Original Article April 18th 2018
Phaistos Disc from the Island of Crete
another artifact that just doesn't belong
and one discovery nothing has been said about...
Lady of Lebanon
This story begins with a strange medallion (Belt Buckle) found in Richfield Utah in about 1965, just over 20 years after is was supposed to have been made as a commemorative in celebration of Spain receiving it back from France where it was taken after its discovery in 1897. But there is just to many inconsistencies with this theory... Little do they know but it still has not been returned to its place of origin, which is likely here in the west.

The Richfield Utah Medallion
The Lady Of Elche?
Who was the Lady of Elche? Was she indigenous to Spain? Was she made by the Iberians? Was she a she? Who and what were the imaginative Iberians? Let’s try to answer some of these questions which it seems, many have failed to ask.
The Lady of Elche as it is called in Spain is a polychrome sculpture found in 1897 near Elche Spain south of the imaginary place called Septimania, which supposedly existed in southern France from about 500 AD to almost 800 AD. It was found among the ruins of what was believed to be a house, not a church or other place of worship. In other words they found it as a part of someone of the pasts personal things, a collector’s item. It is thought to have been made by the Iberian "Culture" in the 4th to 2nd century BC, the problem is, despite what academics say, there really is no such thing as an Iberian other than someone who may have lived on the Iberian Peninsula. I mean, you have to be careful in these days, after all have you ever read about the Septimanians? No?... Me either... The notion that this bust was created in BC times is about the only thing I believe they got right.
Was the Lady, a Lady?
The reasons it is designated a lady is the very same reasons you see it as a lady, and it is as simple as this, it looks like one. Well, so did one of the many Pharaohs of Egypt and as I recall a certain man tried to tell the archaeological genius’s of the day back in the 1830's that it was not a lady, and over 100 years later it was discovered that he was in fact correct. What science thought for over a hundred years base on “It looks like a woman” and designated as such… was indeed a man. The evidences I am to give I think might show you the designated lady of Elche was in fact a man, but who?
Was the bust indigenous to Spain?
The answer to this question of course is my opinion and may shock you, but it is my hope to present enough evidence to be a plausible theory and with more evidence than what has been assumed just because it was found in Spain. The people who found “the Lady” claim it was made by the Iberian “Culture” because quite frankly they didn’t know who else to blame it on. I find it difficult to believe that any of the European countries who are rich in history and known for their meticulous record keeping, and in this case Spain, had no idea who this “Lady” was and yet they worship it as a Goddess. But it must have been a Goddess, just look at it, right? However if they are to be completely honest with us and themselves, they have no idea who it is nor who made it. But to find the answer to the question let’s move to the next question of…
Was it made by Iberians? Well, what is an Iberian? For all intents and purposes as it is applied to the so called lady, it is a fabrication. The word Iberian stems from the old Greek Iberes, “Celtic People of Spain and who were they? Briton’s, Britain’s or people of Great Britain. The term Iberian interestingly enough also refers to an Asiatic people near the Caucasus. Keep in mind that whenever the term Culture is used proceeded by a fitting name such as Iberian Culture, Pueblo Culture or Freemont Culture, it is just another way of saying, we have no idea who they were. It is like doctors when the use the word disease like Lou Gehrig’s disease, they have no idea what you have and then they give it a name so you can own it, then create a foundation to collect money from you to find a cure for this nonexistent disease they know nothing about, rather than identify it’s origin because there is no money in the cure.
It amazes me to see the lengths and which the powers that be will go to keep the world from truth in that they create entire cultures such as Iberians and entire countries such as Septimania. I am amazed the that archaeologist of the day didn't blame the creation of the bust on the Septimanians... But Septimania had not yet been fully created and Arthur Zuckerman wouldn't write his book for another 78 years, or even the Minoans but at the time the Minoan culture had not yet been created because the controversial Phaistos stone had not yet been found, and they just can't tell you these things came from America because then they would have to explain who brought them here. Why didn't blame the Phaistos stone on the Iberians? Someone didn't think that one through... O'well we needed another culture right? There I go having fun again...
So, was the bust made by these people they call Iberian? Well, no, but those who frequented having commerce in this fictitious culture location, may have been responsible for bringing it to the place called Elche, but the people of Spain just didn’t know that, and the Lady was not made in Spain nor even close to it. I intend to show you that in all probability was made in a place you would not think, in Northern Arizona or nearby. I don’t know that our local science has yet come up with a name for these people who likely made the Lady as they hardly know they existed and when evidence of them is found, it always disappears, because it always resembles Asian people or those of India and yet the pride of men can’t have Asians and true Indians as being the first Americans now can it? These first Americans were very large comparatively speaking to today’s average height, large enough to be classified as a giant and that just might give credence to the Bible supporting the existence of a God. Incidentally, to all those “ancient giants” enthusiasts out there, these were NOT Nephilim, if you want Nephilim, you need to be looking for those who were 18 to 32 feet tall by today's standard.
The Natives call these ancient people Anasazi. Apparently the designation of Anasazi, a Navajo word meaning Ancient Ones, Ancient enemy or some say ancestor of the enemy, just wasn’t good enough for the academic world. It would seem the designation of “Ancestral Puebloans” is now the title given them, why? What was wrong with the title given them by those who knew them or came from them? How long before they start referring to our ancestors as Ancestral Europeans? These people referred to as “Ancient Ones” or Anasazi arrived on this continent in about 2400 BC and are spoken of in the Aztec record, as those of the first Migration from a “Great Tower,” the Aztec being, in part, descent from these most ancient people. When the remains of these most ancient ones have been found, to save the names of the peers, and uphold the oath to Manifest Destiny, they are whisked away to The Smithsonian to be hushed forever and kept from public knowledge because they are on average in height about 9 feet tall.
Today their closest living relative is the Altai Mongolian and their derivatives are known as Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese etc… and of which a majority of the Western Native American Indian are decent from. In the old world they are often of a Buddhist related religion. Mormons refer to these ancient people as Jaredite and to this day you can travel to the region of mountains they crossed over in Asia or specifically the Altai regions of Mongolia, when migrating from the great tower to the eastern coast of China and you will find still to this day, the name of their first leader, Moron, in many of the place names.
A 9 foot tall Anasazi man, whose resting place is near Kanab Utah
They are usually found in the fetal position and in a burial cistern
HOWEVER… these are NOT those responsible for the making of the Lady of Elche bust….
The Lady bust is said to be of a polychrome, the art of polychrome apparently has been around for a very long time. Where it originated seems to be unknown however just for notation keep in mind that polychrome pots are being found all over Arizona, I guess it is of no surprise that other cultures would have the same practices who were so far apart.
In 1995 a Art Historian by the name of John F Moffitt, specializing in painting, wrote his book crying HOAX! Pertaining to the Lady of Elche, I have just began to read his book and the more I delve into it the more I begin to understand why he may have thought it might have been a hoax, and the simple reason is, it just doesn’t belong and almost nothing the people say about it is true. In reading the book however I am convinced that Mr. Moffitt was more concerned about being right than being truthful and more of the content seems to be more about look at me! rather than the artifact. However, John Moffitt likely did not know about the following presumed artifacts or apparently anything like it.
In about late 2016 I was doing a search on the Lady Of Elche looking for any new discoveries and a new set of images showed up, of course I know things are prone to disappearing from the net and so I downloaded all the images forgetting to research the details of the find. All I recall of the find is that the bust was found in Lebanon sometime in the mid 1900’s. A search today one will find all references to the original image, the discovery etc, has disappeared.
Lady of Lebanon?
The following presumed artifact was found NOT in Spain where by all rights it should have been if created by Iberians, Minoans or Septimanians... or a modern creation as a result of the celebration days of the 1940’s when Spain after some 40 years finally managed to get France to return the Lady to Elche where it was found in the late 1800’s. However the following presumed artifact was found in the 1960’s in the area of Richfield Utah in an undisturbed area of ground while digging a septic system, it was found at an unconfirmed depth of about 6 feet, the finder admits he cannot for certainty say that it did not fall from the walls of the pit from a higher level. However we shall give credibility to the finder’s presumptions in that it may in some way be ancient.
I have presented this presumed artifact to a few history and archaeology forums across the globe in an effort to discover it origins, even in France and Spain wherein I have in the past suspected its origins to be, I fully expected someone to recognize it and even some one to speak up recognizing it as a souvenir of sort from some artist of the past. Surely something this detailed and well-made must be prevalent in the area it came from if in fact a modern creation. The medallion as I will call it from here on was well received but always the opinions presumed upon just a photo was that it must be a forgery, hoax or modern creation which is usually the response when they have nothing of value to contribute. Why wouldn’t any of these history oriented people even for a moment suspect the possibilities of it being ancient? I could answer that question but I think I already did. However…
I will say this, today’s society has slowly been conditioned over these many hundreds of years to the current belief of what Intelligence is. Today, intelligence is perceived as someone who has undergone 4 to 8 years or even more, of a controlled indoctrination process through a curriculum, teaching the hypothesis of preceding peers opinions, (NON Fact based information) and a course on Take the Pride! It's yours! 101 then receiving a delusional highly revered document from the University who conducted this indoctrination process, with marveling and impressive words which mean nothing more than I have completed this indoctrination program (diploma). Now you may not see it but I find this following notation funny.
NEWS FLASH… The ability to regurgitate indoctrination is not intelligence. Yet today this process is viewed as Intellect and “experience.”
diploma-cy (n.)
"the science of formal intercourse between nations through authorized agents; the art of negotiating and drafting treaties;" more loosely, "transactions and management of international business in general," 1793, from French diplomatie, formed from diplomate "diplomat" (on model of aristocratie from aristocrate), from Modern Latin diplomaticus (1680s), from Latin diploma (genitive diplomatis) "official document conferring a privilege" (see diploma; for sense evolution, see diplomatic)
NEWS FLASH… The ability to regurgitate indoctrination is not intelligence. Yet today this process is viewed as Intellect and “experience.”
What is intelligence? Intelligence is defined in this day and age as simply “the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills”. What is knowledge? Today knowledge is defined as “facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.” Is this experience or indoctrination?
Do you see the vicious circle? Knowledge has nothing to do with any given thing in a physical sense, and here is where we lose the presumed intellect who were given that piece of paper saying “I have completed this indoctrination program”… Knowledge is obtained ONLY through the grace of God, through a spiritual process of rendering “faith” in a given thing, as dormant. Once faith in a given thing has been rendered dormant, faith has been overcome and knowledge is established because you now have a certainty in that given thing which verification of can ONLY come of the Spirit. THIS IS Intelligence. But the Spirit is not part of the Universities curriculum that is designed to convince them that it doesn’t exist, and suddenly they become convince of not only the superiority of those peers opinions taught as fact, but upon receiving their certificate of completion, become convinced of their own superiority. With this rant spoken, let’s continue…
The Medallion (buckle) of Richfield
Rear of Buckle
The Medallion buckle above is very detailed and it is quite apparent the maker was skilled in the arts of working metal, it is presumed to be made of bronze and a hint of a possible overlay of gold is suspect, but not likely. It is roughly 3 inches at the widest point and judging from loop and hook on the back of the medallion it would seem it was meant to be a belt buckle, from left to right it has a slight curvature. It is an excellent rendition of the Lady of Elche and there can be no doubt that it is meant to represent the same entity found in Elche Spain and Lebanon. Found on both sides of the primary image is Cuneiform writing which remains to be seen as to what it says. I had the pleasure of meeting the holder of this presumed artifact and examining it more closely, there is no doubt it was a buckle and although I really don’t have anything at this time to prove its antiquity, of this, I would have no doubt.
It is said by an unconfirmed source that the cuneiform translates as (Left) Tomzartth (Right) Mazzaroth. According to the scholars, Mazzaroth, a term used by Job 38:32 and is supposed to mean the Zodiac, Zodiac signs, or ALL of the constellations and after reviewing the text of the original Hebrew and the King James Bible, others now are saying it translates to "the Assyrian" I find once again the supposed learned, does not know. Although possible, I highly doubt it.
I am reminded of a similar find in many ways;
Buried Medallion or Coin recovered at 114 ft in Illinois
From Ancient American Issue #43,
Jochmans, Forgotten Ages Research Society, Lincoln Nebraska, 1979 )
"At Lawn Ridge, 20 miles north of Peoria, Illinois, in August of 1870, three men were dulling an artesian well, when (from a depth of over a hundred feet) the pump brought up a small metal medallion to the surface. One of the workmen, Jacob W. Moffit, from Chillicothe, was the first to discover it in the drill residue.
A noted scholar of the time, Professor Alexander Winchell, reported in his book
Sparks From a Geologist’s Hammer, that he received from another eye-witness, W.H. Wilmot, a detailed statement, dated December 4, 1871, of the deposits and depths of materials made during the boring, and the position where the metal “coin” was uncovered. The stratification took this form: Soil - 3 feet; yellow clay - 17 feet; blue clay - 44 feet; dark vegetable matter -4 feet; hard purplish clay - 18 feet; bright green clay - 8 feet; mottled clay - 18 feet; paleosol (ancient soils) - 2 feet; coin location; yellowish clay - 1 foot; sand, clay and water - 11 feet.
The strange “coin-medallion” was composed of an unidentified copper alloy,
about the size and thickness of a U.S. quarter of that period. It was remarkably uniform in thickness, round, and the edges appeared to have been cut. Researcher William E. Dubois, who presented his investigation of the medallion to the American Philosophical Society, was convinced that the object had in fact passed through a rolling mill, the edges showed 'further evidence of the machine shop.' Despite .its 'modern characteristics,' however, Dubois plainly saw that, upon the object, 'the tooth of time is plainly visible.' Both sides of the medallion were marked with artwork and hieroglyphs, but these had not been metal-engraved or stamped. Rather, the figures had somehow been etched in acid, to a remarkable degree of intricacy. One side showed the figure of a woman wearing a crown or headdress; her left arm is raised as if in benediction, and her right arm holds a small child, also crowned.
The woman appears to be speaking. On the opposite side is another central figure, that looks like a crouching animal: it has long, pointed ears, large eyes and mouth, claw-like arms, and a long tail frayed at the very end. Below and to the left of it is another animal, which bears a strong resemblance to a horse. Around the outer edges of both sides of the coin are undecipherable glyphs; they are of very definite character, and show all the signs of a form of alphabetic writing.
In 1876, the medallion was presented by Professor Winchell to a meeting of the
Geological Section of the American Association in Buffalo. There was much speculation, but few answers. One participant, a conservative historian, Professor J.R. Lesley, tried to explain the object as a “practical joke” dropped into a hole by a passing French or Spanish explorer. The professor even claimed to see the coin’s figures as the astrological signs of Pisces and Leo, and read into the glyphs the date 1572. However, Winchell countered with these arguments against such an interpretation: 1. By no stretch of the imagination were the figures and glyphs decipherable in terms of any known symbology or script. 2. Who, as a practical joke, would have dropped a metal object into a hole and known that someone several hundred years later would happen to drill at that precise spot (within a 4-inch tolerance) and find it? The odds would be phenomenal. And 3. There is the very real problem of explaining the accumulation of 114 feet of deposit over the buried coin.
Having examined all the evidence, Winchell was convinced the coin had indeed come from this depth. It had not fallen into a hole in the past, the sediments drilled through were uniform and undisturbed. And the amount of sedimentation was not what would have settled in only a few centuries. In fact, recent calculations based on uniform rates of alluvium deposition and radioisotope dates for this region estimate an age for materials from just below a depth of 100 feet to be between 100,000 and 150,000 years. What conclusions can we draw about the mystery coin? A lost civilization once existed on the North American continent which worked in copper and other metals; possessed art and writing; attired themselves with crowns and other clothing; knew of and perhaps domesticated several animals including the horse; utilized acids for etching in a manner that is still not understood today; and perhaps the most disturbing, possessed forms of machinery for the cutting, rolling and processing of metal pieces.
As a sidelight, the enigmatic coin was not the only item that came from deep levels in Illinois. In 1851, in Whiteside County, another well-drilling bit brought up from a sand stratum 120 feet deep two copper artifacts: What appears to be a hook, and a ring. Their age is thought to be the same as that of the coin - about 150,000 years old."
Much time has passed since this Richfield Buckle was found and nothing new came to help us understand its origins and until just a few weeks ago. While searching in the many places I do, I discovered a lady back east who had the near exact item, she explained to me that is was purchase from another lady in France and that it was among the items in an old antique shop she had purchased and when she cleaned out the basement refuse of time… she discovered 12 medallions wrapped in a very old cloth. (These are the images you can now find on the internet) Not knowing what it was and without any reasoning she dubbed it as a 1940’s creation due to the obvious similarity of the famed find of the bust in 1897. She sent me the following picture and my eyes about popped out but, at the same time my heart sunk a little because the appearance seemed to refute the idea that the Richfield buckle was ancient let alone old.
Having visited with the holder of the Richfield artifact just recently (January 2014) and comparing the two side by side, I find that the following Medallion AND the Buckle were indeed made from the exact same mold, yet one is curved with proper loop and hook for a belt and the following is identical in EVERY way except it is flat and has three small loops on the back obviously designed to be worn as a pedant hanging around the neck.
One of The 12 Medallions from France
Although things looked grim for antiquity due to the newer appearance of the French medallions, I began making comparisons because if this was a modern creation I could not see an artist for any reason making these things individually and I knew if they were of the same source and modern, a mold would have no doubt been used and due to quality of the item and nature applicable laws have been in place for several hundred years as to required Hallmark being affixed to a creation such as this. The more I compared and even overlaid the photos of which, IF they were of the same mold I would be able to get them to match up and near perfectly. After meticulous fidgeting with overlays, accounting for curvature and angles of original photos, I am 100% convinced the old and newer medallions are of the exact same mold, however mold would not be the correct word, minting or coining would fit better. How could this be I thought.
It was at this time I began to notice what appeared to be heavy patina trapped in some of the lower elevations of this medallion from France. Since this time we have purchased 10 of the 12 medallions found in the old store in France. The lady back east has sent me another and it is now apparent due to comparison, they are likely not modern creations. Unfortunately what was thought to be patina is just an accumulation of dirt or possibly a clay substance used to preserve the medallions.
In 2017 a friend took one of the twelve medallions from France to a university in Salt Lake, an analysis using a mass spectrometer was performed on the medallion and what skeptic claimed was soldier used to attached the loops on the back, I cannot say one way or the other what the results mean, however I will say what we was told by the lab rep who conducted the test, it was of his opinion based on the results that the medallion was not of recent make, meaning 1940's or even 1800's, he also stated that what was thought by skeptics to be soldier was in fact silver, he said there was one thing he could not understand and that was presence of a small amount of the element Terbium in the soldier. This he said baffled him, I do not claim to no why. Below are the results and if anyone can shed light on what this means, please do.
In 2017 a friend took one of the twelve medallions from France to a university in Salt Lake, an analysis using a mass spectrometer was performed on the medallion and what skeptic claimed was soldier used to attached the loops on the back, I cannot say one way or the other what the results mean, however I will say what we was told by the lab rep who conducted the test, it was of his opinion based on the results that the medallion was not of recent make, meaning 1940's or even 1800's, he also stated that what was thought by skeptics to be soldier was in fact silver, he said there was one thing he could not understand and that was presence of a small amount of the element Terbium in the soldier. This he said baffled him, I do not claim to no why. Below are the results and if anyone can shed light on what this means, please do.
__________________________________________After discovering the medallion above along with 11 others, my wife found these small pendants which are about 1 ½ inch across. Although much smaller, every detail is accurately matching the larger medallions, again the interesting thing about them is that the individual who had purchased them at a flee market in Paris in 1970, he said they looked then as they do now. IF these pendants and medallions were made in 1940 as some celebration for the return of the Lady to Spain, why are they being found in France? Why is it to date, no one in Spain seems to know of their existence? Do the following pendants look like they have 30 years of wear on them? Since this time, a friend has purchased the smaller pendants.
Small Pendants from Paris
Now having these medallion in better condition now makes it easy to discern all of the Cuneiform text and possibly if translated correctly, we can now have a better idea who this so called Lady really is? However it is still unknown if it is a modern creation possibly made around the 1940’s as a commemorative piece celebrating the return of the Lady bust, to Spain from France. But the question still remains as to how a modern artist would have known to add certain features to the medallion not present on the Lady bust. Why would an artist with the talent of the designers of Tiffany Company or a mint for that matter not put their hallmark on the medallion if it were a modern creation?
[Inserted 8/1/21: I am baffled at all those whom I have asked to help with this cuneiform text, it is claimed cuneiform can be translated however every time I try to introduce it or the text only to someone supposedly trained in the field, they are more concerned about where it came from rather than what the text translates to. If you tell them, they won't help you, if you don't tell them they won't help you. I INVITE ANYONE qualified to translate the text, I don't need to know who you are, I just want the truth.]
Keep in mind, over the last few years I have been slowly piecing together the evidences of the past and formulating a theory. A theory which even to me seemed incredible at first but the more I find, the more the theory seems to be a reality. Will we ever know for sure the true history of this land? Quite possibly but for now it remains a plausible theory, and quite frankly it has reached the point in my mind as much more plausible and believable than what has been theorized in the past and taught as fact.
After receiving this new information and a picture of a 3rd medallion, I shared the photos with a few fellow researchers; one in particular noticed what was right before my eyes but I failed to see. I have for the last few years been following up on the rumored underground city purported to have been found in the Grand Canyon prior to 1909.
Could it be possible? It seems after the initial Newspaper report that was published April 5th 1909 in the Phoenix Gazette the discovery just seemingly disappeared, however after the rise of the internet, and the great interest of this story of the past slamming the internet blogs and forums, suddenly great lengths are taken to render the entire story as a hoax, even the newspaper which published the article began to deny it was ever published despite the blatant evidence, at one point they even contradicted themselves after denying the article existed, in stating it was an April Fools joke and of course offering no evidence of the accusation. It would seem to me that the Phoenix Gazette being a DAILY afternoon newspaper from the 1880’s to the 1970’s, if in fact it was an April Fools joke as they once claimed, then why NOT publish it on April 1st instead of 4 days after the day of observation of the tradition? In addition at this time I find that the tradition was not wholly recognized nor hardly practiced in the United States until the 1950’s.
Smithsonian has denied the names of those mentioned responsible for the find and excavation, denying having ever worked with them or for them yet I found this simply isn’t true. I have spoken to a few who have personal knowledge of this find and I am assured there is nothing left in the caves today except the wall paintings and large statues and wall carving that cannot be removed. Most would think this is just too incredible and impossible but just look at the Ajanta Caves in India. Keep in mind in the migration documentation of the Aztec from their homeland Aztlan, that the first place they went was to the place of Grottoes (Caves). They speak of the seven caves they inhabited for some time after being expelled from their homeland; they occupied the caves for near 300 years according to the Aztec Record. The Aztec do not tell that these caves had long since been abandoned by a previous culture upon the land and the Aztec was not the only people who had visited the caves after they had been abandoned.
In 1819 a British officer, while hunting tiger in India discovered an incredible site that I only learned about just a few years back, The Caves of Ajanta I being naturally curious to not only see the possibilities of such a find, I began to notice a pattern of sort concerning other research and what I had come to discover.
In the Phoenix Gazette article concerning the Grand Canyon city, stated things such as;
“have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to Ramses.”
Since when does oriental origins include Egypt?
“…Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist.”
Only it wasn’t Egypt it would be linked to. Many other statements began to jump out as I viewed the Ajanta caves…
“…the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.”
“…The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless they had their origin in the orient. [NOT EGYPT] War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people.”
“….There are steps leading from this entrance some thirty yards to what was, at the time the cavern was inhabited, the level of the river.”
The canyon floor today is well over 1000 feet below where Kincaid said it use to be, why he determined that 30 yards from the entrance was once the level of the river we do not know. However it is no secret that this change in elevation of the river was not due to time, but to massive flooding likely 2000 years ago or a later event in 900 AD.
“…The ceilings of many of the rooms converge to a center.”
“"Over a hundred feet from the entrance is the cross-hall, several hundred feet long, in which are found the idol, or image, of the people's god, sitting cross-legged, with a lotus flower or lily in each hand. The cast of the face is oriental, and the carving[s] [in] this cavern. The idol almost resembles Buddha, though the scientists are not certain as to what religious worship it represents. Taking into consideration everything found thus far, it is possible that this worship most resembles the ancient people of Tibet.”
“… In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal,”
"…Among the other finds are vases or urns and cups of copper and gold, made very artistic in design. The pottery work includes enameled ware and glazed vessels.” [Polychrome like the Lady of Elche]
“…Strewn promiscuously over the floor everywhere are what people call "cats eyes', a yellow stone of no great value. Each one is engraved with the head of the Malay type.
As I read the report I can only imagine the people of the Ajanta Caves and the Grand Canyon Cave, are of the same people. Too many things are mentioned within that I have not pointed out, that a man of 1909 could not possibly have known to include in his so called hoax, had he intended one, however this is not the reason why I know the story is true.
One of the strongest points concerning the Lady of Elche which help to identify who it is and what people it may have come from went unnoticed because of the fact it is not present on the stone bust Lady found in Elche and the poor condition of the Richfield medallion obscured it. Once receiving the image of the Medallion that is in much better condition, I shared the image with a colleague and as we were talking, she mentioned the Lotus band on the head. After a few more words it finally sunk it as to what she had said and I immediately knew this was what I was looking for.
The presents of the Lotus Flower opened the door to understanding who the Lady might be, where it may have come from and has help in understanding other figures found on both the Lady of Elche bust and the Lady of Richfield. The critics immediately upon seeing the familiar Lotus band, claimed it was of Egyptian origin and its presence made it clear the medallion was a forgery. I challenge any of them to show positive proof the Lotus band is of Egyptian origin and not borrowed from the ancients of India. Regardless of what scholars have theorized the Lady of Elche origins are, every thing about it reeks of a Hinduism or a Buddhist related religious structure. They say the Ajanta Caves were created about 300 BC to 400 AD, I would almost agree believing they are a couple hundred years older.
In comparing the many things one finds in the Ajanta Caves, the Hinduism/Buddhist religion and the medallion, we find the following comparisons.
Here is an example of Dharmacakra "Wheel of Dharma" or "Wheel of Law") and is a symbol that has represented dharma, the Buddha's teaching of the path to enlightenment, or wisdom since the early period of Indian Buddhism. The presence of the wheel of Dharma on the medallion is indisputable.
The Wheel of Dharma or the “Law:
The Etymology of the word Dhamma (Sanskrit: Dharma) is derived from the root "dham," meaning "to uphold" or "to support," [Maybe Hold aloof ?] and the commentary further explains that it is that which upholds or supports the practitioner (of Dhamma) and prevents him or her from falling into states of misery or birth in a woeful existence. Of all Buddhist terminology, the word Dhamma commands the widest, most comprehensive meaning. Dharma is to cultivate the knowledge and practice of laws and principles that hold together the fabric of reality, natural phenomena and personality of human beings in dynamic interdependence and harmony. (Borrowed from the all knowing Wiki)
The wheel of Dharma is usually displayed with Lotus at its center; the lotus represents Purity of which all things emanate, Purity is Wisdom and Wisdom is the Holy Spirit of Promise or what we now would refer to as the Holy Ghost, or Power of the Holy Spirit.
Notice the rendition of the Lotus found on the Medallion, but not the Stone Bust found in Spain, also see at the center of the Wheel of Dharma of the following compared images from the Caves of Ajanta. How would an intended Hoaxer have known to add this most important feature which is not present on the Bust found in Spain? If the Medallion was made in later years not intended as a hoax, what did they have to look at to make the Medallion? And how did one end up in Richfield Utah at a purported depth of 6 feet?
Now compare the full Wheel of Dharma found on the Medallion to the Wheel of Dharma as it is found not only in The Caves of Ajanta, but throughout India, and recall Kincaid’s description of the Grand Canyon Cave? mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.
Notice the Lotus at the center of the following images .
Now, what is present on the Lady bust found in Elche as well as the medallion is the renditions of Lotus pedal found on the chest, compare to the images found in India including the caves of Ajanta.
I don’t think at this point there is any question that the Lady of Elche bust, Lebanon bust and the Medallion found in Richfield are related to the Hindu/Buddhist religion, either of Tibet China, India, other or all. Now, how did this bust end up in Spain, the other in Lebanon and how did the first medallion end up in Richfield Utah and a hand full of them in newer condition end up in France? In order to answer these questions we will need to detour to another seemingly unrelated topic, but first let's see how many actually read this article.
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