has been many years since I first imagined discovering one of the now termed “mythical” 7 cities of Cibola said to
exist at one time situated around the fabled
Over the years many evidences have come into play which today clearly tells me the cities most likely actually exist, or at least use to. If you have not followed my research you may find this as speculative, however the geologic evidence, archaeological, geographic evidence and historic narratives, ignored or recognized tell a different story weighing far greater than the mythical label placed upon the whole idea and the effort of silencing the past for seeming unknown reasons. Why does it matter?
Regardless, today I have decided to give the readers an update of my efforts to lend credence to the existence of this so called myth. To somewhat bring the reader up to speed it would be good to read or re-read the two part article:
Finding the Legendary Lake Copala and theSeven Cities of Gold
Of the 7 Cities in question, 3 are believed to have been possibly located, or so the evidence alludes. However today I wish to talk of one such location which came to my attention 4 maybe 5 years ago. One day, in plotting my chosen locations of the 7 cities, which I will withhold at this time, I found situated in a relatively flat valley, an unusual formation which did not make sense as to why it existed. A group of what geologist would call drumlins, and of course every one with any knowledge of drumlins knows that these are created by glaciations, from of course, the “last” ice age, I am being sarcastic...
I know this sounds bold and speculative, but I say this with great confidence
knowing the evidence often ignored, stands behind me… but… In order to have a “last ice age” you would have to have a
first one… and I stand on this saying there never has been an ice “age.”
However this is not to say that in approximately 2700 BC in the days of Peleg
when “the earth divided,” that the
events that occurred at this time caused a cataclysmic event instantly freezing
the North and South in addition to hurling anything not nailed down, to be
casted violently across the ground. If you find this hard to believe, then
research the "frozen muck" in Alaska which was ground zero of a violent pole
shift where in it is found the animals due to some violent action where
shredded and ripped apart. Mammoths were found to have bluebells not only in
their stomachs, but in their mouths, keep in mind, biologists claim Blue Bells
have been “introduced” into North
America, are they suggesting they did not exist in the time of the mammoth? One
other location giving evidence ignored is the coast of
of rant, Back to the cities…
The needed immovable object
According to geologists drumlins are created as a result of glacial flow but in order for it to begin the process of building the drumlin, the flow must encounter an immovable object such as a natural upheaval cliff formation or large rock such as a ledge or the like. Although possible, I am having a difficult time in imagining a natural upheaval a mile and a half long having 5 peaks. Never would it be considered as a possibility being man made structures causing these 5 peaks serving as immovable objects, I mean… after all there wasn’t any people 14 thousand years ago at the end of the last ice age capable of building such structures right? I propose this catastrophic event resulting in these drumlins was in fact large volumes of water and not ice. In addition to these drumlins, behind them and all the way to the mountain wherein this flow came from is one of the largest alluvial fan boulder fields around. The boulders are found to be from football size to as large as a Volkswagen.
Drumlins RED, Alluvial Fan YELLOW
In the book of Isaiah we find,
41:18 I will open rivers in high places, and fountains
in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and
the dry land springs of water.
this an event that occurred in the past or at some point in the future from the
time it was written? Has it happened before? Has it happened many times? Where
has it happened? And will it again happen?
propose an event of the rivers opening in high places occurred at this location
at either the events of the destruction at the time of the crucifixion or an
event which I am certain occurred in about 900 AD, an event which I propose is
responsible for the Colorado Plateau uplift and the draining and or dispersion
of Lake Copala and Lake Bonneville. Due to narrative historic evidences and
physical evidences, I would lean more towards the 900 AD event. This is not to
say however that another unknown event could have occurred before or after 900
Pyramid Immovable Object
If this hypothesis has any merit and it is found through excavation to be true, no doubt the architecture and artifacts will show who was responsible. This of course would be subject to keeping it as far away from Smithsonian as possible. It is well known and documented as to the many mound cities that existed at this place and other places nearby, one of the most profound was in Parowan Utah where in was found among all the other mounds, a large two tier platform mound just like that of Cahokia, yet not as large. However I am fairly certain the immovable objects are not mounds, although it remains as a possibility.
before we get all excited about this possible discovery, much work needs to be
done first in order to determine if in fact any man made structures exist under
the drumlins using ground sonar. At the impact side of the drumlins the
alluvial fan of boulders are estimated at 100 to 150 feet deep down to the
original valley floor. The peaks of the drumlins reach 100 to 150 feet above
the alluvial fan of boulders, this means that from the top of the peaks to the
original valley floor, would be approximately 200 feet minimum to the taller
peak[s], 300 feet. Just for size comparison, The Sun Pyramid of
I propose that under these drumlins are highly likely a former lost city built by some unknown culture, and if I am wrong, I’m wrong, simple as that. This is my objective to prove otherwise, and I am not concerned as it would be equally difficult for archaeologist to prove otherwise, their own theory of these drumlins being created by a non existent glacier.
an exact size overlay shown below is the city of
always, the lack of support is what stands in the way, but imagine what
a magnificent find this would be, if in fact it proved to be one of the lost
cities of
What do you think? should I just spill the beans knowing the flack I will catch? What I am more concerned with is Smithsonian stepping in using their many tentacles and preventing any further exploration... maybe turn the whole area into a animal sanctuary, maybe a desert turtle preserve or just a rare grass regrowth area....
you know of any possible resource to investigate this further and after further
consideration, please contact me regarding full disclosure of location but
more importantly the evidences not included here will be presented… In my
opinion the first and smartest action would be to buy the property which is
privately owned, but only after verification of man made structures. Perhaps next year I will be able to share
another seeming remarkable discovery of the same nature made not long ago… The
difference is, it has already been determined as being of Greek origin and a
physical structure is present, however circumstances stands in the way as always.
Have been following Terry for about 2 years now. Have been in contact but not able to meet . Have to get out of this wasted State of Washedout Washington. The Smithonion has lied to us ,or are just ignorant to Plain as daylight facts. I have just begun to follow your Work and it is amazing. My Dad did genealogy work on our family in his last days,But I think it is alittle incomplete. my paternal side is COATNEY/SMITH. MATERNAL side FOSTER/POWELL. I do know that we came from Southern France as De Courtenay. And we have fought in every War this country has indulged in. If you could possibly help me out or head me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks GRANT A COATNEY SR.
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