Hidden Treasures of Nueva España
It is estimated that billions of dollars in sunken treasure remain at
the bottom of the sea as a result of the Spanish invasion of the Americas which
lasted for nearly 300 years. It seems that never is it much considered that there is billions
that remain hidden upon the land that never made it to the ports. There are
many treasures that remain not only in the northern regions of the west but in
Mexico and South America. The following will only give a small accounting of
what remains hidden on the land we call America .
Since the days of the last wave of when the Europeans
began to swarm the eastern coastlines of this continent referred to as the Americas,
as a result of countless rumors of the past which in and of itself is
suppressed even today, the indigenous of this continent’s history has gone
untold from their perspective. Only recently we are beginning to hear the other
side of the story of a time frame which has lasted for over 500 years and also
much that they had to tell from thousands of years prior to that. This includes the
stories of their origins, beliefs, and wars. If only we had listened. Among the
untold histories of the oppression's, the genocide, destruction's of families,
tribes and extermination of entire nations of people, and their patriotic acts
against the oppression's brought upon them by a so-called superior civilized
race. Today the evidences show that greed has always been the motto of Spanish and Gold
was their God. Since their arrival, they have systematically destroyed the once
mythical paradise and place of legendary riches which brought them here to
begin with.
Fortunately a few took the time to
listen to the indigenous peoples and documented the things that they had to
tell, much of which is preserved in selective writings of the past. Many of these
earliest authors date back to the 1500’s and some were even earlier. Today,
these honorable men who lent their ear to the many indigenous tribes of the
American continent are thanked by the Academic world today by condemning them
as hoaxers, forgers, and nothing more than fictional writers, a practice that
continues to this day. When the once highly regarded author was alive and well
and gave honest evaluation and documentations of what he had found and
experienced by his personal efforts to learn of these people who were found
upon the last arrival of the Europeans. These recorders of history even lived with
them. They were respected and quoted often, even by those who would later turn
against them after they had passed on, in order to keep their good standing
with the doctrine of Manifest Destiny and their seeming place of worship, the house of Smithsonian.
Any compassion shown towards the
indigenous in helping them through the oppressions, catering to their needs as
a result were considered as a sacrilegious act as these indigenous were
considered as nothing but savages, barbarians with no more status than a dog;
an attitude that continues secretly even to this day. A religious system forced
upon them with bloodshed, torture, the killing of women and children, forcing
them into submission, systematically dismantling their religious beliefs and
their way of life; none of which was a threat to anyone. Even the mighty and
once highly talented Aztec has been portrayed as nothing more than blood thirsty
head hunters and human sacrifice driven people. This is a gross exaggeration of
the truth. All the while the Catholic driven Europeans never saw, that they
were the manifestation of Satan by forcing their religious ideals upon the
people under the threat of death, seen in this manner by not only to the
indigenous of the time, but by us who can now clearly look back and see with
eyes to see. Of course the indigenous were portrayed and documented in the
histories written by the victors as a blood thirsty head hunting sacrificing
barbarian, as it was and is the only way to hide from the people the
embarrassing truth of the victor’s evil demonic acts of which if the truth were
known… dwarfed the supposed acts of the Aztec Indians.
The Bandoleros
The purpose of the forgoing
paragraphs is to give the reader a better understanding and more accurate
perspective on the subject which has never been accurately portrayed. Like the
Patriots of the war against the tyranny in 1776, when the British Crown
attempted the same similar practices against their own, we the people rose up
seeking independence against those oppression's. Mexico in 1810, in their war
for independence, was facing the same problems against the oppression's of Spain:
atrocities which cannot even be compared to the pretended whoredom's of the
Aztec. At this time Spain in addition to their self justified deeds against the
indigenous had been raping and pillaging the people and the land all in the
name of their God ever since their arrival and conquest of 1521, that
God being Gold. In the latter part of the 16th century, the Mexican
patriots began to organize. You will read about these highly honored men of the
Mexican people as Banditos or Bandoleros in many of the writings of the Spanish
authors of the past who wrote the one sided histories. These Banditos were only
considered as such by the Spaniard.
(edited in part by Ron Guilfoyle)
For those of you who wish to continue reading ahead.... See LINK below, Part two, as well as part three, four and five at the end of each part, as well as a two part ditty concerning the elusive Lake Copalla.
Excellent thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteExcellent thanks for sharing.