of
another God other than THEE God.
#2, The sin is the
same as #1, be it a false God, wrong God or one made with our hands it is the
same and therefore constitutes One commandment given in 3 parts.
# 3 Sin, Taking the
Lords Name in Vain. Not cursing which is one of the
dumbest thing I have heard, but using the Lords name to
get gain.
# 4. Sin, Not Remembering
the Sabbath.
# 5 Sin, Not glorifying thy
Father and thy Mother ABOVE.
#6 Sin, Shedding of
“Innocent” blood.
#7 Sin, Adultery,
Giving your love to another who has no right to it, it has nothing to do with
#8 Sin, Stealing,
taking what does not belong to you.
#9 Sin, Bearing False
witness of which you were no witness to.
#10 Sin, Coveting that
which does not belong to you, which is given in 2 parts.
Number one and two are part of the same commandment. Having no other God before him includes every form of God out there whether false, graven image, or the wrong God.
I have heard some argue that they are two separate commandments because each starts with “Thou Shalt Not” and if this is the case are we saying Verse 5 above is a new and separate commandment? Are we saying those which do not have “Thou Shalt Not” preceding them are not commandments? It is suspect by me that the first Commandment is a creation of man long ago as the 2nd covers the same, and the purpose of this creation was to eventually eliminate the second part to justify themselves and leaving the first in its place.
Now I don’t know what school you went to, But I was taught that Jesus Christ is a God, part of the Godhead, and that our Father put him before himself, of his own doing, as a Savior to the world who agreed to give the glory to his Father, and that we do, be it by prayer, ordinances, covenants etc, done in the name of Jesus Christ. If this isn’t putting a God Before God the Father I don’t know what is, so is our Father a Hypocrite or is it more likely that someone didn’t think this through? If the first commandment as we know it were from God, what Gods was he referring to?
We know there are other Gods out there who have their own creations but we have never been taught of them other than their existence or come to know any of them in any way whatsoever, and if you made the choice to worship one of these Gods you know nothing about, do you think they would in anyway acknowledge you, being a true God? So if our God is the creator of this so called first commandment, what would he have meant? Well the only Gods left are false Gods, creations of our minds and are usually manifest by those who create them in the form of Statues, Idols and the creations of their hands and is this not covered in what we know as the second commandment? The first commandment is pointless unless you needed a scapegoat. What we know as the first commandment is a fabrication of man in ancient times; it is not needed and does not change the fact that we should have no other false God before him or what we know as the Trinity.
There are only nine
commandments and why have I brought this up? The reason is to give credibility
to the Los Lunas Stone in the following section in that it does not have
mistakes as so many supposed experts and students of Hebrew have said, it is
THEM who is in error and mistaken not the scribe of the stone and I intend to
show you this is true which hopefully in the end we will have just one more
evidence of ancient Hebrew in the Western regions and to show that someone in
the past knew what the scholars of today do not. And there is another reason
which will shortly come, the Puerco River Glyph.
The Los Lunas Stone
Los Lunas Stone as it
appeared before someone
recently got offended
The Los Lunas
Decalogue Stone is said to have been originally discovered in the 1880’s but
not officially until it was shown to Frank C Hibben an archaeologist and
anthropologist of
“The archaeologist Ken Feder points out that “the flat face of the stone shows a very sharp, crisp inscription...”. His main concern however is the lack of any archaeological context. He argues that to get to the location of the stone would have required whoever inscribed it to have “stopped along the way. Encamped, eaten food, broken things, disposed of trash, performed rituals, and so on. And those actions should have left a trail of physical archaeological evidence across the greater American Southwest, discovery of which would undeniably prove the existence of foreigners in New Mexico in antiquity with a demonstrably ancient Hebrew material culture...” and states that “There are no pre-Columbian ancient Hebrew settlements, no sites containing the everyday detritus of a band of ancient Hebrews, nothing that even a cursory knowledge of how the archaeological record forms would demand there would be. From an archaeological standpoint, that’s plainly impossible.”
If there is one thing that the earliest of explorers all agreed upon, is that the Native American people were with out doubt decedents of Hebrew, Jewish people... their language in some cases, their customs, beliefs, traditions etc... countless reports published long ago. What kind of trash should we be looking for? Evian plastic bottles? Forgive me but, Ignorance is no proof of Intelligence…
One only need take a close look to see that whoever the scribe was, he had knowledge that the supposed experts of today do not have. For this reason I am going to talk about the supposed commandment # 5 Thou Shalt Honor thy Mother and Father. In a video that my good friend Alan sent to me, concerning the Los Lunas stone, a student of Hebrew points out a few “mistakes” according to him but never really expounds upon what exactly the mistake is except for the 5th commandment. When he is asked what it actually says he struggles trying to tell us what it Should say until the host of the video impatiently asks him again, specifically what it actually says. With this the student of Hebrew again struggles and says, it says Honor thy Father and thy Mother…. ABOVE!
When I heard this I knew that our understanding of the scriptures for near 2000 years is what is in error. At this time I would point out one other mistake which has existed for a very long time, the words are not Honor your, it is Glorify you. In other words, YOU glorify Father and Mother above. Why do men always suppose they know more about the ancient writings than those who wrote them? Since when would our Father instruct us to give glory to another man, before God? Does this not violate the 1st commandment? It is what it is…. Now the problem is, who is our Mother above, and did the ancients know her? Why don’t we? The reasons I have been given my whole life just make no sense, and I am sure that many will come to my rescue to save me from my fallen state and explain to me what the scripture “really mean.”
My friend and I talked about this for some time, the question was brought, if the scripture meant honor OR glorify thy earthly father and mother then we have a problem. Now my Father has also instructed me by way of commandment to forsake ALL evil, so, hypothetically speaking if my earthly father was a foul dishonest man, a thief, a murderer and oppressor of the poor and the week, and I did not honor him because of his evils, am I now guilty of the sin of Commandment #5? I don’t think so. And if I did Honor or Glorify him, in other words, worship him or give glory to him, am I now guilty of commandment #1? In looking at the meaning of the word Honor or Glorify among the many implicating words which describe it, is to Worship. Although this seemed very convincing, it wasn’t completed for me until I stumbled upon a couple of scriptures from the lips of Christ himself that I knew the ancient scribe who carved the Los Lunas Stone was not only authentic, but knew more about Paleo Hebrew and his scriptures than the so called experts of today.
In the following Jesus
shows the Pharisees and scribes the error of their ways without telling them
what it actually means. He shows them by their own understanding they
contradict themselves but it is the fact that Jesus himself says in the following, God
Matthew 15:4
4 For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
Interestingly enough the Greek translation for the above does not say Honor thy father and mother, it says, Be valuing THE Father and Mother. And again he says the same basic thing in Mark 7:10, the point being, what kind of God would condemn me to death for worshiping a false God, putting another God before him? What kind of God would put me to death for cursing an earthly father or mother whether I had reason or not? I know the answer, do you? This doesn’t sound like a God I want to worship.
God is a title, not a name, and my God encompasses my Father and Mother above and including my Lord and Savior. I have no doubt that My Father above wants me to Honor him, and glorify him as in worship, and my Mother in Heaven also who are among the only ones who are “Honorable” PERIOD. Are we here to give glory to our earthly parents?
The scribe who wrote the inscription of the Los Lunas Panel knew exactly what he wrote. Mistakes are made with pens and by the quick action of them, and lack of knowledge, the mistakes the scribe is accused of simply do not occur, do they mean for me to believe the scribe carved the entire row of characters chiseling away stepping back and blowing off the dust and then said OOPS?.. I don’t think so. However I could admit the scribe could have made one mistake in that he began to write the second part of the first commandment, or was it a mistake? And the scribe supposedly had to “Insert” the missing potion between the first and second line of the inscription? Hmmm, something stinks here…
It is said that the
earliest known use of an insertion mark or caret is 1681, my
question is, why didn’t anyone question the one found in 1681? Is its use in
the Los Lunas stone evidence of the very earliest known use of the Caret?
Evidence of a fraud, or evidence of someone in recent years attempting to
change what an original inscription said because it did not fit their agenda or
to render it a hoax and not understanding that the use of the Caret is likely a
modern invention? Is it possible that “Thou Shalt have no other
God before me” was added in at a modern date as it was not necessary to even
be a part of the commandment as the commandment would have been
complete without it. It is my opinion that the second line was added by someone
in modern times, likely some Spaniard of the Catholic Faith who adhered to
words of an altered Bible.
If you look close at the method of application of the glyphs there is a difference in style for a lack of better words, between the 2nd line and the rest of the panel, look closely at the Lamed symbol. In the entire panel all of the Lamed symbols either join at the point of the vertical and horizontal line, or a small gap is left BELOW the vertical line and ABOVE the horizontal. In the second line suspect of being added at a more modern date, the gap is not below the vertical line, but to the side in two of the three occurrences. This difference implies a different author. Now why would someone do this? Interestingly enough two of the mistakes mentioned would have been done by the author of the added line. Another interesting observance is, that some time in 2007, someone visited the site with a portable grinder and removed the first line, why only the first line? I hate to point this out to those responsible but isn’t this like tearing the pages from the scriptures so that it no longer applies? Regardless, it did not change a thing. One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it.
It is my opinion due
to common sense, if I approached a rock face with the intent to scribe
something as important as the commandments and not knowing how exactly it was
going to fit on the rock, I would not just sit down and start chiseling away. I
would however plan what I was going to do and I would grab some charcoal from
one of those nonexistent Hebrew debris piles, and lay the whole thing out
first, then chisel the lines, do you think the scribe might have noticed
mistakes if there were any? The following picture is what I truly believe the
panel once looked like before someone got to it in the
ancient past and took offense because it did not matched their altered Bible,
or saw the threat of exposing a little plot; Manifest Destiny takes upon new
The Los Lunas Stone
BEFORE anyone in the past got offended
I am Jehovah Elohim
your God who has brought you out of the
(4) Honor Father and
Mother above that your days
will be long on the earth that Jehovah Elohim your God has given you. (5) You
must not murder, (6) you must not commit adultery, (7) you must not steal, (8)
you must not give false testimony, (9) you must not covet your neighbors wife,
nor that which he has.
Who would know more about the message inscribed on the stone? An ancient scribe or today’s so called experts? It is because of the things described previously that tells me this panel was inscribed some time prior to the creation of Catholicism or even possibly BC times. Was there a 10th Commandment? We may never know but from the perspective of those who inscribed the Los Lunas stone, there were 9, interestingly enough, according to those who inscribed the stone in the next chapter, there were only 9 as well.
It says what it says, and means what it means; it is what it is… It was because of the following chapter that caused me to reevaluate the Los Lunas Stone. The possibilities are many, but I guess no one is willing to look at the other possible perspectives. If there are mistakes in the Los Lunas inscription, it is from modern man, just my two cents...
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