Original Article April 16th 2022
and the creation of non existent Cultures
la Quemada in Zacatecas Mexico
In these past few years we have seen how easy it was for the powers that be to fool the people, to hide that which is profound and to make profound that which does not exist.
The following lead-in is an intended rant designed to shake us and help us to open our eyes to reality. With that said…
The similitude of the Arm of Flesh
We have watched these last few years as our friends and family drop dead as a result of the peddlers who said it would save us from a terrible illness only to find it was and is the very thing that will bring death, and it has been going on longer than you think. “Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” I am reminded of when the pretend government took blankets to the Indians to help them stay warm, INTENTIONALLY laced with small pox...
White is still white and black is still black, but our minds have been conditioned and programmed to see opposition in what is real and true, Even now a majority believe their eyes have been opened but I could show them that their eyes are still closed. And when they try to open them they only complain and ask, why do my eyes hurt when I try to open them, the answer has been told us before, but were we listening? The answer is, you’ve never used them.
We have become so reliant upon science in every form, taking in all that we have heard and think we have learned for so many years, We cannot tell truth from fallacy, many examples of this could be said… think about this, we have come to accept what is termed as a health care system, when in fact in its current state, it is the biggest threat to our health in these times, and yet we continue to run to these barbarians who do not have your health in mind at all.
Over 120 years ago these same people came riding into town with their horse drawn wagon and set up shop in the middle of the dirt streets opening the side of their very impressive looking wagon exposing hundreds of little fancy bottles of brown snake oil, or should we now say venom? Of which was said would cure almost anything. And today we have the very same thing. The wagons are now obsolete as they have brainwashed the people so much so that the wagon have become a grand building with a big impressive acronym across the front of the building like IHC which the people claim as their own, the peddler has no need to travel any more as the people are willingly go to the peddler, make appointments and sit and wait for an hour to see him... Imagine the prayer that could be had during that time... The liquid potion is the same yet it is now also in the form of a pill or a vaccine. Nutrition, common sense and faith have been thrown out the window. The Peddler has now been raised to the status of and treated as a God... All I see is a worthless hunk of flesh that wants to kill me....
Today the women put so much faith in the peddler that they cast aside their belief in their God, who has been present at every child birth that has ever occurred since creation, and instead they go to the grand building of IHC where the peddler dwells to have their babies. I always wondered why do they call it health care? and yet the very same people who hold these peddlers so high in esteem, if a red light in their new car came on and the mechanic said, I can fix that, then places a piece of black tape over the light so it can no longer annoy you... then hand you a bill of a thousand dollars you would cry FOUL!... or would you? as this is exactly what the "Health" care system is doing... there is no money in cure... only treatment or better said, masking the problem with black tape.
And why do they do it? Because it is what they were taught to do, they know no other way, they lack the ability to return to the ways that have existed for centuries and they will come up with every excuse in the book to explain why they cannot cast off their peddler, his ways and his potions.
Regardless of the lies we have been told these last few years, it is nothing compared to the lies we have been fed our entire lives. It is said that the number 2 disease (Cancer) and cause of death in
And if I were to explain the truth behind it, how it is created and what the people are doing that makes it possible to exist, they would fight kick and scream to maintain their current way of life and would refuse to change, because the peddlers have made it so appealing and desirable.
If any of you care to put it to the test, so be it, but I assure you, you will argue with me and seek every possible excuse just so you do not have to change nor see the truth. try me...
END OF RANT… maybe.
So you see, it isn’t easy trying to wake the sleeping and when they do open their eyes, it hurts, and they are confused because they do not understand what they are looking at because they have never seen before.
Creating fake history
How far will the powers that be go to hide the truth from you? Do we really need to ask? Why was it so important to create the illusion of a Country that never existed? Septimania. Yes at one time there was an “area” that was referred to as Septimania in
Covering the Truth
Now I have the works of Diodorus, but have yet to find any mention of this Septimania. [found but does not mention Lecta] I do find however what appears to be the first translation of the works Diodorus of Sicily in the early 1900’s I cannot rule out it being edited out of the text as I do not read Greek, but apparently Josiah Priest could and was not the uneducated man WIKI would have you believe. How far will “they” go? If you go to WIKI and read their ditty on Josiah Priest, you will find this….
[Notice there is no citation which means the wiki writer pulled it out of his ass. Also notice all the links in the article to promote more racist ideals and twisted history]
I have read both his books and none of what is said by the Wiki fact checkers is true.
Again no citation and again it is bull shit. THIS is how far they will go....
Fortunately the WIKI article currently on Septimania which I think you will find odd. The article goes on and on about how important this place of Septimania was and how it played such and important role in Histories that don’t even mention it. One particular writer that is cited but not accurately, is Edward James and the book cited was written in 1980 just 5 years after Cyclone Covey’s book was published, Calalus: A Roman Jewish Colony in
James it seems was not on board with “they the peddlers” because he seems to speak from his own mouth… however when reading his chapter “Septimania and its Frontier” one gets the idea he is writing about a different geological location other than Southern France, and even hints unknowingly about it. In reading Professor Zuckerman’s book A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France, I am surprised he did not see it.
Now I have gone to deep into this cover-up and at this point I would just like to recommend Professor Cyclone Covey’s book.
Fictitious Cultures
Why it was so important to cover up the many expeditions and colonization’s of the
How many of you have heard of the
When one looks at the many ruins here in the west, south and even the Mississippi valley, and many seeming to exist at the same time frame, Based on what the peddlers have given us for over 170 years, how is it this primitive people as they portray them even today it seems, how did these people suddenly advance from simple hunter gathers and basket makers as the academics put it… then suddenly build these many structures which in many cases is clear they were built by influences outside of America, and then regress back to a prehistoric state?
Sense, not so common
Lets for a moment say that the academic narrative is correct, and man arrived on this continent some 30,000 years ago after hanging out in
Thought to identify as a male Algorite from 30,000 years ago found along the Bering Striate perfectly preserved probably frozen in the first Ice Age
After arriving here the people played around with hunting and gathering stuff and learned to weave baskets, suddenly they had a spark of knowledge and figured out how to build extraordinary complex structures and this went on for a hundreds years and then those with developed minds for some reason died out probably from a comet strike or maybe even a plandemic, and every one went back to hunting gathering and basket making and forgot all about the glory days to the point where in no one seams to know who these builders were.
It is 2000 years into the future at a time 1000 year after a catastrophic event and archaeologist of the day are digging at a site belonging to the Duchesnite culture and they discover a strange object made with some lost pottery technology... after months of study it is determined it was used for ceremonial purposes.... I can attest to that!
Back to being semi serious…
How many of you have been to the ruins of
When I look at any part of Chaco, I see nothing Native American
Are you familiar with la Quemada in Zacatecas Mexico? This fascinating site generally doesn’t even show up on maps of the Ruins of Mexico, why not?
You guess it! Built by Chalchihuites
Borrowed from the Nuahtl word chalchihuitl (Turquoise)
What did you expect? Welsh, Romans? Maybe Ancestral Puebloans perhaps?
Wupatki Ruins
How about Wupatki Ruins located N/E of Sunset Crater, said to have been first inhabited 500 AD and abandoned about 325 years after Sunset Crater was said to be active or should we just say the Colorado Plateau uplift. Most of us thought the ball courts were only found in the
If you have not been to
There are dozens and dozens of examples such as these throughout
Fortifications perched high..
One such place which I will withhold the name at this time, 2 friends sent me photos some time back. Both having lived in the area, one of the two men’s mother had academic connections and put forth the question to the archeologists in the area and asked… Who is responsible for these ruins? The two Archaeologists asked separately from each other, responded in the same way… When asked if the Spanish were responsible they abruptly said no, and they were not made by the Indians either. Well then who? She asked and realizing they had just stuck their foot in their mouth hesitantly said, We don’t know... If they know it is not Spanish and they know it is not Indian, how do they know this? What did they find that tells them who it is not? I think they do know… I know who built these walls… do you?
Large fortification with round turrets on the corners sitting
on the edge of a cliff face
Photos Courteously of “Mike”
Walls up to 4’ thick and 7 feet high
Not Spanish, not Indians then who?
There are countless fortifications spread around the south west perched on top of peaks or at the edge of a bluff etc… clearly offensive and yet defensive in Nature. Who was defending against whom? Who were these pale skin people the Native people always talked about running them out, long before the Spanish?
If you wish to see just how frequent these hill top ruins and forts are here in the west, there is a curious and energetic young man who features many of these on his youtube channel, The Trek Planner. He is very good at keeping the locations of these sites unknown. https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrekPlanner how is it that there are so many locations, and yet archaeology steers our attention towards the cliff dwellers, the very people who were trying to stay hidden from these fort builders...
What City?
In this very area and in around 1850, James H. Tevis was told by an Apache Chief that he befriended, that long before the Spanish came,
The Apaches say that, at one time, they were a great war tribe, but that a great army invaded their country with such terrible war implements that their people were killed before their arrows could reach the enemy.
Those who did reach close enough for hand to hand fighting could not match the invaders' broad blade hatchets and broke their lances on the invaders' shields.
Even though the Apaches numbered twenty to one, the enemy was successful in every engagement, and kept driving them north. Behind this vast army came a great number of people in charge of priests. They settled along all the watercourses, building forts and churches. In the mountains they also built furnaces and melted the rocks like water. Finally, the Apaches had to succumb to the tyranny of the invaders, and they were no better than slaves, for warriors, squaws, and children worked for them.
Since when did the Spanish army's use broad blade axe's and shields here in the Americas?
Tevis was taken to a lost city which remains lost… even with his meticulous instructions we still do not know, I often wonder if Smithsonian got there before it was known again… was there just to much to hide? Did the Academics find out about this place and destroy it or cover it? Its not like the Army Core of Engineers hasn’t done it several times before…
Rather than re-tell what has already been told, you may return to the article
Abacus nuc
What was discovered that was so fascinating at Pueblo Grande of Nevada, (the OBVIOUS Ancient City of Tontonteac shown on MANY maps) that was so amazing and implicating that they felt the need to build a dam knowing that the reservoir would cover up over five miles of the city just so they do not let the cat out of the bag and to keep you from knowing who was here. I often wonder what secrets may be found now that the gate keeper of the waters is instructed to create the illusion of drought at Lake Mead... Why did it take so long to organize an archaeological dig at
Slander the Evidence
It was inevitable, even after getting the blatant evidences under control by any means necessary, there would no doubt be discoveries that clearly show that Romans, Welsh, Portuguese, Indo Greeks and others had visited this land long ago.
Several discoveries have been made but under the control of Smithsonian, these were swept under the rug, those discoveries which were not under Smithsonian’s control were hammered on by media crying hoax! Some were immediately stifled and no one said a thing about it just as if someone had passed gas in a crowd and no one wanted to acknowledge it for fear of blame.
Great efforts in some cases was given and numerous articles assuring you how ridiculous it is to even consider that any other culture has been here in the past. One excellent example exist today in which lies a 10 foot petrified giant, plain to see but no one dares to question this said to be... absolutely ridiculous hoax…
The inevitable was the Discovery of the Tucson Lead Crosses. Although the media jumped all over it and even today there are some who just can’t accept it. Despite the week arguments made by those who cater to Smithsonian, the master Peddler, the one thing that seems to escape the feeble minds, is common sense.
In 1924 Charles E. Manier was 39 Years of age, made a fantastic discovery, referred to as the Tucson Lead Crosses, he was a disabled Veteran of World War 1 being one of the first 1000 soldiers who reached France and who was in 1924 a patient in the first Veterans hospital in Tucson Arizona, and would be for another 2 years, why he was there I do not know, After his 5 year stay in the Veterans hospital, Marnier went to work as a Deputy Warden at the State Penitentiary after 1929. Manier passed away at his home in 1941.
This just does not sound like the kind of man who would literally spend weeks days and months preparing to instigate a hoax of this size, it would seem that during the years of preparation of this so called hoax were pre occupied with Manier coming from Cleveland Ohio as a disabled Veteran and with a family no less to care for. It is amazing how the Peddlers of bullshit conveniently manage to leave out this information.
Along with the previous reason for pulling on my sewer boots, it is later said in the all knowing wiki regarding the Lead Artifacts hoax...,
Now I like to think I am a pretty good researcher especially in the Genealogic field, If Timotéo Odohui lived in the area or even ever existed, something…. Anything… would have come up at the many genealogy data bases, but as it seems, Timotéo Odohui appears to be non existent, a fiction created by desperate peddlers. And this is the best they could come up with?
Also searching the many articles now available online, I am not surprised I did not find the “local news article” mentioned above.
They would have me believe that Manier in his crippled state, manage to chisel away perfectly untold amounts of Caliche to insert perfectly where in an archaeologist could not tell, and place THIRTY ONE Lead articles forged from lead which I couldn’t guess how long that took to make, and then inscribed them with old Latin which again would be a very time consuming task! One genius of a man had this to say…. We won’t mention any names…
Well it just so happens that I to obtained the works of these classical authors and found that Mr. Fowler , if he ever existed, did no such thing, as there is NOTHING in the text of the Tucson artifacts that was “identical” not even close to any of the mentioned authors works. Stop peddling the bullshit and produce some tangible valid evidence.
I have a plan… but do I have the means? Is it my calling? I do not know the answer to this. Time is a wonderful thing… if you have the patience…
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